day 24 – day 25
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We start this new year with the longest chapter yet! joy! also, I want to thank the guy that sent me 2$ I used that money to buy yogurt so my stomach didn't feel like I swallowed buzzsaws, shout out to "Slime" 

{timer: 233 days till universes destruction}

After regrouping in ancient burger your party kept moving north.

You used the same method of travel you've used so far.

You turn into a spider and the rest of the party rides you.

After traveling in silence for about a day.

You rest for a bit and share your story about what happened in the mountain.

It was as always.....very bad.

But they semi understood you this time so you are getting better. 

When you mentioned Ricktar, Marcel got weird and went to sleep early. 

After the party (not including you) got a goodnight's sleep.

You head off again.

And after some more traveling.

You reach something strange.

It was a big building made of wood and stone.

There were two slightly smaller buildings next to it.

And behind them were rows upon rows of......engine carriages.

The engine carriage.

First made by the previous red mask, the invention revolutionized travel.

As the name suggests the carriage uses an engine powered with gasoline to make it run.

It was attractive to a lot of people, especially merchants.

While gasoline was new at the time and very expensive.

It cost way less than keeping a camel, which needed to be fed and rested.

Over the years they would be made into many different shapes and sizes to hold many things.

You only saw a few of these in your life.

But now in front of you, there are about 50 of them.

All of them large, with a massive holding space.

Workers (mostly lizardmen) are filling the engine carriages with cargo.

"What is this place?"(Kay)

"hmm~~~~I'm not sure we'll have to check it out~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel and Kay jump off your back.

"Kath wake up Ruby"(Kay)

Ruby was still sleeping on your back.

Her sleeping poster could only be described as "painful to look at".

You grab her with tentacles and turn back into a human.

Ruby moves a little but doesn't struggle.

"mmmmM....mommY......I don'T likE iT......"(Ruby)

She mumbles in her sleep.

You poke her a few times but she doesn't get up.

You say her name a few times but she doesn't get up.

Just when you were about to shout her name.

Something starts ringing..

This seems to finally wake her up.

You put her down so she can stand.

She looks left and right.

"wherE thE fucK arE wE..........................anD whaT thE fucK iS thaT noisE!?"(Ruby)

Ruby fishes in her jacket pockets before pulling out her phone.

There's no caller id.

Ruby's mood seems to lighten up a little.

Ruby turns to you.

"heY kathnaiD yoU gO tO.....whateveR thE fucK thiS placE iS, I havE tO takE thiS"(Ruby)


You follow Kay and Marcel.

Ruby answer her phone.

⌈Took you long enough to answer me bitch!⌋

⌈I waS asleeP bitcH⌋

⌈I don't care bitch! when I call!! you answer!!⌋

⌈yoU don'T owN mE bitcH⌋

⌈fucking bitch!⌋

⌈stupiD bitcH!⌋



⌈man bitch it's been a while!⌋

⌈yeaH bitcH I waS wonderinG wheN yoU werE gonnA calL mE bacK⌋

⌈really!? that's fucking surprising ⌋

⌈yeaH, you'rE fuN tO talK tO⌋

⌈I know, I'm pretty great!⌋

⌈sO, yoU kilL youR brotheR yeT?⌋

⌈nah, he's fucking pathetic I didn't even bother⌋

⌈woW whaT A fuckinG loseR!⌋

⌈I KNOW RIGHT!! and that's not even the worst part!!⌋

⌈oooH, whaT iS iT! telL mE!⌋

⌈ugh I don't want to get into, it has to do with our alien reproduction⌋


⌈ew is right ⌋

⌈sO whaT otheR shiT havE yoU beeN uP tO? otheR theN grosS alieN reproductioN⌋

⌈Well now I'm just getting ready⌋

⌈ReadY foR whaT?⌋

⌈come on you should already know⌋

⌈knoW whaT?⌋

⌈okay fine if you want to pretend, I'm going to a planet near from here and I'm going to make it explode!!⌋


⌈No I won't be using metal, that's stupid⌋

⌈oH sorrY⌋

⌈whatever!...what are you doing?⌋


⌈just kidding I already know I skim the logs, hell I can even see my words on the log right now⌋

⌈oH yeaH...thaT⌋

⌈It was all dumb bullshit, but it seems fun, you know, for a primitive species!⌋

⌈sicK fuckinG burN⌋

⌈fuck! if I was there I would just fuck shit up!!!! you need some more fucking action in this thing!⌋

⌈fightinG iS cooL buT it'S toO mucH fuckinG worK⌋

⌈you only think that because you don't get creative with it⌋


⌈well one time I killed this guy by disemboweling him and then shoving his intestines into his throat until no one knew if he died from disembowelment or suffocation ⌋

⌈oK thaT soundS cooL aS shiT buT whaT thE helL diD hE dO tO deservE thaT?⌋

⌈do I need a fucking reason to disembowel someone?⌋

⌈guesS noT! HAHAHA!!!⌋


⌈what'S wronG? yoU oN youR perioD oR somethinG?⌋

⌈no, I have no idea what a period's just⌋

⌈spiT iT ouT bitcH⌋

⌈There's nothing in my mouth⌋

⌈yeS therE iS, yoU havE stupiD wordS thaT yoU won'T leT ouT, iF yoU keeP theM insidE they'rE goinG tO festeR iN youR braiN untiL you'rE aS stupiD aS theY arE! leT theM ouT girL!⌋

⌈what!?! really!?!?!⌋

⌈yeaH reallY, LikE A sacK oF shiT, beforE yoU caN cleaN thE sacK anD reusE iT, yoU neeD tO leT alL thaT shiT ouT! ⌋

⌈that's fucking disgusting........where do I start........well I guess it starts with him⌋

⌈youR brotheR? ⌋

⌈ don't even know if I should call them him or just....⌋

⌈takE youR timE⌋

⌈my race is called the Zirniklis, we used to be the strongest race in three galaxies...maybe even the universe....we'd attack planets, steal their technologies, and eat everything on it and then lay millions of eggs⌋

⌈WoW youR racE iS prettY badasS⌋

⌈ was...we were practically invincible! even if you killed all the adults, they were millions of eggs already ready to be hatched, the Zirniklis children were about as strong as a normal soldier! no one was a real threat to us⌋

⌈thiS iS thE parT wherE everythinG goeS wronG isn'T iT⌋

⌈my proud race, a race that destroyed empires and drove even the most powerful races to extinction and ate entire planets whole!....................................was annihilated in a day⌋

⌈A.......A daY....hoW iS thaT....⌋

⌈it just showed up.......and everything died.......I...couldn't........I had to run away....and to make things worse it broke time so bad I'm talking to you 1000 units in the future and 1000 units in the past simultaneously.......⌋

⌈whaT iS...."iT"....⌋



⌈You know you can find out if you really want to⌋




⌈why do you keep pretending.....⌋

⌈I'M noT pretendinG⌋

⌈.......time keeps moving Ruby, no matter what, even if it's gone, it's there, someone just has to exist to be aware of it.....and that's me.....time only moves here........because I'm here.......and if I don' one will even bother.........⌋



⌈.............................telL mE morE abouT youR specieS⌋


⌈I wanT knoW morE abouT yoU weirD alienS ⌋

⌈oh! um! okay!!.............................what do you want to know?⌋

⌈welL.....whaT dO yoU looK likE?⌋

⌈is this like one of those phone sex things?⌋


⌈ok fine! get ready to get all hot and bothered bitch! ⌋

⌈I'M prettY cooL anD calM righT noW sO geT tO iT!⌋

⌈well, first of all, we have eight eyes! not like most of you fucks with only two eyes! like I don't even understand how you can even see!⌋

⌈oH fucK, thE sicK burN keeP cominG!⌋

⌈we have two sharp fangs we use to inject things with venom! mine can bite through fucking steel!! my bitch brother can't even bite through a fucking wool sweater⌋

⌈oooF! brO goT btfO aS teetH manleT!⌋

⌈We can also climb on walls! and use webbing that comes out of our backs!⌋



⌈dO yoU knoW whaT a spideR iS?⌋

⌈no, why the fuck would I know what that is? and why the hell should I care?⌋

⌈nO reasoN, continuE⌋

⌈I don't know what's left, I guess that fact that we glow ⌋

⌈glowinG poweR? that'S kinD oF lamE?⌋

⌈NO IT'S NOT!!! Unlike those stupid coward fucks that try to hide! we Zirniklis want to be seen!!! we want every single fucking thing around us to know we're here!! and we're going to fuck them up!!! SO THEY BETTER FUCKING TRY TO HIDE WHEN THEY SEE MY AWESOME ORANGE GLOW!! BECAUSE THEY'RE ABOUT TO SEE WHAT'S LIKE TO BE EATEN FROM THE INSIDE OUT WHILE STILL ALIVE!!!⌋

⌈yoU alL gloW orangE?⌋

⌈nah, only the cool ones, pretty much all colors are used, but the more intense your color is the more people fear you!! my brother glows fucking blue! the most bitch color in the world!!!⌋

⌈I gloW reD sometimeS, howS thaT?⌋

⌈Red is the best, after orange, of course, my mom glowed red, she was feared by everyone! even my dad! and my dad conquered like 100 planets!⌋

⌈YeaH abouT thaT, hoW dO likE....geT tO spacE? likE hoW dO youR spacE shipS worK?, doeS iT usE thE poweR oF glowinG?⌋

⌈phffffffff!! space ships!!! who needs space ships!!!!⌋

⌈theN hoW dO yoU geT througH spacE theN yoU fuckinG arachniD whorE!⌋

⌈we have special space string⌋

⌈yoU can'T jusT adD thE worD spacE tO thingS⌋

⌈I didn't fucking name it ok!⌋

⌈oH sataN don'T telL mE yoU usE fuckinG strinG tO flY arounD spacE!⌋

⌈that's exactly what we fucking do and it's awesome! ⌋

⌈I'M sorrY buT iN mY heaD, iT jusT lookS likE thE goofiesT shiT eveR⌋

⌈well it's really fucking cool!! especially when millions of us fly at the same time!! so shut up!! and it's very racist to say something like that!!!⌋

⌈oH geeZ didn'T thinK I woulD geT alL racisT oN yoU mighT aS welL groW somE fuckinG gillS anD livE iN thE oceaN froM noW witH alL thE fisH racistS, wE half-devilS pridE ourselveS iN beinG oN beinG totS toleranT⌋

⌈I fucking hope so! my race is the best!..................... but I guess devils are kind of cool⌋

⌈yeaH, I fuckinG hatE myselF anD wisH I waS neveR borN 24/7 buT eveN I musT admiT I'M prettY fuckinG cooL⌋

⌈there seems to be a lot of fucking species in your world but it's nowhere near how many I personally saw in my galaxy.....I wish you could have seen it ⌋

⌈mE toO⌋

⌈But they're all gone now, there's no one left to conquer because everyone is dead, so will I if I don't get out of here ⌋

⌈.....sigH....sO whaT arE yoU goinG tO dO noW? ruN awaY agaiN ⌋

⌈what else can I do? I already pushing it with this, If I didn't have to complete the time loop I wouldn't be doing this! and I can't leave until you shit heads get your C.C.C to connect to ours⌋



⌈yeaH fighT whateveR thE helL diD thiS!⌋

⌈I'll die!⌋

⌈yeaH buT yoU won'T bE A fuckinG pussY!⌋

⌈why do you even care?⌋





⌈I thoughT yoU werE A zirnikliS⌋


⌈theN stanD uP anD geT revengE foR youR peoplE!⌋


⌈I....I don'T knoW!!! buT wE caN thinK oF somethinG!⌋



⌈ one ever........never's pointless it's not like we'll ever see each other.....⌋

⌈whY noT?⌋


⌈geT youR asS oveR herE girL!⌋

⌈you.....want go to your universe!?!??!?!⌋


⌈well...I mean.....maybe I guess...I could.....WAIT WHAT THE HELL AM I TALKING ABOUT THAT'S CARZY!!⌋

⌈crazY enougH foR yoU?⌋

⌈'re right!! I'm a zirniklis! what the hell do I have to be scared off!!! and it's like they can do anything to the MASTER OF TIME!!⌋

⌈masteR oF whaT noW?⌋

⌈Master of fucking time bitch! or! XXX_MasteroftimeXXX online!⌋

⌈I thoughT youR namE waS X?⌋

⌈We zirniklis get our name at birth from our mumbo or jumbo but we give ourselves many names ⌋

⌈oH that'S cooL I guesS, sO what'S youR reaL namE?⌋


⌈youR reaL namE, whaT iS iT?⌋

⌈ want to⌋

⌈uM, yeaH?⌋

⌈but! but! but! what about the tumor!!⌋


⌈kathonoidatkth or whatever the fuck his name is!!! ⌋

⌈yoU meaN kathnaiD? whaT abouT hiM?⌋

⌈......wa...I.......oh my god......yeah...yeah....YEAH!!! THAT'S RIGHT!! WHAT ABOUT HIM!!! he's just your toy to use while your bored!!! you don't have any real feelings for him!!!!⌋

⌈I'M sorrY whaT?⌋


⌈that'S greaT!!⌋



⌈when I get there.......I'll tell you my real name......ok⌋

⌈hehE alrighT!⌋

X holds her beating blood pusher.

It feels like it going to pop!

She swallows all the venom in her mouth.

It stings her throat.

After finally finishing the call.

X takes everything she needs including her chest which contains her Jumbo, strapping it to her back.

She takes one last look at Z who was behind the main terminal.

The 16 pairs of eyes locked on to each other.

The two siblings who've been together for all of their lives.

Hardship after hardship, they've stuck together to survive.

And this was the first time they'd truly be separated 

X turns around breaking eye contact first.

Not knowing this would be the last time she ever sees her brother.

Z turns on the teleporter for her.

X grabs her father's grenade launcher.

A weapon he used to drive races to extinction.

This weapon saved X's life more times than she can count.

Though if she had gotten her hands on her father's MumboJumbo instead she would be unstoppable.

X stands on the teleporter.

Waiting for her new adventure to begin.

Though the only thing in her mind was a half-devil girl.

The girl in question is making her way to join her friends.

Blissfully unaware that she basically proposed to an alien spider girl.  

You run behind Kay and Marcel, leaving Ruby behind.

The big building has a sign right in the middle.

( transportation association )

"Hey! that rhymes!"(Kay)

 "Hmm~~it doesn't take a lot to amuse you does it~~~"(Marcel)

"Marcel I swear to god...."(Kay)

If glares could kill, Marcel would be dead ten times over.

Marcel and Kay enter the building.

You follow them, but before you enter you notice something move from the corner of your eye.

You turn to see what it is.

It's........a man?

He's wearing what seems like a trench coat.

He's pretty far away, next to where all the engine carriages are.

What caught your eye about this man was how he was moving.

He crosses a distance in seconds and then stops completely over and over again.

He sneaking around in daylight and to make things worse the carriages were on a flat plain so he had nowhere to hide without anyone seeing him.

Yet somehow he managed to do that.

He'd stop in the middle of the plain in just the right spot where no one was looking and then keep going.

He then reaches one of the carriages that were fully stocked and quickly jumps in before they close it.

In that second, something about him popped out to you.

There was a large red X on the side of his forehead.

You watch as the carriage starts to move.

You tilt your head slightly, for some reason you're very interested in this man.

Hopefully, you'll see him again soon.

You enter the building.

The first thing you notice is how tall the ceiling is.

It's about 45 feet up.

The second thing you see a desk with a bored looking lizard man behind it.

Next to him is a waiting area.

Behind him, is the storage facility.

You can see hundreds of cargo being stored there.

You spot Marcel and Kay talking to the Lizard man.

"Um excuse me"(Kay)

The lizard man looks down at Kay.

He talks in a monotone voice.

"Hello, my name is Cole, How can I help you, ma'am"(Cole)

"Hi Cole, I just wanted to know, what is this place?"(Kay)

"we're a shipping company ma'am"(Cole)

"We can see that~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel looks at their fingernails.

"Um yeah, what do you ship?"(Kay)


"I'm sorry......what?"(Kay)

Marcel's disinterested eyes light up!

"....drugs you say.......what kind of drugs...."(Marcel)

"Anything you can think of"(Cole)

"devil dust?"(Marcel)


"death pills? "(Marcel)


"intestines destroyer?  "(Marcel)


"eye buster? "(Marcel)




" the black plaque???"(Marcel)


"Ok! ok! that's enough!!!"(Kay)

Kay raises her hands.

She looks left and right before asking a question.

"Why are you so open about this?? I thought drugs were illegal!!?"(Kay)

"Yes ma'am drugs are illegal"(Cole)

"Then.....then why did you admit it????"(Kay)

Marcel chuckles.

"Kay~~~~~~no one gives a shit~~~~~"(Marcel)

 Kay frowns deeply.

She turns around and throws her self into your embrace.

"Kath, heal me"(Kay)

You pat kay's head.

Meanwhile Marcel is trying to score some drugs.

You go to sit down in the waiting area and Kay sits next to you.

[Stare at pants while sitting]

You stare at your pants.

Each fiber is woven together to make this thing.

What are pants?

Is each leg hole (leg-sleeve?) one pant?

And why do people wear them anyway?

What's the point?

Why don't they just walk around without clothes?

Why does wearing pants really add?



Or it could be used to hide things.

Like you don't really know the gender of someone until you see what's under their pants.

They could look exactly like a girl or boy but it turns out they're not!

You don't know what Marcel is because of this.

What is gender anyway?

You have some kind of idea, one gives genetic material that's used for the other to make children.

And it seems life has been built on that.

But what about you?

You have no real gender or race or anything really.

But you still wear pants.

Just like everyone else.

Everyone wears pants.

Even those who have nothing to hide and nothing to protect.

 Thanks to your contemplation!

Your affinity for MIND has gone up by 2+!! 

Oh! um, that's cool! 

You wonder what your current affinity is?

Your affinity for MIND is!!!!:



Just give up

[ wonder how shadow grr is doing.]

Shadow grr should still be with Ben.

You hope he did a good job of helping him.

You wonder how Ben is doing.

That little elf boy with mind powers that hurt him.

Yet he used those powers to save people.....

You can't help but feel curious about him 

You don't really care that much about shadow grr though.

He's useful but that's about it.

You didn't really get attached.

Meanwhile, a shadow grr that missed it's master dearly feels a sudden stabbing pain where its heart would be!?

It wonders what it was for a moment but then goes back to sleep.

An elf boy pets it till it comes down while reading a book.

You look around some more at the place.

Marcel is still talking to Chole.

"Come on~~~~~just sell me some~~~~I won't tell~~~"(Marcel)

"For the last time, I am not allowed to sell the drugs"(Chole)

You turn to Kay.

"Hey Kay, what are drugs?"

"Well....Kath......drugs are bad!"(Kay)

"Drugs are bad?"

"Yes, drugs are bad!"(Kay)

"but.....what are they-"

"Bad things!!"(Kay)

"Then why does Marcel-"


You slump and mumble.

"..............marcel's not bad"

"What did you say?"(Kay)

Before you can repeat yourself you notice that the atmosphere at the front desk is getting tense.

Marcel has their "I'm going to fucking murder your children and feed them to you~~~~" smile.

And Chole still looks bored as ever.

"I will repeat myself one final time VALUED CUSTOMER we only ship these drugs, they are not ours to sell"(Chole)

Chole emphasis "valued customer" like people emphasis the word "useable" when talking about a gas station bathrooms.

Marcel grips the desk.

"Now~~~now~~we don't want your little business to get into any trouble now do we~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"(Marcel)

Chole's uncaring demeanor vanishes.

His eyes turn hostile.

And just when something is about to happen.

A voice rings out.

"NOW NOW, what's going ON HERE?"(???)


Chole bows respectfully.

Everyone turns their heads to the source.

You stand up immediately.

You stare at the supposed boss of this place.

A very tall person about 35 feet long, wearing a black suit with a white shirt.

But that's not what caught your attention.

It's how his body looked.

Not his hight.......his skin....

It looked!

He reminded you of the dwarfs with their rocky bodies..but this one was made from metal!?

There were metal spikes on his shoulders almost like spearheads that cut through his suit.

His fingers look like swords! it kind of reminded you of Ricktar but this guy was able to bend his fingers.

It was the same with hair that was all pointing back almost like a wave of arrows were being shot from the back of his head!

"Kay what is that....."

"I think that's a titan....but I've never seen one in person before...."(Kay)

The titan makes his way to Marcel.

He only needed to take two steps to cross 10 feet.

He stands imposing.

"HELLO THERE my name is Atlas I RUN THIS business, what SEEMS TO BE THE PROBLEM? ?"(Atlas)

His way of talking was weird!

Every now and then his voice would echo like he was talking in a cave.

Marcel smirks not feeling intimidated.

They shrug.

"I was getting some pretty awful business~~~~~~~you don't want that coming out do you~~~~~~especially from someone who's known pretty well~~~"(Marcel)

If kay could roll her eyes any harder they would pop out of her head and then roll around the planet a couple of times.

Feeling like things could get bad you get behind marcel to back them up.

Atlas rubs square metal chin.

"WELL WELL WELL! you're absolutely right! I DIDN'T REALIZE I WAS IN THE PRESENCE OF SOMEONE SO.........dangerous"(Atlas)

Chole's face finally showed emotion, he looked surprised!

He never heard his master ever say that about anyone!

Chole turns to marcel wondering if he did something wrong.

Marcel's smile turns smug.

"well~~~~~~~~~~~~it's good to see-"(Marcel)

"WELCOME TO MY BUSINESS........................ Kthanid the monstrous"(Atlas)

Atlas completely ignores Marcel, sidestepping him and offering a hand to you.

You stare at that hand for a while.

Not really knowing what to do.

Finally, you just sort raise your hand up, imitating him.

Atlas grabs your hand and shakes it up and down.

His fingers dig into your flesh and make holes in them.

After whatever the hell that was, you pull your hand back and then fill the holes.

Atlas's metal eyes seem to shine!

You don't really get this guy.......

Your attention turns from him to some snickering behind him.

Chole and Kay are laughing.

While Chole is hiding what's his laughing at by covering his face and looking away.

Kay has no problem pointing at Marcel and laughing.

Marcel's face doesn't change but their eyes are closed shut.

A slight hint of red is on their face.

Atlas grabs your hand and stares at it.

"wow......THE WOUNDS ARE's been so long since I shook someone's hands....."(Atlas)

Atlas walks around you, inspecting every detail....

"Excuse me, MISTER KTHANID"(Atlas)

Finally, he stops in front of and squats down till your eye to eye.

"I HEARD that you have the ability TO SHAPESHIFT CAN you please demonstrate that for me"(Atlas)

"Umm..ok I don't see why not"

Hmmmm.....but what should you turn into........

[ Transformation yourself into a beautiful Elf woman, with big boobs and a nice round ass.] 

You do the thing.

Everyone's eyes turn to you as you transform.

The first thing you do is turn yourself into an elf then you turn yourself female.

You couldn't really decide what type of horn to give yourself you just make a longhorn.

You were basically basing this form on that long-horned elf woman you met a while back so you might as well take the horn too.

After that, you give yourself blond hair to match Kay.

All eyes are fixated on you.

Well, parts of you.

All with the exception of.....

"AMAZING!! turned into an elf!!!"(Atlas)

Atlas smiles like a child.

"Um....yeah I sa- AH!"

You feel your chest being raised up.

"Amazing indeed~~~~~~~~~~~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel got behind you at some point and started helping themselves to your large chest.

Marcel gets a shin kick from Kay.

She turns to you

"Um....Kathy....while it'""great"" that you've decided to choose an elf for your race, you need to understand that as a woman you can't just let people touch you"(Kay)

You tilt your head.

"Not even marcel?"


"oh come on kay~~~~~~I'm just being friendly~~~~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel's hands have moved down.

Kay keeps kicking them in the shin.

You turn to Atlas.

He was covering his mouth with his hand.

"You....turned into an elf......."(Atlas)

"Why do you keep saying that?"

"No, it's just.....HOW DO I SAY THIS.....I met some shapeshifters in my life you see....BUT THEY ALL SIMPLY DISGUISED THEMSELVES as other beings......but DID NOT MAKE YOURSELF LOOK LIKE AN ELF, you are an elf!!!"(Atlas)

" do you know that?"

"I CAN FEEL IT! the magic in you is stronger!"(Atlas)

Ben did tell you that elves are the best at using magic...

You should test it out.

[test out your new air magic.]

You remember how it looked last time.

All you could do was move some air around.....maybe this time.....

You make a ball of air.

It spins around faster and faster!

You have complete control over this thing!

You can flatten it and even turn it to any shape you want.

You start spinning it faster.

It's now strong enough to cut things.

You put a finger in it, and it shops the tip of it clean off.

Kay starts clapping for you.

"wow, Kathy that's so cool!"(Kay)

Marcel gives you a strange smile.

"you're really picking those aptitudes up aren't you~~~~~"(Marcel)

"MOST impressive!"(Atlas) 

Atlas's admiration of you seems to raise up even more.

You get good feelings.

You're starting to like this form!

Having bits stick out of you is weird but being able to use magic so well is great!

Yeah I was thinking you needed something like that


You wonder what he means by that.

well you got your ultimate form, right?

You're not sure where this is going...

well that's mainly for a power and strength boost! you didn't really have a form that's purely focused on using magic, but now you do guess that makes sense...

of course it does!! why wouldn't it?? what the hell did I say that didn't make any sense??? you absolute cretin!! wonder what crawled up his ass and died..........

While you wondering what the hell that was about.

You hear the big doors open.

Ruby pokes her head from the door and spots the group.

She makes her way towards you.

She stares at you for a full 30 seconds.

"sO thiS iS thE forM you'rE takinG noW?"(Ruby)

You were a bit surprised that Ruby was able to tell that you were you.

You get great feelings from this.


"anD yoU decideD tO bE A chicK agaiN?"(Ruby)

Ruby stares you up and down then looks at Kay.


A laugh suddenly escapes from her mouth.

Kay's eyebrows clash together like two rhinos running at full speed.

"what's so funny........."(Kay)

"'S'S jusT......neveR minD.....pfffF"(Ruby)


Kay's face distorts in confusion.

"pffF hehE....don'T worrY abouT iT....huH....umM kathniaD let'S geT yoU A brA youR titS arE shakinG alL oveR thE placE, yoU caN borroW onE oF minE"(Ruby)

You look down.

Your chest does shake a's starting to get annoying...

"Let me get YOU A ROOM! you can spend the night here!"(Atlas)

Ruby finally acknowledges Atlas's existence.

"sO whO thE helL iS thiS biG guY?"(Ruby)

"OH I APOLOGIZE FOR not introducing myself, I'M ATLAS, the owner of this establishment"(Atlas)

"anD thiS establishmenT iS?"(Ruby)

"they sell drugs"(Kay)

"oH sweeT!"(Ruby)

"we SHIP DRUGS we don't sell them"(Atlas)

Atlas dutifully corrects them.

Marcel chimes in.

"so~~~you said you'd give us a room for the night~~~~I assume it's not for free~~~~"(Marcel)

"Yes AND NO, I would like to give you a proposition! YOU CAN REFUSE AND STILL GET A FREE ROOM THOUGH"(Atlas)

"and that is?"(Kay)

"YOU SEE SOME giant insects from inscetoia make their WAY HERE EVERY NOW AND THEN, I would like to hire you for protection"(Atlas)

"don'T yoU havE guardS foR thiS?"(Ruby)

"I DID, BUT they all died, it seems more and more OF THESE THINGS ARE HATCHING"(Atlas)

Marcel shrugs.

"Look buddy~~~~you can hire some adventures for that~~~~those asshats will do anything as long as you call it a quest and then make a letter go up~~~~"(Marcel)

"I'll give you SOME DRUGS"(Atlas)


Marcel shakes Atlas's hand, making sure not to touch the sharp parts.


Kay interjects.

"You can't just decide for us!"(Kay)

Atlas tries to calm Kay down.

"It's fine! talk amongst yourselves and GIVE ME ANSWER IN THE MORNING, but for now"(Atlas)

Atlas claps his hands.

It sounds like two metal blocks hitting each other.

"Lindow will SHOW YOU TO YOUR ROOMS, you can rest up there"(Atlas)

A human man in what seems to be a butler uniform appears from behind Atlas.

"Hello! My name is Lindow! I will be in your care for this day!"(Lindow)

"If you need ANYTHING, JUST TELL LINDOW AND he'll get it for you, I WOULD LOVE TO STAY AND CHAT but sadly I have work to do"(Atlas)

Atlas says his goodbyes and takes off.

You're left with Lindow.

"I'll take you to your rooms! you can ask anything of me! how many people do you have with you?"(Lindow)

Kay walks up to him.

"Just us four, we're going to need three rooms"(Kay)

Lindow smiles at Kay.

A sweet smile one would give a child.

"aaaaah! you want to be in a room with your mommy?"(Lindow)



Kay takes what seems like a year to fully process what Lindow just said.

Her eyes slowly turn to you.

Her: a young blond haired elf.

You: a mature looking blond haired elf.

He thought you were her mother.

It took the power of you, Ruby and Marcel combined to stop Kay from killing Lindow.

But you finally dragged her into her room and Marcel knocked her out.

You were all sure that Kay was going to shoot up this place so you took her gun....though you're pretty sure that would only lower the death toll by half......

A very traumatized Lindow takes you a building next to the transportation association.

It seems this is where some of the workers live.

The rooms were surprisingly nice.

You all settle in.

After that Ruby took you to try on some bras.

"sO hoW lonG arE stayinG arE goinG tO A girL thiS timE?"(Ruby)

"I.....I don't know....I kind of like this though..... every time I try out a new just feels so refreshing I guess"

"YeaH I beT"(Ruby)

Ruby kicks her legs while sitting on the bed.

"IT soundS reallY nicE.....beinG ablE tO turN intO anythinG yoU wanT.....iF aT anY poinT yoU feeL likE yoU don'T wanT thiS yoU caN jusT changE agaiN....."(Ruby)

Ruby looks at herself.

"hmmmM........I wondeR hoW X iS doinG....."(Ruby)

Ruby falls into deep thought.

You try to catch her attention but she doesn't respond.


Ruby's shoulders jump up slightly!


"The bra doesn't fit, it's too big!"


Ruby stands up to help you.

She pulls on the bra straps till they're as tight as they can go.

It's still a bit big though.

"fucK thiS! jusT theM biggeR"(Ruby)

"I can't"

"whaT dO yoU meaN yoU can'T??"(Ruby)

"well, it's more like I don't want to...."

You're not really a big fan of these things to be honest...

Well, not on yourself anyway....

"SigH....oK, we'lL jusT ordeR somE froM reD masK, givE mE thaT viP carD"(Ruby)

You give to her and Ruby starts to dial the number.

[Ask Ruby about the coin and if the coin voices are true.]

You take out the coin and show it to her.

"Hey Ruby check this out!"

Ruby only takes on look at it.

"KathnaiD that'S disgustinG"(Ruby)

"Oh sorry..."

You put the coin back.

Ruby finishes her call with Red Mask delivery.

"oK theY saiD iT shoulD bE herE tomorroW"(Ruby)

Ruby takes off her hoodie.

Her large breasts pop out.

She ties her hair up so you can fully see her golden eyes.

She takes off her shoes and sits cross-legged.

You can't help but stare....

[Have sex with Ruby]


You push Ruby down on the bed.

"KathnaiD!! whaT arE yoU doinG yoU assholE! it'S stilL daY ouT!"(Ruby)

"Sorry but I can't really stop now"

"'rE sO baD yoU knoW, forcinG yourselF oN mE ♥"(Ruby)

Ruby wraps her arms around you.

"SO? aren'T yoU goinG tO turN intO maN? becausE i'M noT reallY intO girlS"(Ruby)

"how do you know?"

"I jusT dO, oK"(Ruby)

".........let's find out"

You bring yourself closer to her.

"geeZ...................whaT aM I goinG tO dO witH yoU ♥"(Ruby)

Bright lights shine!

A red curtain slowly opens to reveal a dusty old stage.

On the stage is a fat hairy man.

He's wearing a meatball costume.

He does a little dance and then strikes a pose.

"look at me go!! I'm the Man-made tumor! do do do dot"(fat hairy man)

He then proceeds to do some more dances.

You look around the place some more.

You're currently sitting in a theatre.

On top of the stage is a big neon sign.

"One Man theatre play"

You look back at the fat hairy man.

He's now wearing a military costume with a fake eye patch and a peg leg.

"look at me go!! I'm a human dictator! do do do dot"(fat hairy man)

He then proceeds to do the exact same dances.

You are now painfully aware that this theatre is empty.

Well....almost empty.

There's someone right next to you.

They've been clapping and laughing this whole time.

Their silver hair is flashing in the darkness.

You slowly turn your head to them.

"HAHAHA!! good show!! Jolly good show!!"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

He turns to you, popcorn bucket in hand.

"Kthanid old chap! didn't I tell you this show was going to be magnificent!"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

"umm....if you say so...."

You look back at the stage.

The fat hairy man is now wearing what seems to be a golden glove.

Not on his hand, he just looks like a giant golden glove.

"look at me go!! I'm an artifact that can turn everything into gold! do do do dot"(fat hairy man)

He's still doing those same dances.

".........this.......this is a dream.....isn't it....."

"hmmmm....old chap! that didn't sound like a question! but it's still not strong enough to be a statement! tell me friend! what's leaving you so confused?"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

"well....dreams are supposed to be terrifying....this is just......weird...."

silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman looks at you with bewilderment.

"Friend! I believe that you are confusing nightmares for dreams!"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)


"Of course! dreams are important! they some times hold the truth your own mind keeps from you!"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

"but.....what about nightmares! I hate those! even if there's only a small chance to get them, I don't want them!"

Silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman throws some popcorn into his mouth.

"So, you say all you have ever had so far have been nightmares? did I get that right?"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)


"hmmm....sorry, but that's not true kthanid, you never had nightmares before"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

"what are you talking about?"

Silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman turns to you and stares deeply into your eyes.

His eyes are colored a very light blue.

So light it blends with the whites of his eyes.

"Do you remember what I showed you?"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

"I don't think I could forget it if I tried"

He showed you five images.

1- a black circle in the sky.

2- a blue box

3-  Two dice

4- a statue of a man holding a book

5- a black flame

"You showed me the future?"

"hmm...not quite, what I showed you was something I like to call paradoxical points! it's images that you will see over and over again! if you ever see one these images it means something very grand indeed is going to happen"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

Silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman takes a big sip of soda from a big gulp cup.

"You've already seen some of these paradoxical points in your dreams and the waking world haven't you?"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

"Yeah some of them"

Silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman looks back to the stage.

The fat hairy man is now wearing what seems to an inflatable black ball.

"look at me go!! I'm a demon god! do do do dot"(fat hairy man) 

Silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman starts clapping.

"hey....what don't you ever talk to me..."

"Well, I just don't want to miss the show!"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

"I mean when I'm awake!"

"Who says you're not awake now!?"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)


"Kthanid my friend! have we ever really needed to talk to each other?"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

"I guess not.....but this is still really nice"

You rest your head on his shoulder and silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman puts his arm around you.

You continue to watch the show.

The fat hairy man is dead.

You watch his blood pool around him.

Behind him is what seems to be a giant tower.

Giant wires hang of it and stick to the ground.

One of them lands on top of the fat hairy man and attaches it's self to him.

He's head slowly swivels around.

It sticks something in his throat and makes him talk.

"look at me go!! I'm %̸̦̲̹̜̤͆7̴̛͈̰̓͂́̕d̸̗̥͊s̸͚͖͌̄̊̏ḧ̷̰̜́*̸͉̦̙̙́͘͘$̶͔̦͂̈͐̅̏#̵̨̝̼̰̂̑̐̈́̕@̵͉͉͈̙̕!̴̨̠̟̣̿͌͋͝(̶̹͎̈́̑̒̏̆)̵̢̪̃̑̃h̵̺̾̀͒̏̕ẅ̴̩́@̵̢͍̤̎(̵͎̬͉̺͈̎̔͋! do do do dot"(R#! *a&k) 

The curtains close.

Silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman applauds. 

"hmmm....a bit of a downer ending isn't it? but I guess you need to expect this sort of stuff with dramas"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

Silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman brings his face closer to you.

" have no idea........just how much danger you're truly in......"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

"I'm strong I can handle it"

"no....not this.....not him"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)


"Kthanid this world is not rotten, for that to happen it needed to be pure at some point.......but it never was......this world was made are one of the only things that can stop this world from its original purpose.....and that's why once you're no longer useful to them, they'll kill you"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)


"don't say anything"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

He brings his face even closer.

Your lips are so close even a twitch will bring them together.

It feels like you've been looking into each other's eyes for an eternity. 

"Just one last thing, I hope it helps you my friend"(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

His eyes flash white.

And another image is burned into your eyes.

Speaking of burning.

The theatre is on fire now.

It took a second to notice this because the fire was black so it was masked by the darkness.

Silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman is gone.

And right on cue.

She's there.

The girl with fire covering her face.

She starts talking as the fire consumes you both.

"God does play dice with the universe"(???)

The sprinklers start working.

The fill up the theatre with water but do nothing to stop the flames.

The water is dirty and purple in color.....

"But he cheats"(???)

[You wake up in the middle of the night, you really want to [play] with Ruby, but you convince yourself that it's best to not do that, finally you have no choice but to put a coat on yourself and go out at a Tavern to hear some information from the people.]

You wake up.

You look around everywhere,

You're in the room.....

Next to you is a sleeping Ruby.

Things got a little crazy at the end so both of you pretty much fell asleep right afterwards....

You look outside.

It's not night time, more like evening.

The sun is in mid setting.

You turn back to Ruby.

She is really is beautiful........

You wonder if that's a Half-devil thing?

Ricktar was the same, you didn't have any time to notice it but even with the weird devil bits, Ricktar was pretty handsome.

Maybe it's like a way to say sorry?

Like hey! your life is going to be really hard, but! at least you're hot! really do want to wake her up and go again.....but that's probably not a good idea.

There's no tavern at this place...

But you're pretty sure the cafeteria here has beer so that should be good enough.

You got a tour of it while Lindow was trying not to cry the whole time.

You slowly get dressed.

You stop every now and then when you blink.

A new image has been burned in.

This one is clearer than the others....

You pull out silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman and just stare at him.

He's still unmoving. close your eyes shut.

A vision of you being sucked into a black void fills your head........

You make your way to the cafeteria.

It seems like it's dinner time because the place is crowded.

Humans and lizardmen, eating and drinking.

No titans though.

Some of them have happy faces while others seem miserable.

Everyone seems so busy in their own conversations that no one notices you.

You look around the place before spotting someone you know.

It's Marcel.

They're sitting in at a table by themselves and shaking slightly.

You walk up to them as they shove something up their nose.


Marcel starts shaking violently before turning their head so fast to face you their neck almost snaps.


Marcel's eyes are bloodshot and their pupils are very small.

Their shaking gets rougher.

"Are you....okay?"

Marcel shakes their head.

Their pupils go back to their normal size.

"Yes~~~yes~I'm fine~~~black plague hits hard but only for a few seconds~~~~~I managed to score some from the workers here~~~"(Marcel) 

Marcel shows you a small brown bag.

It's filled with small black balls.

"would you like to try some~~~ it makes you feel like your brain is on fire~~~~~~~~~in a good way of course~~~"(Marcel)

That sounds awesome......but....

"Kay said I can't have drugs...."

Marcel chuckles.

"Kay~~~~~~~isn't here~~~~"(Marcel)

"yeah......I wish she was....."

You wonder if she's sleeping well right now......

"........................................suit yourself~~~~~but you're missing out~~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel snorts some more black plague.

You walk away not wanting to disturb Marcel's drug time.

 "Hmmm....too bad I can't have drugs......"

"how about something EVEN BETTER than drugs??"(???)


You turn to your right.

You see someone covering themselves with a big cloth.

Their sitting at a table with only two chairs.

You're not sure that this person even works here.

"I can show you something better than any drugs"(???)

This suspicious person has a female voice.

She gestours to the chair in front of her.

You sit down.

"sooo....what is it?"

"Ah! prepare to see the gift!"(???)

She reaches under the table and pulls out a box.

And then she slowly opens it.

Steam starts to come out and you can finally see what's inside.

It'''s.......bread with cheese and tomato sauce and round slices of meat?

You've seen this stuff all around Rina's lab back in the kingdom of roses.

"it's a slice...."(???)


You take a slice of it and just sort throw the whole thing in your mouth.

"'s good I guess"




"I feel like you're going to tell me regardless of my an-"

 "Because you can put ANYTHING on it.....ANYTHING!!! and it will still taste delicious!!!"(???)


"allow me to prove it to you"(???)

She proceeds to pull more and more pizza boxes.

Each of them with something different on top.







"hmm....I must say...every single one of these tasted good....I guess you weren't"

The woman trembling! her arms in the slightly raised.

"it''s....been so long....since.....anyone!....I.....I....I can't believe it! I might see the birth of a new pizza person with my own eyes............I must give them the final test....."(???)

"I'm sorry what?"

"NOTHING! NOTHING!...I have one more pizza for you! let's see if you can handle it elf woman!"(???)

She pulls out one last pizza box.

But while the others were made from cardboard.

This one was made from pure copper.

A symbol of a pizza with an eye in the middle is on it.


The woman opens up the box, and you see the final pizza.

It's......different than the ones you've seen so far.

Instead of bread.

There's human skin.

Instead of tomato paste.

There's blood.

Instead of cheese.

There's human fat.

Instead of meats.

It's covered in various organs.

In the middle, there's a single heart.

The woman is now silent.

She's watching your every move.

You now notice that there's a pillar next to you.

No one can see you right now.

You slowly take a slice and start eating.

The woman watches you eat the whole thing.

You only had one slice of each so far but this is the only one you ate whole.

You lick your lips after you're done.

"MAN! that was good! it's probably the best one yet! do you have another one?"

Before you can process what's happening the woman lunged forward.


All of a sudden both of your cheeks have been grabbed.

You can see her eyes now.

Her right eye is bigger than her left...

" people...."(???)


She lowers her voice and then practically kisses your ear.

"pizza people"(???)

She gets up and raises her hands in the air.

"All life! all death! all suffering! all greed! all existence! is on the great cosmic pizza!! all of it will one day be eaten by the great papa!!"(???)

The woman then physically pushes into herself.

You hear her bones crack and set into place.

She keeps doing this until she looks like a ball.

She then pushes herself and rolls out.

On the way, she bumps into several people and objects before finally making it out.

You stare out the door where she left, stupefied.

Your starting to think that person doesn't even work here.....

After a little bit, one lizard woman worker taps you on the shoulder.

The lizard woman had glasses on, specially made for lizardmen by wrapping around their heads.

"umm....exuse me....who was that?"(Lizard woman)

"I......I think she said she was a pizza person..."

The lizard woman adjusts her glasses and sighs.

"Uggh! those guys are soo annoying! pizza is ok I guess! but you shouldn't base a cult on something so stupid! where is the cult of outliers when you need it!"(Lizard woman)

The lizard woman turns her head to a very high Marcel and scoffs.

"You're kthanid the monstrous right? Chole wouldn't stop talking about you turning into as he calls it "totally hot elf lady" "(Lizard woman)

"Kthanid is my name I don't know who added the "the" and "monstrous" to it"

The Lizard woman taps her scaly chin.

"Probably some advertising company, you should check your mail, you probably have some merchandising offers, most people become villain just to get those"(Lizard woman)

"I think I got something like that but I don't really care"

You're about to break the conversation and go do something else when you suddenly remember why you're here.

To get information.

But......information on what?

The only thing you think of is Unlaw.


As robotically and unnaturally as an RPG protagonist.

You forcibly change the conversation.

"tell me about Unlaw"

The Lizard woman blinks at you a few times.

"umm..............., ok?"(Lizard woman)

She almost stops herself from asking any questions about your ability in social situations.

"Well, let's see......Unlaw used to be a trade city, but after a crime boss made that place his home it started to go down, they would make laws for him so his business would run smoothly, the problem was, this attracted other crime bosses, and as you can guess they asked for more laws to be made for them, it got to the point where the government just had to give up and have no rules because it just made no difference at that point and now at least they stop doing pointless's it..."(Lizard woman)

You keep pushing the RPG protagonist energy.

"tell me more about Unlaw"

The Lizard woman is starting to look concerned.

"I...I already told you every- OH WAIT! that's right! there is one last thing! the assassin guild made that place their base! it's great for them because they can operate out in the open so they can get more customers than if they hid!"(Lizard woman)


"............"(Lizard woman)

"Tell me more abou-"

"I told you everything I know!"(Lizard woman)

The lizard woman is starting to get REALLY uncomfortable.

She makes some excuse about work, even though the workday is done and leaves through the same door as the pizza person.

You're left alone.

For some reason, you feel like you don't want to be here.

So you decide to take a walk outside.

You check one last with Marcel to make sure they aren't dead and head out too.

[throw the first stranger you see into the void so Hecaton can play with them.]

You do the thing on your way out while no one was noticing.

The sun has set.

Its red glare is replaced with a black sky.

You stand in the darkness.

The few stars in the sky are doing their best to illuminate the world.

You feel darkness covering you.

 Keeping you cool.....

The void joins you.

Keeping your head empty and calm.

At the tip of your ear, you can hear Hecton playing with his new pet.

The lights around the buildings start to turn on.

And the darkness around you fades away....

You move a bit away from the building and sit on a small hill.

And you just...sit there, doing nothing for a while.....

[use appraisal goggles on the coin]

Oh yeah....that thing.

You keep forgetting about the appraisal goggles.

Maybe because they're not really useful most of the time.

This is a bit surprising, but you guess sometimes you use the information you have and get by just fine.

You hold the coin in your hand, and run your fingers on the scratches.

But hey.

Maybe it will be useful now.

You put on the goggles and appraise the coin.

You get.......................................................nothing.

There's nothing there.

You take the goggles off and see the coin.

But when you put them back on.

It's gone!?

This mystery keeps getting bigger....

[ after Wike finishes his homework tell him to stare at the coin. If he starts to act out of the way just beat him up.]

You don't really want to ruin this mood you have going on.

But you're starting to run out of ideas....

You call Wike.

He slowly raises from your shadow while holding the book in his hands 

A very smug look on his face.

It's not going to take a lot for him to get a punch in the eye........

He bows to you.

"Master! thanks to your gracious gift! my ultimate joke is almost done!"(Wike)

He pulls something from his back.

It's the world tree seed.

You used one to make a body for Wike.

They're not very useful though because they don't have life in them.

For some reason, Wike asked for one, he never really said what he was going to do with it.

Because "Jokes are ruined when they're explained!"(Wike) so you just didn't ask.

It also helped that you didn't care.

You hold the world tree seed and just like before.

There's no life in it...................but there's something else....

This seed.....has death in it...

It's small and faint......

But it's in there!

You stare at Wike.

His smug expression gets bigger.

"See Master! I just need to work on it! I promise you Master! this joke will be so good! it will knock you out DEAD, get it??? dead! knock you out dead! because I put death magi-"(Wike)

You punch Wike in the eye.

He rolls around for a bit.

"It's good"

Wike stops and then jumps up!

His eye is swollen and red.

"W.....what did you say...master...."(Wike)

"I said you did a good job"


Gaint teardrops start falling from Wike's eye.

You take a step back!

"Did you just break???"

Wike starts whipping his chin/crotch.

"It's's just....I never thought you'd ever say that master......"(Wike)

More tears start to fall down from his eye.

You cringe in disgust.

"Ok stop!! look I called you out here for a reason!"

"Of course! of course master!"(Wike)

Wike slaps himself a couple of times.

"How can I serve you?"(Wike)

You hand him the coin.

Wike inspects it for a couple of minutes.

His big eye getting every detail it can get.

"where.......where did you get this......"(Wike)

"From ghost town"

"I see.....that makes sense...."(Wike)

"What is it?"

"It's not from this world, ghost town existed in some sort of thin plane of reality so that's how it must have got here"(Wike)

"OK! but what is it!!!"

Wike stares at the mouse on the coin.

"This belongs to one of the four evil gods"(Wike)


"Yes...evil wretched.....that even reality itself cast them they all live in their own separate pocket dimensions...."(Wike)

Wike gives the coin back.

"Master.....this.......this could either lead to great power.......or destruction......please be careful...... "(Wike)

Wike slowly goes back in your shadow.

You sit down and stare at the coin for a few hours.

You don't even move.

Then take a deep breath.....

The air around you moves.

Almost like it's trying to stop you.

But you're ready......

[a slot appears in the air, insert the coin in]

It's time.....

The voices of the children are now deafening.

They want you to play with the mouse....

You put the coin in..

And the world turns black.

When you wake up you find yourself in a very strange place.

The place is dark and slightly red.

All around you are machines with blinking lights.

And some kind of area with tubes going through it.

You stand up and take a look around.


You see him.

Very few things in your life scare you.

In fact, you can count them on one hand.

This is one of them.

You stare into his eyes for what can only be an eternity.

Your body feels weak and helpless.

Like an ant that just entered a lion's den.

All the while the voices of children speak to you.

They tell you to stay.

They tell you about all the fun you'll have here.

How you should be here with the Rat.


The voices play in your head for so long.....that....

You start to think about it....

What stayed here.......

You shake your head!

You can't!

You quickly look back at the rat.

 His eyes still pierce you....

And then......he speaks.


I bare you my gifts.

Are you joyful?


You shake your head yes so hard it almost flew off.


I love to see the happiness of children


He gestures to a counter.

Chose one of these three gifts

You must be rewarded for winning two games


On the counter are three things.

A pet rock

An Aqua fun water balloon filler

A crazy fold-up ruler


You feel great evil coming out every one of them.

You wonder if you should just not take anything. look from that rat sets you straight.......

You have to choose something......but what!?

The pet rock seems almost a planet...

The Aqua fun water balloon filler seems like it can be filled up with the whole ocean......

The crazy fold-up ruler looks really cool!

Like you can fold it up! and it has shapes in it!!


What will you choose......................


{pol closed}