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For some strange reason that she herself did not know, Atria was in a deep state of weakness, so she could not leave the bed she was in for several days.

For the priest named Flem, the state of Atria was understandable. For him, Atria's body had to get used to this world and this would take some time.

The multiple letters that the priest Flem sent to the high positions of the clergy were taken as the nonsense of a fanatic without credibility. Because of this, Flem believed he understood the reason the gods chose him, he was the only one who could accept the great truth face on their eyes.

To honor the noble task that the gods had entrusted to him, Flem would support Atria as much as so she could play her role as a holy knight.

"Father Flem, do you know someone named Londell of the Order of the Golden Griffin?"as she received a plate of hot food from the priest Flem, Atria finally dared to ask that question.

"It is a family and not a person, the Londells are a family with a long martial tradition and practically all of its members have been part of the Order of the Golden Griffin for generations"Flem had no problem responding to Atria's doubts, he was almost certain that everything was focused on his divine task.

One of the three powers that formed the Assembly that ruled over humans, the Alliance of Knights, was made up of six orders of cavalry, and the Order of the Golden Griffon was the second most powerful order of the Alliance of Knights.

As for the Londells, this family was so deeply rooted in the Order of the Golden Griffon that they had led it multiple times.

Understanding that her enemy was basically the second most powerful order of knights was daunting for Atria. However, remembering all that the Londells had taken from her got rid of that useless feeling.

In order not to waste a single moment, the Flem priest taught Atria to read and write. The girl did not know the mundane languages ​​of mortals.

Since Atria believed that anything could help her on her self-imposed revenge mission, she paid full attention to the teachings of the Flem priest.

As the days passed Atria learned about something she had only heard about, prana.

A power that was given to humanity by the gods to confront demons, that was prana.

However, not all humans possessed prana, only those who descended from or had blood ties to ancestral lineages possessed prana, although occasionally would appear individuals who possessed prana despite apparently having no blood ties to ancestral lineages.

Prana possessed seven ordinary natures and seven abnormal natures; water, fire, wind, earth, light, darkness, and neutral was its ordinary natures.

With people possessing prana the only ones who can deal with high-level demons, the Assembly of Three Powers established seven academies to train the so-called Knights.

Is it possible that the power that this mysterious person gave me is prana?inevitably this question took shape in Atria's mind. That persona told she that he gave her the power to take revenge on those who had taken everything from her, how else could she take revenge on people who could use prana if she were not using prana herself?

Once Atria plucked up the courage to ask the Flem priest whether it was possible for her to possess prana, the priest did not even hesitate to assure her that this had been a fact since the gods had sent her into this world. Atria had already understood part of the beliefs of the Flem. This priest was completely convinced that Atria was some kind of envoy of the gods.

Since Atria herself did not even understand what that person who gave her the name Levi was, she chose not to question Flem about it to avoid trouble for the kindly priest and protect herself, so she chose not to reveal her true origin. If this powerful Londell family knew that they had left someone with life, they would surely try to kill her once more and everyone around her would also be killed.

"I know a Knight stationed in this city, he belongs to the Order of the Red Minotaur, I will ask him to come to verify the nature of your prana"Flem had no doubts that Atria had prana, his only doubt was about the nature class that the Atria prana would have.

A few days after that conversation, Flem entered Atria's room accompanied by a brown-haired man in his thirties, who was showing a carefree expression.

"Atria, this is Derrik Wallen, the current leader of the Breda defense forces"

"It is a pleasure Derrik-sama"a Knight and also the leader of the city's soldiers, Atria showed the corresponding respect.

Derrik gave a deep look to the girl who was lying on the bed. From what Flem had told him, an angel had come down from heaven and left her in the churchyard.

Although he did not consider Flem to be a mad man, Derrik did not believe in Flem's story, he had only agreed to come here as he owed this kind priest a favor.

"Okay, let's get this over with quickly, I have too much work to do and I have to get back to work"Derrik's words didn't seem to match his carefree expression.

Derrik approached Atria and sat down on the edge of the bed.

"I will circulate a little of my prana inside your body, if you really have prana, then it will react to oppose my prana. No need to worry, it won't be painful at all

"I get it"

Observing Atria's expression and cold gaze, Derrik could at least say that this girl did not behave according to her age.

Derrik placed his hand on Atria's head, and she could feel a warm sensation being poured into her body.

From one second to the next, Atria felt a deep coldness emerge from inside her body which it met with that feeling of warmth, and quickly pushed the feeling warmth out of her body.

"This is…!"Derrik pulled his hand away from Atria's head and felt a little numb. "Ice prana"he added this in amazement as he stared at the palm of his hand.

"So it is not light prana, the gods have their own plans"Flem exclaimed this while nodding.

Flem's words helped Derrik return to reality. His carefree expression changed to one of seriousness.

"Girl, what are your parents' names?"

"The only thing I remember before waking up in this place is that a mysterious being gave me my name"Atria had stuck to history.

Derrik narrowed his eyes. This girl was narrating in a simpler way the same story that Flem had told her.

“Do you still distrust this simple servant of the gods? I pray that the gods will not point you because of your unbelief in their designs

Derrik frowned upon hearing Flem exclaim that.

"Regardless of its origin, it is a fact that this girl has prana, and besides an abnormal nature, ice prana"

Hearing that caused Atria shudder, that being had truly empowered her to carry out her revenge.

"Girl, what do you want to do now that you know you have prana?"Derrik knew that asking the girl directly was better than asking that Flem.

"I want to learn how to use my prana"

"For what reason?"

"I have a duty to fulfill"the duty to take revenge, Atria kept this last to herself.

Flem nodded over and over in satisfaction at Atria's response, the holy knight had a duty.

As for Derrik, he could only let out a slight sigh. Was this girl totally influenced by Flem's words? somehow for Derrik didn't seem like that, unlike Flem who showed great fervor on this matter, this girl looked so calm and focused that Derrik couldn't help but wonder if he wasn't talking to an adult instead of a little girl.

"The duty of every person who has prana is to fight demons, so in reality, you have had none another choice"Derrik said this harshly trying to provoke some reaction in the girl, but she however continued to show that cold expression.

"Do not try to teach someone who knows his divine duty"

Derrik almost rolled his eyes at hearing Flem declare that.

“However, the age to enter one academy is fourteen years old. Since you do not have the support of a family of knights, you can only aspire to take the entrance test for the Rainer Academy, and even if you fail, you will not escape your destiny, you will be assigned to one legion as a soldier who possesses pranathe legions were infamous even among ordinary people, armies that were sent out of the cities to exterminate demons to ensure that these did not reach numbers that could pose a greater danger to humanity, so once again Derrik was trying to cause some reaction in Atria.

"I understand"Atria didn't really care about academia or legions, she just wanted to become strong enough to carry out her revenge.

Does this girl understand nothing or is she indifferent to everything?Derrik could not help thinking this when seeing that Atria's expression did not change, she continued showing that calm expression between indifferent and coldto pass the academy exam you need to achieve a certain level of control over your prana, and this is something you won't learn on your own, someone has to train you

"Can you help us with that, Derrik?"

Derrik shook his head at Flem's request.

"I have fire prana, only someone who has water or ice prana can train it"

"I see, the gods are one step ahead as always, if they had given her light prana, only the Luxen would have been able to train her and without a doubt, they would have refused"

Derrik rolled his eyes again as he heard Flem exclaim that.

"Do you know someone who can help us?"

Derrik had already started thinking about this since before Flem asked him that question.

"I only know a person who possesses water prana well enough to ask for their help, however, it is an extravagant person, someone who has been expelled from an Order and now is part of a legion"

Flem narrowed his eyes. Someone who was kicked out of his order doesn't seem trustworthy, however, given his limited connections, he could only trust Derrik.

Surely this is part of the plan of the godsFlem nodded, sure of this thought“Contact that person”

"Are you sure of this?"

"It is the will of the gods"

Derrik let out a very long sigh.

"Okay, but then don't blame me if something strange happens"

"Whatever happens-"

"I know, I know, it will be the will of the gods"Flem nodded satisfied with Derrik's words, in his eyes he was finally understanding the plans of the gods"I will return to my work now, a few days ago we lost several Knights and everyone is too nervous, I can't be away for that long

"I have heard nothing about that, did you send them out of town?"

Derrik narrowed his eyes upon hearing Flem's question.

"They were attacked within the city, in addition, a brothel was also attacked that same night, there was not a single survivor"

After hearing that, Atria tensed, yet forced herself to show no reaction.

"Who could have committed such an act of barbarism?"

"Probably cultists"

"Heretics?"Flem was completely dismayed, the so-called cultists or heretics are twisted people who worshiped demons.

"Haven't you heard or seen anything strange in the past few days?"

"I saw an angel descend"

"I won't add something like that to my report."

After saying that, Derrik left.