day 17 [B]
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[use mental magic to establish a link with the robot and take over it acquire a Gundam]


Guess you can't expect it to always work.

The red bot rushes forwards!

The ground underneath it shatters with every step!

The townsfolk have run away at this point and are hiding in the buildings.

The red bot takes a swing at you!

You dodge it by bending your body.

You didn't really have to, but it seems you still have some trauma from the chemos left...

Ruby gets behind the reb bot and slashes at it's back!

Kay shoots some bullets at it!

The red bot armor shrugs off the attacks!

[Make your arms muscular and punch the robot until it’s broken.]

You do the thing.

You keep punching it over and over again!

The robot's metal plates start to dent!

The robot jumps back and makes some distance!

Then it aims its machine gun!

[Use your body to protect your companions from the machine gun.]

You give your self some fat and muscle and put Ruby and Kay behind you.

The red bot starts shooting!

Each bullet almost going right through you!

You add some lizard scales to your back to stop them from going through.

Click! click!

It seems the reb bot ran out of bullets and has to reload! this is your chance!

[Use shadow magic to summon large tentacles to subdue the red robot]

Before the reb bot can reload you make some tentacles out of his giant shadow!

They wrap around him!

[Have darkness swallow the robot]

Darkness slowly creeps up on the robot. 

The robot tries to struggle before some metal pols come out of it's back!

"that'S it'S magiC resistancE! attacK iT noW!!!"(Ruby)

The pols on the robot's back start to glow!

The tentacles and darkness start to waver!

Ruby rushes forward and sticks her knife in the robot's knee joint!

The knife doesn't cut through but its leg is unusable now! 

One of Kay's bullets hit the machine gun!

The gun explodes! it can still use its arm but the gun's in pieces!

The red bot jumps forward with it's one good leg and enters melee combat!

It looks like it's aiming for Ruby!

You have to do something quick!

[Seduce it.]

You give it the old reliable wiggle wiggle wiggle!

Robot stops and stares at you!

Yep! still got it!

[Fusion Confirmed ~~
Fire Magic + Darkness magic = Dark Flames
Dark Fires of Hell Obtained~~
Explanation: Your darkness magic has been fused with your fire magic giving birth to a new power.
Caution: The dark flames will not harm you but will not be extinguished at all if used. Only you can command your flames and make them stop burning things.]

A black flame appears on your hand.


You made dark fire! feels more dark than fire....


You throw it at the red bot!

The red bot's right arm gets completely covered making it unusable!

The robot tries to slash at Ruby but she's to fast for it.

[try to consume the robot]

[make a mouth with spinney teeth and bite the robot]

You make your self some bat teeth and spin them like a drill!

You chomp down on its body!

Drilling through to the circuits!

The red bot tries to struggle and stab you but it can't!

Ruby keep it in check!

Kay aims her gun at the robot trying to get a good shot!

Beep! beep! beep!

All of a sudden something comes out of the robot's back!

"OH SHIT! it'S thE missilE! wE havE tO takE iT ouT noW!!"(Ruby)

You take more bites out of this thing while Ruby keeps slashing at it!

Kay is currently panicking right now!

She can't keep the gun steady!

Kay closes her eyes and takes a deep breath and remembers what she read in the Ki book.

She can't use Ki yet, but she can do those breathing exercises.

Kay takes another deep breath and then another one.

Then she opens her eyes.

The world is moving slowly.

She can see your teeth slowly rotate.

She can Ruby slowly plunging in her knife into the robot.

Kay aims her gun, it's steady, the perfect shot.

For one second, a light flashes in her eyes.

Kay takes the shot.


It goes through the red bot's eyes!

The red bot starts to spasm uncontrollably!

After spinning around a couple of times the robot finally falls.

Ruby looks over to Kay.

"holY shiT thaT waS amazinG KaY! hoW diD yoU dO thaT?!"(Ruby)

Kay spins her gun with a new found confidence.

"Well you know, it just takes skill I guess"(Kay)

Kay has a completely smug face.

Buzz. buzz.

A drone comes and picks up the red bot.


"what's so funny?'

"oH it'S jusT, iF thE reD boT get'S damageD thE  persoN whO ordereD iT haS tO paY foR iT!"(Ruby)

"hehe! that is pretty funny!"(Kay)

You wacth the reb bot fly away.

"Welp, we should probably get the hell out of here! I'm going to the bathroom Kath go find Marcel"(Kay)


Kay enters a bathroom.

"Ruby stay here "

"Wasn'T planinG oN doinG anythinG elsE"(Ruby)

While you're walking you hear a ringing sound but you ignore it.

Ruby watches you walk away before noticing that her phone is ringing.

She answers it without looking.


A voice of a little girl comes out.




⌈nO, thiS iS thE half-deviL bitcH⌋

⌈oH fuck me! god dammit! shit! fuck! whatever!!! I didn't want to talk to her anyway!!!⌋

⌈I'M prettY surE yoU jusT saiD⌋

⌈NEVER MIND WHAT I SAID!!... your Ruby right⌋

⌈okaY, sO yoU knoW mY namE, that'S noT creepY⌋

⌈Oh get over yourself! I didn't want to know your names! he keeps forcing me to read this crap!! just fucking words and words!! I could only skim through this shit!!!⌋



⌈onE  whO arE yoU? whaT thE helL arE you talkinG abouT? anD whO iS forcinG yoU?⌋  

⌈UGHHHH, what the fuck is this 200 questions!!!⌋


⌈FINE!! for my name, you can call me X, what I was talking about is this shitty computer log thing! and the one "forcing" to read it is my brother you can call him Z⌋  

⌈woW. sO yoU gavE yourselveS nameS froM thE asS enD oF thE alphabeT⌋  

⌈SHUT UP!!!⌋  

⌈yeaH yeaH, what'S thiS abouT A loG⌋  

⌈It's this stupid shit! at first, we just thought it was someone's fanfiction or something! it's written horribly! for some fucking reason, it's like it's in first person and third person?? it keeps saying YOU which I guess is supposed to mean the character is ME and I'm supposed to project or something, but the Main character has a personality and shit so it doesn't make any fucking sense!! and the powers are all over the place, it's almost like the writer forgets most of them!! and this whole day shit! I only skimmed through this bullshit but it feels like three months passed! how can something happen every fucking day for these people!! ⌋  

⌈leT mE guesS. iS thE twisT iS thE peoplE iN thE shittY fanfiC arE uS⌋ 

⌈yep! I'm glad I got you! even though you are a bitch! hehehe you H-scene is the only thing I read fully!!⌋    

⌈grosS.......I'lL bE honseT I kinD oF wanT tO reaD thE shitY fiC versioN oF mY lifE⌋    

⌈no you don't, it's a fucking bore fest! the worst part is my brother is obsessed with this shit! he keeps trying to exchange theories and crap! and I have to say! FUCK I DON'T FUCKING CARE!!!!!!!⌋    



⌈noW whaT⌋  


⌈uM....oH nO?⌋  

⌈fucking hell guess this means I'm officially part of this shit now!! when do I get my shit crown and shit scepter and shit robe!!⌋  

⌈YoU sweaR A loT⌋  

⌈god look at this shit! I didn't even want to talk for this long!!! I just wanted to go in and out!⌋  

⌈theN....whY arE yoU callinG mE...hoW arE callinG mE⌋    

⌈As for the how, I don't fucking know! my nerd brother hooked this shit up, as for....well it was so you can help use........but instead, I want to help you.⌋    

⌈sigH....yoU knoW yoU keeP puttinG aloT oF importanT shiT iN onE sentencE, anD I neveR knoW wherE to starT...⌋    

⌈let me help you, not of that shit was important, ok now that we put that out there, we talk about what really matters⌋    

⌈hiT mE⌋     

⌈my universe is going to die⌋  

⌈oH I'M sor-⌋  

⌈shut up! I'm not done yet! my brother and I made a time bobble to keep us safe, we need to make it to a different universe⌋  

⌈ouR universE?⌋  

⌈FUCK NO! now listen up if you help me I will help you⌋  

⌈WhaT dO I geT ouT oF thiS?⌋  

⌈I'll give you my Jumbo⌋   

⌈PffffT!!.... I'M'rE whaT?⌋  




⌈it'S nothinG it'S nothinG....ummM whaT iN thE namE oF sataN iS A JumbO?⌋  

⌈I fail to believe there is a bitch stupid enough to not know what a Jumbo is.....⌋


⌈did...did you just SAY shrug!?!⌋


⌈oh god, the worst part is I can't even choose someone else...⌋

⌈umM..whY..acutelY nO, don'T answeR thaT answeR thiS, whY arE yoY helpinG mE⌋

⌈you and your fucking questions...I helped you because I felt that we're alike⌋

⌈I don'T knoW iF that'S A compliment oR noT....⌋

⌈oh, it is, Ruby there only so many of us in the ominverse⌋

⌈.....whO iS "uS"?⌋

⌈hehe...people who get brother might be smart, but he's not smart where it counts, people like us Ruby, we know what's up⌋


⌈I know you like to act like the cool girl, to cool to read books and learn, even though you have more knowledge then those chumps combined⌋


⌈You know that this world is really- ⌋

⌈shuT uP⌋


⌈I havE nO ideA whaT youR talkinG abouT, anD, eveN iF I diD.....I don'T havE anY businesS knowinG thesE thingS.....⌋

You look around for Marcel.

You sent out some undead flies around but you still can't find anything.

Where could Marcel be?


You smell blood!

You quickly make your way to a less populated part of town.

In front of is a grey building, the smell of blood is coming from there.

As you enter you see Marcel!

And the dead bodies all around them.

Marcel is covered in blood.

Their eyes unclear and their hands shaking.

Marcel slowly turns to you, but they're not really looking at you.

"I killed them........I killed all of them....some of them did nothing wrong........actually none of them did anything wrong.......they just worship some god and my creed told me that was I killed them......but then I kept going.......I tortured them.....I burned them.....I made them suffer..."(Marcel)

You look at the bodies, they're in a horrible state, every single one of them died horribly.

You can't even tell if the corpses belonged to men, woman.

"I.....I liked it.....I liked hurting them.....I loved killing them.....If I could I would do it again"(Marcel) 

Marcel looks at eyes dyed in madness their smile reaching their ears.

You answer.

"Ok! can I eat these?"

Marcel stops as they became a statue after getting the last answer they ever expected, then they slowly focus their eyes on you.

"soooo......I can?"


Marcel starts laughing.


You feel a little awkward.

Marcel's smile turns into a sweet one

Before you can notice Marcel is in front of you!

"hmmm~~~you can eat them~~but only if you let me eat you~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel presses their lips against yours.

Their tongue enters your mouth.

Marcel's hands go all over your body.

You let them do whatever they want.

After who knows how long Marcel lets go of you.

Their face is red.

So is yours.

"don't tell Ruby about this~~~"(Marcel)


"It turns me on~~~"(Marcel)


As Marcel moves away from you.

You notice something, a painting of a man, it looks familiar...

"Hey, Marcel who is that!"

Marcel still a little light headed answers.

"Oh~~~it's some king that died a while ago~~people are worshiping him now or something~~I don't fucking know it's the first I heard about it~~~~come on let's go~~"(Marcel)

You stare at the man in the painting.

A silver-haired 80-year-old king.

You take out the silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman.

Then you look at the silver-haired 80-year-old king.

Then you look at the silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman.

Then you look at the silver-haired 80-year-old king.

Then you look at the silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman.

Then your brain starts to hurt.

You put the silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman back in the flap and forget about it.

You catch up with Marcel and tell them about what happened with the robot.

"oh~~~~~~sounds cool~~~I wish I was there~~~"(Marcel)

"Nah it's cool we handled it! hey Marcel!"


"Do you have to kill every cult and church ever, I'm not complaining! I have my own thing with the black spikes I just want to know!"

"Yes and no Kathy, You see if the cult or church is paying us money we don't kill them, or if they are too powerful like the church of the goddess then we just harass them at most.........though there is one cult we can't touch..."(Marcel)

"Oh? what is it"

Marcel face slowly drains of emotion as they talk.

Their voice is slowly getting lower and lower until they start to whisper under their breath.

"It's an old cult even ....older than mine........some crazy fucks say it existed in the era of the ancients.....some even crazier fucks say they existed even before that..........they call themselves...


tHe CuLt oF dIcE.

Sorry for the delay I had food poising and I couldn't even get out of bed, but I'm fine now! I was finally able to write this! a lot of stuff happen this chapter, Kay is getting better at Ki, It turns out that Ruby know more than we think she does, and we have the first mention of the cult of dice, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, I will try to make some extra chapters to make up for the lost days