Vol.2 Ch.58
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Chapter 58

8 months, 1 week, 4 days pregnant.

“Is all this really necessary?” Amaya grumbles lowly from the corner of her mouth.

Livia takes a delicate sip of her tea before placing down the cup on its saucer without making a sound. It was absolutely disgusting and left a bitter aftertaste in her mouth. Of course, her face does not show her displeasure but she sure as hell will be not taking another sip.

“I mean, seriously. How many times are they going to change the color of the curtains in this room? Or move around those stupid roses? What difference will it make?” Amaya continues to complain, glaring as one maid proceeds to grab a vase of roses and move it to the other end of the drawing-room only for a butler to come in and return it back to its original place.

Livia hums in absent agreement. She takes in the hustle and bustle of the maids and butlers running about as they clean and decorates as if their lives depended on it. They were preparing for the arrival of their lord, her father.

Currently, they were back in the main house of the Valentine estate. Just as it had been days before, her grandmother, Lady Giselle, had summoned her. Although, unlike last time, today's summon had come with a dress along with an insolent note that had strict instructions on how Livia was to be presented for the day.

She supposes she should have made a better effort to not seem so docile and expressionless when she had met her grandmother. It seems Lady Giselle was still of the impression that her granddaughter was an actual doll that could be dressed up however the countess pleased.

If she wasn’t so damn tired and in more of a mood to make a scene, Livia would have spit on the note, crumpled it up, and threw it in the trash without a second thought. However, in the end, she has decided to continue on the thoughtless path she had put herself on. Her resting bitch face took no effort to maintain after all.

It was better to let them think that she was still a puppet on the string than making a ruckus before all the cards have been revealed.

It was safer.

Livia knew it was only a matter of hours now. Her father was to return this afternoon. Soon it would be revealed as to why matriarchs of her family had been so adamant as of late in reaching out to others through letters. No doubt some favors have been exchanged or cashed in.

Waiting in the drawing-room with one cushion under has ass and another shoved behind her back for support, Livia was all too aware of the stiff burgundy dress Beth stuffed her in. Certainly, it wasn’t too hideous. It was elegant with its delicate lace that hugged her neck and arms and open diamondback. The solid material of the skirt wasn’t too heavy either.

It could never be said that Countess Giselle had no taste. However, if given the choice that had been plucked out of her hands, Livia would have preferred to wear a dress that was less restrictive. And one that was at least two sizes bigger.

Inside the estate, the air was cool and stale, but Livia could already feel small beads of water forming on her forehead. What wonderful timing it was to be in the middle of a hot flash. Despite the weather promoting wearing something cooling even in the season of fall, she was not permitted because of the scars on her arms.

It was inappropriate that a lady of her standing was so blemished. Or so it was said. At least the sleeves were not solid and were made of lace. It was small consolation and did little to soothe her growing discomfort.

Despite her outward cool appearance, Livia could not help but feel a dawning sense of trepidation. The feeling was dangerously familiar to the same one she had felt during her trial.

“Do you need anything, Lady Livia?” Amaya asks her politely, pulling her out of her thoughts. During the minutes Livia had spent in her own mind, the maid has firmly placed her persona of professionalism on. She stands straight just to the left of Livia, keeping a muted survey of the drawing-room despite broadcasting otherwise.

“No, not at this moment,” Livia replies back stoically and shifts heavily in her seat. She pats absently at her stomach, marveling at how long her son was sleeping while also wondering how much longer she needed to wait.

Livia could sense some petty game being played. She had made the countess wait for her and so in return she was made to wait. Too bad she was not the type to get hung up on such things. Sure, OG Livia would have been stewing and muttering by now as it has already been two hours, but she was fine with the silence.

Her gaze draws to the window and the endless blue beyond it. What a pretty day it was. How unfortunate that it has already turned a bit sour even before it had begun.

“Well, if it isn’t my little niece.”

Speaking of sour.

Livia doesn’t stand up to greet her aunt despite it being customary to do so. As an unwedded and younger heiress, she was supposed to always defer to those older than herself.

“Lady Greta,” She greets with an incline of her head.

“Hmph, I see your manners are as poor as ever,” Lady Greta says as she walks further into the room, “I hope you haven’t been waiting too long?” She asks, with a smug curl of her mouth, “You know how busy things have gotten around her. Time seemed to have just slipped away. Your mother and grandmother will also be here shortly.”

“Not at all,” Livia replies simply, barely blinking.

Lady Greta scowls at the lukewarm response. Her pale, grey eyes then fall to Amaya, “This is another face I have not seen,” she notes.

“This is Miss Amaya,” Livia introduces, “She is my personal maid.”

Amaya curtsy is short and to the point, before she straightens again and acknowledges the countess with a simple, “My lady.”

“Hmph,” Lady Greta scoffs again but she does move and take a seat. On her neck and ears gleamed gold and diamonds. She wore a rather extravagant dress for the simple occasion which was a mute green and matched her eyeshadow. Her lips were painted a bright innocent pink while her shallow cheeks had been brushed with rouge.

Lady Greta seemed ready to stalk into a ball rather than just walk outside to greet the duke upon his return.

Livia took careful account of this as Lady Greta begins to brag about the tea she had brought on her trip with her husband.

“Have you a taste of it at all?” Lady Greta tuts, staring at Livia’s full cup, “Maid, go warm up the tea,” she says, directing the order to Amaya.

“There is no need for that,” Livia says readily, cutting through the beginning of bullshit before it starts, “I already had a sip.”

“And?” Lady Greta prompts, raising a pale, nearly nonexistent brow.

Livia smiles blandly, “It seems my palate has changed during my pregnancy as I did not find it of any interest.”

Lady Greta's eyes darts down to Livia's stomach then up as her lips curl up further. This time in disgust.

“That’s right, your...pregnancy,” She sneers, “To think I almost managed to forget about the great shame you bring upon this family for a single second.”

The countess suddenly leans forward and lowers her voice in a hiss, “You have lost all your sense of duty, and quite possibly, your mind. To think you would dare show your face in such a state. To think you would be so foolish to lose the only thing you have of value and humiliate us all further by letting that bastard spawn grow so noticeably.

Have you no guilt at all? For all that, your actions have cost us! If only you had the good sense of mind to get rid of it. If so, maybe then I would have actually believed this situation is as salvageable as my mother seems to think. But then again, if you had good enough sense to do so, then none of this would even matter.”

Rarely has Livia ever thought it was a good thing that she has lost her magic.

Such as now.

A part of her knows it is just hot air falling from those thin lips, that she should just let it roll off her back and not give a damn or any power to them. But actually, doing so was much harder than simply saying or thinking it. Especially when her vision was drenched in red and fury burned her lungs.

Lady Greta leans back in ensuring silence, looking disturbingly triumph, “What is this? To think my mouthy niece has finally learned to hold her tongue.”

Throwing a butter knife into a family member's vulnerable eye socket was probably against the law, right? Livia needs to remember that. Really, she was going to put down the knife at any moment. Never mind the fact she doesn’t even remember when she picked it up.

“Oh, Lady Livia, are you hungry?” Amaya suddenly asks, popping up next to her elbow, “It has been a long time since breakfast, hasn’t it? I think a snack is in order.”

Lady Greta straightens up at this, a mean smile on her face as her mouth flaps open.

“Yup, time to eat,” Amaya says through a forcefully cheerful smile, turning her back to the countess, “Come on. I’m sure Miss Beth has already prepared something.”

Livia lets her be pulled to her feet, not dropping the butter knife despite Amaya's pointed look.

“I do not think now is the time to fill up that belly of yours. I mean, any more than it already is. Your mother and grandmother should be here soon. You should sit and wait like an obedient daughter,” Lady Greta says, staring at them both scornfully.

“I do not think I give two shits about any of that,” Livia replies, brutally honest and finally finding her voice.


Looks like the anger won out.

“Excuse you!?” Lady Greta gasps. Her shock quickly turns to anger as she stands, “How dare you speak to me with such crude language!”

Do you hear that?

It was the sound of her carefully crafted mask sliding off once again and shattering to a million pieces. You would think she would have learned by now. Too bad old habits might as well be fucking immortal because they never fucking die.

Once more, she is faced with the damning conclusion that playing a certain part, sticking to refinery and elegance was just not her.

Livia could not do it.

So, why did she even try?


Because it was easier. Safer.

“You have insulted me for the last time, girl!” Lady Greta hisses, suddenly before her and red in the face. Her hand was raised, but it might as well be in slow motion as Amaya and the royal guards move much quicker.

Before the countess could even swing, her wrist is captured by a guard, and Livia is pulled back. Hidden from view, Amaya calmly but forcefully removes the butter knife Livia was about to stab her aunt with and secrets it in her uniform.

“Calm down,” Amaya whispers to her, “You shouldn’t waste your energy.”

Livia says nothing as she makes a conscious effort to relax her shoulders.

“What is going on here?”

That wasn’t really the voice she was expecting to hear. Her head snaps to the entrance of the drawing-room. Before she could register the face of her little sister, Liliana reappears by her side.

“What happened? Are you alright?” Liliana asks frantically as she grabs her older sisters' shoulders without thinking, her red eyes checking her over for any injuries. The last time she had heard such a commotion...

Livia is too shock to reply right away.

“Let go of me! How dare you put your hands on a lady!” Lady Greta was screaming, struggling in the royal guard hold.

“Everything is fine, Lady Livia is unhurt. It was just a small disturbance,” Amaya replies to Livia, “In fact, we were just about to get some snacks.”

Liliana blinks owlishly at them, “Snacks?”

“Yup,” Amaya says cheerfully, popping the ‘p’ as she loops her arms through both of the sisters.

“I’m sure whatever was cause for this summon can wait,” The maid says as she escorts the lady and misses out the room. “The lord will not be here for hours yet, in the meantime, I think we all should talk a bit, yes?”

Livia blinks owlishly, perfectly copying Liliana before, “Talk?”

Amaya tightens her hold around the sisters' arms when she feels them both tense up, not letting them escape even if they had wanted to as she replies with another cheerful, “Yup!”


“How long before the duke's return?” Beth asks in a whisper.

Sen shrugs, “An hour, maybe two?” He guesses, keeping his voice equally low.

“Have you noticed how strange it all is?” Beth whispers back.

Sen snorts, “Yeah. I have noticed.”

By which he means, beyond just the usual preparations for their lord's return, it seems the servants around them are bustling with a new sort of buzz and excitement. Like a disturbed ant pile, they have been crawling about everywhere. Even in places that most servants of the household do not normally go.

For example, the neglected and long-abandoned north wing. Though, calling it a wing of the Valentine estate is laughable as it isn’t even connected to the main house like the east, south and west are.

On top of that, was how all the other employees of the estate were going out of their way to keep their other activities hidden from them. As if that was even possible, to begin with.

“The west wing ballroom was opened up just yesterday,” Beth says.

Sen hums, “So was the south.”

“The small one or the big one?” Beth asks.

“Small one.”

Amaya turns away from the two sisters sitting at opposite ends of the table in the garden and shakes her head, “You two, is this really the place to be talking about this?”

Beth blushes a bit while Sen only yawns.

Amaya turns back and crosses her arms in annoyance, “It has already been five minutes. How long are they going to keep this up?”

“Maybe you shouldn’t have forced the issue,” Sen says.

Amaya waves her hand, “Oh please, if I didn’t these two stubborn birds would have never gotten anything done. If anything, you should be thanking me.”

Beth just sighs, “I just don’t think today of all days is the best time for this.”

“Eh, better late than never,” Amaya says, shrugging.

Beth just sighs again.

“Oh shit, something is happening.”

Beth perks up.

Amaya was right.

Liliana was pink in the face, but her ruby eyes had a steel-like determination in them as her mouth moved. Slowly, as she continued to talk, the closed-off body language of Livia on the opposite end of the table gradually receded.

“Damn, I can’t hear this far,” Amaya says and turns to Sen, “What are they saying?”

Beth turns to Sen too, a bit surprised when she asks, “You can hear them?”

Sen's yellow eyes flicker over to her before they fall on the two sisters. After a minute, he eventually summaries, “When Livia had told Liliana everything, she had come to the conclusion that Livia was possessed. She had been scared for Livia. She had not been scared of her. After she went away, she started researching the topic while also keeping her distance as she tried to process it all,” Another yawn, “While doing so, she observed Livia from a distance, waiting to see any changes in her sister.”

“Oh, so that was what that was all about,” Amaya says, snorting.

“What?” Beth asks.

“I had noticed Liliana lurking around corners and hovering in the hall outside of Livia’s room at night. Of course, she has never seen me,” she says primly, inspecting her gold nails.

“And what about Lady Livia?” Beth asks, turning back to the sisters. She could not read her lady's expression but she was responding back. Whatever she was saying must have been reassuring for Liliana’s posture was no longer radiating tension and stress.

A part of her was also a little bit ashamed for spying, but, knowing Livia, her lady was well aware that Amaya curiosity would have gotten the best of her and that she would have asked Sen. Plus, they could have easily just returned to the more private east wing, but instead, Livia had decided on the main garden, out in the open. Of course, it was far enough away that any prying ears will struggle to hear anything useful.

Still, Beth wonders if maybe she was prying a little too much. Just as she was about to take back her question, Sen answers.

“Livia is clearing things up. Explaining everything over again, but better, this time around,” Sen says.

Beth smiles and clasps her hands together, “Really? That is wonderful.” She turns her gentle expression on the sisters.

Suddenly, Liliana gets to her feet and rushes to the other end of the table to collapse into her sister's arms with tears in her eyes. Even from a distance, Beth could read the words ‘I’m sorry on each of the sisters' lips as they hugged.

“Well, that was anticlimactic,” Amaya whines, and Sen grunts in agreement.

Beth sighs.

These kids. Honestly.


“How long until all the preparation are ready?” Lady Giselle asks her two daughters in the drawing-room.

Lynette wrinkles up her nose as the tea her sister brought does its best to offend her tastebuds. She sets the cup down with a sharp clank and pointedly pushes it away with a long nail. She notices that her mother does not even bother to touch it, letting it sit neglected and ignored on the table.

Lady Greta stubbornly drinks her own steaming tea as Lynette answers, a scowl already apparent on her face.

“Everything should be complete by the day's end, mother,” The duchess says as she crosses one long leg over the other, sitting up straighter.

“After the hoops we had to jump through, it better be,” Lady Greta grumbles and sets down her empty cup on its saucer. Her personal maid quickly refills it.

“And what of tonight's menu?” Lady Giselle asks, ignoring her daughters' comment, “It is important that they know of what can be provided by the house of Valentine on its owns merit.”

“And they shall mother,” Lynette says, barely holding off the small whine in her voice, “I have seen to it myself. It is being made to perfection as we speak.”

“Hmm,” Lady Giselle's pale eyes fall on her oldest, “And the wine?”

Lady Greta's back straightens and something like a smile crawls its way up and onto her face, “The blue wine has finally been unloaded off the cart. I also have seen to it that an expert all the way from Salvia will give it the proper presentation it deserves.”

“What of the assigned seating?” Pale eyes fall on Lynette.

The duchess smirks slowly, a spark of darkness in her eyes before it is gone a moment later, “I arranged it exactly as you wished mother.”

Lady Giselle does not smile, but the way they wrinkle in her forehead smooths out makes it a near thing.

A truly rare sight for both of her daughters even though they had known her their whole life.

“That is good to hear. Everything is finally falling into place,” Lady Giselle says, pleased.

“Thank you, mother,” Lynette and Lady Greta say, seeing it for the compliment that it was.

“This night, and the days after, will be looked upon by the fates themselves,” Lady Giselle says almost reverently to her daughters, “This, my sweet girls, will be the true start of everything.”


“The Duke of the Valentine Estate has returned,” A boisterous voice states the obvious.

But Livia pays it little mind.

She could care less about the current spectacle going on around her. It wasn’t as if this was the first time, and certainly, it would not be the last. Livia's only wish was that it finished in a timely manner so she could get off her feet. After standing for only half an hour she could feel her heartbeat in her toes.

The afternoon sun was a relentless ray of heat above their heads but in the shade of the entryway of the estate, between two towering marble pillars, a few paces back from the main show, the heat was almost manageable.

Livia watches as the maids and butlers form into two separate rows without having to be ordered. Behind her, Amaya makes a snide comment and Beth shushes her. She watches with her small group as all those who had accompanied Lady Giselle and Lady Greta make a small ruckus up ahead. Leave it to her grandmother and aunt to carry around a small entourage of nobles.

If anything, it was solid proof that their status wasn’t completely tarnished.

It wasn’t necessarily a good sign.

As the servants finish creating a walkway of bodies, this is when the true flaunting and boasting begins. As the small clop, clop sound of the horse's hooves grows closer, Livia watches as the small assortment of nobles turn sharp eyes on one another as their smiles turn sweet.

“My, Lady Greta, what a fine garment you are wearing today,” A middle-aged woman compliments, right before she pulls out a large fan with a beautiful painting on it.

“Thank you, Baroness,” Lady Greta says, her smile all teeth, “And just where did you get that lovely fan? It is quite...distinct.”


“Lady Giselle, is that the swan broach from Tal?”

“Lady Greta....”

“Lady Giselle...”

Livia ignores the rose eyes trying to burn a hole into her head and turns her attention to the little sister she barely just reconciled with. To think, all this could have been avoided if she had just finished explaining. But above that, she was just happy by the fact that Liliana hadn’t actually been upset with her. Somehow, like Beth, she wanted to stay by Livia’s side despite the fact that she was a bizarre anomaly.

As Liliana turns a bright smile her way and bumps lightly into her shoulder with an excited laugh as the regal horses and carriage proudly displaying the Valentine crest and colors finally come into view, Livia catches a glimpse of gold.

She turns her head.

Surely, it was some kind of mistake.

A trick of the light.

But no...

It was not.

“Is that?” Liliana gasps.

“It’s the royal carriage!” One of the middle-aged women exclaims. The posturing ends as they began to chatter amongst themselves like excited birds.

“Fucking hell. Seriously?” Amaya says, stepping forward to get a better view. She then turns to Livia when her eyes confirm The Royal House of Silvan crest, “But why now? Shouldn’t they all be stuck behind the walls of Aster?”

Sen steps forward as well, his face closed off when he asks, “Didn’t you turn away all their previous letters?”

“None of that matters,” Livia says coldly, watching as her father’s carriage grew closer and closer, “Not when they can skip over me and go straight to The Duke of Valentine.”

“But why?” Amaya asks, her voice low as her keen dark eyes' dart around. She steps a bit closer, “The princes have no interest in you. Not really. Especially that fucker Rodale. He only sent a letter once and never tried again. Clearly, his focus is elsewhere.”

“Then why is obvious enough,” Beth says, and all eyes turn to her.

“It is because the Valentine’s holds and controls a significant portion of this kingdom's land under their hands, along with that land is wealth, armies, and many connections.”

“It has value,” Liliana says.

“Indeed, it does,” Beth says.

“That is not enough reason,” Livia cuts in softly and turns away. Her father’s carriage has only just made it to the line of servants.

“Not after everything that I have done,” She continues on, “The king has no interest in these lands or making a union with the Valentine household. Not if I am the price to pay for them. If the king has no interest, then the princes will not either. Hence, my unfortunate neglect.”

Liliana scratches her forehead, confused, “If not that, then what else? What would bring princes to our home?”

Livia suddenly smacks her forehead and curses.

“What?” Amaya, Beth, and Liliana ask at the same time.

“I’m a fucking idiot, is what,” Livia answers and groans as she drags her hand down her face, “How could I forget!? Of course, there is always a possibility that she wouldn’t be content to just go the standard route. Damn it.”

“Route?” Liliana questions, the term sounding vaguely familiar.

Beth nods, “Think of it as a book that does not have a single ending but multiple endings.”

“Oh,” Liliana's red eyes clear up, “Depending on what the heroine, uh, what was her name again? Oh, right. Miss Amelia. Anyway, depending on what choices she makes, the ending will be different, right?”

“Correct,” Sen answer blandly.

Liliana beams at him.

“So, what course are we on now?” Amaya asks, staring out into the open and large parkway which was now quickly filling up with carriages.

It seems a small fashion show has started to take place as the Duke Valentine carriage door swing opens. The small entourage of nobles, including Lady Greta, Lady Giselle, and Lynette, have all started strutting forward in almost perfect unison, to greet the duke and princes

“Orin's,” Livia hisses, “How did that bastard manage to get ahead of Rodale?”

“Oh, so the route depends on who Amelia pursues?” Liliana had been told this. Twice. But it was still hard to wrap her head around it, even after all this time.

“Yes, the route depends on the current target being pursued,” Sen confirms, “What does Orin route entail?”

“Damn it, this makes no sense,” Livia mutters to herself, not hearing the question, “Even if Ameilia has turned her sight to Orin, it does not explain how this damn event is still viable? The only reason it is even possible to hold the Fall Courtship at the Valentine estate is that OGL had seen an opportunity and basically sells her soul to make it possible.”

“It seems like your mother, grandmother and aunt paid the price this time around,” Amaya comments.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” Livia glares at nothing in particular. She can practically feel her blood pressure rising. Out of all the timing in this world.

Damn it.

Beth appears at her elbow as if she can hear the blood rushing through her ears, “Lady Livia, please calm down. Why not try breathing with me?”

Livia really wanted to punch something.

Preferably, everyone who was currently standing in the obnoxiously lavish parkway. Minus the innocent servants. Livia wasn’t a complete monster.

“So, what does this mean for us?” Liliana asks, following her sister's gaze while rubbing calming circles in her back.

“It means,” Livia answers, drawing out the word, “That all of our peaceful days have come to an abrupt end.”

Liliana perks up at this and asks innocently, “Is that so bad?”

Then her imaginary bunny ears that everyone but her can see draws flat to her head at the look she receives from the others.

“Right,” She stutters, “Bad, it is definitely bad.”

Geeze. At this rate, I'll be hitting the 300K mark in words pretty soon. Still, I have a few more long chapters in the works. I know the reunion was between Liliana and Livia was a bit rushed, but mostly, all Livia did was just re-tell her story in better detail to leave no room for misunderstandings. ^^ 

Thanks for reading! As usual, please leave a comment below to tell me what you think and until next time!!