26 – Wolf Princess
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26 - Wolf Princess


Reir: "EEEEEekk!"

The wolfkin shrieked as Eve carried her through the forest. hopping past trees and other obstacles as she ran northward. Eve had figured it would be easier to carry Reir instead of walking as that would take several days. Already Eve could see the scenery changing from the grassy and rocky thunder plains to the scattered cold evergreen forest of the Bismuth.

Eve: "It's not that bad! Please calm down a bit!"

Reir: "We are going to crash!!! AH! noooo.... we need to stop." *hurk*

Eve: "Ah... Ok! we will stop, just don't throw up!"

Eve comes to a stop setting the weary wolfkin down from her princess carry she was in and lets her catch her breath while holding onto a tree. Reir manages to calm down and hold onto her breakfast while Eve pats her back.

Eve: "There there... feeling better?

Eve frowned, she was not looking forward to spending days traveling around the Bismuth looking for the girl's home.

Reir: "ha...ha... j-just give me a minuet of rest..."

Eve: "Perhaps we could try this again in small hops?"

Reir practically collapses to her knees for a bit by the tree and Eve bends over to help her back up.

Eve: "lets get you back to your feet you can lean against me."


Eve glances up and sees a wolfkin girl attempting to ambush her from a tree with a leaping kick. In Eve's super heightened reflexes she is able to piece together the person's face to a memory in her head she had taken from Reir. Eve gave a smile before blocking the kick with her forearm and launching the girl in the air. She then catches the girl in a princess carry much like the way she had her sister before. Indeed this new girl is Reir's older sister named Pinie.

Reir: "Ah. wait! that's my sis..."

Pinie: "Let my sister go you- you kidnaping human!"

Eve sets the girl down on the ground and is about to speak when.

????: "Ha! look at this! the mighty princess Pinie cant handle a weak human!"

From the forest emerge 6 male wolfkin in an assortment of different savage outfits comprised of leather and straps. The one in the middle who spoke is clearly the leader and has a bit of a self-important gait to his walk.

????: "If you consider becoming my mate I could help you take care of..."

Eve removes her hood giving a "are you serious" look to the wolfkin leader effectively stoping his weird delusions.

Eve turns to the new wolf princess and asks her.

Eve: "Friends of yours?"

Pinie is clearly surprised by not only the person who she thought was a human turned out to be female and also beastkin does not really know how to respond to the situation.

????: "Whats one of the Cat clan doing in wolf territory?"

Eve: "Returning a lost child?"

Reir: "Hey..."

Pinie eases up hearing the response from Eve, but is still cautious. The cat clan tend to be overly playful but usually don't cause too much harm in their jokes and mischief.

????: "Huh? is that so? well then since you helped save my soon to be mates sister, how about you be my mate too!"

Reir's face darkens a bit at this but hides it from Pinie, however the reaction could not escape from Eve's notice.

(Eve: "Wonder what's the story behind that? does she just have a thing for bad boys or something?")

Pinie: "Go back to the black wolf clan Karl! I need to talk with my sister and her savior."

The wolfkin who's name is now identified as Karl has his face turn red at being brushed off. 

Karl: "You! Why cant yo..."

Eve: "Hey! The girl just got her sister back! Be a bit respectful and give them a moment alone!"

Karl: "You cant talk to..."


Karl felt something strike his nose. He quickly closes his eyes from the feeling and holds his nose with his hand. After opening his eyes all he sees is the 3 girls promptly ignoring him.

Karl: "Hey yo..."

As Karl shouts again Eve turns around.


Once again Karl feels a sting to his nose and somehow the impact sends him to his back even though it gave him no real harm. He did not even hit the ground that hard it was simply a sharp sting to his nose and he was on the ground. Karl looked over to his companions who were just as confused as he was.

Eve: "Shh..."

Only sign that Eve did anything was her finger to her lips with a smile and a wink in her eye as she hushed the group.

New Characters! WOOO! yay!