Ch 2: Admiral Zero
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Zero groaned as a beam of light from the small window of the cell hit directly onto his head.

The light was too bright in comparison to the dark cell. 


The sound of the cell door opening woke Zero from his pleasant sleep.

“Get out.”

An enemy soldier ordered Zero, who was barely opening his eyes to comprehend what was going on. He truly wasn’t a very good morning person. He opened his eyes frustrated by his inability to wipe them due to his hands being bound to his back. It was already strange enough that he was even able to sleep in such a situation.

One... Two... About five of them.

Zero scanned the surroundings and counted the amount of enemy soldiers. His emerald eyes reflected a high amount of intelligence and vigilance despite being handcuffed.

I can take them all out. 

Internally, Zero smiled but his expression remained emotionless. 

“Hurry up, Imperial scum!” Yelled the soldier.

Zero, using the support of the wall. Uses his knees to stand. As he walks towards the door the soldiers who weren’t holding the door stood to the side to allow him to pass in front where they could watch him. However, before they could even react, Zero jumps.

Surprise fill the soldiers faces. 

Flipping in a loop, the crackling sound of Zero’s arm is heard. His arms were now in front of him. Using the momentum, he flings the force of his arm down and clobbers the frontal soldier with the heavy chains.

“Impossible! Those chains are at least 50 ibs!!”

The soldiers quickly pull out their weapons. 

“One down. Four to go!”

Zero twists his body around avoiding the stabbing of one of the soldier’s swords. The soldier unable to stop his momentum nearly stabs his teammate in the tight area. 

“What are you doing?!”

“Sorry!! I couldn’t stop!”

The soldiers were at a disadvantage due to the tight space. 

Zero, not leaving any chance for the soldiers to regroup. Using the chains still bound to his wrists he wraps the other two soldiers who were much closer to the bars of the cell. Using the tight force of the chain chokes them causing both soldiers to drop their weapons and pass out. 

“Quickly! We have to stop him!”

The two remaining soldiers swing their swords. Unfortunately, due to the tight space, Zero easily predicted the trajectory of the swords and dodged.

Flustered, the soldiers try to regain balance when Zero provides them with a beautiful swing of his chains. The 50 ibs worth of chains smash directly into the two soldiers. Knocking them out.

“Hrm, that might’ve caused more noise than necessary. I should hurry and get these chains off of me.”

Looking at one of the soldiers, Zero could tell that the one who had held the door open for him had the cell keys. More than likely he would also have his chain keys. 

Searching through the unconscious man’s pockets. Zero finally pulls out a ring of keys. 

“Found it.”

As he proceeds to unlock his chains, a sound is heard from the door above.



Hearing the sound, Zero quickly unlocks his chains and climbs to the top of the ceiling of the cell. He hides himself in the wooden structures above. 

The sound of walking footsteps resound through the basement cell room. 

Zero narrows his eyes, watching as a black haired man along with some soldiers descend the stairs and arrives to the basement floor.

“Commander, this-!”

The scene of the five soldiers knocked unconscious lay on the floor.

Neris lowers his gaze observing the unconscious soldiers.

“It seems our guest is quite skilled, indeed.”

“Commander, I’m sorry it was a misstep on my part! I didn’t think he could do this while being chained!”

Neris smirks.

“It is fine, I expected as much, since we were dealing with the Empire’s admiral.”

The soldier bows expressing his apology. 

“I will let the others know that we have a prisoner running around. I will have them shut the gates!”

“There is no need.”


Dumbfounded the soldier looks at Neris.

“For our guest is still here!”

A sword then pierces the ceiling support as the beams of the ceiling crumbles. Zero, who was holding onto the beam loses his balance.

This bastard, he knew I was here!

Unable to catch his balance, Zero falls to the ground. 

The soldiers gasp as the beams fall and what appears before them is a silver haired youth. Realizing that it is the prisoner they pull out their swords.

Zero, who was now on the floor coughs from the debris. A cold shiver runs up his spine as he jumps backwards with his eyes stinging from the dust of the fallen beams.

“Ho... To think you can sense me.”

Neris amused by Zero who has dodged his blade watches in interest at the cautious Zero.

“A Commander?” Zero questions seeing the badge on the man’s shoulder.

This isn’t good. For an enemy Commander to come here.

Caution ran through Zero’s body. He could feel it. That this man was strong. Not to mention, the fact that he was able to detect him hiding and the fact that this man nearly caught him if he hadn’t jumped back. He was dangerous.

“You’re quite the delicate looking Admiral.” Neris smirked in mockery.

“Is that so.” Unamused Zero was looking for an escape route.

Noticing his wandering gaze, Neris smiles.

“Unfortunately, I will have to dirty that delicate look of yours.”

“Wha-? URK!” 

Zero chokes as he is suddenly grabbed by the throat. A strong gripping force is used to hold his throat rendering him powerless. His hands grab onto the arm of the choker trying to pry them away for air.


Neris holds Zero’s throat in his big hand not letting a single inch of Zero’s arms to pull it away. 

“You’re quite the fighter aren’t you, Admiral Zero?”


Neris smiles.

He brings Zero’s face closer to his mouth as he whispers into his ear.

“You have quite the charm... I’ve taken a liking to you.”

Hearing these words, Zero passes out due to lack of oxygen.