12.Enaria’s Guild Master
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Bad news, my computer died. This will have a significant impact on my writing, I will have to put most of my novels on hiatus and I will only be able to continue writing one until I buy a new PC. For mere popularity, the choice is between ´Einherjar Becomes Valkyrie´ and ´Fake Maiden´

I knock on the door of the guild master's office and without waiting for a response; I turn the knob and enter.

A man in his fifties sitting behind a sturdy desk raises his face, showing a visibly annoyed look.

"I thought I said that I didn't want anyone to bother me if it wasn't something important"

Klein entering behind me stands next to me as he removes the simple hood from his head.

"Could a murder conspiracy be a major issue for you?"

"Mr. Klein!"

The guild master immediately stands up, recognizing Klein.

Recalling the reaction of the weapon shop owner and now seeing that of the guild master, is Klein someone famous in town? No doubt his father is, but Klein is only the second son, is the fame of Baron Ren'Lai so great that his second son is so well known?

"Mr. Bisham, I will need your help on a matter of the utmost importance"Klein exclaims, and the guild master narrows his eyes as with a wave of his hand invites us to take a seat.

Klein seems to know at least the name of the guild master, I suppose this is natural, in the western kingdoms the nobles are quite limited by the kingdom's regulations regarding the formation of personal troops, the nobles below a Marquis must commonly use adventurers.

As I recall, my father had only a hundred active soldiers to guard his family and protect his territory.

"Mr. Klein, did you mention something about a murder conspiracy before?"

Klein nods at the guild master's question and immediately reveals all the information about it. While listening carefully, Bisham gives me a few thoughtful glances. Probably without Klein, the guild master would never have believed my story.

"The situation is precarious, who would have thought Count Mayr could coerce Count Pars to dimity?"

"Mr. Bisham, you don't seem too surprised about Count Mayr's activities"

In response to Klein's words, the guild master leans back in his chair while letting out a long breath.

"Count Pars and I have known about Count Mayr's activities for a long time"

Such a revelation causes Klein's face to show anxiety. Have we made a mistake when going to the guild master? This is probably Klein's thinking.

“Count Pars and I have been collaborating for a long time to knock Count Mayr down, but whenever it seems like we have him, something unexpected happens. Disappearing witnesses, criminals who commit suicide within the cells of the city, locations that are ravaged by fire turning to ashes any kind of evidence against Count Mayr

The guild master lets out another long breath as Klein regains confidence.

“Ever since Count Pars announced that he would resign his position, I have feared that Count Mayr was behind his decision. Of course, I questioned Count Pars about it, but he has flatly denied it. I can't imagine what Count Mayr has done to coerce Count Paris

"And now the lives of my father and older brother are in jeopardy because of the trash plans"says Klein angrily.

"The worst thing that could happen to Enaria would be for Count Mayr to become governor. We may not unmask Count Mayr, but we must cut short his assassination plan against Baron Ren'Lai

"Can I count on your collaboration?"

"Of course, I have a group of adventurers of my absolute confidence that we can use. The problem is that we do not know Count Mayr's plan"

"Surely the plan should be to attack my father's carriage on his way back to Enaria"

"In that case, we must send my men as soon as possible to meet the Baron"

"I don't think that's a good plan"

After hearing my words, both Klein and the guild master are shocked and focus their attention on me.

"Guild Master, given the influence of Count Mayr, he probably already has identified the adventurers who are you trust"

“Reiner, what you’re trying to say is that if we send these adventurers out of town, could Count Mayr suspect and cancel the attack? If so, the result not the same as we seek, protect my father’s life?”

"And then Baron Ren'Lai will have to live constantly guarding his back, and even when he becomes governor, why should Count Mayr desist?"

Both Klein's and the guild master's eyes widen in surprise. Even if Baron Ren'Lai becomes governor, Count Mayr could still assassinate him and end up occupying the position as he is the second candidate.

"Even if it's that way, what else can we do in this situation?"

"To assassinate Baron Ren'Lai, Count Mayr will not use simple bandits who could end up failing, and to ensure his success, he will send people on he trusts"

"Count Mayr will have to send his own men!"

The guild master stands up at understanding the situation. To ensure success, Count Mayr must send at least one of his most trusted men, someone who publicly works for him.

"So this is an opportunity to catch someone directly related to Count Mayr, but even if it's for Enaria's sake, I cannot consider putting my father's and brother's lives at risk"

The guild master returns to his seat with a slight sigh.

Of course, no matter how important it would be to bring down Count Mayr for the city, Klein would never put his family's life at risk to do so.

"Guild master, how many people make up this group of adventurers of your absolute trust?"

"They are eight adventurers, five of them troll rank and three ogre ranks"despite his doubts, Bisham answers my question.

"In that case, I think there is a way to send support to Baron Ren'Lai and take-down Count Mayr"

"What do you have in mind, Reiner?"

The guild master shows curiosity by Klein's high level of confidence in me.

"Six of those eight adventurers will mobilize attracting the full attention of Count Mayr, while I and the other two left the city to meet Baron Ren'Lai"

"A diversionary maneuver?"for a second Klein is lost in his thought. "The abandoned Mine!"

The guild master nod shows we he grasped the idea.

"No, the carts with dwarf alcohol that will enter the city at night"I exclaimed.

They two widen their eyes in surprise.

The carts with dwarf alcohol must go to a warehouse after entering the city. In terms of importance to Count Mayr, such a warehouse is undoubtedly much more valuable than the abandoned mine.

"Now that we know about those carts, it would be easy to identify and follow them once they enter the city. The problem in this plan is, will two experienced adventurers be enough to help Baron Ren'Lai?"

The guild master takes me as some guide for the two adventurers who will go to support Baron Ren'Lai.

"If we send two Ogre-Ranks, Reiner and I join them, along with the guards who accompany my father, and with my father's and my brother's own combat skills, it should be enough to face any attack"

The attack shouldn't comprise over twenty people, a surprise ambush doesn't require as much force, and mobilizing too many men could attract attention.

Klein does not point this out, but he expects us to reach Baron Ren'Lai before the attack to put him on notice and thus prepare a better defense.

"I haven't seen you before, boy, who are you?"probably driven by curiosity caused by Klein's great confidence in me, it causes the guild master to finally show interest in me.

"His name is Reiner, he is my wife's younger brother, he joined the guild yesterday and has a high-level heroic skill specialized in close combat."

"A heroic skill!"the guild master stands up again.

Once the action plan has been drawn up, the guild master immediately calls the eight adventurers of his absolute trust. Fortunately, they were all in the city.

"By the way, how did you get to come to my office?"

Before we left, the guild master asked us that question. The answer did not amuse him, and he immediately calls for the woman who attended us to make sure that the false rumor did not spread around the city.

As for Klein and me, once he disguised himself to hide his identity, we returned to the mansion to prepare ourselves and leave immediately.

“Please, both be very careful and return safely together with father and the rest of our family” —my sister clasps her hands as if praying to the gods for our success.

"Don't worry, everything will be fine"Klein gives my sister a warm hug.

My sister nods with a smile.

Klein and I turned around and left the mansion. I wear the same outfit, and as for Klein, he wears light Mythril armor… this is something she hides under a long brown hooded cloak to avoid drawing too much attention.

Outside the mansion, Jin waits for us while holding the reins of two horses.

"Good luck, Mr. Klein, young Mr. Reiner"

With the help of both horses, we quickly crossed the city gates. Not long after, a few dozen meters away from the city, a pair of riders emerge from the brush outside of the main road and join us.

“Mr. Klein, my name is Lusran, an adventurer ogre-rank, I specialize in the spear’s use” —as we ride at full speed, one rider approach to Klein and introduces himself. Is a man in his middle-twenties, a long spear is notorious over him back.

"My name is Coth, ogre-rank, I possess a bow skill"the second rider presents himself.

This is a boy of about eighteen, who carries a bow and a caraj of arrows on his back. He seems proud enough about possessing a skill to mention it with no care.

To reach ogre-rank at his age, this Coth must be some talented by the standards of this era.

As that thought flashes through my mind, Coth gives me an unfriendly look.

“The guild master said that the person accompanying Mr. Klein was someone who possessed a heroic skill. Don’t seem to me you will be of much help in this, so stay out of the way and everything will be fine”

I haven't even crossed a single word with him, and he's already underestimating me?

"So what they say is true, mediocre people lose the floor when they discover that possess a little talent"

My response causes a furious face expression on Coth.

"You, do you want to taste a little of my mediocrity?!"

I have hit the spot. Well, it is not to be surprised, it is not the first time that I meet someone like Coth.

An insignificant child who is it underestimated and does not possess the slightest confidence in himself, and who ends up discovering that he possesses a skill during the coming of age ceremony. The result of this such circumstances ride beside me, a guy who backs up all his self-confidence in his skill and who underestimates everyone by feeling special.

"Hahaha∼ it is good that they have so many energies, but save them for battle"

In response to Lusran's words, Coth clicks his tongue angrily as he turns his attention to the front.

Klein just gives me a smiling look and then refocuses on the road. He probably thinks that's how great friendships start.

Unfortunately for Klein, my naivety died. It was stabbed to death in the back.

Even if I cannot mistrust my sister and Klein, that does not mean that it will be the same for the rest of the world.

As we ride in a hurry, the night come.

The best place for Count Mayr's men to ambush Baron Ren'Lai is at a section of the main road that goes through a part of the forest.

According to our time calculations based on Baron Ren'Lai's travel schedule, his carriage should traverse the aforementioned section very near the middle of the night.

So if we want a better chance of capturing Count Mayr's men, we must meet Baron Ren'Lai before the ambush occurs.