Chapter 2: The Eyes of Anger
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After the bleeding stopped, he go to a nearby hole with water and wash it, he groans in pain as he wash his bleeding eye, he wrapped it with clean cloth. He was weak after the fall, but he looked at the other hole on the side of him, he saw red light glowing there.

"They must've got there."

A strange sound of whistle pass through him, he looked back but never saw anything, he continued to go forward towards the light. He saw spider webs on the top, it was very big and open when he made it to the end of the hole.

"What is this place?"

He starts scouting the area after he ready his sword to fight anything that can attack, he saw moving boulders.


A rock that is formed like a fist almost hit him. Two red lights like eyes are glowing inside of a two close holes, it was a gaint golem made out of rocks who have a big sword stabbed from its leg. Jason's arrow wasn't penetrating and just broke, the golem cotinued to strike.

"How can I defeat this monster!"

Cobblestones suddenly fell from the opening at the top where sunlight appear. The cobblestones blocked an exit from a corner making him unable to escape from the area.

"Don't tell me that I'm going to fight this montser!"

He looked around while dodging all the attacks of the golem, he was thinking of breaking the leg by turning the giant sword from its leg. He charged toward a cliff of a rock and jump.

"It's do or die!"

He touched the sword, it emits fire that surround him, his vision from his dead eye came back, but the right became color blind and saw red movements like frame by frame, his heart beat became fast, his strength is more powerful and everything became light.

"What's this?!"

He turned the sword like it was a just a stick on a mud and destroy the stone to pieces. The light fade out when the time he pulled out the sword out of the Golem.

"How did it get here?"

The red light like spirit possessed the giant sword, the sword began to change, the sharp sides turned into a saw-like spikes, the handle emits smoke with the color of blood, the color of the blade turns obsidian black.

"What's happening?"

Jason's right eye began to hurt like it was being stabbed many times. A form of a huge muscular black man with big two horns and orange eyes, its shoulders are flaming, you can compare it to a muscular demon.

"I gave you power."

The person began to speak, it has a deep voice with a growl.

Jason asked "Who are you?"

The person looked at him and said "You don't have much time, you must gather with the other. My chances are gone, please, continue my mission, we finished our task, now, I'll let the new generation to possess it."

It was more like a normal man's voice than the first one.

Jason asked "Who are you?"

The person said "I am Laho, the next generation before you. We've finished what we need to finish, it's been years since a hero like you to posses such dangerous weapon."

The person point his flaming finger onto Jason's wielded sword.

"Every person who wield the same sword have different kind of swordmanship and styles. But having this weapon may cause death if it is used for the wrong reason.... Now, let the judgement begin.... I'll leave everything to you."

"Wait!..... Arg!"

His body became uncontrollable and starts moving on its own, every time he tried to control it, the body starts punching or hurt itself.

Voices suddenly heard.

"You're just a pest- If you don't like it then leave- I don't even want to get married with you- You're not my son- Mother will always love you- Jason Run!"

His right eye starts to shed blood and its color turned hot orange and his vision was getting sharper. He was crying and saying "Mother I'm sorry." as he hold his mother's pendant.

A voice of her mother was heard saying "Mother will always love you..." then he was able to move his body from his will, but he was coughing and breathing hard.

"Mother, help me."

He fell and turn unconscious, the rusty sword turned to a new form of a sword, the color of the hilt turns brown, the guard has three vents shaped like an arrow with two orange piece of metal on the sides in a form of a fang, the pommel formed to a ring and orange colored.

[Note: If you're having a hard time thinking of what it's look like, it's at the cover image.]

He woke up in the middle of the night, he brought the sword with him and climb up from the hole where the light is coming from. He made it to the top, he was at the middle of a forest.

"Where all the spirits go?"

He make a fireplace as she eat his last loaf of bread. He heard angry wolves behind him, he was very cautious that his right hand was at the handle of the sword while his left was used to hold his food.

"Looks like I'll be having a wolf meat for the night."

He used his carried sword to slice the wolf in half, the attack continues, he used all his strength to kill all the wolves but he was not getting tired. All the wolves are dead, the place is scattered with blood, Jason saw that his sword broke after the last blow.

"This strength looks new to me."

He faced danger all night because of the beast attack. He used his bow to hunt down all far monsters and life threatening animals that may kill him any moment.

"Why is this happening to me?"

He was getting tired, he was being scratched at the back when the time his guard was down. After the attacks are finished, he cover his bleeding body with clean cloth because of scratches, slices and bites.

He heard a boy was shouting for help, he run toward the sound and saw a kid running and being chased by a Tigorian Beast, a monster with long fangs and has spikes on the back, it was likely to hunt alone than in pack because it has great agility making them to turn in different direction without problem.

"This kid won't last long!"

He jumped and ready his giant sword to slice it down, he sliced the beast to half in one blow. The boy looked at him and Jason looked at the boy with his right glowing orange eyes visible.