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{timer: 235 days till universes destruction}

{Current form: human}

"what the hell is a vip?"

You pull out a metal card with your name on it next to a Red mask logo.

In the corner is the word vip.

"WaiT whaaaaaaT?!?!?!"(Ruby)

"THE FUCK!?!"(Taylor)

The two people to react first were Ruby and Taylor.

Ruby snatches the card from your hand.

"KathnaiD......dO yoU havE anY FUCKING ideA whaT thiS iS????? whaT I'M holdinG iN mY motherfuckinG hanD righT noW????"(Ruby)

" card?"

Taylor grabs your shoulders and starts shaking you.


"who's important?"



Unlike these two heated girls, Marcel just laughs cooly.

"well~well~~~I don't even know what to think~~~~"(Marcel)

Kay clapped her hands.

"congratulations Kath!!! I don't really know what this is but I bet we'll get some use out of it!"(Kay)

 Ruby looked left and right.


Kay shrugs her shoulders.

"what's the big deal why do you care so much about a stupid card"(Kay)

"and~~~~~Cue the screaming~~~~~"(Marcel)


Taylor's tail stands on end, and her ears flatten.

"ok. ok. ok. don't have to yell, though that thing you do with your ears is cute, what does this card do that's so great?"(Kay)

"sigh, you really are an idiot...I swear...................wait what was that about my ears......"(Taylor)

Taylor started blushing and hiding her ears with her hands.

Ruby seeing this decides she has to do the explaining since Taylor was being a was Taylor right now.

"iT sayS herE oN thE bacK, yoU geT freE shippinG! accesS tO alL reD masK serviceS! anD yoU geT A direcT linE tO reD masK helP centeR!!"(Ruby)

The red mask help center was a paid service where you can ask questions about the company and even form a complaint.

The problem is the fee to call them is very high and even then you'd be put on hold so long you'd forget why you even called in the first place.

"oh wow that's pretty good........but why would red mask give us this???"(Kay)

"hmm~~~~Dave did say Red Mask was warming up to our Kathy~~~~~"(Marcel)

"who's dave?"

"nO onE importanT"(Ruby)

Taylor finally comes out of her trance and coughs.

"hey asshats, maybe you should read the fucking letter!"(Taylor)

"oh yeah! the letter!"

You pull the letter out of the envelope and read it out loud.


Hello abomination of nature!


How are you doing! are you feeling well? is being a fuck you to god paying off for you?

Because it's paying off for me!

But we can talk about that later.

I just want to say that I'm so sorry for spying on you!

It was bad of me to do that and I know it will take a long time before you can pardon my rudeness!

As such, I hope this VIP card will be enough for you to forgive me!

Anyway, now that you've forgiven me, let's talk business.

I'm willing to give a great contract! we can make a lot of money you and me!

But mostly me!

 I'm thinking action figures, plushies and collectibles people pay way too much for!!

And so many fucking books the library will have a section just for you baby!

It looks like you're going on a big journey!

But I'm sure it won't take too long to stop by the Red Mask corporation.

From where you are right now it should take a while.

Use that time to think about it!

I'll be waiting!!!


Red Mask.

Ps: if you're wondering what the hell you even are, an airtight container was stolen for me with the remains of a being very close to what you are....

".........if you find it maybe it will shed some light on your horrible fucking existence......."

You read this sentence a couple of times...

A you.......

Someone who could understand you.........

Your heart beats faster.

You feel darkness whispering in your ear.

It tells you that this what you want.

What you desire.

You hear the party around you talking about the letter but you can barely hear them.

All you can make out is...

Kay is mad.

Ruby is happy.

Taylor is worried 

And Marcel is...........................


You can't even focus anymore all you can think about is this being.

What was this being like?

Was it as confused and angry as you are?

Did it have voices in its head?

If this being existed......are there other beings like it still alive.

You're grateful that you don't need to breath because you can't at the moment.

 Everything is going dark.

You're not scared it's the're calm...

The only thing keeping you in realty is the paper in your hands and the balls around you.

You feel something.....strange almost like.........a sound is on the tip of your ear.

It's so faint but you almost make it out.





"He's coming."





Kay shakes you violently.

You turn to her.

"I've been calling for a minute! what's wrong?!"(Kay)

You look around.

Everyone has a look of worry on their face even Taylor.

"'m fine....I was just....thinking......I want to find this thing.......I want to learn what it was like.......if it really is....just like me....."

Kay's face relaxes.

A soft motherly smile forms on her face, she hugs your head.

You can hear her heartbeat, it's calming.

"Mmmm....Kath, don't worry about it, we'll find this thing! right guys!!"(Kay)

Kay turns to the others.

"iF iT makeS kathnaiD happY surE whY noT, besideS I alsO wanT tO knoW whaT thE helL hE iS"(Ruby)

"I don't fucking care but getting back red mask property is kind of my job so I'll keep an eye out, BUT DON'T FUCKING EXPECT ANYTHING FROM ME!!!"(Taylor)

Marcel.........doesn't say anything....

They're just looking down.


Marcel looks a bit startled.

They force a smile.


Kay and Marcel stare at each other.

But unlike a normal Kay vs Marcel stare down.

Marcel immediately looks away.

"I need some air"(Marcel)

Marcel gets up from the ball pit and exits the ancient burger.

"what'S uP theiR asS????"(Ruby) 

Kay doesn't say anything, she just looks at the door.

"You guys are fucking weird....."(Taylor)

"aH whateveR! leT marceL bE alL emO iF theY wanT tO, alsO I thinK it'S abouT timE wE goT ouT oF thiS balL piT"(Ruby)

You all start getting up.

"I don't even know why you guys were sitting in it, to begin with???"(Taylor)

"balL pitS arE fuN bitcH"(Ruby)

You make your way outside.

You find Marcel leaning next to the door.

A small bottle of wine in their hand.

They seem a little worn out.

They wave at you.

"Welp it's time to go~~~Kathy did you chose where you want to go yet~~~~"(Marcel)

"Oh! um........Unlaw I want to go there..."

A sigh of relief comes out of Kay.

"oh.....good...I don't have to see any fucking insects...."(Kay)

Ruby shrugs.

"MeH botH placeS soundeD cooL sO i'M okaY witH iT"(Ruby)

Brub! brub! brub! brub!

You hear the sound of something brubing.

A Larg Red Mask drone with some kind of fan on the top is flaying close to you.

It lands next to the ancient burger.

"welp my ride is here, I'll see you dorks later"(Taylor)

"wait Taylor!"(Kay)

Kay grabs the hem of Taylor's leather jacket.

Taylor turns around flustered.


Kay takes out her phone.

"Let's pair our phones so we can call each other, you know just in case! I don't want to go all the way to the Vrineral Kingdom just to miss you! you promised we'd hang out!"(Kay)


Taylor stills pairs her phone with Kay's.

She then gets on her ride but not before turning to you.

"Yo Kathnaid!"(Taylor)


"'re alright...."(Taylor)

Taylor gives you a thumbs up before the drone takes off.

You wave at her as she leaves.

"hehe, that's one interesting girl"(Kay)

Kay laughs while covering her mouth.

A hint of red so faint you'd never notice it covers her cheeks.

Ruby smiles.

"welL welL lookS likE kaY goT herselF A scissoR partneR!"(Ruby)

Kay's face contorts.

" could have just said girlfriend......"(Kay)

"YeaH I knoW"(Ruby)

"Ok so where is the way to Unlaw anyway??"

"um~~~~before we do that~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel puts a hand on your arm.

"Kathy~~~~there's something I want to ask you~~~do you have a land deed and some sort of transformation potion~~"(Marcel)

"oH yeaH thaT craP"(Ruby)

"Oh...aa....yeah I have those one sec"

You look around in your flap.

It's so gross everyone looks away.


"Oh man it's in there one sec"

You just pull random things out.

The first thing to come out is silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman.

You give him a big hug!

"this is it!"

"um~~what do you mean~~?"(Marcel)

"I found this on the third people I ever met!"

"That'S noT propeR sentencE buT okaY"(Ruby)


"Yeah! it was a transformation potion! I drank it but instead of turning me into a silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman, I just spit one out!"

You give silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman another squeeze.

"and now we're best of friends!!"

"I.....I see~~~and um~~the land deed~~~"(Marcel)

You keep digging.

And finally, pull out the land deed.

Though something else pops out too.

Something small and round.

You give the land deed to Marcel while you pick up the thing that fell.

It was a coin.

It takes you a second but you remember it.

You got this from ghost town.

You never really got a good look at this coin.


The coin goldish? with a red's....all scratched up.....

In the middle is a some kind of mouse thing?

It has words on top and numbers in the bottom

The longer you hold it the worse you feel.....almost like.....some evil is in it.

This not from this world.............

It's not from anywhere.........

You hear the whispers of children in your ear.

They tell of all the fun times you'll have.

If you just use this coin.....

The mouse will reward all those who beat his games.

You stare deeply into the mouse's eyes..........

You quickly put the coin back in the flap.

Hmm....maybe some other time...............this is going to need your full attention......

You look at Marcel who just finished reading the deed.


"sO what'S thE deeD foR? A mansioN oR somethinG? I alwayS wanteD tO livE iN onE"(Ruby)

"Meh I could never live in a place that big I like my home to be more.......well...homey...we can sell the just sell the mansion"(Kay)

"what's a mansion?"

"oh it's a really big hou-"(Kay)

"This isn't for a mansion~~"(Marcel)

"OH! craP! leT mE guesS it'S foR aN averagE sizeD homE oR iS thaT STILL toO mucH????"(Ruby)

"hmm~~~nope~~~This is the deed to the Vrineral Kingdom~~~"(Marcel)



" is that important?"

"Yes, Kath...some people would think that was important"(Kay)

Ruby raises her arms in the air.

"nopE! nopE nopE! let'S fuckinG deaL witH lateR i'M donE I'M DONE!"(Ruby)

Ruby starts walking forward.

She doesn't even check if you're following her.

Kay sighs.

"Yeah....I'm with Ruby so much happened today.....I don't want to think about this now..."(Kay)

Marcel smirks and hands you the deed.

"honey~~~keep holding on to it will ya~~~it's super~important~~~~~"(Marcel)


You put the deed and silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman back in your flap.

But your finger brushes the coin.

You quickly pull it out!

You don't know if you can trust those voices. do have voices you CAN trust......

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