Harry Tetsuya’s Intro
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Yo, Sup, I’m Harry but not Dresden too short, and no good at magic. Some want to call me a Nerd, but honestly, they can’t think their way out of a wet sack. I seem to be fortunate to have some minor superpower, hopefully, I don’t have to register with the Hero’s League That’s not my chosen career path, I am studying computer technology and programming, and hope to one day get a job working in the Video game industry. You could say it’s my true passion, although I have not yet told my two siblings of a different mother. Susan and Vesper. They probably think all I think about is HER. Yes, my heart was stolen by a Girl when I was 13. I can’t remember much, but since I have a ton of pictures with her, and because we shared a lover’s kiss, literally my only memory of her, I can’t get her out of my mind. I think it’s tied to whatever superpower I have since my power is mind-based after all. It’s like she imprinted her will on me when we kissed. Only she never used that bond. I know if she told me to do something, even if I didn’t like it I would do it willingly. I don’t think it can force me to go against my willpower, but it makes me see things in such a way that I would choose her will over mine. As I said, I never tested this, and I can’t remember anything about her besides the pictures and my memory of the kiss.

I wish I could describe her as she is today, as I suspect she is near my age, and well we were 13 at the time. When we kissed, we were both nude, no we didn’t have sex, only a passionate kiss. But during that memory, I remember her every curve and crevasse. After all, she had held my hand on her private spot so I could feel everything. Seriously that memory burned into my mind. She was also the one who used my cellphone to take the picture, it was angled so you could see enough to know it was a kiss of passion and that we were not wearing clothing. Additionally, she was a regular in my pictures up to the day of the kiss, it’s like she was a friend ever since I got that 3rd gen iPhone, up to the kiss. Then she was gone like she never existed with only one burning memory and a bunch of pictures, she was even friends with Susan in the pictures but Susan has no memory of her, and Vesper thinks she’s an imaginary friend that I had a mage create pictures of.  Like I could do that, and why would I give myself a geas. At the same time, I wonder if something happened to her in a magical way that erased her from our memories, if so than her action in with the kiss was intentional to make it so I wouldn’t forget her.