Chapter 2
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The sun was setting. The birds could be seen going toward there nests. The scene was peaceful. On the green grassland, a handsome boy with black hair was walking. He reached his house and saw the scene in front of him.

There was a large field where crops were growing. There was a windmill which was being used for producing water from the ground. There were barns on the left and right side of the field used by sheep and pigs.

While watching and walking through the crops, Haruta arrived in front of a house. He knew what to expect and therefore he just went in....

"Oh! And Who do we have here?... Where were you? Huh? Who was going to work in the field and barn if you were to go on a trip? Huh?"

As soon as he came in, a female voice sounded from within a room on the second floor. Annoyed by the voice a little, Haruta said:

"I was not on a trip. I just went to get some air. And just so you know I already did my quota for the day."

"Oh! Really now!"

Listening to the voice anyone could tell that it mocking him.

Hui looked toward the room in front of him which was opened. He looked at his brother who had the same age as his and sighed inwardly.

'Ito Bo'(Bo is a Korean name), his little brother in reality and big brother in name, always destroyed his hard-done work. This person was one of the best in his class. 'Ito Bo' had access to 'wind element' and he was also very good at controlling this element. He dreamed of becoming the chief of the guards same as his or our father,'Ito Naoki'.

"What have you done now?"

Haruta asked annoyingly. He knew that all this guy in front of him causes nothing but trouble.

"Oh! What now? Are you trying to blame me?"

'This guy?!'

Hui, listening to Bo, knew that he had done something.

Bo, seeing his 'brother', Haruta's face also knew that he had realized it. He looked toward the above floor and said:

"Mom! I am going to Wang Bai's house. We will be going toward the forest tomorrow with the rest of the class. I will go and plan our journey him".

As he passed by Hui, he whispered:

"I heard you washed dad's uniform!!...."

Hui knew that he was going to get another beating tonight. He sighed and looked at his brother's back while thinking:

'F*ck Y*u'.

All day of his, which was good, was ruined by him. He walked to the back of the house and saw that the uniform which was supposed to be on the wire was on the ground, completely brown due to dirt and water mixing together forming a slush.

"What a way for my day to end!!!..."