Chapter 12
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Yoo-ri  Lee jumped up from her seat..


Her forehead crumpled as if she was a devout religious person and had heard blasphemy.


A chest that rises and falls wildly.


The lips were bitten tightly and the eyebrows rose in a v shape.


Tears welled up in her eyes.


"Gukbap...... ?"


"Team leader...... ?"


Go Yoon-seo and Choi So-yeon made surprised faces.


No matter how much they knew her, their reaction was that they didn't know that you would be so angry with just one bowl of rice soup.

Of course, I knew Lee Yoo-ri would react like this.


She saved and saved money all the time, so she only ate tap water and triangular gimbap at convenience stores.

The only thing she eat out once in a while is cheap and hearty soup.


Think of someone pouring radish soup over that.


She can't stand it.


‘Ah, you get to see this in person. It's more delicious than I thought.'


Yoo-ri  was so angry, but I was rather enjoying it.


This angry look of Lee Yoo-ri  .


The common name, [Gal soup] Has quite a symbolic meaning to Velvet School Life users.


In Lee Yoo-ri's personal story, the exact same situation as now appears.

An episode where the party members from the academy walk around the dungeon and dine together.

At the soup restaurant they went in, a party member threw diced radish kimchi into her soup, saying, "It tastes even better this way!"

At that time, Lee Yoo-ri  was furious with the same feeling as now.

As if arguing with her whole body, saying, "I am so angry!"

This, coupled with her background, stimulated the dark sadism of Velvets users, and soon it was made into a meme and spread widely.

And that meme was used by Velvets users to scold when the production crew pooped or talked nonsense.

—You crazy production crew! Is this patch correct? Why do you mix something like this with Velvets? Why didn't you ask my opinion, you 10 year olds!

[Gal soup meme]

[Gal soup meme]

[Gal soup meme]

In addition, this scene was also a scene of Lee Yoo-ri 's spiritual growth.

Lee Yoo-ri, who always hide behind a wall and kept a distance from people, it is the first time she revealed herself to the people around her.

So, Velvets users honor this meme,

Instead of the tasteless title that Lee Yoo-ri  originally had, 'soil spoon', she was given the cute nickname ‘gukbap'!

In other words, this is the secret story of the birth of Gukbap.

‘I must ask to eat together soup. To be honest, I'm a genuine fan of soup, too.'


I looked at Lee Yoo-ri  with a hearty smile.


"What is this!"


Look. Now you're talking


But, like a kid who has never really gotten angry, her voice is trembling and awkward.


Since I met Lee Yoo-ri, I wanted to confirm her as the tanker of my party going forward.


Of course, I must have created a certain amount of debt with today's work, but being close with her is a different story.

There is no gacha system to select characters here, so in the end, I have no choice but to push through personal friendships.

That's why I brought to life the incident of her personal story.


‘Of course, it's a bit strange like this because I caused it with almost no other build-up, but I can say I am still satisfied with this.'


As he was appreciating her anger, she said in a bleak voice.


"I asked what were you doing."

"Um, I heard it’s better if you mix this and that with side dishes...... ?"


"That and this are different things!"


Lee Yoo-ri , who had been fussing for a while, eventually gave up when Go Yoon-seo said, ‘I'll exchange it for mine! I love eating it like that!"


"...... Never again, never touch my soup again."


Like a vigilant puppy hugging its treasure, Lee Yoo-ri  wrapped her hands around her bowl of soup.

She had the attitude of a resolute tanker that will protect her rice soup no matter what.


"Okay. Rice Soup."




"Yes, Rice Soup."


"...... You are a real madman."


Lee Yoo-ri still glared at me as if her anger was not resolved.


‘I should stop soon. If this is continue, I'll really be attacked and locked up until tomorrow.'



I opened the cap of her soju bottle and poured it into her glass placed in front of her.

Glu glu glu


"By the way, Gukbap. when are you planning to go to the academy?"


When I calmly changed the subject, Lee Yoo-ri  let out a laugh as if she was full of energy.


But she's kind, so she answers well.


"...... Next Monday."


"Huh? Then it's just a few days later. Why are you leaving so early? No more dungeon clearing?"

I asked in a puzzled voice.


"Of course, today is the last day. That's why I knew I wouldn't be able to catch up with the dealer who ran away, she ate my money and ran away."


"...... Of course? Isn’t there still a month left until the entrance ceremony?"


Obviously, there was still a month left before admission to the academy.

So I was thinking of testing how far I could hunt with her by raising the dungeon grade.......


'so early?'


"What is it, Jin Yuha? Do you really not know?"




When I asked back, Lee Yoo-ri  made an absurd face.


"Three weeks before the entrance ceremony, there is a basic training period, right?"


"...... Basic?"


That's when Lee Yoo-ri  explained.


Before the entrance ceremony, Velvet Academy gathers prospective students and has a three-week basic training period.

During that period, the capabilities of prospective cadets are checked and tested.


In other words, in terms of the original world, it feels like going to the Nonsan Training Center before being assigned to the military.


It's a game where pretty girls talk and laugh all day, but after all, it's a school that teaches combat skills, so it has a strange parts mixed together.

‘Crazy, how do I not know this. There's no background setting like that in Velvets.'


Still, it's fortunate that I was able to figure it out in advance thanks to Gukbap.


If it wasn't for that, I would have gone crazy before I even entered the real school.


‘Wait, then I have to send the gacha and Alice items in my room to the dormitory?'


At times like this, it's definitely better to ask Rice Soup.


"Gukbap. So, what about your personal luggage? The dormitory is assigned on the day of the entrance ceremony."


"I leave it in the storage at the training center for now, and then each person takes it back after the training period is over."

"Ah... ...."


"You really don't know anything?"


Wait, I need some time to organize my thoughts.


The dormitory is assigned after the training camp period ends.


So, it means that everyone is living together for the time being.


‘There are definitely some performers among the jockeys who enter the school together with Rice Soup... Oh, we all camp together! Then, will I be able to meet someone who is rarely seen at the academy?'


"This guy I can't believe he followed me into the Velvet Academy...... ? without knowing anything?"


While I was rolling my head like that, Lee Yoo-ri  talked to herself in a small voice,


I couldn't hear it well even with my ears.


"I… then, how does the training go?"


"Hey! The first week is conducted by artillery and position, and joint training from the second week. And sparring on the weekends."


For some reason, Lee Yoo-ri answered with a proud expression.


‘That's right..... ?'


Perhaps, during the training camp, he might be able to subdue a character with  5-star.






That's how I heard the information about Velvet Academy from Lee Yoo-ri.


After taking the time to cross-check with the information I have.


We drank in earnest.

Is Lee Yoo-ri drinking alcohol for the first time?


She took one cool breath and stuck out her tongue, saying bitter.


"Ugh. bitter... Why are we drinking this?"


Go Yoon-seo put the entire bottle in her mouth and drank it.


"Keuuu, Soup, don’t you drink alcohol? I like it better than soda."


As expected, So-yoon Choi sipped and drank.


That's how the drinking party deepened.


"Uh heh heh heh, noodle soup... You can't forget me even if you go all right...... ?"


"Have a good trip. Yoo-ri ."


"Sister... You have to come back in good health."


Hmm, it felt like a family seeing off their child that is going to the military.


Go Yoon-seo  and Choi So-yeon hugged Lee Yoo-ri  and cried.


Well, it was a common ending where Yuna was carried on her back after getting drunk.

From the next day, I was very busy.


Jin Yuha, this bastard is going to the academy soon.


If it wasn't for the training center, I could have handled it quite leisurely,


It was a tight schedule to leave in a few days, so I had no choice but to handle carefully.

First of all, I send all the remaining items by courier to the training center

Cancellation of the appartement contract


I also finished organizing my bankbook.


With the money Yoo-ri  Lee sent me as the settlement money for the gate, I took care of the preparations for the training center.

And then, before I knew it.




The day where I had to head to the Velvet Hunter Academy has dawned.


Bang— Bang


A loud horn coming from outside.


When I went outside, Lee Yoo-ri  was waiting in front of my house in a truck.


"Jin Yuha, did you pack everything"


She rolled down her window and spoke softly to me, as if she was talking to a close friend.

As expected, It was good idea to add radish kimchi to the soup.


"Yeah, roughly."


"Then let's go."


So I headed to the Velvet Hunter Academy with Gukbap with a pounding heart.

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