Chapter 3
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Chapter 3:

  Waking up from our second night together was a good deal better than the first. This time Sakura Kinomoto had made sure there was at least a floor beneath us, a roof overhead, and an endless array of futons lying side by side on the currently empty wood for us to sleep with together. In truth, I hadn't gotten much sleep, however, and had instead been dreading the break of dawn, as I went over and over in my head what I wanted to say.

  "Okay everyone, gather around. As Mayor I have a major announcement." Now that everyone had had a good night's sleep with a roof over their heads, I felt this was a necessity. God had created such an obviously paradoxical situation there was no way I could cover it up through good acting for long, and if they figured it out on their own while I was still trying to deceive them I could irreparably lose their trust. Only the truth would suffice now.

  "I gather from the conversations so far that each of you thinks I'm your dearly beloved. For instance, Ai recognizes me as 'shishou,' which would be Yaichi from Ryuuou no Oshigoto." I began my explanation with trepidation.

  Ai nodded, not seeing the problem.

  "But it's obviously impossible for me to be both Yaichi from Ryuuou no Oshigoto and Endymion from Sailor Moon. So one or the other of you is wrong, right?" I pointed out the obvious contradiction that must have been bedeviling them up until now.

  "Well the answer is you're all wrong. I'm none of those people, but only a human from Earth named Christopher. I died in a truck accident and my soul rose up to meet God in heaven, where she commiserated with my loss and offered me a new life with any one granted wish to level the scales. The wish I asked for was you. I wanted to marry all of you. For that to happen, to gain your willing participation, God had to transplant your feelings for your most special person onto me, which is the cause of the multiple personality overlay. If that most special person was originally a female, she gave you an alternate memory of having instead had said relationship with me, a male, from the beginning, while still preserving the original memory intact as well, giving you a sort of twice-lived life. The same is true of Wakaba, who is also Akane, and has memories from both lives equally inside of her. Ditto for Sara and Himeno who remember both their London and Hatsunejima lives." I explained. Wakaba nodded, suddenly getting why she could remember growing up in two different places with two different names among two different families with a deep sense of relief.

  "Before you go blaming God for granting such an unreasonable wish, I need to explain something else. All 100 of you were created by God just for this moment, just to be my wives, so at no point was anything taken from you. Originally, you were only characters I fell for in various stories told on Earth, computer code or black squiggles on paper. Your bodies and souls, your memories and personalities and feelings, your talents and abilities, were all hand crafted by God's imagination based on said stories and the prerequisites of my wish, which included the willingness to share, and came into existence whole just two days ago. In a sense, you had nothing to lose, so the life God has given you as my wife can only be a plus for both of us."

  "I have only the deepest admiration for all the men you see me as, so relating to all of you as said figures isn't a problem for me. I'll always try to live up to their example, but remember I'm not actually any of them. I don't have their superhuman abilities, their winning personalities, or even their names. I can only do my best, as Christopher, to make each and every one of you happy in the only way I know how, as myself."

  "If any of you find this hard to swallow, I can easily enough demonstrate my veracity. Louise, you can open up a portal to Earth with void magic, right?" I singled my pink-haired waifu out from the crowd. She nodded gingerly so I gestured her forward.

  Louise walked up next to me and took out her wand, starting a long chant and giving it a try. With a look of pleased surprise, Louise watched as the portal opened up in front of the entire crowd. "Now if you could enter my old place at this address and retrieve all the books you can see, the truth should become readily apparent." I handed her a map.

  Louise nodded and concentrated, the portal shifting its focus to the new location. She then hopped through and came back a few minutes later after rummaging through my stuff. Light novels with her own illustration on the cover as well as manga and game cd covers of many others in the area spilled out of her arms and onto the wooden floor of our newly summoned mansion.

  The girls gathered around as their eyes widened in shock. Leafing through the contents of the pages, events they had thought private and known only to themselves about their lives were displayed for all the world to see.

  "I know all your back stories because I fell in love with your stories. I know you all as well as your most special person knew you back home or better, depending on the story's perspective. These back stories are why I fell for you just as much as they are why you have fallen for me. With these stories as our foundation, I have no doubt our loves can blossom in this new world without losing in the least to what's come before." I prophesied.

  "I'm sorry none of you got to meet God, she was even brusque with me so I guess it couldn't be helped, but surely only a miracle could account for all of you appearing here at once, all from different worlds, all with your powers intact, all able to communicate with each other, and all in love with me. And where there are miracles there must be Gods, so my testament should be just as believable to you as it is to me, the very person who met her." I hoped.

  "If, knowing this, any of you wish to walk away or delete yourselves, there's nothing I can do to stop you. I won't force you into anything. But I would still implore you all to at least give 'us' a try first. We've done well so far, so why not into the future as well? This is a really great collection of people, I guarantee it. With your help, I promise to make all our new lives a Paradise without equal." I solemnly swore. After that all I could do was stand nervously in front of them and await their verdict.

  Teletha looked at the cover of Full Metal Panic!, then back to my face, then back to the books again, unconsciously lifting the tip of her braid to whisk over her lips in contemplation. After that she took a deep breath and looked me in the face. "Even if you tell me you're not actually him, even though I can see your face and the face on the book is different, I can only see you as him. Every memory in my mind and every instinct in my body confirms it. I suppose if it's all true, and God wanted to make sure we loved you to fulfill your wish, this is one feeling that cannot budge. I guess that means I can't help but play into God's hands and love you all the same. Nor do I see any reason to prevent my own happiness. Marrying you was my dream, so why should I have to go out of my way to spoil it myself?"

  A lot of the other girls started nodding and murmuring in agreement as she spoke, until by the end she received a standing ovation.

  "If you thought you could weasel your way out of marrying me and run away again you've got another thing coming." Louise grabbed my arm and glomped herself against it possessively. After Saito pulled the mother of all ditchings by trying to run back home the day after their second wedding night I guess she had rightfully gotten a little paranoid.

  "The white-haired girl speaks for me!" A voice far back in the crowd concurred.

  "Me too! And me! Me!" More voices rang out. It looked like God's method of pairing us up wasn't so fragile or ad hoc after all. I had my doubts but I guess omniscience knew what it was about.

  "In that case, I guess the next order of business is introductions. For instance, the white-haired girl is Teletha Testarossa from Full Metal Panic! Once we've brought all your source works over, it would be helpful if you all read up on each other, but for now I can at least tell you each other's names and the basic outline of your various settings. This may take a while so let's form a queue and I can introduce each of you to the crowd one by one, for everyone who wants to give life here a try."

  In the end all 100 lined up and, with the help of Riko's refreshments, I talked long into the night.

* * *

  After two weeks of Sakura-based construction and manufacturing everyone had been able to move in to their new rooms enjoying modern amenities. Life was at least up to 1950's standards for all. The next step was expanding our residential district into a commercial, civic, recreational and industrial district. My waifus tended to be passionate in the pursuit of jobs or hobbies so there needed to be a space where they could be themselves if I wanted this village to truly approach the standards of 'Paradise.'

  While construction of the power plant and mansion (complete with giant public bath) had been underway, I'd been drawing up a list of what other buildings I felt would be a good addition to town and who should staff them. I ultimately decided on seven structures: A school, a hospital, a City Hall, a public transportation hub complete with emergency dispatchers and repairmen, a studio, a research institute and a tavern.

  City Hall would be staffed by myself in the office of Mayor, Mirajane as my secretary, Kuon as my lieutenant with authority to make any decisions in my absence or she felt beneath my notice, and Sakura Mamiya as my liaison.

  The Public Transportation Hub would employ Mira, Rose, Sophie, Rydia, Yuna, Nayuki, Asa, Lyria and Louise. Lafiel would be their director. The idea here was to use people who liked to move a lot as well as people with magical powers that could move a lot of stuff quickly to whisk people and products not only across town but into the great outdoors that so far belonged entirely to ourselves. Once the farms were set up transportation to the fields and bringing the harvest back into town would be a must. For that matter, including a grain silo at the Public Transportation Hub would be a good idea. As for milling the grain we had plenty of electricity to power a presser, thresher, or whatever Kaname decided was a good idea. Though everyone was feeding off of Riko's power for now, there would be a time they'd like to become more independent, and Riko couldn't be expected to serve everyone forever -- especially if children arrived and the population started swelling yet further.

  Louise had an additional vital role as the only person who could open up portals back to Earth. There we could filch all the artistic works of mankind at leisure and store them in our own library over here. We would of course need some massive computer database storage space for all the material, and it might take a long time for Louise to purchase everything of interest in mankind's artistic legacy (using Appear we could create all the counterfeit money we would ever need, or even legitimately sell gold and precious gems mined on this world to raise the funds), but the important thing was that no knowledge would be lost in our transition from billions of people to just 101. There we could get back all our favorite music, anime, manga, books, visual novels, video games, movies, etc., as needed.

  We had thousands of years to hunt down all the entertainment we wanted to pirate from Earth. The best part was Louise could continue visiting Earth far into the future, so we could receive the newest chapter updates of ongoing series just like everyone else. The worst part about dying was not knowing what happened next in all the stories I was following, and I'm sure a lot of the girls felt the same way, but with Louise's void magic at our sides all worries were gone. Though we could have brought more than information across the world divide, I decided it was better to be self-reliant when it came to physical goods, with an eye towards the future. Paradise was going to be a strictly superior place to live than anywhere we had dwelled before. We couldn't afford to become dependent on others.

  Making use of the services of the Public Transportation Hub would be our Emergency Headquarters. The police, army, firemen and ambulances would work from here. Under Teletha Testarossa's direction, any chance of harm coming to the public would be averted by detective Reina Ryuugu, corporals Fate Testarossa and Nanoha Takamachi, and zombie slayer Mumei (whose thirst for blood had been cured from the outset). Though most of my girls were good people who probably wouldn't resort to crime, there were quite a few of them with fiery tempers, like Louise, Louise, and Louise, so it was important to lay down the law ahead of time.

  We also wouldn't want Rose deciding to assassinate me or a waifu she'd grown to dislike due to vague signs of corruption, Kirino physically abusing everyone she came across, Juvia attacking a love rival, Nadeko becoming a berserk snake god, Aruru importing dangerous wildlife into the middle of town claiming they were her children, Kuon transforming into a dark God, Sailor Moon despairing of the world and attempting to destroy the galaxy, Mikoto vandalizing vendor machines, Haruka Saigusa pulling pranks, Aisia attempting to reform people's mental states to her liking, or Rin Tohsaka suddenly beginning a battle royale in order to reach the Akashic Records.

  Actually, when you came to think of it, aren't my wives way disproportionately leaning towards the criminal inclination? Wasn't crime supposed to be a bottom 1% kind of thing? They were all good people, but, yeah, I think Emergency Headquarters is going to be a must. . .

  Plus there was still the risk of the world being populated by goblins, ogres, trolls or Evil Empires right across the horizon. Either way wolves and bears couldn't be allowed to roam into town and start gobbling up helpless children unchallenged. It was an isekai, so perhaps it was even slated for a 'load test' or alien invasion. It would have been nice if God had given me more of a rundown on the local situation, but I guess she'd already given us enough to deal with whatever problems might emerge.

  Cure Magical and Cure Flora would also be based out of the Public Transportation Hub. From there they could be whisked across town to provide any grounds maintenance necessary to keep things looking nice. Cure Flora would be in charge of beautification and Cure Magical with the mundane tasks of mowing, hedging, clipping, cleaning gutters, sweeping the floors, road building and maintenance, etc. -- all of course with the magic of Cure Up, RaPaPa. This way no one would have to break their backs doing repetitive, mindless, boring work, but everything would still look great as you walked across town.

  Working alongside the grounds maintenance crew would be Isara, Haruka Saigusa and Lisanna. Isara and Haruka were good with repairs so would be the town's handymen, and Lisanna was a natural fit for fixing roofing tiles. Though I'm sure Riko or Sakura Kinomoto would be better at these tasks, according to David Ricardo's theory of comparative advantage, it was better to leave tasks that could be done by other people to other people, and reserve your most powerful people for the tasks only they could do.

  The hospital would employ a ridiculous number of healers, since many of my wives tended to specialize in the field. Leafa and Leia would be the nurses due to their good bedside manners. Cheria, Sherria, Rosa, Eruru, Wendy, Sakura Haruno, Orihime Inoue, Rin Nohara and Elize would be the medical practitioners. Rinoa would be their director. 12% of the population employed in taking care of people's health sounded inordinate, but when you thought about it 20% of GDP on Earth was already dedicated to medicine, so this was actually skimping. Obviously not everyone would be working all hours, so you needed the nurses and doctors to be able to work in shifts. There had to be 24 hour medical care because I wasn't about to lose an eternal youthed waifu with an expected lifespan of 1,000's of years to a dumb preventable accident if only they had been gotten to in time. Zoro's girl, Quina, had died from tripping in a storage shed and hitting her head on the ground. I wasn't about to let such a tragedy occur to one of my chosen beloveds if I had the chance to stop it.

  Plus, there would be a lot of need in the future for maternity wards and healing scraped up or sickly children. Especially when you got down to grandchildren and the necessary reality of incestuous interbreeding, a magical healing station to remove all the resulting deformities and harmful mutations would be a must. There was no guarantee any of our descendants would have magical powers so the doctor to patient ratio would only increase from here on.

  Presuming there were other people on the planet, our hospital could become a major export good for trading purposes. All the world's sick would be lining up outside our doors asking for aid, which would mean all the world's riches would be laid at our door in payment. There didn't seem to be much sign of this eventuality coming up though. At least for the nonce. It would be nice to trade magical healing powers for manufactured goods, though. What our town really lacked was manufacturing capacity for life's random daily goods. No one thought about needing a clock until they realized they didn't have one.

  The mansion would employ its own set of caretakers. It was a huge place which could by no means look after itself. Chtolly, Sora and Mikan would see to the daily chores like cooking, cleaning, sewing, laundry, decorating, serving dinner, calling in people for repairs, putting out the trash, or whatever. Myusel was to be my personal maid who would attend to all my needs while at home. She could also use her magic to expedite the cleaning process in such a gigantic palace. Girls with dusters weren't going to cut it. Nekone would be in charge and take care of the finances. At some point a money economy would have to be introduced, though the all for one, one for all spirit of a united family kept such issues to a minimum for now. But even with everyone willing to contribute each according to their ability, and receive each according to their need, it was important to have a hard-headed person strive to efficiently prioritize the projects that worked best and shelve the ones that weren't working.

  Wherever there was scarcity, there was need of economy, and Nekone could be trusted to make sure the mansion was allocating people's consumption rationally. As powerful as my wives collectively were, there were still scarcities of labor and goods that had to be worked around.

  Lucy was in charge of the sewers. Good luck Lucy!

  The studio was for the artistic among us. They needed a place to concentrate and work on their craft, even if it was just a hobby, and a place to collaborate with each other for larger projects. I was a deep admirer of creators so there was a healthy group of wives of this bent. Cure Egret would draw, Aoba design games, Sagiri illustrate, Elf (Emily) write, Miu be our town's fashion designer, Sae Nakata tailor, Nadeko our manga-ka, Kirino write and model, Cure Lemonade and Mylene sing and act, Nico sing and dance, and lastly Azusa and Yui would sing and play the guitar. Koko Tsukishima could accompany them on bass when they were ready to perform. Sadly no one wanted to be on drum. We could have a computer synthesize that portion of the performance when it came to that. Just as soon as we managed to manufacture some computers. Yukino Ouhama, an avid otaku who enjoyed all these sorts of activities, would be their editor and director to make sure their time was being well spent and would lead to entertainment for the whole community.

  The tavern was a place to go and relax, enjoy each other's company, and be served a pleasant variety of food and drink by experts in hospitality. It would be the watering hole, the gathering spot for everyone after work and before bed who didn't necessarily want to just hole up in their own bedroom. Especially since we lacked television or internet, the tavern was the place to be. Luckily everyone was so beautiful and wonderful that simply chatting with each other was not a bad option in the least. And the fact that everyone was conditioned to get along with each other and love the same certain someone made community organizing all the easier.

  Outside the tavern would be a flower stall manned by Aerith. She would offer everyone coming towards the door a hand picked flower for them for a trifle. Since Cure Flora would be growing all sorts of flowers all across town, it should be easy for a florist to keep a good daily selection around for all the customers. She would also be called upon for big events and parties. Though at least all the weddings had already been covered.

  Yuuhi Katagiri would be the owner. She would handle the backdoors stuff of keeping the place well stocked, handling complaints, keeping accounts, manning the register (once money became a thing), and solving conflicts between the staff.

  Tifa would be the bartender, serving both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks and being ready to listen to anything the customers wanted to say. Nagisa and Akane would be the waitresses taking the orders and delivering the food, also ready to listen to anyone. Kobeni and Asuna would be the cooks preparing the meals in the kitchen.

  It wasn't a large place that could accommodate masses of simultaneous orders, so people would have to visit in moderation. If the line was too long they would have to give up, and it wouldn't even be open all days of the week. But it was a nice alternative to meals at the mansion that were generally self-prepared and simplistic. That is, if we ever got our farming online and weren't merely having meals-ready-to-eat via Riko.

  The counterpart to a tavern were the people tasked with food production. Lucy would dig whatever irrigation network was necessary. Rin Natsume was tasked with fishing the nearby lakes and streams, Makina had been provided a sniper rifle and utility knife via dark matter for the purposes of hunting and butchering game, and Kagome had been given a bow and arrow plus knife to do the same. With only 101 people, it should be possible to hunt the nearby forest without completely exhausting it, but if it became too big a burden the hunters could be given a taxi out on the back of a summoned monster to the furthest reaches of the world and still come back by nightfall with their prizes.

  Since there was electricity there was of course the capacity for refrigeration, but ideally everyone would eat the meat and fish fresh cooked as it came in.

  Farming was up to Kotori and Deedlit. Once Kotori found a power spot in the forest (God had guaranteed everyone's powers would work in the new world so there had to be one), she could get to mass manufacturing golems. These would be used to plant, weed, and harvest the crops. The harvest could be brought back by summoned monsters en masse and then distributed across town between the mansion, the grain silo and the tavern. Deedlit would use her undine spirits to water the crops and sylphs to spread the fertilizer. Between their helpers, Kotori and Deedlit would be able to raise an indefinite amount of food while comfortably directing traffic from a distance.

  Land would have to be cleared for nice square miles of farmland to emerge. A few blasts of Bahamut's megaflare should do the trick. Or Shana could burn everything down with fire. Sakura Haruno could uproot the remaining stumps and boulders with raw power, and then we'd be ready to till. Every conceivable delicacy would need to be planted, so that we wouldn't lose to Earth's cuisine. It wasn't so much the raw amount of food that would be hard to get but the vast variety. There were hundreds if not thousands of tasty plants out there. It would be too much hassle to selectively breed the wildlife in this isekai so Sakura Kinomoto would just have to make the first seeds Appear with magic.

  Mikoto, Mitsuki and Iris were on computer detail. Mikoto would provide the blueprints for the chips, having an innate understanding of that microverse, and Mitsuki would dark matter all the necessary components into existence, with Iris lending her power to the flow. Virtually everyone needed a computer for a variety of tasks. After that they could use Mikoto's mysterious understanding of computers to string up an internet between all the devices. Then everyone would need their own smartphones, tablets or whatever. In any case, they were our electronics manufacturers. They were parked in a section of the Research Institute.

  Sailor Moon would use the Silver Crystal to provide power to the power plant, or Shana would boil some water, depending on whose day it was to do the task. Juvia was in charge of the city's waterworks. A big silo housing the town's water supply stood at the top of every building, including the steam turbine, and pipes allowed it to trickle down to wherever it was needed from there. It was Juvia's responsibility to keep all the silos full. Hot water was held in a smaller section of each tank, heated by power from the power plant and ready for use throughout the day.

  A few girls greatly enjoyed living in the outdoors and the climate was fine so it was fine for them to spend all day playing outside if they liked. Aruru, Misuzu, and Kokona were tasked with making hiking trails through the woods, around the lakes and up the mountains, build some park benches for people to sit and enjoy the views, set up signs as guides and take people on tours when asked. Our parks, recreation and tourism guides could also wander off trail in search of new mysterious species, honey, flowers or pets as they saw fit.

  The Research Institute housed our native scientists and magicians intent on furthering their fell arts. Yoru would of course make gliders, but her genius IQ would be useful collaborating with anyone else there. Rin Tohsaka would continue the path of gemcraft, Sara her enhancement glyphs, Levy her magical artifacts and algorithms, MOMO as a research subject for artificial life and intelligence, Kaname with her whispered expertise, Honoka with her everyday useful inventions, and Kudryavka for our space program. Overseeing our science and magic research would be Mavis, the genius prodigy and tactician who would make sure things progressed in an efficient direction.

  Earth had a bad habit of spending lots on research and employing a lot of people but never really getting anywhere. Just a few talented and powerful waifus dedicated to the task should see a much higher return. Our little village would overtake Earth soon enough and leave it in the dust. Isekai weren't necessarily more primitive than the original, they only started that way. Without any copyright laws, environmental lawsuits, licensing requirements or ethics investigations, science and magic could proceed here without interference. Basically without lawyers it was easy to reach a magitek paradise. Nevermind the amazing skills of my handpicked wives, anyone could have done it if they weren't immediately sued over every little thing.

  For people incapable of learning and progressing the arcane arts, there was the more down to Earth school. Here we would be sure to preserve our history and culture, our basic skills and moral lessons. Cure Dream was the school's one and only teacher and Sakura Yoshino our one and only principal.

  Sakura Yoshino had been allowed to plant a giant grove of never wilting cherry trees to surround the school, but she was expressly forbidden from turning it into a wish granting machine. They were more similar to the older model found in London than the problematic version found on Hatsunejima. When it came to school yards, it didn't feel right if there weren't endless cherry blossoms floating on the breeze. This was a sight all children should grow up beside.

  The students, who had no pressing job skills or special genius talents, were Silica (Keiko), Kobato, Nemu, Yume, Himeno, Aisia, Koko, Sayaka, Illyasviel, Menma, Chiwa and Ai. Even among these were swordswomen, magicians, trained nurses and shogi stars, but comparatively it seemed like they'd be better off enjoying the school life than anywhere else. 'Student' was also officially Sakura Kinomoto's job, though she was usually busy elsewhere. Lots of other girls were constantly dropping in to class or flitting back out again, like the various Pretty Cures, Shana, Sailor Moon, the artist group, Isara, Haruka Saigusa, Rin Natsume, Kudryavka, Makina, Reina, etc. Virtually everyone was technically a school girl who regularly attended class in their origin, but there were no truancy laws here so people only attended when they felt like it and had nothing better to do.

  Everyone had a place to engage themselves and use their time fruitfully. Obviously I wanted to spend most of my time flirting with my wives, doing ecchi things to them, and watching my kids grow up around them, but even I could only spend so much time on such pursuits before burning out and wanting a change of pace. How much moreso for girls who would only be spending that kind of time with me 100th as often? Wives and mothers were a dandy pastime, but the intellectual and hardworking parts of the brain needed exercising too, or we wouldn't be living up to our full potential, and never getting to really apply yourself at what you did best would hardly do for a village named 'Paradise.'

  Besides, a lot of this work simply needed to be done.