Communication is key
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My journey continues down the road for several more hours as the sun continues to mover lower in the sky. It looks like I am traveling south well if this world is anything like Earth in its rotation at least. I noticed the shape of a tower in the distance, finally some sign of civilization of some kind, hopefully I can get some help and find out where I am.

As I get closer, I can see a wall that encloses the tower as well as running alongside the wall and guards patrolling the wall. Continuing my approach to the tower I find they are wearing armor and carrying what looks like crossbows. Well, that at least clears up that I am not in Kansas anymore not that I have not been in Kansas since I was a teen.

They have seen me so no sense not continuing onwards to the tower, it looks this is some kind of outpost as there looks like there are several structures behind the walls. Several guards step out onto the road and seem to be waiting for me. Thinking to myself Civilization at last I hope this goes well.

I hear strange words shouted at me as I approach the guards and slow down my approach trying to make sense of what I heard. "Trwa kle efthja." they repeat while the apparent leader holds his arm out with his palm up. 

I shake my head as I am unable to understand them deciding to come to a stop and drop my walking stick and hold my hand up. The guards continue to speak to me and point as I continue to shake my head. The guards clearly frustrated at this point are starting to look more than a little hostile.

While two of the guards point spears at me the apparent leader approaches me and continues asking questions in the same language. Getting frustrated I decided to introduce myself and see if they could understand me.  "Hello, my name is Mark Smith." This turned out to be a really bad idea as they reacted even more negatively.

Great I thought apparently, they do not like English here, well just my luck. Two of the guards make strange gestures touching their hearts and forehead. The leader raises his hand and strikes me in the head while shouting angrily.

A loud voice echoes from the wall of the keep restraining the man from striking me further as the two other guards each grab one of my arms and carries me through the gate of the keep. 

I am carried to a smaller building and then taken into a room with a table and several chairs and pushed into one of the chairs that faced the door. The guards then leave the room slamming the door shut behind them. I sit in the chair unmoving and wait. At this point I am hoping for some way to communicate and get out of this situation.

After what felt like hours but was probably less than one two men enter the room one of them towering over me and broad shouldered with greying hair and wearing some kind of metal armor and the other man shorter and with long white hair and a neatly trimmed beard. The older of the two is dressed in robes and walking with an ornately carved staff.

They examine me for several long moments before speaking with each other the wizard looking one points at me his hand glowing as he mumbles something. The other man in the room then looks at me and asks. "Can you understand me now?" Surprised I look up and answer "Yes, how?" 

The Wizard looks at me "My spells of course Outworlder. I would say welcome, but you and those like you are not exactly welcome here. Now who summoned you and what task did they command of you?" I recoil in shock and look at both of them blankly. "No one summoned me, I died and woke up on the shores of a lake a day or so from here.

"The Lake of Death why would anyone be summoned there? Nothing can live in those waters and only fools and the truly desperate even dare approach the grave of a God."