Chapter 2 – Getting To Know Each Other
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Although it was late and night, both Rei and Akame hunted by moonlight, naked. 

They teamed up to kill several velociraptors, seemingly able to coordinate with incredible precision and beauty. 

But as both of them only had peak human strength, they had to cooperate to drag one carcass back to their makeshift house. 

Inside, Minatsuki and Hikawa were keeping watch. 

Both of them were dressed in what looked like large pillow cases with holes cut in them. 

"That's all we managed to find here" Hikawa said, her hair still wet.

"Here, see if you can make anything edible out of this" Rei said, dropping the carcass on the floor 

"One of the showers is working upstairs. There's even some soap and shampoo left. There isn't any warm water though" she continued.

Both Rei and Akame nodded and took up a pillow case each. 

"You try that one, I will try this one" Rei said, unsure which of the 3 bathrooms had the working shower upstairs. Akame nodded and went to another one. 

Rei walked into his shower and turned on the tap. 

He smiled as water poured on his head. Although there was no warm water, the water pressure was high, so he enjoyed washing off the sweat and grime from a day of fighting. 

He wondered whether to use the shampoo. Artificial smells are easily detected by wild animals, so leaving his hair and body smelly would probably be the most ideal. 

But he didn't fear any creature, so he didn't care. He wanted to feel clean anyway as his naked body was covered in blood, sweat and dirt. 

Just as he shampooed his hair, he suddenly heard a female voice. 

"Move over, I'm coming in" Akame suddenly said, entering the shower with him

"But.. but..." Rei was shocked. 

"You're not shy are you? We're both girls after all. I have a sister and we washed each other all the time" Akame said, her hair already wet as she started shampooing. 

"But,, but I'm a guy!" Rei said

"Huh? But you have no...." Akame said, looking at his groin.

"I was raised by a ghoul. To keep me beautiful, she..... castrated me and ate my male genitals up" Rei said emotionlessly. 

"Oh... I'm sorry" Akame said, standing still awkwardly. 

"Nevermind. We're already bathing together. It's not as if I can rape you or anything" Rei said and started shampooing Akame's long hair.

Akame looked at Rei's body. It was lean and muscular, but androgynous. If it were not for the fact that he had no breasts, he could easily pass off as a girl, albeit a girl with lean muscles. 

"Do you.. get.... any sexual feelings?" Akame asked as she started soaping his body and rubbed her soapy breasts on him. 

"No... I've never had such feelings" Rei said. 

"Not even when you are touched here?" Akame asked, her hand moving downwards. 

"No. Why are you asking?" Rei asked, looking at her hand touching where his genitals once were. 

It was smooth down there with a small nub where he peed from. 

"" Akame didn't know how to answer. She had never had a boyfriend before, let alone a lover. 

But fighting alongside him brought out a feeling she's never felt before.

While hunting together, they talked a little. Each of them was recognized as the best fighter of their world. 

One of her nicknames was the Demon, while one of his was the Reaper.

"The Reaper and the Demon. I like that" Akame remembered Rei saying as they fought together. She liked it too.  

"Do you feel something if I touch you here?" Rei asked, his hand suddenly reaching between her legs.

"No! Don't!" she said but she didn't resist him.

He explored her body, feeling her as she started moaning.

Louder and louder she moaned as Rei's fingers entered her. 

He felt something break and looked down in surprise as he found a trace of blood on his fingers. 

"Don't stop" Akame whispered and shoved his fingers back into her. 

She nearly screamed out loud in pleasure but she held her voice as subconsciously grabbed his crotch. 

But she suddenly remembered that he had nothing there, and her disappointment could be seen on her face. 

"Ahem... I'm done showering anyway. Why don't you wash off the shampoo" Rei said, suddenly getting out of the shower and grabbing a towel. 

"Rei! I'm sorry! I didn't mean..." Akame said. 

"I know.. there is nothing to be sorry for. I... just cannot fulfill your need" Rei said, rushing out. 

Akame looked at his back in regret.  

As he made a hole with his knife, he put on the pillow case. He looked like a beautiful doll, even dressed in a pillow case.

Even though he was not classically manly, as a woman, Akame could appreciate beauty. 

Rei walked downstairs to see that large chucks of meat was roasting over the campfire they built in the run down kitchen. 

Minatsuki and Hikawa had used one of the mechetes to cut two large drumsticks which were roasting over a fire.

Akame joined them downstairs not long later, just as the meal was ready.

They avoided each other's gaze, but Rei did note that she looked sexy just wearing a pillow case. 

"Do you like it?" Minatsuki asked as both Rei and Akame took a chunk each. 

The meat of the velociraptor was hard and chewy, but surprisingly tasty.

"Mmmm this is good" Rei said causing Minatsuki to smile. 

"Good. There were some old dry spices here, so I tried my best with them" Minatsuki answered. 

"It's good. Very good" Akame said

They rested for the night, taking turns keeping watch. Luckily there were old beds upstairs where they got the pillow cases from. 

Although it was awkward between the two of them, Akame still shared a bed with Rei, who looked very delicate and pretty like a doll. 

As they slept, she unconsciously wrapped her arms around him. He didn't resist. 

Tears flowed from his eyes as he couldn't remember when he was ever hugged. He found it very comforting.

Early the next morning, while he was keeping watch Rei detected movement ahead. 

Within seconds, Akame appeared next to him, looking at the same direction.

They saw a group of people running towards them, being chased by what looked like undead people.

"What are those, zombies?" Rei muttered.

"What are zombies?" Akame asked.

"Undead people. Don't let them bite you or scratch you, lest you turn into one too" Rei said. 

Akame nodded seriously. 

"Lets wake Minatsuki and Hikawa and prepare for their arrival" Rei said. 

Quickly informing them of the situation, they left both girls to guard the house while they both ventured out.