EPISODE 12 – The Overruling Statement
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May 5, 20XX

I was jotting down notes in my notebook, inside my room.

That was a mess of things. When I texted Arisu back at home, she said that she didn’t remember anything, she even went so far as to tease that I was a degenerate.

“That ungrateful bitch. Then again, I was the one who made her that way…”

In any case, luckily for me, she canceled our meetings for Golden Week.

I place my finger on my chin.

So what actually happened?

Given that I had prepared myself to offer my body for Golden Week, I have pretty much crammed everything I needed to do. Now that I’m free, though I’ll make use of this time to understand this world’s rules.

“Though it was a total waste of an opportunity, I can’t take it again because the rule of Hentai knows no bounds nor ethics, and I can’t have that. Things could spiral over the slightest stimulus; even I would have a hard time controlling that.”

These past few days, I have reflected back and analyzed my experiences thus far and have formulated a theory. Or should I call it a theorem because it’s bound to be true anyway?

“Now then…”

I call it…


The Overruling Statement

It is defined as the change in rules. More precisely, it is the resulting effect of two or more intersecting natures of tropes and clichés, where the involved people’s genre, place, theme, personality, role, and its everlasting effects on the storyline overall are overruled or conjoined. The Overruling Statement is the deciding declaration of the phenomena formed from these interactions.

Amazing phenomena if I do say so myself. It is especially evident when people of significant influence, notably, protagonists cross paths with one another.

“However, before I clarify what the statement meant, I have to go over the types of encounters.”

Condition 1:

Let’s say Protagonist 1 encounters Protagonist 2 and there is no change in roles, whatsoever, there are three branches to this…

Condition 1.1: If there is a change in genre, in which it becomes a Slice-of-Life Comedy only, it is labeled as a Crossover. It’s a way to protect the continuity of respective series.

Condition 1.2: If there is no change in genre, with lengthy interaction, it is labeled as the Addition of Another Protagonist. It isn’t too uncommon in anime.

Condition 1.3: If there is no change in genre, it is labeled as a Reference and will only last for a short amount of time. Referencing in anime is pretty common, and it’s fun to spot for veterans.


Condition 2:

Let’s say Protagonist 1 encounters Protagonist 2 and there is a change in roles since I’m assuming I’m the only true Mob Character, the change can only be a demotion to a side character in one’s point of view in their own storylines, in short, Shared Universe. Its difference with Crossover is that it typically retains its nature and doesn’t switch to comedic or slice-of-life genres.

However, Slice-of-Life series are an exception and can abuse Crossover and Shared Universe at will, due to their nature.

Condition 3:

If Protagonist 1 encounters Protagonist 2, and either one of the protagonists remains a side character forever, then it is labeled as Protagonist Change. One of the rare cases that’s for sure.


“As much as I’d like to elaborate, I believe it’s best to showcase it in practice. It’s possible I may be wrong after all.”

Not only that, there is actually more to the system, I believe there’s actually a hierarchy in which a genre is most probable to overrule another genre. So far, from my experiences, Hentai completely overruled Sci-fi and as well as every other genre, judging how hectic my surroundings came to be.

“I declare Hentai with a 100% overruling rate because of its madness and its power to cross all boundaries. As for the rest of the genres, I will list them once I gather more experience.”

Okay, I think this is enough yapping for now. Though I’ve been thinking of this, this hasn’t been the only thing on my mind. I’ve gained more information on why I could never become a true protagonist no matter how hard I tried.

“I… am not qualified to become a protagonist, and the reason that won’t change is because my personality will never change. I’m a mob character, duh, a flat character. I don’t receive change unless given a different role.”

I, therefore, require a narrative, in order to receive character development, which is unattainable by normal means.

“However, there is one genre I can still join in, but not as a protagonist initially. I never thought I’d resort to this immediately.”

I gulp nervously.

“The Slice-of-Life genre, I have to do it. For the sake of development! If I develop, I can change, and if I change, my role will also change.”

One might fear that I get stuck into the Slice-of-Life genre through this method. But that’s exactly where The Overruling Statement comes into play. By abusing rifts caused by protagonists interacting in the daily and by setting the right conditions, I should be able to create a loophole and escape whenever needed.

“I don’t think joining them shouldn’t be too hard. Time to start planning for tomorrow.”

This marks my second attempt. If I fail here, then it’ll be my last shot afterwards. I have to give it my all.



May 6, 20XX

8:13 AM

Ring. Ring.

The school bell rings.

I lay in the classroom.

Now’s the time. This is the end of me speaking to myself and discussing my plan with the viewers!

Note: Finally.

Yano-sensei arrives in the classroom and places his things on top of his desk.

First objective: I need to interact with them.



12:01 PM, Lunchtime

The Slice-of-Life Boys gather around Masaru Arata’s seat which was found in the 4th row and 4th column.

“Hey Takashi, tell us a good joke,” Katsuro requests.

“A hypnotist is just a programmer who works with humans instead of computers,” he answers.

“I really don’t get what goes in your mind, Takashi,” Masaru comments.

“Isn’t that what makes him interesting?” Madoka implies.

“Good point,” Both Katsuro and Masaru answer.

“I know right?” I butt in.

I was ‘hanging’ out with the Slice-of-Life Boys.

“Huh? Who is this guy?” All four of the Slice-of-Life Boys wonder.

I can read your minds with your expressions, fools.

Ignoring their rude sentiments and I ask.

“Can I joi-”

“No way,” Masaru turns me down with his hand up high.


Katsuro and Takashi go to Madoka. These three huddle and murmur about me.

“Hey, what do we do about him?” Katsuro questions.

“Purge him,” Takashi suggests.

“No no no, don’t. I have an idea,” Madoka answered.

On the other hand, I and Masaru were still arguing.

Madoka cuts us off with his arm and turns to face me.

“Okay, we have an offer.”

“Purge him,” Takashi repeats.

Madoka glances at him, “No.”

He turns back to face me.

“It’s very simple, trust me,” he reassures.

I doubt so.

“All you have to do is…”

Pause for dramatic effect.


Note: Yokoyama Maruhi is the idol.

Keep your voice down. We aren’t miles away.

I groan.

This is an impossible task.

“Just give up,” I told the hopeless dreamer.


“Just give up,” the three others join in.

“You guys too?!” he said in shock.

I groan.

There is a specific reason why she’ll never fall in love with him no matter how he tries.

“You can never make her heart flutter, trust me.”

I’ve watched enough idol anime to know this. But I have the most probable reason and it is because…

“She is… how do you put it? Um… Not interested in you?” I tell him flat out.

“Savage!” Takashi yells out.

“Shut up! That’s a lie! You can’t know if you don’t try!” Madoka insists.

The truth is… in most idol anime; the show is usually filled with girls, and they have no interest in boys. There is no romance accompanied with idol anime, so it’s best not to get your hopes up. In fiction and even in real life, romantic relationships tend to destroy the idol career.

Note: This guy had a history of watching idol shows in the past.

“FINE, IF YOU DON’T WANNA HELP! YOU CAN’T JOIN US! Negotiations are off,” he says to me.

That pisses me off. How on earth was I supposed to do an unreasonable demand?!

“You little-”

I prevent the words from escaping my mouth.

Chill self, if I let myself get angry at them, it’ll just create a bigger fuss.

I grunt, but still force a smile.

“Please let me join.”

“No,” Masaru rejects.

“No,” Madoka replies.

“Yes,” Takashi answers.

“No,” Katsuro responds.

“Just let me, join the group, you fellow degenerates! Except for you, Takashi, you’re cool.”

“We will not let you! You’re a stranger, besides, you just called us degenerates!” Masaru retorts.


“It’s not a club! You had an offer and you turned it down!”

“It was outrageous and unreasonable!”

“Same goes to your demand!”

“Those two demands are miles away from each other!”

1:00 PM

Ring. Ring.

The school bell rings.

Our teacher arrives and everyone obediently returns to their proper seats.

What the-

“H-How did an hour pass by?!”

Grrr. Grrr.

All five of us had grumbling stomachs.


“I should’ve eaten my lunch…” Masaru grumbles.

“MY LUNCH!” Katsuro screams.

Note: And so all five of them, starved because of their arguments.

This is gonna be more of a hassle than I thought.

END OF EPISODE 12, Beginning of Arc 2, The Slice-of-Life Protagonist Arc.