Chapter 9 – Dhampir
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After being unconscious for an hour Sera finally began to  rouse as she looked around her surroundings. Besides the various rocks and skeletons Sera was completely alone in the dimly lit cave. However, this fact was eclipsed by another epiphany. 

The previous night’s events rushed back to her as she realized she could now walk!

‘Could it really be possible?!’ she wondered hesitantly.

Slowly at first Sera tried to stand as she’d seen other people do so many times before. As each leg supported her weight without faltering, she let out a triumphant laugh.

‘I- I never thought I’d see this day-‘ choked Sera as she suppressed a sob while inspecting her new and improved working legs.

“Oh! Wow that’s new” Sera remarked as she realized she was also naked.

Sera looked down at her magnificent nude form and admired its changes. 

‘My boobs are a B cup now! Oh, my ancestors’  suddenly a gust of wind derailed her thoughts as she slightly shivered.

“Oh, wow you’re awake! How are the legs?” Lucy said as she appeared from some shadows in the cave.

After suppressing her initial shock at Lucy appearing out of nowhere, she ran and gripped the other vampire in a tight embrace.

“The legs are amazing! Oh, thank you Luc- I mean master” Sera said gratefully.

After the change and Lucy becoming her sire, Sera’s attitude towards Lucy had unknowingly changed. Sera herself had no idea about this change and felt nothing wrong with worshipping Lucy. 

She now  looked to Lucy as a Queen or deity and would follow whatever Lucy said with complete loyalty.

Lucy smiled as she inspected the girl’s new and improved form. She noticed her body had no blemishes or bruises and glowed ethereally. Sera’s long black hair and bangs lengthened considerably more, as well as gaining a sparkling sheen to them.

Sera blushed slightly as she felt Lucy’s gaze on her nude form. Maneuvering her hands, she tried to cover up her privates slightly. Lucy found Sera modesty funny but realized she was probably making her uncomfortable. 

She made her way into a cleaner corner of the cave and returned with a white cloth dress that Sera had once gifted her. Grateful for the clean set of clothes Sera quickly threw the dress over her head before clutching her throat suddenly.

“Ah my throat burns really bad! What’s wrong with me?” Sera rasped out painfully. Lucy looked at Sera’s  pained expression before grimacing slightly.

“It’s called The Thirst and it usually means vampires need to feed, but in your case, it means you need to complete the transformation. And unfortunately for us the villagers have begun tracking us, so we have little time and hunting area to work with” Lucy said as she paced back and forth with her hands behind her back

“Oh No! I thought the transformation was complete. Aren’t I a vampire yet?”

Lucy laughed dryly before answering Sera, “Yes and no. Right now, you are a special being existing in a state between undeath and living. Technically you are still half human which makes you a dhampir. Once you drink blood for the first time, you will be a full-fledged vampire. Sadly, the effects of The Thirst will worsen to urge you to complete the change”

Sera nodded her head as she listened to Lucy’s explanation, “ A dhampir… well in that case we must make haste to complete the transformation. After I become a full vampire, I doubt the two of us would have anything to fear from humans"

Lucy smiled at the girl vivaciousness and secretly rejoiced at finally having her first subordinate for her future coven.

She was however  a little concerned about how quickly Sera was taking to the vampire lifestyle but not too much.  She remembered that with the change comes certain changes in personality and behaviors. Plus, Lucy thought it was beneficial if Sera was this way, it would be easier to acclimate to her new life and role.

The two planned to wait until night fall for Sera to have her first feeding which would complete her transformation. Afterwards the two would face the pesky villagers who have been investigating the murder of the shaman.

Time passed hour by hour as Sera paced around the cave. To entertain her Lucy decided to share various vampire facts as well as her plans for the future. They covered various topics such as the lack of need for sleep and the best way to bite the jugular of prey.

“So, you plan on keeping the villagers alive as a future food source for when you rebuild your kingdom ?” Sera asked intrigued as she sat on the cave floor enraptured by Lucy’s plans.

“Yup I'd imagine it’s just like raising livestock. It would be foolish to simply drain all the villagers because then our future people will starve. It makes more sense to keep them alive and let them become more numerous before we cull them.” Lucy replied straightforwardly. 

"Very true master, I see what you mean" 

Time passed rapidly as the vampire and the dhampir were lost in conversation. The setting sun soon began to cast long shadows that stretched into the cave.

“Looks like it’s time” Sera said as she stood just in front of the waterfall’s curtain of water. 

Lucy nodded her ahead in silent approval as they left the dark cave for the moonlit night. As soon as they were outside the cave Lucy and Sera rapidly ran into the nearby forest in search of prey.

As the two weaved through the thick foliage it was apparent that Lucy was much faster than Sera and had to slow her pace for the new vampire. This did not discourage Sera though as she continued to try and mimic and learn Lucy’s movements.

‘Ok, now. Remember as I told you let The Thirst become your sight but stay in control. This will reveal the nearest blood sources to you’ Lucy communicated to Sera as they rested on a lone branch of a tall tree.

Sera closed her eyes as she tried to do as Lucy instructed, ‘I see… red shapes. Oh, wow they’re in the shape of creatures!’ Sera exclaimed excitedly

‘Yes! Great job, now choose the closest smallest one and let’s go’

Sera paused for a moment as she weighed her options before nodding her head in confirmation of a choice. With a light flick of her small foot she jumped off the 5-meter-tall tree toward the prey she had chosen.

 Lucy trailed behind the girl in silent observance of her hunting skills. After hopping from the tree Sera dashed deep into the forest heading in a northeast direction. She expertly navigated and dodged the various branches and trees jutting out into her path.

 Lucy felt as a vampire Sera was proving to be as agile in movement skill as some previously seen older vampires.

Sera had her eyes closed as she let The Thirst guide her to her prey. So far it had not led her wrong and now she was about 30 meters away from her first meal. 

Just as she was going to close the distance to the unsuspecting boar, a sweet mouthwatering scent overpowered her senses and everything went black.

"That’s human blood!" Lucy exclaimed in shock, "Sera listen to me breathe okay. In and out. Don’t –"

With a supernatural grace Sera jumped clear over Lucy as she sped towards the mouthwatering scent. Lucy called after her and even tried to utilize the sire bond, but Sera was unresponsive.

 Her eyes were bloodshot red and were trained on the new prey and hunt. She was lost in the clutches of The Thirst and only cared about satiating it at this point.


“Ouch” said a masculine voice

A couple dozen meters away a young village hunter had scraped his bicep as he made his way through some foliage. By the looks of it he was no more than perhaps 20 or 25 years and was dressed pretty modestly in camouflaged garments.

The young hunter eyed the thin and oozing scrape across his arm before continuing on his way. The small wound barely stung and could hardly be considered life threatening, there was no need to even wrap it, he thought.

“Stupid forest!” said the village hunter as more foliage fell to his machete

As the young hunter continued chopping his way through the forest using the machete in his left hand, he heard the sound of twigs crunching. The young man squatted low as he waited for more sounds of movement, hoping it was a juicy boar his lean stomach growled.

 Suddenly from the trees just above him Sera lightning fast figure hurled herself at his back

Her extended claws dug into the young man’s shoulders as she the tossed him to the ground. Her pearly white fangs glistened in the moonlight as she bit towards his rapidly pumping jugular.

The young man struggled desperately trying to keep his neck from the she-devil on top of him. His shaman had been murdered by these very beasts and the other villagers were tracking them even now. The young man knew he had to get away to tell someone!