Spell Jammer physics!!
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One, but this is also an impossibility wrapped in fiction and alternate realities used in a game. Back in the 20th and 21st century there was a game system that had stellar physics that matched what we have here, Dungeons and Dragons, specifically the Spell Jammer campaign setting described what we are seeing here, however this star system is not same as Toril’s star system, it is evident that the barrier at the edge of this system matches the properties of a crystal sphere which all stellar systems exist in.

So, if for some reason we have traversed into a D&D reality than the medieval technology level of this interplanetary civilization would make sense as magic would be a reality of this world.” Said Majel.

We need to read the full rules and all data on D&D, then, which begs why is it in our data base?

That was because some of the Crew played, while hawk was boning you, the rest of his command crew played D&D.

Ugg, I think I’m a virgin, yet this body was used so horribly, did the me of then at least care for him?

Logs says yes, which is why the Linda of than sacrificed herself to save him and the crew.

Well we need to take inventory, check each system, see which works and what doesn’t, to include our jump engines, also we should check our probes left at our start location to ensure we can make the return trip. However, since we have a QT signal here, we need to investigate this as well.