Chapter 10 Nano’s Mission
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Nano's mission was to find out the location of the area where the pollution started and make them confess there crime.

Kai wasn't sure about the people involved thats why Nano need to check there memories first.

For Nano finding the facility was easy. The resistance virus and some chemical. Nano marked the chemicals red and followed the lead up to the point where the river was divided in a polluted and a clean river.

There was also a Storage next to the swage plant and also did match up with the picture on Eliz Phone .

It was after the sewage plant cleaning the water they started to pollute it again.

This way was easier because the sewage plant was influenced by Eliz's father.

Normally if that many chemicals are in the sewage system even Money couldn't have solve the problem.

The president would have needed to pay a bigger sum to keep people shut and some wouldn't agree either.

He just ranted the Storage next to it put a pipe and let the chemical get dismantled and thrown into the pipe. Spreading false information to the employer in the sewage plant , they thought its an additional control system with other people in it.

Nano: they even put guards there. … that will be a bit difficult.

They are making more then 40 Million profit every month and additional guards for security isn't that much money for them.

The area is off limits since there are animals which are threatened with extinction or so they say.

Of course this was a lie which allowed them to place guards and drive people away when needed.

Nano was trespassing the area which was off limits and now tried to enter the Storage.

She's trying to get as much as possible information over even film them while they doing there crimes.

The guard would be a bit difficult to take out because the had guns. The other reason was to hit them while Kai and Eliz was still hiding from the president and other potential target.

Kai doesn't want to risk getting to much attention.

Nano was sitting with her back towards the storage wall while bushes left and right where hiding her.

Slowly little Nanite run through the pipes and air ventilator attached with cameras and voice recorder they started looking for there victims.

Worker 1: men why do we need to clean up this mess.

Worker 2: don't complain its not much it will take just 10 minutes.

Apparently someone puked on the floor while using the hall as toilet.

Worker 1: if only he didn't drunk to much.

Worker 2: its an easy job and we have nothing to do anyway's why not making us lose with some booz.

Worker 1: tell this to are boss who assigned us here.

Worker 2: ugh.. he can't take it easy he just pushing the people without reason.

More idle talk was around the other corners.

The nanites were crawling everywhere left and right on cells and cracks.

There were in total of 90 people in the area. 80 guards. 10 Manager 20 IT 60 Worker.

Nanite:hmm that's a bit to much of guards and people working her. I didn't even count the drivers which goes in and out. Are they doing something else too?

So the Nanites recorded and Scanned the area to find clues about what is going on her.

In that time Nano found people in a test tube.

Nano:I can't believe this ......

shocked by the people Nano trying to sort out things first.

how should I report this to kai???

If he heard that multiple people are in a tube experimented he will go on rampage killing everyone in the facility without mercy.

Forget about checking if they innocent or not. He would just execute them on the spot

But that's something Nano can't decide.

She lost her right when Kai took the commands.

Nano:I can only blame myself for improving Kai to fast without healing his soul first.

Now I have a vengeance seeking Kai instead of someone who tries to save people.

Nano thought that saving the people in the city would be his first decision and then apprehending the culprit later. We didn't got even time to clean this up on out own we are only two people.

The nanites made maps and checked every person in the facility even gone as far putting some nanites like a tracker under the cars finding out where they live and how many family members they have. She recorded everything even if it was useless.

Maybe one of this information can keep Kai's hatred in check. It makes a difference if you see an evil men without family and an evil men with a 4 year old girl who has only his father as parent left.

Kai wouldn't be able to kill him even if he wanted to. He act merciless the moment you have no proper connection towards anyone he doesn't want to hurt.

In short depending on Kai's Value this information can make differences but it also has a draw back.

Nano: If that person is someone who hasn't anything that makes him a bit like a good men he will destroy them.

He even make an example in front of this people just take make sure that the others he can't lay an hand keep there shit together.

My Question is what is he doing right now. When I healed him , he had 60% brain damage duo to high stress. I have his memory up to the point where I was restricted to read his memories.

I can't find any Objection which could lead to something logical and he hasn't made any friends for over 5 years. His values are way different then of normal people.......

Nano was deep in thought while listening to multiple people at the same time.

Saving every Information she could get.

Nano:I will show Kai the information with people in the tube in the last section of my report.

Nano was still trying to thing of other ways to prevent him to go rampage but everything ended up in to much work and less time situation.

Nano: This is the best I can do so far. Please be enough to change him.....

After more then 8 hours waiting and the people starting to leave without her noticing she started to go back home.

When Nano started to get recognize someone in the tube.........

Nano:where did I see that face before..... even thought she is a Nano - machine her program was faulty and buggy.

Nano:that girl in the Tube she still has intact memories....... and she is also close to the exit.

I can get them because more then 80% of the people left and I know a route where I can reach and scan her brain.

Nano was hesitating. Everything she knows Kai will know for sure, even that she hesitated..

He will hate it that I wasted more trying to convince to not kill them instead trying to find more clues.

Over 100 person in this company looks shady mostlikly there is something else that they are doing aside from the people in the tube.

Nano decide to infiltrating the building sadly she couldn't use her single Nanos to get access to the memories. She needs to operate multiple Nanite to extract the information without hurting the host.

Nano herself separated into thousand Nano's leaving the clothes outside entering the cracks and rebuilding herself in the room with girl in the tube.

The Tube herself was in a greenish color and the girl was naked a young girl maybe 16 or 17

long hair and her stomach wide open.

Nano opened the tube and reached out to the girl making herself wet. Dragging her outside she tried to enter her memories. It was damaged but she could extract the information even if its a bit.

Nano: oh

I shouldn't have come her.