Chapter 3: pain and Hunger
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Siting infront camp fire Jacob thinking about point distribution. He wonder where should he put his point the most. At the end he try to add 1 point to mana when thinking about his passive mana skill.

The mana regent that recover his total max mana each second. That was really really really over power skill!

He then put 1 killing point into + symbol beside the mana number. The mana number change from 0/0 into 100/100. When he look at the mana number he was so excited that he stand up and shouted.

"Finally I have super power that my own"

But only thing change is the mana number, he did not even feel anything. No heat, no movement from his body, nothing, nada.

But worry not, he think that maybe he need to meditate and to feel it before he can use it. Jacob then sitting into cross legs position ready himself to meditate.

He calm his mind, he calm his body. Breathe in breath out.

Hour pass by, yet he still feel nothing beside his numb legs.

In spite of anger he then inject large sum of killing point into other attributes. He add 18 point to strength, 18.5 point to agility, 18 for constitution and 5 point into defense.

"Dammit don't say that even status panel becomes useless!!!"

Before even 1 minute passed, he regrets his decision that he do in spite of anger.

His body started to head up, steam come out from his head and body. He feels that all his muscles being stretch to the maximum and compress at same time. The process keep repeating over and over again.

His body refuse to hear his command, he fail to try to move his body. But he did not give up, he try to force his body to move by sheer will again and again.

His face was dripping with mucus that come from his nose and mouth, his eyes flow with tear. He did not cry by his own will, but it was his body responds when face with a burden beyond his limit.

Only in few minutes can he move his body, but that pain and heat did not go away. He slumping toward the tree he was laid his back again.

In the unbearable pain, he force himself to climb the tree. With all his might he slowly climb the tree slowly. Hug by hug, it was painful slow.

Only after moments of pain and agony only then did he succeeded climbing 4 meters high on tree. Sitting on it branch he hug the tree truck to avoid from falling to the ground.

If people saw him use all his might even in deep agony to climb the tree and just to rest on it they will call him stupid.

But to him they are the real idiot. If you hardly can move and in lot of pain and alone some more inside god know where this woods is, if you stay on ground it a recipe to death.

You hardly can move and in lot of pain, he will ask them to explain to him how will they fend off against group of predators like wolf or bear. By god they can't even defense them self again a single angry ram!

It not just an empty words by him but it base on his own experience when he was force to do test by his teacher inside jungle. It not school teacher but his Martial art teacher.

Water vapor keep coming out from his body and head, while his body in lot of pain. He can only hug the tree by all his might so he did not fall to the ground and make the situation worse for himself.

Hugging the tree he praying inside his head hoping the pain will quickly go away. But as if he was forsaken by the god, the pain keep coming stronger instead lessened.

Second by second the pain keep getting stronger and stronger. He only can hug the tree with all his strength to avoid falling and loss consciousness.

Second go by second, minute go by minute and hour go by hour. It only by midnight that pain started to lessen bit by bit and hour after the pain was gone.

When the steam and pain was gone the once fat young man was no longer can be founded. The person that replace him was thin as bean sprout.

His fat was gone so was his muscles under his fat. And what left is just lil bit more than bone and skin.

In shacking motion he sling his blue water Tupperware from his shoulder and open it to drink few gulp.

Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp Gulp

"Damit dammit dammit dammit god dammit! Lucky I was fat if not I will surely die tonight! But not just my fat was gone, my muscle also gone... The pain.... Was..."

Before he even can finish his word the hunger strike him so hard that his mind become numb. He was never thank for his bad habits this much in his entire life.

He did not know where or when did he pick up this habits, but when he realised it was already there. You see, he have a habit like squirrel.

Squirrel will horde food be it nut, seed or fruit. They will put it inside they dent or hide it inside a tree that other squirrel did not know.

He in otherwise will horde his food inside his cloth. He then instinctively slip his hand inside his robe and pulled out a Snickers, it was not a mini size, not fun size neither it was 100 calories or single size but share size.

A single size Snickers contain 240 calories and share size contain 1.5 of single size Snickers. And what more he did not carry 1 Snickers but carry 20 of it!

No wonder he did not feel uneasy or afraid when he suddenly force teleport in the middle of forest. He was more than prepare.

It was too bad for him, his error judgment in spite of anger send all his food into beyond abyss. When his brain become numb from hunger his instinct kick in.

He open the Snickers bar and eat it in single go then drink mouthful of water. He repeat the movement for about 20 time before feels that his hunger go down a lil bit and his brain work normally. His rate of food digest increase dramatically so was his recovery ability.

Even he stuff 20 Snickers share size into his mouth he still did not feel full only can sate his hunger a little bit.

He then looking at his food stash under his Akatsuki robe. It was gone, nothing was left, nada.

He can only sigh helplessly toward his long gone food. Even in this situation he did not panic because he can easily find food in jungle because he used to it.

Right now all he wanted to do is to try his new gains power. Jacob then proceed to jump from 4 meter high tree. He was planning to do cat rolling if he even feel slightly pain in his legs when he landing to avoid future injury.


Even though he become skinny as bean sprout his falling speed is few time faster than when he was in fat shape.

When he landed on the ground it left 2 mark of crock sole.

His weight did not decrease instead it increase by large margin. He then grasping his hand into fist and pull it back before punch with all his might into the tree that he just jump of.

Bang! Snap! Boom!!!

When the fist landed on the tree a loud bang sounded before the tree snap into half and flying over and hit other tree before dust flying into air.

Strangely enough Jacob did not coughs or sneeze when he was shrouded by the dust. When the dust was clear he was shocked with his new found strength. The agonizing pain that he suffers was not for nothing.

His fist at least travel at speed of 500 mile per hours combine with his 20 time harder than average human body plus his strength equal to 20 average human, that strike was sickening powerful compare to normal people.

He then try walk but stop his intention immediately. If his full power punch can send tree flying then when he improve his agility to 20 point doesn't it mean that his movements speed also equal to 20 average person speed!?

Damm luckily he did not try to walk just now or he may end up bagging his head on tree truck. Jacob then slow move forward. But he end up with high pace jogging speed.

It take him almost 2 hour to learn controlling his own body. Albeit not 100% he still can control it about 75% and for him that good enough for him. It not like he did not wanted improve his control but it just seem night impossible.

75% is the highest rate he can control his body strength. He swear that he will add point to intelligent to improve his motor control.

It quite dangerous for people for people that have super power but can't control his/her own strength.

He or she may end up accidentally killing people. And it will be worse if the person that he/she killed was his/she love one.

It will be internal nightmare for them.

After gaining 75% control over his body. Jacob then try to jump it, it come no surprise for him after all this happen that he can jump more than 7 meter.

"It feel kind of nice and free-er to jump this high"

Landing with his two legs without problems or discomfort.

He find that it was kind of enjoyable to have super strength but none the less he still angry that he can't feel mana inside his body. He feel that the passive and 1 point that he got and added to mana was useless.

Sigh helplessly he say 'open status' in his head

Name: Jacob earl James

Gender: male

Age: 18


Mana: 100/100

Strength: 20 +

Agility: 20 +

Defence: 7 +

Intelligent: 1.5 +

Wisdom: 1.6 +

Constitution: 20 +

Skill: -active-
Skill: - passive
1. Max mana regent per sec (gain total max mana per second)

Killing point 0.1

"Ahh look it my birthday!"

He then proceed to sing happy birthday song to himself happily.

"Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday to me
Happy birthday, happy birthday
Happy birthday to me!"

It maybe sound sad or lunatic even but it one of things that he learn to keep his sanity still and not lost it.

He find it helpful to act insane and know it as mere acting when he under lot of stress and pressure. If he keep staying serious it maybe eating his sanity bit by bit until he become a real insane person.

Grumble Grumble Grumble Grumble

His stomach rumbling he started to feel hunger again, by increasing his body ability his energy consumption will also increase and he need to rat more food than normal people to stay full.

"Food... Food... I must find food..."