EPISODE 8 – Character vs Creator 2
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April 15, 20XX

8:11 AM

“I was actually going to try Sci-fi, but you pushed me to my limits! Forget a story!”

If I can’t be the main character, no one will… AND NO SHOULD BE!

“I’ll make it work this time, by using a different and smarter method.”

With my status as a mob character, I’d be most likely ignored by the main characters surrounding me. This is why my plan to make the Rom-Com vulgar failed. So, in order to successfully cancel this crass story, instead of being directly involved, how about I be indirect?

“That way I ruin their progress and create unnecessary filler events. I really am a genius!”

Now, who to mess with? I shouldn’t mess with the Shounen Protagonist, he protects us from enemies, so it would be bad if I make him fail his duty.

“How about I mess the Rom-Com again?”

Oh, the unfortunate soul. He doesn’t know what’s coming. Imagining how I’d mess him up makes me snicker.

I’ll mess with them first.



Ring. Ring.

The school bell rings.

Class was about to begin.

Emiko was hugging Kazuhiko, the Rom-Com Protagonist.

I stare at them, filled with evil intent. After some time, I decide to raise my hand.

Sensei!” I speak out.

“Yes?” Yano-sensei asks, “Takayuki-san, what is it?”

Sensei, Morine-san and Tamaki-kun are snuggling in the classroom!”


Yano-sensei spots the two.

They seem unaware. Can’t wait to see their faces, heeheehee.

“If I can’t become a protagonist, no one shall,” I murmur to myself.

I let out a slight snicker.

“What are you two doing? You are on school grounds! Public display of affection is prohibited. If you want to go all lovey-dovey, take it during home time!” Yano-sensei says to the two.

Kazuhiko notices him.

“O-Oh, sorry, sensei,” he apologizes nervously with a bow to express his genuine reaction.

He turns to Emiko and whispers, “Say sorry, and lower your head so we can get out of this situation.”

Emiko stubbornly declines his offer and answers back at Yano-sensei, “Sensei, if I may be blunt, isn’t school the place where we learn? Then, isn’t learning love a part of it too? Love shouldn’t be prohibited on school grounds. It is pure, precious-”



12:00 NN, Lunchtime

Ring. Ring.

The school bell rings.

Emiko stands out in the hallway with a bucket on her head and one bucket in each of her hands. She bawled her eyes out. Her whole body was shaking from exhaustion.


Kazuhiko went out of the door and saw her.

“I told you… you should’ve just listened. Well, I mean, you brought this on yourself. See you later.”


That slows down progress… But it is still quite weak, this isn’t too grand to cause a rift in their progress. Who should I mess with next?

Someone tugs my uniform from behind.


I turn around to see. It was a girl.

“Um, can you come with me to the bathroom? Sorry to ask so abruptly.”

My mouth was open. I couldn’t believe my eyes.

Woah! She’s cute!


Chill, Kibe, you don’t have time for this. The Author is tricking you. Remain pure! But who is she?

“Um, who are you?” I asked.

“Um, it’s Arita, Arita Kazuhiko, you can call me, Kazuhiko-k-san?”

A masculine name? Also was she about to say -kun just now? Not that it matters, but…  

“SURELY!” I say in a moment’s notice.

Kazuhiko was startled.

“Th-Thank you!”

She slowly forms a meekly smile. I am subjected to the intoxicating levels of sugar by that action alone; it makes me clasp my chest.




Both of us were outside the two bathrooms. She stood between the male and female bathrooms.

Why’s she standing there doing nothing? Is that why she has a masculine first name? Is she perhaps…

My thoughts wander to taboo topics. To remove them from my consciousness, I shake my head furiously.

NO! I DON’T BELIEVE IT! IT’S IMPOSSIBLE! WHY? THOSE BREASTS ARE LARGE! THEY CANNOT LIE! I can tell that they’re not fake! Why is that? Because I saw a glimpse of her cleavage earlier! They are not pads!

Note: Creep.

For that note, Kazuhiko Kazuhiko is not a trap! Hm, I better stick with calling her Kazuhiko, because Kazuhiko reminds me of a certain protagonist. Best not bring him up.

All that time, Kazuhiko was still looking back and forth between the two bathrooms.

“What’s wrong?” I ask her.

“Oh, nothing! I’ll just... head in.”

She heads to the male bathroom by mistake.

“WOAH! That’s the boys’ bathroom. Are you okay?”

“Oh oops! Hehehhee, my bad. I must be an airhead. Well, off I go.”

She now heads off to the female bathroom.

She’s an airhead… but that trait just makes her much cuter! Truly a showcase of moe!

I felt a sensation beneath my pants, it was not to be described in finer details, else I might get cancelled for a strictly higher age rating.

Instinctively, my legs close together to cover my crotch.


There is a time and place for a moment like this.

Once I was done agonizing over the abrupt intervention of my “comrade”, she exits the bathroom.

“Sorry for the wait!” she apologizes with a wave of her right arm.

I guess I can see why she made me come.

“Well, that it? If so, then I’ll accompany you back to the classroom,” I offer.

“Um, can you... Can you eat lunch with me? I have something to say…”

Hm? I wonder what is it? This doesn’t seem to be a confession, because even by romance anime standards, that’s too fast.

I shake my head in disagreement with myself.

How could I forget?! There is a plot of a romance manga where a confession occurs from the get go! Multiple times even!

“Um, a-are you okay, Takayuki-san? You seem to be in a bit of trouble. You’re shaking your head out of nowhere. Is there anything I can help you with?”

She snaps me out of my thoughts.

“A-Ah, sorry about that. Just daydreaming, ahahaha… Oh, but how did you know my name? I don’t think I ever told you that.”

“Well, we’re classmates actually.”

“Ah! Well, that makes it easier for the both of us.”

We then proceed to walk towards to our classroom.

The atmosphere doesn’t have a sweet feeling. It is for the most part mundane, but I can hint on a spicy and thrilling taste. Something feels off for it to be a confession.


I’ll see where this goes.



Both of us were in the classroom.

Apparently, Kazuhiko was located in the 4th column, 3rd row. However, as of this moment, she sat in Uchiyama Miwa’s seat because she currently wasn’t present there which happens to be at the right of mine.

She had invited me to eat before her announcement. So now we lay next to each other, eating our lunches.

Munch. Munch.

Sho (So),” I gulp, “what was it you wanted to tell me?”

Munch. Munch.

Sho, I shorta have a condition… Becaush of it, it’sh been hard for me to talk wish anyone in class. (So, I sorta have a condition… Because of it, it’s been hard for me to talk with anyone in class.)”

“Don’t talk when your mouth is full. Finish eating before you talk.”


“S-Sorry, I’m just really nervous.”

“Take your time. I won’t get up and leave. I’ll hear you out to the very end.”

“Y-You see… Takayuki-san, you seem like a trustworthy person.”

I only thing I did was accompany you to the bathroom though. I guess that was enough to warrant me as trustworthy?

Is this the pacing of anime nowadays? If so, I fear they finish the whole story within one season.

Eh, who cares, she’s cute so what gives?

She continues, “I really need a companion. I want to strengthen the bonds with my classmates.”

She then cut right to the chase.

“Come here,” she orders me.

My heart skips a bit. The tension builds up and I can feel the atmosphere getting heavier as I approach her.

Is this the moment of truth? Is this… my destiny?

A confession of love. It has to be. There could be no other way that this scene would make sense otherwise.

I lend her my ear.

She whispers, “You know…”

The anticipation grows. Her words start unconventionally. Perhaps there is a certain hidden gimmick to this romance?

ドキドキー(Doki. Doki.)

“…I’m a boy.”


My vision starts to spiral and it almost seems like my world is about to collapse before me.

A boy. A boy. A boy. A boy.

The statement echoes within my mind.

I slowly pull away and put some distance.

“Huh? B-B-But you have… those…” I refer to her certain bags of meat.

Y-Y-Yeah. Having those is indiscriminate proof that you are a girl.

I decide to laugh it off.

“Ahahahaha… Y-Y-You’re joking right?” I reaffirm.

F-F-For some reason, I-I have a very bad feeling about this.

She explained, “Um, before school started… I took an online test at a shady website asking what if’s then the question about ‘What would you do if you were a girl?’ came out. At first, I answered jokingly that I wouldn’t mind, and when I woke up the next day, I was a girl.”

“S-So, you’re not a girl?”

“No, I’m a boy.”

A boy. A boy. A boy. A boy. A boy…

I drop to the ground on my knees. I look at them again.

“Not a girl?”

“I know it’s quite a shock, but I’m a boy. Yeah, I’m a boy.”

A boy. A boy. A boy. A BOY!

Now, I truly breakdown.


The floor faces the might of my fists.

“Do you believe me?” she asks.

All strength leave me at once when she interrupts my venting.


“Are you disappointed?”

“No…” I speak with a dead voice.

My rage returns to me at that very moment, lighting a surgine fire within me. Tears are swept away when I rub my eyes.


Note: Overwhelming defeat for Kibe, Author wins again.

At that very moment, I undergo an existential crisis.

THAT’S IT! But wouldn’t she be legal? NO! SHE’S STILL A HE! AHHHHHHH!!!

In order to protect the credibility of my sexuality, I dash away from the classroom as far as I can.

Kazuhiko tries to reach for me, although too late.


I spot a student carrying books. Taking one from the stack, I toss it in front of students.


The book lands a headshot which causes a domino effect of disasters upon the students of the hallway.

Pure emotion had controlled my body. I acted upon impulse, letting the world know the rage I had hidden with me.

I swipe a water bottle from a walking student and spill it on the floor, which cause students to slip and trip, creating yet more chaos.



The last bit of sentience left within me had saved me from going primal. It was that sentience that activated all the brakes once I notice… that my hand became slightly transparent.

Huh? What’s happening? WOAH!

I check that my other hand was also fading.


I realize ‘his’ intent.

He’s… erasing my existence! So I actually pushed him to do it, huh?

I give in to crushing defeat.

“ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I GIVE UP! You win. I won’t mess with your story anymore.”

In the end, it was always him in control and not me.

Note: A permanent and flawless victory for the author.



I was at home in my room. I snuggle in my bed… with rage.

I’m never trusting 3D girls ever again… Never again!

“But technically speaking, aren’t the girls here 2D considering that this is an anime world?”

Shit! I’ll refer to the girls in my world as 2.5D girls then. They suck ‘cause they are only nice to protagonists!

I punched and punched my pillow ‘til it was wrinkled. When I was content, I stopped punching.

That’s it. I’ve had it with this world. I’m leaving everything.



April 16, 20XX

8:15 AM

I’ll just enter the class and disappear just like that.

Honestly, I don’t know why I bother to still go to class. Actually, maybe I do know, but I want to keep pretending.



12:00 NN, Lunchtime

Ring. Ring.

The bell rings.

Noises, everywhere. Muttering, chattering, laughing, all around me. But not a single soul was looking at me.

“No one’s… looking at me.”

I use a bird’s eye view and imagine the perspective from above.

Oh… Was I… always this lonely?

Pondering about that fact further heightens the feeling of isolation. Not even a notice from the student council, or any disciplinary action from my mayhem yesterday.

“It’s like… I truly don’t exist.”

I think… the reason I came back here… was to see if anyone actually cared about me. But it was obvious from the very beginning… who would come to care for a loser like me?

Upon reaching the conclusion I wanted to know, I stand from my seat, bag in tow.

Guess it’s goodbye.

I dash out of the classroom. I approach the stairs, however, along the way I ended up making a wrong step, then I trip and fall down the stairs.


Bruises and scratches end up from my fingers, elbows, and arms.

That’s right. We don’t fall into boobs, look at panties or anything of the sort. We fall without anyone catching us.

Such is the fate of a mob character.

I sneak out of the school. Slowing down, I simply walk watching my surroundings.

All kinds of interactions. All kinds of banter. But not one acknowledges your existence.

Somewhere my consciousness forms a second voice.

It asks me, “What about your mother and father?”

“They’re too busy to take care of me. I can’t even tell how long they’ll be away.”

“What about the senpai that you saved?” it asks me another question.

“She did that out of pity, she doesn’t actually care about me.”

“Then… what about your sister?” it asks me one more question.

“She… deserves a better brother. Me? I’m a good-for-nothing. Besides… she’s taken. Her fate is sealed. She has no reason to care about me. The only reason she did in the first place… is because I’m the Main Character’s older brother. She only cares about me, because I have been assigned that role. Don’t… burden anyone else. Let’s… not burden anyone else with ourselves.”

The second voice truly fades out. My mind, heart, and body were as one.

I don’t care where this is going anymore. I’ll leave this crappy world. If I leave, no one will notice. If I’m gone, no one will wonder. If I die, no one will mourn, because I’m a mob character, someone unimportant and not worth seeing. Not even a main character of my own dang life.

“…Such is the fate of a mob character.”

From the corner of my eye, I spot a bus. I didn’t read where it was heading to, but I hop on without anyone noticing.

There, I notice a vacant seat at the back.

I slowly walk through the seats. No one was there. Everywhere was vacant.

Upon arriving in my seat, I stare into the background through the window. It had such beautiful scenery. It stood out unlike me.

“Maybe… if I close my eyes right now… I’d wake up and this is all a dream. No… I think… I’d rest forever.

But I see a phenomenon occurring right in front of me.

My hands were fading.

Huh? Oh, I see.

“I can’t leave this world, or get far from it. I exist because of it and if I linger too far, I’d cease to exist.”

This truly is hell, isn’t it? Maybe… Maybe… Maybe it would’ve been better if I hadn’t been born? Or maybe… if I hadn’t existed?

My hands have disappeared, and my shoulders are beginning to fade.

I was scared.

To accept my death, I close my eyes. Sweat pours down my whole body. The fear of death was agonizing.

Pant. Pant.

“It’ll all be over soon.”

Deep breaths.

I wanted to truly die… didn’t I? Though, I couldn’t really stop my eye from peeking at the process of non-existence.

My whole arms were gone. Knowing so, instilled unto me, genuine fear. The greatest that I felt in my whole life.

I hyperventilated and then I chuckled.

“Haha. I still don’t want to die, eh? Fine… I’ll hang on a bit longer.”

I stand up and yell at the driver.

“Sir! I need to get off.”

He did what I told him, and the door opened.

I get off the bus and run toward home.



I arrive at my doorstep.

Fine, I’ll take three more attempts. If it fails, then and only then do I give up.

“Bring it on, Author.”

Note: The determination of one does not fail him, but will it last? Find out next time.