Chapter 9: Failed but Continued, meeting the other Weapon Wielders
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Jason didn't made any choice but to swing the sword at Harkur using his other hand while the the other hand is pushing.

"Arg!" The sword hit Harkur's hip that made a huge cut.

"I got you lad!" A guy with a green armor suddenly pulled Harkur towards the hole.

"Jason! No!" Harkur wasn't able to move because the sword was at his hip.

"Mother, I failed to help, I've failed to tell you, I'm sorry, I wasn't good enough. Laho, I didn't make it till the gathering, but please, let this younger one continue my mission and don't let him die and don't let the evil devour him." Jason said as he started to cry.

"You did well my son, you didn't waste your time from sadness." His mother appeared with white glow.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry, I gave the responsibility all to you." Laho appeared, he has an orange hair, hot orange eyes.

"Thank you everyone for helping me, without all of you, I would have been already bad. But thanks for the most, mother.... help him if you can." The stone completely flattened and Jason was being crushed, but before he throw the sword, he tied his mother's pendant to the ring of the sword.

"Don't worry, we're almost there, Mala! The last one is here! He's badly wounded!" The guy pulled Harkur towards a castle ruins, a girl with a white witch hat, white coat holding a shining white staff with crimson colored stone run towards him along with a guy holding a huge light blue shield.

"We're coming!" The white witch cast a huge dark and light barrier.

"Don't worry you're safe now, sword wielder." The man with a shield put his giant shield on his back and carry Harkur.

"No! You got it all wrong! The other guy was the true Sword Wielder!" Harkur was trying to say something but they aren't listening.

Harkur saw charging white spirits and turning into knights and charging towards a direction while the others are protecting the three along with Harkur.

"Chalira! How's the status of the attacking dark clones" the green armored guy said.

"Not much of them, but I think my magic won't hold much longer! Fargon is still unconscious! Hurry!" A girl with dark smoke appearing from his body and holding a white tome was casting white light to summon spirits.

Back where Jason is, he wasn't dead yet and still breathing hard, but his legs are all numb and left arm is removed.

'Jason, how is the feel of Death?' The deep voice spoke to him.

"So you came back to tell me that fate will separate us."

'I'm not here to watch you die, intact, I have something that may help the others, but it will cause you your own life.'

"Tell me, I won't last long either."

The right eye of Lien starts to glow very bright and began shedding blood.

'Concentrate all your hatred and anger to your heart and mind, let that devil of yours open the gate of one wish per life, it is only can be obtained when a wielder poses my power. THERE'S NO TURNING BACK NOW!"

Jason starts to struggle as he was starting to feel strong pain.

But Jason just smiled and said "I can feel that you're not a bad person after all."

'Do you think?'

"Thank you for helping him-"

Jason exploded and break the stone making a huge hot orange colored orb.

'Let his wish be a destruction!'

The orb exploded that made a very huge crater and wipe out all and everything inside it, for luck, the explosion didn't made it to the castle runs. The Wielders are all safe, Harkur's wounds are being treated.

"Damn those clones, they're more harder than we take down last time." The girl holding a green bow said as she punched the wall.

"Hey don't punch or hit any bricks, it is only a ruins, this castle may break if any strong force was given." A man said who's holding a spear with yellow color a the blades.

"But the most important it that we're all completed now." Chalira said.

But Harkur said "No! We must get back there, Jason was the true wielder!"

"Sorry but he's already dead." Mala said with a sad face.


The shield wielder said "Chala can since spirits and I think she sensed the spirit of your friend who's also a wielder like you."

Harkur was weakening and sit and said "No, it can't be."

"Come one, it is alright, he gave his life for you, because he know something important to you. Now, time to introduce!"

Mala said "Don't be so rude, a friend of him was gone."

But Harkur said "No.... It is alright. Harkur, the new wielder of the One of the Legend Weapons, the Sword."

"Actually, it was not Legend Weapons, but it was actually "Fallen Weapons" but okay, let's introduce ourselves.

Name, Wielded Weapon/s, Weapon's color, Details.

Harkur- the Sword (Giant Sword), orange metal parts, he has a black long hair, buildup body, he has a brown eyes and wearing a leather armor. He's a Human whose ability was very fast. 

Mala- the Staff, crimson red stone, she has a brown long hair, wearing a white witch hat and white coat, she has blue eyes. She's a Human. 

Chalira- the Tome, white metallic cover, she has a black robe and she emit black smoke whenever she cast a magic, she has black eyes. She's a Ghoul and a Witch. 

Harold- the Spear, yellow pointed blade, he has yellow eyes, moderate body build-up and whitish blond hair. He's an Elf but his ears are not too long for an elf with much rounder tips. 

Fargon- the Knuckle, black unknown material knuckle, he was blind with gray hair, much build-up body than the others. He's a Brown Colored Orc with only one fang at the lower jaw. 

Folka- the Armor, green metal-like element, she has green eyes and mocha colored hair, she has a moderate build-up body, she was suspected as a boy because she has lower voice than a girl. She's a Wolf Girl (Demi-Human), the tip of her tail is replaced with a sharp ponty dagger. 

Pirn- the Twin Short Sword, hot brown blade (it was suspected as copper but it was not), she has black gray eyes, gray short hair, she has a poor build-up body but very fast. A wingless Angel. 

Yarla- the Chakram, purple handle, she has red eyes and light green hair, her body is in great shape. A Dryad who grows purple colored plants. 

Pedro- the Bow, gold shield cover at the front of the bow, he has blue eyes and blue hair. A Dragon Raiser, has huge burn mark at the back. 

Lorita- the Hand Canon (gun), neon green barrel, she has neon green eye at the left and black at the right, black long hair with melon green at the tips, sexy body but small chest. A Human and a Pirate. 

Gorge- the Hammer (Giant Hammer), has dark orange hammer's head, he has red eyes, white flat top hair and beard, build-up body. He's a giant goblin. 

Maria- the Fan (Bladed Fan), has an emerald glow color of the spike but never knew the material, she has green eye, black short hair. She's a Human and a Dancing Assassin. 

Jacob- the Dagger, transparent like glass handle but tougher than diamond, he has brown eyes, brown pointy hair and build-up body. He's a Human and a Mercenary, not paid for this work and do it with his own will. 

Andrew- the Glaive, dark but glowing pink shield, he has glowing pink eyes and light graw hair. He's a Human, he's annoyed because of the people who judge the color. 

Bock- the Axe (Two Giant War Axe), aqua blue blades, he has a brown eyes and long brown beard, very well armored. He's a Dwarf, he didn't mind his size from his great strength. 

Mirgo- the Scythe (Giant War Scythe), hot glowing violet light coming from the scythe blade's cracks, he's has white eyes, long white hair wearing a black robe. He's a Vampire but fangless, he didn't thirst and drink blood and never wanted to. 

??? (Unkown/ No Name)- the??? (Unkown but still consider as one), Unkown color, she has blood like color of pupils, she has bright red color hair, she has very pointy four wings like stone spikes with no skin, she has a darker color of skin than a Human. She's a Demon but more different from the other Demons, her eyes are very frightening when looked so she just separate or not get too close with others. 

Chiha- the Chained Scythe (Kusarigama), it has dark green chains, she has purple eyes and long black hair, she has moderate build-up body. She's a Human, she was from a family of Assassins. 

Blumer- the Glove of Explosions, very tough brown leather glove, he's bald and has a blind eye from the right and brown at the left. He's a Human and a Miner. 

Halo- the Cards, has many different colors with different signs, symbols and drawings, he wears a top hat and a checkered mask. His race is unknown, but his talking makes you pissed. 

The introduction ends here. 

"Now, we know all each other then, hye hye!" Halo said with an annoying manner. 

"But we don't know the other one yet." Mala said with a shy voice. 

"Yeah, what's her business here!?" Blumer said as he cast a bomb from his hand. 

But Harkur said "H-hold on, we're here to help each other for something not to fight with each other." 

Bock walk towards Harkur and said "Who are you to-" 

Gorge and Jacob used their weapons to block Bock's way and Gorge said "Don't even think of hurting him, he's just worried." 

"Fine, I'll take that as an excuse." 

Now all the Fallen Weapon Wielders have gathered from the same spot, now it is time for the real point of this gathering.