Lesson Three Chapter Twenty – A Stupid Demon Is A Useful Thing To Have (2)
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“Now listen, do you know the secret to getting people to tell you stuff? Go ahead, tell me.” Mammon gave me a long look and I thought to myself for a while. What would make people tell me what I want no matter what…?


 “Money?” I mean money does usually help out in many situations where you need to get information on important things. It won’t always work but it is always a guarantee for most situations as well.


 “EXACTLY! Now THAT’S what I’m talkin’ about! I guess you DO get it! If ya wanna pry valuable information outta someone, you’ve got to offer ‘em proper compensation!” Mammon crossed his arms, nodding his head satisfied with my answer but it disappeared as he started to realize something.


 “Wait a second… Uh-oh, I know what this is about! You tried to climb those stairs, but Lucifer stopped you, right? That’s totally it, isn’t it? Well, then there’s something you really need to get straight now. If you think you can just offer Mammon here a little bit of money and he’ll spill the beans, you’re dead wrong. I mean, pretend I told you somethin’ I shouldn’t. Lucifer would beat me half to death. Actually, I’d be lucky if that’s all he did. If I WEREN’T lucky, he’d have me eliminated. It’d take a good two hundred million years to recover from that. Still, if you’re bound and determined to buy this information off of me… Then you’ll have to offer me, let’s see… How about the monetary equivalent of the world’s total oil production? Two hundred million years’ worth. That might do it.” Mammon wrote on a paper that he took out of his school uniform pocket and circled the amount of money he wanted if I wanted the information from him. I look at it blankly and look at the smug smile on his face.


 “In other words, I ain’t gonna tell ya. Is that clear enough for ya, blockhead?” Mammon flicks me on my forehead and I flinch at the small pain that appears on my forehead. I cover my forehead with my hands and frown at the smirking Mammon.


 “Huh. Afraid of Lucifer, are you?” I realize that if I wanted to get the information I wanted  I had to play into Mammon's negative parts of his personality. I don’t enjoy doing this to anyone but I need to go upstairs and figure out who is calling out to me so that I can finally sleep in peace.


 “WHAT?! Whoa, what’d you just say? You think I’M actually afraid of Lucifer?! Me, the Avatar of Greed? You’ve gotta be kidding! I’m not the least bit afraid of him, got it? Not even a little!” Mammon denied that rather angrily and I knew I was going in the right direction. I just had to keep pushing and I will get things going in the way I want.


 “Be honest, though. You’re scared, aren’t you?” I held my hand up to my mouth and let out a small laugh, looking at him with amused eyes. Mammon's expression grew even angrier and looked like he was going to explode at any moment now.


 “I told you, I’m not! I mean, that’s crazy! Listen now, most of the time, I don’t let people see the full extent of my power! What I’m sayin’ is that even if I did face off against someone like Lucifer, I wouldn’t even have to use all my strength to win! Understand?!” Mammon's emotions were out of control and I knew the moment was right for me to ask him anything. He wasn’t thinking clearly at the moment.


 “Then tell me what’s up those stairs.” I had a smirk on my face as I stared down the pissed off Mammon. Mammon slammed his hand onto the table and glared at me hard and I knew he was going to tell me something worth my efforts.


 “All right, fine! I will! You can’t get up the stairs because Lucifer’s blocking the way, right?! You need to do somethin’ to get rid of him, right?! Well, guess what? Distracting Lucifer is easy as pie! Listen up, ‘cause I’m only gonna say this once, so, clean the wax outta your ears for a change and pay attention! You know that series Levi likes? What was it called… um, The Tale of the Seven… Seven… Seven Ways to Get Rich Quick… wait, no. That’s the book I was readin’ the other day.” I felt my eye twitch a bit at how he wasn’t even trying to get it right. I don’t know if it's the otaku in me but I felt rather offended by this.


 “The Tale of the Seven Lords.” I just told him that with a slightly annoyed tone and Mammon hit his fist in his hand, finally remembering the name as well. The name wasn’t hard, it was rather simple, way more simple than the title of the book he was reading yesterday.


 “Right, yeah. That’s the one. Anyway, you need to get your hands on a vinyl edition copy of the soundtrack for that Tale of the Seven whatsawhosit. If you have that, you can use it to distract Lucifer no problem!” Mammon looked rather proud at what he just told me and I was questioning how he became the Avatar of Greed. It was so easy to get information outta him.  


 “Why does the vinyl edition copy of the soundtrack for Tale of the Seven Lords distract him?” Was Lucifer also a fan of the series? He must be a hidden otaku! This is just like in that anime, I May Be A Serious Student Counselor President  But I Am Also A Hardcore Otaku As Well!, I wonder if he has hidden otaku objects in his room…


“Don’t ask why, ‘cause I’ve got no idea why Lucifer’s interested in somethin’ like that either. But if you wanna climb those stairs, you’re gonna have to start by gettin’ your hands on that soundtrack.” Mammon waved off my question and I realized this was something I would probably figure by myself later on.


 “Help me do it.” I really couldn’t do this by myself. I am just a human and an exchange student. Also, me and Levi aren’t friends, we just help each other out because of common interest we needed to get done. 


 “Wha? I don’t understand. Why should I help you? If ya want that soundtrack, then go find Levi and work it out with him yourself, dummy. Well, time for me to go. As much as I hate goin’ to class, I don’t have much of a-” Mammon tried to leave but I quickly got up from my seat and held up the hand where the pact form. The pact appeared on my skin briefly, shining a bit.


 “Mammon… come!” Mammon's body quickly stopped trying to leave and came to me in a robot-like manner. I had a small smirk on my face as Mammon tried to force his body from going in my direction.  


 “HEY! Wh-What’s goin’ on?! Dammit, my body… it’s movin’ on its own! Grrr…! F-Fine, all right! I’ll go with you, okay?! It feels like you’ve got some kinda invisible cord tied around my neck ...Aaah, stop pullin’ on it! …. I said stoooooop!” Mammon was struggling to escape from the hold I had over him but I just continued to pull him to follow after me and head to Levi's room.


 ‘Yep, this is a really useful thing to have at the moment.  This may be something I may get into if I keep doing it but that's okay.’ I was humming lightly to myself as I ignored Mammon loud complaining behind me.

Well... I finally update after a long time but it on me. I was too busy with my part-time job that I didn't have time to write since it would mean I would be fucking up my sleep schedule. Since today is my last day working I will probably have a chapter up on Sunday if not then it will be Thursday. Well that it for now. Bye-bye for now and I hope to see you again (*●⁰ꈊ⁰●)ノ~☆