EPISODE 9 – Sci-fi
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April 19, 20XX

8:20 AM

I’m giving this world three chances, after that...

I sighed, “If only I could kill myself though…”

Yeah, if it were only that simple.

However, I choose to ignore this notion and decide to put my plan into action.

With my tip-top smarts, I could top at any time. Though, I’m inclined to the strategical side of things rather than academics. But genius is genius, so that’s why I decided to join…

The door slides open.

“Hello! I’m here to join the ‘Researchers of the Future’ club!” I announce enthusiastically.

Three people stare at me, 2 boys and a girl.

“Can you please quiet down, we’re doing research here…” the first boy retorts.

“Oh, Toshiaki-kun, you need to be more mindful of your kouhais,” the second one replied to the first.

He takes a closer inspection of me.

“Huh?” I wonder.

He stared at me for some time.

“Wait, aren’t you in the same class as we are? What was your name again?” he asks.

Typical mob character interactions…

“My name is Kibe Takayuki,” I introduce myself.

“I’m Yuu Kajiwara, I’m the leader here! You can call me Kajiwara-san. That guy over there is Sando Toshiaki-kun,” he points to the other guy.

He stares at me again.

“Hmmmm… You don’t look very smart, you look like a dumb, rude, introverted shut-in, but that’s just my intuition, hehe,” he chuckles.

He got almost everything right.

I kneel in pain.

“You are quite sharp-tongued, it hurts.”

Normally, I’d fight back with a sharp remark of the same caliber. But I’m grasping at straws, so I don’t really have the confidence to do so.

“That’s just how he is,” the girl butts in.

Huh? Who’s that?

“Greetings, lowlife, my name is Arisu Okada. Call me Arisu-sama,” she introduces herself.

“Now kneel!” she orders.

Nevermind, my rage substitutes for my lack of confidence.

That girl with the lab coat and glasses acts like some hotshot, not my type.


The wind shifts downward and to my side, I notice that Yuu had followed her order.


Hearts appear on his eyes.

It’s really weird seeing that visual effect up close. Ew.

She steps on his bottom and rubs her shoes on them.

“That’s right. I am the highest authority. No one dares question me.”

A sadist and masochist… Well, I guess it is a Sci-fi club.

Sci-fi clubs are a group of eccentrics, who are commonly depicted to be total outcasts of society. The moment you’re within their habitat, your grasp of common sense should gradually fade away and a normal life should be the farthest thing to expect. Just a reminder, that there is always a group that exists that deviate from the normal.

The question is… how eccentric will these people be? I hope they are at least tolerable to some extent.




A few minutes later, the three club members are seated, leaving me left standing.

“So, what do you guys think? Should we let him join?” Yuu asks the rest.

The two other club members look at each other.

“Not my problem!” they yell out boldly as they return to working.

Not even the slightest hint of care.

Yuu stares at me once again.

Stop staring at me, creep.

“So I’ll be in charge once more… Kibe, was it?”


“Hmm, what discipline do you specialize in?”


What does he mean? Am I supposed to say patience or any good values?

“C-Can you clarify?” I query.

“What area of science are you good at? You know, Biology, Ecology, and all that stuff.”


I feel like an idiot for that. But-

Wait, they actually care about those? I thought they were like good at everything?

He stares at me with the most suspicious smile in the world.

Urgh… that smile is unconfortable… but, if we’re talking about disciplines…

Taking a stroll to the past, I deduct the possible sciences behind what I do.

Based on clichés founded by anime, manga, or the like, I determine possible actions, thoughts, or even scenes. So I guess…

“Humanities and Psychology.”

“Hmm… You’re hired!” he declared.

Okay, he’s not a creep after all.

“YESSSSSSSSSSS!” I cheer with all my might.

“But… answer me a riddle first.”


“You see, I’m not going to drill into what you do, that’s your personal business, if you ever decide to share your findings with us. But, I have a measly small requirement for the people who join this club.”

“A-And what would that be?”

“Everyone here has their own designated disciplines, and I happen to be great at the discipline of Chemistry. My standards aren’t too high, but I want everyone here to have at least the basic knowledge of Chemistry. Everyone who isn’t an ignoramus to the contributions of Chemistry is a friend.”

Darn it… when I’m not academically smart at all… But, there’s no choice.


“Here goes nothing! What did the scientist say when he found 2 atoms of helium? You have 10 seconds! Start!”

He begins tapping his finger on one of the white plastic rectangular tables, in accordance with the time.

Note: 1…



Note: …2…3…

Tap. Tap.


Note: …4…5…6…

Tap. Tap. Tap.


Note: …7…8…9…

Tap. Tap. Tap.


Note: 10.


“Times up! What’s your answer?” Yuu asks for my prompt.

I give up.

Oh well, I guess I’ll try other genres.

“Hehe, I don’t kno-”



“The correct answer is HeHe! Congratulations! You’re part of our club starting today!” he celebrates.

Followed by an obligatory clap, the other members don’t even budge to greet nor congratulate their new member.

“…Oh. Cool.”

That’s it?

“For now, you leave as a warrior, come back tomorrow as a scientist!”

“Thanks! I’ll be leaving for now…see ya tomorrow, I guess?”

I slide the door open and take my leave.

That’s… just dumb. I guess luck was on my side, this time.

“Urgh… I pray that he never makes a pun.”

Back at the clubroom…

“I raised that boy,” Yuu boasts to the rest of the clubmates.

Arisu turns around.

“What are you saying? You just recognized his existence now and then raised him for exactly 5 minutes and 37 seconds? That boy is still an embryo,” Okada argues.

“Don’t you mean a zygote? An embryo takes days,” Toshiaki interrupts.

“Ah yes, my bad, you get 1 point,” she replies.

“Yes!” Toshiaki cheers.

“How about me?” Yuu asks.

“You still owe me a point after I helped you make that jetpack,” she responds.

“But, Okada-san, you know I’m not as good as you in mechanical engineering.”

“Then don’t build something you can’t complete in the first place.”




April 20, 20XX

4:20 PM, After School

“Obligatory commentary!”

Sci-fi protagonists are usually very smart and cold to others, their inventions tend to be more advanced than modern technology, and have IQ surpassing even Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking combined. Surreal, you may say. But taking that into consideration, I doubt that the author has IQ that high. So that means he uses Goo- Doodle, no, let’s not use that… he uses the Internet in the scientific facts used and in using big and complicated words. With that in mind, I’ll keep my phone in my pocket and search occasionally to keep up with them.

With a pat on my pocket containing my phone, I slide the door open.

“Good afternoon everyone!”

The three look at me.

“HELLO, KOUHAI-KUN!” Yuu greets me with his over-the-top behavior.

“Hello, senpai!

Well, I guess he technically is a senpai since he was the one who founded the club.

“Um, just a question, why did you join our club in the first place? Was it for scientific pursuit?” he asks me.


“I came solely in to learn from all of you,” I answer, “I wanted to learn a thing or two from other branches, and hopefully share my own findings in the future.”

Of course, I’m not actually gonna share my findings.

“What can you contribute to us, right now?”

“Hmm, none~★”

“I see, that’s perfect then, we have the perfect job for people like you. You will be our…”



A little while later…

“Hey lab assistant, get me some black coffee. Any kind will do,” Toshiaki cut in.

“Roger!” I mindlessly respond.

I did what I was told and handed him the black coffee like a servant.

“Hey lab rat, drink this drug for me,” Arisu interjects.

I stretch my hand over to her, as she hands over a pill with red and white stripes.

“What does this do?” I question.

“No comment.”

Seems shady.

I drink the pill.

Hmm, I don’t feel anything strange.

“Now will you tell me?” I ask.



My legs give in to the pain.

My tummy… is rumbling….

“Hey… I feel something weird in my stomach,” I report to Arisu.

She simply smirks.

“It’s working… IT’S WORKING!” she celebrates like the mad scientist she is.



My stomach grumbled immensely.


Unconsciously, I do a fetal position. She simply laughs in amusement at my suffering.


After I had finally submitted to the pain, it grows milder.

Hm? The pain seems to be fading.

I stand up, having been relieved of torture. The woman in front of me takes a few steps forward with a dark grin.

“What did you do to me?!”

“Now do you feel the periods women go through? Have some consideration for the pain we feel.”

“Is that all?! Is this a vendetta against men or something? No, scratch that, what did I even do to you?!”

“Oh, don’t worry peasant, I didn’t do what you think I did. I simply made you drink a truth pill.”

A truth pill?

“A truth pill is what you think it is. You are forced to answer every question you are asked of.”


Without a moment to spare, she asks me a question.

“Now for the first question, what do you think of me?”

Words forcibly leave my mouth.

“A narcissistic smart bitch whose only redeeming trait is her body, or in short, a fapping material who deserves a slap of gender equality.”

No regrets.

“Hm… Not surprising especially coming from people like you who see women only as objects.”

Her legs cross each other.

“For example, you kept giving glances at my breasts when you had a spare moment, and only looked away when I’d look back.”

Irk, I guess she noticed.

“I mean, what value do these lumps of meat have?” she says whilst emphasizing said part.

“Let me grope them. I’ll give them value,” I offer with a straight face.

“Have some shame.”

“LUSTFUL KOUHAI-KUN!” Yuu comments before going back to his work.

“But setting aside your scummy personality, I actually wanted to ask you something serious.”

“Fine, let’s hear what you have to say.”

Probably scientific fact nonsense.

She fidgets and blushes nervously.

Stop that, you aren’t a cute 2.5D girl.

“What’s your taste in manga? No hiding, even the dirty ones.”

“I like every kind, I don’t discriminate, if I happen to like the story, I would like it regardless of genre. For the dirty ones, the tags I like are nakadashi, paizuri, vanilla, kemonomimi, succubi, nun, miko, loli, incest, ahegao-


“… Flat chest, angel, shimaidon, older sister, FFM, harem-

My words keep spouting tag after tag. It was torture. I used up most of my breath to say everything.

“You witch. Are you happy now? Are you happy that you get to see the dirty side of a man?”

“Hm, I’m not satisfied. That hardly scratched the surface, it didn’t make you that much dirtier.”

“Rude, much?”

“I don’t mince my words.”

Dammit, how could I have made such a rookie mistake… W-Well, it was an order! I didn’t have a choice!

“Mhm! Mhm!”

“Who are you agreeing with?” she wonders.

I snap back to my senses.


“Nice choice of words, peasant-kun,” she praises.

“Shaddup bitch. I need to be something of use, like do activities that contribute to the works of an actual scientist.”

“Being a lab ra- lab assistant is very helpful.”

“How about something that doesn’t breach code of ethics?! And don’t think I didn’t know what you were gonna say!”

“Bringing me coffee helps me in my work,” Toshiaki adds.

“L-Look, I know, but I want to do work that can… you know… actually help me understand a bit of what you all do to help me become a real scientist.”

As a said before, I’m not good at academics and I really hate studying, but if I want to become a protagonist, I can’t stand idly by, I need to actually do some smart stuff.

“I don’t understand what’s your definition of a scientist, but if you insist,” Toshiaki offeres his help.

“YES!” I agreed.



A few minutes later, I was now holding a bunch of books.


I drop the books.

This was not what I meant! I wanted to actually help in the works, so I could learn a thing or two!

Toshiaki claps his hands two times.

“Guys, double time! We are passing this thesis in two weeks! Kibe, too sloppy! Translate this to Morse code! We need to ask for help, but we can’t let information of our research leak out to competitors.”

“YES, SIR!” I agreed for a reason I didn’t know.

He hands out a letter and I get down on the table.

Wait, I don’t know Morse code.

My phone turns on and I search the keywords for converting words to Morse.

“Kibe, I want you to research The Miracles of Time by Michael Cooper, 3rd edition. Oh, and beware, there are two publications. Get the one published by Worldly Geographic in 2017,” Yuu follows up.

“Yes, sir.” I answer.

Scribble. Scribble. Scribble.

Okada called him, “Yuu-ku-”

“Already on a first-name basis?” he teases her.

“We don’t have time!” she pulls his swivel chair to her side, “What do you think of the binary code?”

She flashes him a computer with a bunch of lines of programs.

“It looks nice! I don’t spot anything wrong with the code. Oh, and can you finish our website?” he requests her.

“Why? I thought you said you were almost done with it.”

“Hehe, my computer slowed down, and it crashed, so I can’t use it. Like… just as you pulled me, ahahahah…”

“Tch, can’t we just outsource it?”

Toshiaki interjects.

“We… don’t really have any funds. We used it all up trying to clean up the chemical mess caused by our little Chemistry addict here.”

“Ahahaha…” Yuu laughs.

“Fine, send it to my email. Man, we’re on a tight schedule,” Arisu grunts.

“Hey, what do you guys aim for?” I ask out of the blue.

“Hm? We plan to pass this on to expert researchers and be known as the greatest researchers alive,” all three answer.

“No, what I meant is, what topic are you guys researching about?”

“Time travel,” Arisu answers whilst programming.


I blankly stare back at the outrageous research project they were planning on.

Heck no.

I leave the classroom.

“See you soon!” Yuu says.

I’m never coming back.