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"H..Hey Ciel. What's the matter.?" Erza asked withdrawing slowly. She felt that the boy was not in his right mind now.


"Must..Kill..demons" The boy kept repeating it like a chant.


"What.! the demon is gone, dude. What happened to you." Natsu asked the boy walking up to him.


"NATSU..NO GET AWAY.," Erza yelled.


But before anything could be done Ciel slashed his arm towards the pink-haired mage. A huge wind blade was fired by the motion, hitting Natsu. But it didn't just stop there and destroyed the walls behind him too.

The next second he rushed through the hole he had created and went outside.




"Huh..what happened." A voice emerged from the dust cloud. As the dust dissipated, Natsu stood there, perfectly fine. There were some sorts of barriers around him, covering him from the attack.


"What was that.? Why would Ciel attack all of a sudden." Natsu sounded his doubt jumping back.


"He has gone berserk." Another voice was heard as a masked man descended from the hole on the ceiling.


 "Who are you.?"


"What do you mean he went berserk," Erza asked the masked man.


"He has been using the power of Demon slaying too much lately. Moreover, there are too many demonic presences in this Island.

Demon slayers have an instinct to exorcise demons near them. But usually, they are capable of controlling it. Did something unusual happened to him lately.?"


"Hmm. Earlier before, someone tried to control him using magic. But he was able to break free from it."


"That must have been the deterrent for his condition. Or maybe it's the moon drip.?"


"But why would he go outside..?" Lucy asked looking at the hole through which the boy had escaped.


"He's following his instincts right now. So.."


"He's going to kill the villagers. Come on we need to hurry." Erza rushed out of the hole, realizing the horrifying truth.



Meanwhile, a crazed Ciel was running at a high speed towards the village of demons.

Suddenly Mystogan appeared in front of him, causing the boy to stop.


"Ciel, can you hear.." Before the man could complete he was showered with a devil's roar. He took one of his staves and stabbed it on the ground so that he wouldn't get blown away.


"So he's completely out .. I'll have to restrain him then." The other staves were brought in front of the masked mage and a magic circle appeared beneath the boy's legs.


*Two Layered Magic Circle: Bind Roots*


As the man finished casting the spell, some tree roots emerged from the circle growing on to the boy's body. Immobilizing him.




"HAAA.." Suddenly he roared with several wind blades were fired in every direction from Ciel, breaking free from the confinement. The trees which other blades landed on were cut down by them.

Without wasting a second, the boy lunged towards Mystogan like a wild beast. Getting close to the hooded mage he attacked him with a wind clad punch. The punch landed and the man was sent flying.


From the air, Mystogan fired some fireballs at the boy. But as soon as they approached him, they were extinguished by a mere swipe of his hand.


"This is bad. If we were to fight seriously, someone might get really hurt."


"Ciel...Stop." Erza's voice was heard from the direction of the temple.


She, Natsu and Lucy was running towards them with Grey helping Lyon in the back.


"GAAAHhh" The boy let out another shriek as the mark on his forehead continued to spread.


"Oh..no it's spreading more."


"We have to knock him out before it's too late."


"Leave that to me," Natsu yelled as he lunged forward.


"I could get him to fall asleep with my sleep magic, but you need to buy me some time to prepare," Mystogan said as he appeared before the fairy tail group.


"Wha..that's the same magic Ciel uses always..don't tell me you're Mystogan," Natsu asked the hooded mage.


"That's correct."


"If it's Mystogan's sleep spell, he might fall asleep."


"He could. But you need to make him disable his domain. Or else it won't work."


"How are we supposed to do that," Lucy asked.


But before he could answer, a barrage of wind slashes landed at them.


Mystogan once again raised a barrier to defend everyone and said.

"You need to break his concentration. First, restrain him somehow and keep engaging in battle until focuses on another spell, I'll employ my spell at that moment."


"All right.," Natsu yelled as he once again charged towards the boy.


*Fire dragon's wing attack*


The whips made out of flame were lashed toward the boy. But he swiftly avoided them and condensed a giant blade made out of the wind and slashed it down at the dragon slayer.


Natsu could only dodge that attack at the last second. It trimmed off the edge of his hair and landed at the ground, breaking it into rubbles.


"Dang. Is he getting stronger..?"

He got near the boy and punched him hard. But surprisingly his hand was caught by Ciel.


"GRAAAA" The boy roared as he let a point-blank breath attack at the dragon slayer mage.


"Damn..he's not holding back..huh." Natsu landed as he was blown away.


"Natsu stop. We need to attack carefully. He's our friend. You might end up hurting him." Erza told Natsu and changed into her sea empress armor.


Blocking the wind blades the boy fired at them she bashed him with a side of her sword, sending him flying.

"Man, talk about being gentle" Lucy commented from the backlines.


Without landing, Ciel chose to float in the air this time.


"He's planning to attack us from the air."


"That's good. Maintaining flight would mean his domain will falter the moment he casts a powerful spell" Mystogan informed the fellow mages.


As they had turned around to hear the mysterious mage, Ciel once again began his assault on Natsu.

Natsu was targetted by multiple wind slashes at the same time. Even he was getting it hard to dodge them all.


"Why is he attacking only Natsu..?" Erza was confused. When she would try to interfere, he would send a wave of wind repelling her. But Natsu was brutally being attacked.


"Maybe he pissed him off earlier." Happy commented.


*Black wing armor*


Erza equipped into the black armor with the sword and flew towards the boy, readying her sword.


Ciel raised one of his hands, air from around started to gather around it condensing into a giant scythe. With his other hand, he manifested a giant wind hammer above Natsu and smashed it onto him.


"Haaah." Natsu cried out as he was being smashed on to the ground.




After dealing with Natsu, Ciel readied the scythe and slashed it hard at the incoming Erza. Despite its size, the scythe was completely light because it was made out of the compressed wind.


"Tch... it's awfully fast. I can't hold back anymore.." Erza thought blocking the scythe with her sword.


The boy in front of her was getting stronger each second. The marks on his head had almost spread on his whole forehead.


*Heaven's wheel armor*

As Erza changed into the next armor and summoned her countless swords, Ciel released his Sythe and vanished into mist.


"It's the mist form magic. Where is he..?" Erza looked around shocked.


"Erza..behind you," Lucy yelled from the ground.


But it was too late as a giant wind hammer fell onto Titania causing her to fall next to the group on the ground.


Raising his hands to the air, he began to gather great amounts of Magic power and condense them into a giant spear.

Compare to the one he used against Lullaby, this one was at least 10 times bigger.


"If that thing lands, we'll be history," Lucy said horrified seeing the giant spear.


"Tch..I'm not done yet." Natsu declared lighting his hands on fire.


But suddenly all of them felt out of breath. It was as if all the air around them was gone all of a sudden. And the pressure of the atmosphere around them changed. Natsu's flames were extinguished.




"He created a domain around us and sucked all the air out. But he shouldn't be able to do high-level spells like this..?" Mystogan thought as he had finished preparing the sleep magic.


The moment he would fire that attack was the one he would lose focus, so he chose to endure.

With a cruel smile on his face, Ciel swung his hand at the people down below.


"Now.." Mystogen noted mentally. And a magic circle appeared near Ciel in the air. The spell activated, the boy tried to fight the drowsiness that was assaulting him. But gave up eventually, making him fall asleep and falling down.


But the attack was already been fired at the mages. Mystogan stepped in front of them, casting a barrier spell again. But since the spell was cast in a hurry and the opposition attack being too strong the barrier couldn't handle it for long.


But just as he thought all hope was lost, two ice shields appeared in front of him. The wind spear penetrated through it almost completely. But it was finally stopped at the last bit. 


"It's finally over." All of them slumped down seeing that the boy was out cold.


"That last attack was scary.!" Lucy said with fear in her eyes.


"Indeed. His control over the air certainly seemed very high ."


"You should have just let me fight him for real Erza, I could have defeated him for sure" Natsu complained.


"Are you really an idiot Natsu.? Ciel could have killed you in that state." Grey reprimanded the dragon slayer.




Mystogan leaned onto his staves as he panted really hard to get as much as air he could inside. He was getting the feel of resonance once more. Taking a look at the charm on his neck, he saw that the Lacrima had deteriorated very much as if it was very old. It wouldn't hold out for long.


"How come it look so old all of a sudden..? Don't tell me that man..time magic.?"


"I need to get back to Porlyusica's house fast." He thought for a bit and said to the rest of the Fairy Tail mages.


"I'll be going now. You guys bring Ciel with you." And he disappeared with his mist form.


"Ah.he's gone. I wanted to ask him for a fight" Natsu said with frustration.


"How can you even think about fighting in such a situation??"



"Huh..where. am I" Ciel woke up after a long time. His whole body was aching lightly.

He was currently on a pirate ship that Erza had snatched from some unfortunate pirates.


"You're finally awake Ciel.!" Erza said coming up to him.


"Erza.? Where are we. Did we leave the Island..? What happened back then."




"You went crazy and attacked all of us back then." Happy replied instead.


"What..?" He looked at Erza like whether it was true.


She sighed and finally told him the events that had transpired back on the island. How he attacked them and they finally managed to put him to sleep with Mystogan's help.

And that the people of Galuna were originally demons who had their memories altered and believed that they were humans due to the side effect of Moon drip ritual.


"I attacked you guys.!" Ciel said not being able to believe her words.


"Aye...You were pretty scary back then Ciel. You even put us inside a barrier thing and sucked all the air in it."


"I...I'm sorry.I didn't.." He was still shocked.


"Don't worry about it, Ciel. We know it wasn't your fault." Erza tried to console the boy.


"But still.."


"We make mistakes sometimes. And you didn't even do it on your own will, didn't you.?" Lucy also joined them.



Mystogan had already left on his own. For the rest of the trip, Ciel didn't say too much. As he was in deep thoughts the whole time.


"Dad had me practice this magic slowly because it would have adverse effects on me. But I still lost control. What would have happened if I accidentally killed one of my friends in that state."


"I will have to be careful with this power from here on. And find other means of increasing my overall strengths." He resolutely thought.


Unknown to Ciel every time he would access the demon portion of his magic a book that was inside his body would have a change on its cover.

Originally its cover read "Lucifer" with the half fading words Zeref Dragneel on the bottom right and on the sides. The background of the cover depicted a starry sky.


But in time, now all the words on the cover were being slowly fading. And each time Ciel used his demon marks, the process would accelerate for some time. Right now, about 40 to 45 percent of the cover was erased.

And with each percent more, the concentration of magic on Ciel's body would also go up.



Era, the headquarters of Magic council.

Inside a room somewhere in the HQ.


"Hmm.they did way better than I expected." A blue-haired man said looking at the Lacrima crystal in front.


"It's a pity that the demon was already dead." The masked man Zalty appeared inside the crystal. 


"But that kid, Luciel he would be useful in the future."


"Your other part is also doing very well. I estimate that your overall power will increase to the double of what you have now if you were to absorb him."


"Has his magic power increased by that much..?"


"It's not about the magic power. I did some research, apparently, this process is similar to a permanent Unison raid of sorts."


"Hm...Fairy tail. I hope they won't get in our way." Seigrain said as the Zalty in the orb transformed back into Ultear.


Outside the room of Seigrain on the wall, there was a weird picture of a small elder man that was hearing to the entire conversation as it slightly moved.