[Vol.3] Chapter 3 – Shadow Assassin
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When we saw the village it was already getting dark, we decided to attack near dawn, if we attacked at night the only one that would have an advantage would be me, we observed and discussed the plan of what we should do, it was written that we would have to kill the bandits.


For a long time I believe that we all wanted to avoid the fact that we would need to kill a human being, it can be difficult, but it is now or never.


The plan will be to infiltrate from different directions and end the bandits in silence, as there may still be hostages there, the first team will be Kato and Domo the sky team, they will attack from above from the north, second-team Onegawara and Caqui, using their agility they will attack by the direction of the forest they are the team mount, and lastly, I and Rex go straight through the front door we are the solo team.


Sukani will stay here on watch, she has the sword in case something happens, those who were going to carry out this mission were those three that we defeated and the way we ended them for lack of better words these bandits must be a piece of cake.


We look forward to the arrival of the morning and we can say that there are 31 bandits in all, I don't know if the leader is one of them or if he is hidden, but I think we won't have any problems.


At the first light of the sun, we see the bandits still half sleepy and we started the attack, there is no turning back now we have to kill humans, I see that a guard is watching outside the village gate I use invisibility to get closer when I'm at your side I use the gallows so he doesn't make a sound, I keep squeezing him until he falls dead, suddenly I look at his already dead face and I come across my act.


Strangely, I don't feel bad because of that, I think that for me and the others to prepare physically and mentally to be able to do this, we continue in stealth.


I take advantage and see through the window inside the houses to people trapped, I enter through the windows they are amazed to see me but I move my syrup towards my mouth to tell them to be silent, Rex with his strong bite breaks the ropes and I indicate them the way out of the village.


After some time in the middle of the village, I meet with Onegawara and Caqui, after that Domo and Kato descend from the sky saying they don't see anyone else, I think we already finished it was a little too easy.


I notice that there may still be people arrested, I tell them to start entering the houses and release them, but I am interrupted when the door to a house opens with a very strong kick and a strange man holding two swords appear he looks around And says.


- Mysterious man: What the fuck! Everyone dead and what monsters are these?


Judging by the way he dresses differently and the way he says it, he must be the leader, well now he's lost, there's no one to help him and we're six, the poster said it doesn't matter if I killed him or not so if he surrenders peacefully we won't have any problems, so I use telepathy to talk to him.


-Rino: You better give up now, we are done with your men, you are outnumbered running away is useless if you surrender.


After hearing this he remains immobile, he must be surprised by the situation, out of nowhere he makes a fighting stance I think he has no intention of surrendering taking advantage of the fact that we are going to fight using it to evaluate him.


Species: Human Class: Shadow Assassin

Lvl 51 HP: 35/35 MP: 42/42 ATK: 69 AGI: 52 Condition: Normal


How strange when I evaluated it came other additional information, the class says that he is a dark killer, HP is not those things, only that the other attributes are very high.


I try to catch him off guard using the spikes, but he cuts them off moving at incredible speed and blocks all my attacks.


-Rino: If they separate, he cannot block our attacks if they come from all directions.


As we spread out, he starts trying to hide, hiding inside a house, he truly thinks fast, Rex goes ahead and follows him and uses the paralyzing breath that covers the entire interior of the house, but he quickly escapes through the chimney and above it launches a strange ranged attack coming from its swords come out gray cone-shaped projectiles that look like drills, the attack comes towards me and I deflect the effect of the attack when it hits the ground made a hole.


This attack was dangerous, this guy is dangerous, the way this guy fights if those adventurers we ran into were here already would be dead, we thought it would be easy, but this is going to be complicated.