character cards 
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I'm sorry if this doesn't make up for the lack of chapters, but in my defense, I'm juggling a quiz a midterm, and a project! So I hope you can understand, Thank for your patience

Name: Kthanid, Kath, Kathy

Age: 11 days

Magic: make void, make darkness, become darkness

Race: Tumor

Kthanid the Tumor with many shapes is the fifth tumor to ever exist! He was made in a forest in secret, his Creator ran on him after seeing what he's created, The tumor himself started out as a blank slate but slowly after meeting people and taking in many forms, he's slowly developing a personality.


Keya: motherly figure.

Marcel: Friend, kind of flirty

Ruby: girlfriend

Forms: grr (wolf), Bear, spider, orc, human

Weapons: The cursed man's finger (sword), The Nanni (Harpoon gun), Darkest night (Halberd)

Skills: Tentacles for days, Banshi scream, Shapeshifting, black card.

Extra: has voices in his head.

Name: Keya Chaeharice, Kay

Age: 15

Magic: Make light, passively destroy light (luck)

Race: Elf

Keya actually used to have a good life, But after an accident that led to the death of her parents, it was found that she had the power to passively destroy light! The villagers fearing for their lives locked her up for 4 months before Kthanid found her, Keya always had dreamed to be a mother so she treats the young Kthanid as her child, at that point Keya had lost all love she had for the world, She only cares for her friends now and won't hastate to kill for them, She is determined to live her life even with her curse.

Weapons: Magic gun


Kthanid: son

Marcel: Friend, fucking annoying

Ruby: daughter in law 

Skills: sharpshooter, motherly love,

Extra: She's want's to be taller.

Name: Marcel [REDACTED]

Age: 22

Magic: Understand mind

Race: Human

Their ambition as high as the stars, Always cunning, always three steps ahead, Marcel always seems to know somebody, they can make you do things for them even if you hate them, And their strength is nothing to scoff at, But they weren't always this way, back in their youth Marcel was from the upper class, they had the perfect life, well that was until they were betrayed by the people they loved and everything was stolen away from them, Marcel on the brink of death and having lost everything was forced to make a choice, they joined the cult of outliers and throw away everything they once were! his betrayers are living happy lives, but they will soon regret ever their births...


Kthanid: worship

Keya: friend (loves to tease)

Ruby: friend, Should have killed on sight but doesn't really care.

Weapons: War hammer.

Skills: Smooth talking, bashing in your fucking skull, making plans ,Makeup and clothes expert.

Extra: talks lazily 

Name: Ruby 

Age: 18

Magic: Make fire, Become fire, Understand time

(All half devils have Two aptitudes: Fire + X )  

Race: Half devil 

Ruby's mom made a deal with a devil to save her sister's life, Ruby's mother tried to take care of Ruby as long as she could, but raising a Half devil is almost impossible, Ruby had to become independent at an early age, Ruby couldn't get a job so she resorted to stealing, Due to her race Ruby lived a hard life and before she met Kthanid no one was interested in her in any capacity, She's really happy to have friends now, She and her mother are still in touch.

Weapons: Two Fire blades


Kthanid: Boyfriend

Keya: Friend, pretty cool

Marcel: Friend??

Skills: devil can transform themselves into fire, but as a half devil Ruby can only make her body lighter.

Extra: Every word ends in an echo, loves pranks!