24 – Rusckan village – Mission complete
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24 – Rusckan village – Mission complete

“What is it, human?” The demon asked, his tone mocking. “Have you come to surrender?”

“No, I’ve come with this.” David said.

He took out the gemstone, which now levitated on top of his outstretched hand. As soon as he saw it, the demon’s eyes widened and his breath quickened.

“You came for this, didn’t you?”

“The vein, all of it in one gemstone.” The demon gawked in awe.

David pulled his hand back, retracting the gemstone behind the failing shield.

“Yes. All of it, here. And I’m offering it to you.”

“In exchange for your lives?” The demon asked.

“Of course not. I’m not so stupid as to think the village will survive without that stone. Sparing them will be useless. I’m asking you to spare me.”

“What a selfish request, I like it. But why would I want to spare you?”

“Let me ask you this: there must be someone who sent you here right? You can’t have come all this way, conspiring with the guild master, all alone can you? If that is so, then all you need to do is tell me their name.”

The demon laughed. “Ha! As if I’d let anyone who knew about this gemstone live. So that they could take it from my hands, to keep it themselves? No, no. I am the one you seek, human. I am the responsible for this, and only me.”

David grinned. “Wonderful.” He said, and made the stone disappear in his inventory again.

As it reappeared, it was lodged inside his hand, fused with it.

The power surged outwards, crossing his skin and entering his blood vessels. They burst as the power they were tying to contain was too great, and his mind quickly was flooded with the raw essence of the world itself.

His eyes turned pearly white, then silver dotted with red. His pupils were wide and exuded a golden light, while his whole body convulsed and failed to contain the power, too great.

Pillars of flame covered the whole demon camp. Fire bathed the plains, scorching everything, leaving not even ash and dust behind. Only glass, and molten stone.

The fire like a tidal wave crashed onto the shield, and then retracted under David’s careful control. Not even the leader demon survived.

The stone went back into the inventory, and David died. His whole body dissolved, evaporating in motes of pure, raw energy.

36° Reincarnation.

>Choose target location. Current mission; Silverscale forest.

“Current mission.”


>Mission is respawn type. Complete objective to unlock new area.

Process complete. Namaste, and good luck!

“I did it. I did it!”

A smile crept on his face, after the pain went away, and he knew that there was only one last thing to do before he could deem the mission complete. And in fact, as soon as the gemstone was back in place beneath the crystal, the message appeared.

He stood there, in the chamber, clad in his dark grey suit and his tie.

>Rusckan village completed!

>Mission reward: Wiki integration interface (partial)

>New area unlocked. Transportation in 1 hour.

Prepare for next area. Items will be kept.

“Wiki… integration?”

Wiki integration interface (partial): allows the user to access the wiki, displaying relevant information about various topics and items.
