The “Loving” older sister
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Helping the pure jade find peace


[System: Dad it's not….him. Look at his eyes closely]



[Yu Jie: Are you sure...did you run a sc-...]



Looking at the man my heart dropped. It...really isn’t him haha what was I thinking...Jun never looked at me like that. Looking into the man’s eyes on the surface his eyes showed warmth but in the depth of his eyes, you could see the disappointment and slight disgust. 



Frowning the man reached into his pocket handing me a handkerchief. “You have blood on your lip, Clean it before you come in”



Grabbing the handkerchief with a blank expression I absentmindedly thanked him “Thank you”


“No need...When you’re done come up to my office”




Looking up at the man confusion flashed through my eyes. As I was just about to ask him why the man turned and walked back into the building his long legs taking big strides. 



Staring at his back in a daze I examined his figure. He was tall and muscular,  his silver eyes shined with arrogance and self-importance and his blond wavy hair was messy. He wore an expensive wristwatch a white blouse that had the first 4 buttons undone and he was wearing dark blue suit pants and black Gukki* slippers.  



Slapping myself twice I couldn’t help but scoff  Haa He looks like a typical rich boy that sleeps around...He’s a Ceo? How? Why? Besides the only resemblance is his silver eyes and nothing else he doesn’t have a sophisticated air to him, he isn’t sexy he looks like a playboy and the look in his eyes is completely different. I apologize a hundred thousand love. 



Looking down at the handkerchief I made a gagging noise. Spotting a trash can I looked around then balled it up and threw the handkerchief. Seeing it go in I smiled “ Oh yeah Goal!



Realizing I was being a bit childish I looked around cautiously. Coming out of the office a woman with short black hair and blue eyes walked to me as she giggled “You seem to be in a good mood Owen, Did something good happen?



Looking through my memories quickly I smiled back at her “Lily hey are you heading home?



Patting my shoulder she grinned “Yeah...Hey, come over today lets drink!



Laughing I shook my head “Sorry I can’t today...Maybe next time”



Pouting she looked at me. Seeing I wasn’t giving in she sighed “Fine but you have to come next time” 



“Ok I will I’ll even bring the good stuff haha”



Eyes shining she nodded her head like a chicken pecking at worms “Yes! you’re the best Owen”



“You should go you worked overtime again, go rest”



Saluting me she laughed “Yes Sir, See you Owen”



Watching her walk off I smiled. Lily Leporis Owens’s only friend. She comes from a rich family but keeps it a secret. She has a very wild personality but she is one of the most down to earth people Owen knows. Unfortunately in his last life, Owen became distant with her due to an incident that Noah set up out of jealousy.



Sighing I turned to look at the giant company “I don’t want to go in”



[System: You have too]



[Yu Jie: I know 。゚(*´□`)゚。]



Walking back into the building I made my way to Noah’s office on the 12th floor.


In a private room, Sat a man casually drinking tea. His dark brown hair seemed intentionally messy and his black and silver mismatched eyes narrowed. His black suit perfectly showcased his muscular figure as he leaned forward and chuckled. He watched as a young man walked into the building across from him from the window of the restaurant. 



Hearing their boss chuckle the 4 men standing froze and stood straighter. Glancing at the two men sitting down the 4 bodyguards started to sweat. Both of them are smiling?! (⊙_⊙;)



Tearing his gaze away from the window the man turned to look at the other man sitting across from him that was also looking out the window and had a smile on his face. The other man’s black hair was cut in a fresh style and he was wearing a white t-shirt with a black overcoat and black pants. The other man’s eyes slowly turned to look at the man.



 If not for the fact he had seen his own eyes several times before in the mirror the man would have been surprised to find that the other man also had mismatched eyes. His right eye is Silver while his left eye is green.



Seeing that the man was looking at him the other man smiled “He’s the one I was talking to you about Uncle”


Humming the man put down his cup “So he’s the one huh...What do you plan to do about that woman Luke? Her little scheme could have ended badly”



“Ah, I know I’m glad Owen wasn’t hurt...I already tried telling her I wasn’t interested”






“She said it was only temporary and that I would soon fall for her If only I gave her a chance”



Looking at his uncle's taunting gaze Luke pouted “I'll take care of it uncle trust me”



“I trust you but I don’t trust her...or Mr. Levine”



Sighing Luke leaned back in his chair running his fingers through his hair “You already gave me 2 security guards uncle” 



“It would be better if you would stop ditching them, Luke”






“Get out”



“No way I haven’t finished eating” 



Knocking on Noah’s door I rolled my eyes Why the f*ck did he ask me to come to his office if he wasn’t going to let me in?! 



[System: Currently he is talking to the female lead]



[Yu Jie: Let me listen in]






“What do you mean you couldn’t convince him?



“Like I said he didn’t want to come into the building”



“Did you not tell him you knew me personally?



“I did but he said he was busy and if he wants to see you hell ask for a meeting”



“Well, at least there’s that…”



“Someones knocking Noah~”


Smirking, I scoffed. Know him personally? Noah~? Is an employee working under you supposed to call you like you are friends? Huh? Of course the f*ck not? Turns out she’s a b*tch after all.



“It’s probably my secretary”



“Hmph talking about him he ruined my plan”



“I know...I’ll talk to him about it”



“Seriously Luke was still in the area he was supposed to save me not Owen”



“Don’t be too upset beauty. I'll make sure Luke falls for you, I called Owen to schedule a meeting with Star electronics...Owen has connections in this field so don’t worry”



[Yu Jie: Owen does? I do? Connections? With who? Little Bun?]



[System: Owen worked a lot of part-time jobs and met many people]



[Yu Jie: So basically he was a jack of all trades]



[System: Yes]



Once again raising my hand to knock. The door was suddenly opened. Giving me a cold look Noah smiled “Owen your here. come in”



Looking at Iris behind Noah I gave her a polite smile and moved aside letting her pass. Coming up to me she smiled “Owen thank you so much for your help earlier”



Flashing her a smile I waved my hand “It's what I should do can't have anything happen to you now can we”  Rolling my eyes in my mind I scoffed Hypocrite 



Following behind Noah I watched as he sat in his chair and gave me a once over. Sighing he made me stand in front of his desk.









“I need you to make sure that the CEO of Star electronics comes to the meeting tomorrow”



“Eh? Tomorrow? Isn’t that too soon?



Yawning Noah looked at me through narrowed eyes “Just use your connections to speed up the process”






Sitting up in his chair Noah shook his head “Do I have to beg you? Don’t you love me?



Eh? How did this conversation suddenly turn from business to questioning if I love him or not? Make it make sense...Don’t tell me he did this shit to the original host too? 



[System: He definitely did (¬_¬;)]



[Yu Jie:...(o`゚皿゚)]



“I'll go call now”



Standing up Noah walked around his desk and pulled me into a hug “Thank you, Owen...I love you”



Eyes widening I felt the hairs on my arms stand up. Trying to keep my breathing under control I gripped my pants and closed my eyes. Shit F*ck...Isn’t he done yet F*ck! Let go you dumbass ugly F*ck boy looking ass B*ch.  凸(艹皿艹 )



Finally being freed from that hell I grit my teeth and spat out “Can I do the call at home? I don’t 

feel well”



Grabbing my shoulders Noah tried to contain his excitement putting on a worried expression.



“Of course. Do you want me to go with you?



“N-No you still have work to do”



Rubbing his thumb on my arms Noah acted worried “Ok but if you need to call me ok?



“Ok” Now let go F*cker



Putting on a sad smile Noah sighed “Im sorry it looks like I need to work overtime today again...I’ll see you tomorrow when you come in ok”



“You plan to sleep at the company again?






“Ok...I'm leaving now I feel slightly dizzy”



“Ok go home and rest”



Not even bothering to get my things I rushed into the elevator.



[System: Dad are you ok?]



[Yu Jie: I need fresh air]



Once outside I ran to the trash can and doubled over throwing up. After a few minutes, I took a second to collect myself. Taking a deep breath I stopped and brought my sleeve to my nose. Smelling Noah’s cologne on my jacket I almost hurled again. Holding my hand over my mouth I quickly got out of the jacket and chucked it into the trash can. 


Wiping the sweat off my forehead I looked bewildered at the jacket in the trash. “F*ck”



[System: He didn't even offer to take you home...even though you said you're dizzy]



[Yu Jie: That's just how scum men are. I'm pretty sure he's lying about sleeping at the company]



[System: Where else would he sleep then? (-ω- ?)]



[Yu Jie: ...☚(゚ヮ゚☚) You don't need to know]



Arriving at Noah's house I stepped inside and immediately frowned. Noah's scent is everywhere but I can't smell Owens scent on anything? I even smell women's perfume.  F*ck



[Yu Jie: Little bun check if Owen has any properties under his name]



[System: You think that Owen and Noah don't live together?! 〣( ºΔº )〣]



Smiling I walked to Owens' room. Once I walked in my suspicions were confirmed. The room was empty and by empty I mean no books no pictures. The only thing in the room was the bed, a desk, and a chair. Opening Owens' closet I burst out laughing. 



[Yu Jie: Noah really is clueless]



[System: There are no clothes in the closet! Why?]



[Yu Jie: DId you check for what I asked?]



[System: Yes I did (≧∀≦ゞ]



[Yu Jie: And?]



[System: Owen owns 10 apartment complexes...oh]



[Yu Jie: Oh indeed Hahaha]



Making my way back to my car I stopped walking. But If Owen doesn't live with Noah then doesn't that mean he...knew Noah was a lost cause? Then why slit his wrist? It doesn't make sense.



Driving to Owen's most visited apartment complex I couldn't help but feel something was off about Owen's death.



[Yu Jie: I know that most world information isn't 100% accurate because our presence usually causes a butterfly effect...but wasn't the last world off? And now so is this one]



[System: Now that I think of it you were supposed to die a natural death in the last world...but your death wasn't natural...someone cut the harness]



[Yu Jie: … We should be extra careful this time...somethings up]



[System: ...Maybe we should-]



[Yu Jie: No...Not yet...Let's wait and see first]



[System: I'll go investigate. If you need me call for me]



Arriving at the apartment complex I whistled. Owen might have more money than I thought. Walking in I waved hello to the security. Seeing me he gave me a nod.



“Welcome back”






Making my way into the elevator I heard a man's voice 






Pressing the open door button I saw a young man in a wheelchair making his way over his light brown hair was slightly overgrown and his green eyes held a gloomy air. Seeing him struggle to get into the elevator I got out and pushed him into the elevator.



Looking at me he gave me a slight smile “I'm sorry for taking up your time”



Shaking my head I pressed the button for the 8th floor “It's ok I wasn't in a rush”



The young man watched as I pressed the button and his eyes widened in surprise “You Live on the 8th floor?



“Yeah...You too?



“Ah yes I was surprised because I've never seen you before”



Looking embarrassed I sighed “I just moved in recently”



Nodding the young man took out his phone. It seems like he doesn't talk much. Taking out my phone I was about to open the web browser when my phone rang. Looking at the caller ID I rolled my eyes. Picking up the call I thought about hanging up immediately. 


“Owen why haven't you scheduled the meeting yet?!



Rolling my eyes I sighed then I softened my voice “I just got home I-”



“What took you so long to get home?!



Clenching my teeth I tried to calm down “I told you I didn't feel well, I had to stop because it became bad on my-”



“You could have made the call when you stopped to take a break”



“I was dizzy and my vision blurred while I was driving”



An exasperated sigh came from the other end of the call “Like I said you could have called when you stopped”


[Yu Jie: Little bun can I break up with him now?]


After waiting for a minute with no response Noah's angry shouts sounded on the other end



“Owen are you even listening to me?! What is wrong with you!? So now you can't even talk properly?!



Oh he wants me to talk then ill F*cking talk all right. Taking a deep breath I held the phone close to my mouth.



“I’m sorry last time I checked I wasn't a F*cking object and as for why I didn't make the call while I was taking a break, Do you not understand what a break is huh? And don't F*cking yell at me. As for what is wrong with me-”



My voice reached a dangerous low as I growled into the phone. “I’m F*cking sick get that idea into your thick F*cking skull”



The silence on the other line soothed my soul, smiling I was about to hang up.



“Owen don't cross the line...I'll fire you”



“Fire me then..if you have the balls”



Smashing my finger on the end call button I stared at my phone in victory. “Ah I've been wanting to do that all day, so refreshing”



Noticing I said that out loud I turned to look at the young man. His eyes were wide as he looked at me. “ Can we be friends?



EH?! (*´・д・)? 



Pushing the young man's wheelchair down the hall the previous gloomy air to him lessened by quite a lot. He was still quiet but now he would answer me and keep the conversation going.  



“Owen, You haven't answered my question. With a serious expression he whispered “I know im like this b-but I swear I have good qualities that make up for it”



Amused I went with the flow “Is that so, Like what?



Counting with his fingers he wrinkled his brows “I can cook and clean I can also sing pretty well, Oh and I can play games”



Raising my eyebrow I crouched in front of him “You live alone?



Nodding his head he looked confused “Technically Yes” 



“What do you mean technically yes?



“Well I live with my older sister but...she doesn't come home often”



“Hey how old are you? And name? What's your name?



“Ah My name is Issac, Im 24...why?



“You're still pretty young...Ok we can be friends! What is your apartment number?



“It's 806”






Startled Isaac Looked at me “W-What is it?!



“N-No just it seems we're Nabors...Im 807”



A big smile bloomed on Isaac's face but he quickly went back to a straight face. Looking down at his head I frowned. Didn't it say Iris cared for Isaac deeply? But she doesn't even take him to get a haircut? 



Arriving at Isaac's door I helped him open the door and hesitated. Turning to see me standing in the doorway Isaac waved me in. “You can come in..I won't bite”



Walking in I looked around and a deep frown made its way onto my face. Seeing my ugly expression disappointment flashed in Isaac’s eyes. “I’m sorry that its-”



“Isaac let me clean your apartment from now on”






In a daze Isaac watched as I left and came back with cleaning supplies rolling up my sleeves I got to work. Issac's apartment wasn't dirty per se but obviously he couldn't reach higher places thus the apartment was very clean but the higher places were very dusty. Watching as I dusted his fan he grimaced “”



“Don't worry it's fine”



“No umm but did you lie?



Stopping mid dusting I looked at him “What?



Pointing at his phone he smiled slightly “You said you were sick”



Freezing I suddenly had the realization I did say that “Ah that don't worry about it its because the smell of my bosses cologne is horrid”



Turning around I continued to clean. Putting his hand over his mouth Issac’s shoulders shook as he laughed. Ignoring him I continued to clean as Isaac made his way to the kitchen.


 I stayed for dinner since Issac cooked for me. After dinner I was planning to leave but as I was watching Isaac wash the dishes his hair kept falling into his eyes and he would reach up to move it with his wet hands.  Looking around the house I found a hair tie and walked behind him.



“Geez you should just put your hair up Issac” I put his hair up in a low ponytail.



Reaching to touch the hair tie Issac violently pulled it off causing him to pull out some of his hair. Shocked, I grabbed his hand “What are you doing!?



Looking at the hair tie Issac green eyes turned gloomy “It's my sisters...Not allowed”



“Not allowed?



“I can't touch her things...she'll get angry”



Rubbing his head I wrinkled my brows “S-Still didn't it hurt to pull it out like that?



With a look of indifference, Issac shrugged “It doesn't matter” 



Biting my lip I watched as he finished washing the dishes. Slowly his expression returned to normal. Watching him I suddenly had an idea, eyes lighting up I ran out of the apartment.



Hearing the door opening and closing Issac rushed out of the kitchen. After calling out to Owen and getting no response. Isaac sat in the middle of the room and it seemed as if the whole house was being engulfed by darkness. Suddenly the door opened again and a ray of light flooded into the room.



“Issac let me cut your hair”



Looking at me Issac narrowed his eyes “You came back?



Walking past him I put all the things I brought on the table in the middle of the room. “Ah yeah sorry I forgot to tell you I was going to go get some things”



Following me with his eyes as I set things up Issac finally calmed down “Fine”



Turning around to look at Issac my eyes light up “Really?! Heh I’m excited”



Running my fingers through Issac's hair I frowned “Issac do you not have shampoo? Do you not eat well?



Isaac was sitting in his wheelchair leaning his head back slightly with his eyes closed “I don't”



Humming I messaged Isaac's head “I'll let you borrow mine so wash your hair then I'll cut it Ok”



Humming Issac didn't even open his eyes “Help me shower then”



ಠ_ಠ Eh? Ehhhhhh!? 



Flushing red I stuttered “N-No I don't think that's a good idea”



Squinting Issac turned his head to look at me “Why is your face red? Fever?



“N-NO you don't understand you can't just say “Help me shower” and not expect people to…”



Raising his eyebrow Issac smirked “Why? Expect people to what? You're not referring to harassing me right Owen? 



“Of course not But I am a gay man ok”



Nodding Issac turned back around “Am I your type?



“Not really”



“Then would you harass me?



“I already said no!



“Then It's fine”



Speechless in the end I did help Issac shower however Coming out of the bathroom I had mixed feelings. He has scars and bruises on his body and...some of them are fresh.



This time I helped Issac onto a chair. Running my fingers through his hair I sighed “Alright let's cut your hair”



 The sun shined into the room casting a very warm and inviting aura as I cut Issac’s hair giving me the illusion that he seemed a lot more at ease. 



I decided to cut Isaac's hair in a very boyish fashion. I fluffed up his otherwise flat hair and cut his bangs to a little bit above his eyes and used the straightener to slightly curl them to the side. Taking a step back to look at my masterpiece my mouth was agape. 



Clicking my tongue I handed Issac a mirror.  “See it for yourself”



Looking into the mirror Issac froze then he slowly felt his hair and traced his face with his finger. Catching Issac by surprise I lifted him and sat him back into his wheelchair that was next to the couch. 



“Do you like it?



Issac nodded and then stayed quiet as he looked at the mirror. Plopping down onto the couch I hung over the armrest and patted Isaac’s head. “I'm glad you like it”



Nodding Issac suddenly stopped and looked at the clock on the wall. Pulling my arm he tried to pull me up. “You should go now”



Looking at the clock I nodded “Alright I'll see you tomorrow” 



Once I said bye to Isaac. I walked to my apartment looking around the very warm and cozy looking apartment i nodded “Yep It looks like I was right Owen hasn't been living in Noah’s house for a long time”



Sighing I grabbed some pajamas and went to shower. Getting out of the shower It was still pretty early so I sat down and turned on the tv then I grabbed my phone and dialed a number. After a couple of rings the person picked up.



“Owen its been awhile”



“Yes hello Dave”



“So what's up?



“I was actually calling because Noah wants your boss to come to a meeting tomorrow” 



“...ha seriously I told you long ago you should have come to work with me”



“I know...I kinda regret it now”



“What?! Did you and Noah fight?!



Turning around dave put the phone on mute and looked at Luke “I’m sorry he's an old friend so-”



A deep voice chuckled “It's fine put him on speaker” 



Looking at the man coming into the room Luke sighed “Sorry Dave but can you put him on speaker?



Hesitating Dave then nodded “O-Ok” Pressing the speaker button he heard a long sigh.



“We did...I left the company early because I wasn't feeling well and I was supposed to call you earlier today but while I was driving home I had a dizzy spell and stopped to take a break”



“What?! He let you drive home while sick?! What the hell is wrong with him”



“He said he needed to work overtime”



“What a load of shit”



Humming I chuckled “Yeah so I got home late and then he called me and yelled at me for not calling you sooner so we fought” 



“Haa just break up already”



“......I told him to fire me”



Almost dropping his phone Dave stared at the phone in amazement “And? What did he say?



“Nothing I hung up...Gave me a headache”






“Ah anyways can you somehow convince your boss to go to the meeting its at 1:00”



“Ah I'll see what I can do...Are you going to be at the meeting”



“Huh Of course...Well unless I make Noah mad and he fires me haha”



“You seem...oddly calm”



“Well it's not all bad...I made a friend today”






Suddenly a loud knocking sounded on Owen's side frowning Owen didn't hang up and made his way over to the door. 



“Hey Owen everything ok?



“Huh I think? Give me a minute”



Opening the door I was so startled I let out a gasp “Issac what the hell happened?!



Issac was sitting in his wheelchair bleeding from his forehead and his lip. His bangs were now uneven. Looking down the hall I  felt my heart beating fast. 



With anger in my voice I looked at Isaac “Who the hell was it? Who hit you?



Shaking his head Issac shrugged “She didn't like my hair cut” 



Shaking in anger my voice lowered “Your sister?



Seeing me make my way to his apartment he gripped onto my leg “No it's fine I just came to ask if I could sleepover

she’s drunk right now”



“Do I look like I give a F*ck that she’s drunk” 



“Owen! Please”



Clicking my tongue I was about to grab the handle of his wheelchair when I realized that the phone was still going. Feeling embarrassed I coughed “Ah Dave my bad I think I need to hang up n-”



Hearing a door to an apartment opening and then a woman's shrill voice my eyes turned cold. Without realizing it I mumbled “This B*tch has a death wish”



“Issac you dare run from me?!



Scowling at her I stood in front of Issac “Yeah he dare why wouldn't he!



Slurring her words iris squinted her eyes “Who fhe hell are ou huh?



“None of your f*cking business Issac’s staying with me from now on”



Pulling on my sleeve Issac shook his head “Don't argue with her she’s drunk”



“Like I said I don't care



“Hey Issac get your useless ass back in the house”



“Haah Useless? Who? Issac or you drunk b*ch?



“What did you say to me?!



“You heard me”



Rushing at me Iris tried to pull my hair. Grabbing her hand I hit her ankle making her fall on her ass. Wining, she looked at me with her eyes wide.



“T-That's assault” 



“Self defense”



“Owen please...She's not worth it”



“Ok then run her over with your wheelchair, Come on don't look at me like that I know you've thought of doing it at least once...Go on now's your chance”



“Owen you really-”



“What even if I beat her up now when she wakes up tomorrow shell think she was hallucinating” 



Surprise flashed past everyone's eyes hearing Owen’s words. Turning Dave laughed awkwardly “In fact, Owen use to be the leader of a gang in high school and only stopped when he entered college”



Placing my phone in Issac’s hands I rolled up my sleeves “Take this call for me and go inside” 



Grabbing Iris I threw her over my shoulder.



“Eh? W-What are you doing?!



“Calm down I'm going to put her to bed” 



Inside Owen’s apartment Issac hesitated before nervously talking into the phone “H-Hello?



“Ah yes hello I presume your the friend Owen was talking about”



“Ah Yes I am...Um, what...How can I help you?



“Ah just tell Owen that well be there at the meeting tomorrow”




“Oh ok…... Then goodbye”



“Yes goodbye”



Looking at the man across from him Luke sighed “What bring you here Uncle”



“Hmmm don't remember”






“I'll be attending the meeting with you tomorrow” 






“Also I want to go undercover”



“U-Uncle have mercy”



“Stop ditching your guards”


