SMage 36 – Interlude – Secret young master.
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The day finally had come for her to pay her debt and it had been a very long journey. The look on her master’s face had said it all.

She had a happy family once. Parents who loved each other while working hard every day to earn the little money that they could. The pair was blessed with three children, a girl, and two boys. Her brothers had also worked hard when they were old enough to do what they could to help.

One of her fondest memories was walking with her brothers after half a day spent collecting firewood outside the wall. The regular patrol made the forest around the city safe enough for unawakened youth to wander in and out.

Her father was just a regular guard, and mama always complained about how dangerous her father's work was and how little the pay was. That was why they had to help even if they were still younglings.

Life was hard but they were happy, at least, what she thought at the time.

They suffered a small setback when their father was injured during the long night. A healer had taken a look but still, the old man was told to rest for a few weeks. It was a harsh few weeks with only half the pay.

Mama was distraught but the news was replaced with brighter news when her younger brothers awakened with mage inheritances. She was the eldest, but the natural awakening could be fickle at times.

Regardless, she was happy for the two.

But little that she knew, they didn’t feel the same about her and things started to change. She later learned that awakening could warp the person's personality, but she still couldn’t believe what had happened on the next day.

The small unawakened her was sold to slavery in excuse to pay their family's debt. It was years before she learned that even her good father was cast aside by the other three. He was still working as a guard by the walls but demoted because of his limping leg.

“The world is harsh,” her master had said, “and people are cruel.”

The small her had been abused and almost broken when the master bought her. Her master had said to her as if she had gone through a similar experience.

“I was also almost abandoned when I was awakened,” the master’s words surprised her. “I should have when my spirit came from a world without magic.”

“But Master is a well-known mage!” she protested.

“Yes, that is because I find my own worth, not because some spirit or anyone else gave it to me.”

Her master’s truthful words changed her view of life. The master had even arranged for her own awakening ritual. No one would have spent any coin for their slaves, but not her master.

Thanks to the master, she had awakened as someone who had mastered the [Life Force]. A divergence from the common mage but with equal potential if not more. When she told her, her master agreed with her.

Her use of mana might be limited but her constitution was a lot stronger than any other mage or warrior. Her body was her mightiest weapon through the unique inherited martial art. She could have soared to the heavens, but she had chosen to stay with her master. She would stay until she had repaid the kindness.

Her spirit's pride wouldn’t allow anything less. It was her way of being a martial warrior. Besides, she still has a few thousands of years of lifespan, what would a few tens of years compared to what her master had given to her.

She feared she would have never awakened if not for her master.

“Ling Ling, it’s time to repay your debt,” her master said to her, returning her wandering thoughts.

She had taken the awakened spirit name as her own as she was too disappointed to use her old given name. Ling Ling didn’t want to remember what her family had done to her.

“Is it time to remove the thorn in your life, master?” she said while kneeling. “I’ll be glad to risk my life for it.”

Her master giggled. “No, my sweat Ling Ling, but I will ask you to take care of a man that had the same fate as me.”

“But my fate and debt are with you, Lady Verona, not some random man with an awful fate.”

“An awful fate he might be, but I know it’s your pride as a cultivator who won’t serve an unworthy master, right?”

“I’m sorry, but I can’t win over the powerful pride the spirit in me has,” she admitted with a sigh. “I fear I can’t fulfill this request.”

“I’ve told you how my spirit’s life had ended in an accident."

Ling Ling nodded.

"At that time, a stranger had sacrificed his life trying to save me, but only recently I learned he wasn’t a stranger at all. He is that man. Our fate is intertwined.”

“I still don’t think-”

“Don't be so hasty Ling, but what if I tell you that he had a gift, not like any other. He figured out my blue flame in seconds while I took months, and he has given me this,” Lady Verona opened her palm while smiling mischievously.

A bright green flame erupted from the open palm. It swirled around like it was alive, ready to devour anything and everything. A flame of legend.

The spirit in her called it a demon-devouring flame. It was told that the flame would never extinguish until the target turned to dust or by the master’s will. It was a gift from heaven.

“Congratulations, master, now you are more than capable of challenging him.”

“Yes, but the man you are serving knew an even more powerful flame even if he couldn’t use it himself,” Ling reeled in disbelief. “Your job is to protect his life and serve him however you see fit.”

“Do you want me to use my body to get the information?” She hated it if it was true but she would be willing if it would make her master more powerful.

“No, Ling Ling, please don’t. He will-” Lady Verona sighed. “He might refuse your protection or simply leave if he realizes that was your plan. Promise me that you won’t do such a thing.”

A breath of relief escaped her. “No I won’t, I promise. But what do you mean by serving him as I see fit?”

“Well, exactly as I said. As you see fit,” she emphasized. “The usual maid care would be mostly your assistant’s job.”

“You are sending two, not one, for him?”

“Yes,” she smiled brightly. “This is between us, but he is a secret young master. Great aunty has said it herself. He would be our triumph card over other young masters.”

The discussion ended with Lady Verona’s face turning pink. She hadn’t seen it for the longest time and the warning might be more personal than she thought.

Sleep was no longer a must for her as she rather spent that time meditating and cultivating. She would have the whole night to think about it but still, she feared she couldn’t decide anything until she saw the young man himself.

“I see you have changed your mind?”

“Yes, if this is what it takes to repay my debt.”

“Good,” Lady Verona breathed in relief. “But remember, only help when his life is in real danger. The young man can take care of himself. Well, mostly.”

“Yes, master,” she said. ‘We shall see,’ she continues inside her head.