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{timer: 232 days till universes destruction}

{Current form: female elf}

You slowly point towards The crazy fold up ruler.

The Rat seems pleased.

He gestures for you take it.

You pick it up.

It's very cool.

It folds up, there's like shapes you can trace on and you just noticed there like a little wavy thing so you can make wavy lines.

You think you made the right choice.

The rat speaks.


You turn to him.

He looks.......different....

His furr looks old like it's about to fall off.

His body seems to sag.

He moves towards you.

You think about running but there's nowhere to run to.

He puts his hand on your shoulder.

It a very skinny hand with a furry glove on it.

His fingers dig into you.

You feel pain from it.

You have much to learn child.

You are strong.

But there are beings that are beyond strength.

His fingers dig deeps into your shoulder.

He puts his other hand on your head.

Your mind is still weak.

The sound of playing children is reverberating in your mind.

The rat puts his middle finger on the top of your head and pushes down.

Far too weak.

The sound of laughter and joy slowly turn into screams.

Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha.

His finger has reached your brain.

Stay. you can' can't....

Play with us.

The sound of children screaming fills your mind but you can still clearly hear him.

Think of all the fun you'll have.


No adults.

No rules.

You can keep playing and no one can stop you.


This world is perfect.


Join our perfection.

Where kids can be kids.



The children join the rat.

Stay with us kthanid.
Yes, stay with us.
There are lots of games to play.
And no adults to tell us what to do.
Life is not complicated here.

"but...what about....Kat and Mary and..........raby?....."

Some names come out of your mouth.

They sound familiar yet......wrong.....

You try to remember the life you had.......but you can't.

The only thing that's in your mind is....

The games.

The arcade.

The play area.

The ball pit.

All the fun you're going to have......

with all your new friends............

All of sudden.

A voice echoes in your mind.

It's faint.

So faint you almost didn't hear it......

[ask rat if there's any leftover pizza]

" you have some pizza?"

Of course child.

All the pizza you'll ever want.

What type of pizza would you like?

You think about it.

There was a really good pizza you ate some time ago.........what...was it....

You can still feel the taste on your tongue......

Oh was a pizza made of human....

You got it from the pizza person........

You met them.................

After.........................talking to Marcel.

Your eyes open!

You shove the Rat as hard as you can!

He falls to the ground with no effort.

You stare down at him.

He looks........limp....

Almost all his furr is gone.

He looks like a corpse that's been left in the sun.

You poke him a few times.

It's almost like he has no bones.

Like he's just skin now.

The voices of the children are gone.

 You look to the right and then to the left.

The games and flashing lights are gone.

You're left in a void of darkness.


You should have stayed.

I have seen it.

There is only misery in your future.


That's the first thought that comes into your mind.

You open your eyes only to be greeted with the tip of a rising red ball.

You slowly get up.

The grass sticking to your back and hair.

You've escaped.

You're in the "real world" again.

Whatever that means anyway.

As you look around you feel something in your hand.

It feels jagged and sharp.

You open your hand to reveal the crazy fold up ruler.

It slowly sinks into your hand..........

Numbers start to appear on your forearm.


You have unlocked a new magic aptitude!


Verb unlock: understand.

You can now understand Space.

You let out the biggest sigh in your life.

"What a fucking day......"


Your resistance to mind has increased.

"Whoopty fucking doo....."

You don't move and just sit on the grass.


You look at the building.

"That's 200 feet away......."

You stare at the sun.

"that's around 200,5 million km away"

You feel like you understand where everything around you is.

How far away it is and how much space it takes....

You clutch your head.

A sharp pain goes through your head.

Your brain hurts and your eyes feel really hot.

So you just keep them closed.

You just hug your legs and use Void to keep your mind blank.

It helps slightly but the headache is still there.

And it seems your newly acquired space powers are stoping void from completely shutting you off.

Void tries to take out of this world.

Space tries to make you part of it.

You consider just making new eyes and a new brain.

But that just seems like too much work and even moving sounds like too much right now.

You just want to keep your mind blank for as long as you-

[Shit!!! What in the Bitching hell did your friends get involved in this time !!!

kath.... we might have a "big bitchy problem" on our hands, it will be coming very soon. That's why, I have a task for you.

Take this:

[Anti-Spider Repellant Spray]: It wards against all types of Spider life forms.

[Master and Maid(Slave) contract]: Those who sign this contract become the contractor's bitch until death.

Heed my words carefully. "If X(Alien Spider Bitch) ever goes out of control or starts to make even the slightest bit of bitchy problem, use these things on her. It will hold her(X) off from "killing you" or committing massive genocide!!"

(Phew , at least we can avoid the most horrible outcome if you have these)]

You slowly put your hands on your hair and clutch hard.


You pull so hard you almost pluck them out from the roots.

"WHO THE HELL IS X!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!?!?!??!?"


Your ability: poison cloud.

Has unlocked a different form!

Spider spray!

It's super effective against spiders but only in large direct attacks.


By using Void, Darkness, fire, and Air:

You can now establish a slave contact.


You can only have one slave at a time 

The slave must acknowledge you as their master (the use of force is permitted)

The slave must be rewarded for their service.

The slave has the right to challenge the master for their freedom.


You lay down again.

A slave...huh.....

Slaves are those with no freedom....

For some reason........that doesn't sit right with you.

You start to feel dirty...........maybe it's because you've been laying in dirt..........

You walk back into the building.

Chole greets you from his desk.

His voice was uncharacteristically chipper.

"Good morning!"(Chole)

You give him a nod.

Chole pulls out a box with a red mask logo on it.

"This came in for you"(Chole)

It seems your bra is here.

You sign for it.

And then open it up in front of him.

Chole not expecting this just looks away.

It seems Ruby bought you a black lace bra. 

After that, you make your way to see your friends.

The first person you check on is kay.

It seems you caught her when she just woke up.

She was sitting on her bed and rubbing her eyes.

"oooh....good morning Kathy.....I had a terrible nightmare....."(Kay)

Lindow probably had nightmares too.....

Kay lets out a big yawn.

She looks you up and down.

"did you roll around in grass?"(Kay)

"no, I just laid down"

Kay smiles.

"hehehe.....I hope you had fun.....come on let's get you clean"(Kay)

Kay takes your hand and heads to the bathroom.

Kay takes her time cleaning you.

She shampoos your hair gently and picks all the grass off.

" Kathy..."(Kay)

Kay rinses your hair.

You start to feel......clean....

Your head doesn't hurt anymore and your eyes feel fine now.

"My mom used to wash my everyday.....It's because I didn't know how to....she'd tell me stories about her life in the elf kingdom"(Kay)

You let Kay clean every part of your body.

You wanted to do the same for Kay but she declined.

She did let you wash her back though.

As your hands cover her small white back.

You can't help but trace your fingers on the small scars.

Kay is so small......but when you're with her.

You feel nothing bad is going to happen.

You remember when you first met her.

You didn't know what she was.

In were fully ready to kill her.........

"Kathy....what's wrong? you haven't moved for-"(Kay)

Kay turned around to look at you.

Her eyes grow wide.

You can barely see her anymore.

There's too much water in your eyes.

And it just won't stop.

Kay hugs you.

"Kthanid!! what's wrong!!"(Kay) could you forget about her.....

After all she's done for you.....

You try to talk to her, to apologize but your voice just won't come out.

It's almost like 25 days of pain just hit you all at once.

Kay pats your head.

Her fingers go through your long hair.

"it's's's okay...."(Kay)

After trying your best the only words to come out of your mouth are.

"I love you Keya"

After cleaning up you spend some more time with Kay.

She's giving you a lap pillow and singing old elf songs to keep you calm.

The songs were meant to be sung in a whisper.

Like the wind blowing through the trees.

Every now and then she pats your head.

You're already 26 days old and you're crying to your mother.

Talk about embarrassing.......

You start to calm down and slowly get up.

Kay puts her hand on your cheek.

"now....what's wrong?"(Kay)

Kay's eyes seem to shine.

It cuts through the void in your mind and lays you bare to her.

Leaving only the space where you and Kay exist. 

You're at a loss for words.

You barely understand what happened.

While trying to think.

silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman's words ring in your head.........

""hmmm....sorry, but that's not true kthanid, you never had nightmares before""(silver-haired, 21-year-old nobleman)

"I.....I had a nightmare too......a really bad one.......a really really really bad one.....I...I...I"

Water starts to gather in your eyes.

Kays wipes it away.

"'s tell me what happened...."(Kay)

"I was somewhere else....there was this......evil thing....and it wanted me to stay made me forget.....about everything......forget"

You slowly lower head.

Kay puts her hand on your chin and raises it up again.

You're met with the most beautiful smile you've ever seen in your life.

"Kathy........did you think I'd be mad?"(Kay)

Kay pulls you closer and kisses your cheek.

"I love you Khanid, more than you'll ever know, no matter what you do, no matter what you become, even if you forget about me, I will always love you"(Kay)

You feel your whole body shake.

The great sage didn't want you.

He didn't love you.

He hated you.

So why does kay.....

You push through the lump in your throat and ask her.


Kay brings her face closer to you until you can only see her eyes.

"Because I'm your mother"(Kay)

"hmmm~~~I need more eye liner~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel was just about done with their daily routine.

They had a bath using all 10 of their hair products.

And all 15 of their body washes.

After that, they made sure to shave till every.....single....bit...of their body was hairless and smooth.

Of course, after that comes the moisturizing.

This moisturizer has the same price as their hammer but even then they use it liberally till their skin is gleaming.

Lastly, of course, is their make up.

When they're on duty Marcel would just do half of their face as is tradition but most of the time they go all out.

But still, they try to get to the medium ground between handsome and pretty.

After that, they dress up.

Marcel likes to pick their outfit the night before to save time.

Today they're going to be wearing more of a male style of clothing.

As for why......well.........

Marcel licks their lips.

They're a big fan of Kthanid's new form.

especially...thier....ahem....and their....hmmmmmmm.

The outfit today is tight shorts and a simple shirt and jacket.

It makes Marcel's body look more masculine but still androgynous enough that you can't tell.

After dressing up and putting on their sneakers Marcel walks out.

They go by Ruby and Kthanid's room and knock on it.

Marcel's smile grows a little bit.

They imagine sneaking in there and having fun with kthanid while Ruby is asleep.

Marcel has many, many, many fetishes.

But their main one is Netori.

Marcel has stolen many lovers......

They even set people up just to steal them away.

It's why they let this relationship go on.

Even if Ruby is a dirty half-devil.

Marcel's mouth is now filled with saliva

Their breathing is rough and heavy.

Marcel stops themselves.

They dig their fingernails into their arms.

Not now.

It has to be slow and steady.

That makes it far sweeter....

After snapping out of their delusion.

Marcel notices that no one opened the door.

So like any sensible person.

Marcel just "picks" the lock and walks in.

Marcel hoped to """accidentally""" walk in on Kthanid changing.

But all they got was a naked half-devil on the bed.

It seems Ruby kicked the blanket off.


Cringes in disgust.

They grab a hoodie from the floor and throw it on Ruby so they don't have to see this anymore.

"And just like that, I'm not horny any more......"(Marcel)

It felt a bucket of ice-cold water was thrown on their head.

Of course Marcel returned the favor by getting some cold water from the bathroom and throwing it on Ruby.

Ruby jumps up and almost hits the ceiling.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!?!?!?"(Ruby)

Ruby quickly cover herself in fire.

She looks around before locking eyes with Marcel.

"whY thE helL diD yoU dO thaT!?!?!"(Ruby)

Marcel smiled.

"It was a wake-up call~~~~~~~~~"(Marcel)

Ruby finally notices what situation she's in.

She grabs the blanket and fully covers herself.

"diD yoU geT A gooD looK yoU perverT??"(Ruby)

Marcel's face turns from disgust to anger.

"Do you think I wanted to see your disgusting body???? if anything you should be apologizing to ME!!"(Marcel)

Ruby shot back.

"sO yoU wouldn'T fucK kathnaiD iF hE waS iN A half-deviL forM?"(Ruby)

Marcel thinks about it.

"Yes I would~~~~but it would have to be a humiliation thing~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel's mood starts heating up again imaging Kthanid forcibly taking them as a half-devil.

""So much for a subjugator! it's almost like you wanted my half-devil pitchfork!""

Marcel's face was getting redder and redder just thinking about it.

Now it's Ruby's turn to be disgusted.

Marcel brushes her off.

"I see Kathy is not here~~~so I'm going to stop wasting my time~~~try to hurry it up please~~~I'd rather not have to wait for you"(Marcel)

As Marcel walks out, Ruby seriously considers going back to sleep just to spite them.

The water finally stops coming out of your eyes.

After that Kay finishes dressing you up.

You could dress yourself, but it seems Kay's mother meter is in the red so she's being extra doting.

You walk out holding hands with her.

And you run into none other than Marcel.

Who seems to be coming out of your room for some reason?

Marcel smiles when they see you.

"well~~well~~well~~~good morning gorgeous~~~"(Marcel)

Marcel goes in for a kiss but is stopped by Kay.

"can you not do that first thing in the morning ?!?"(Kay)

Marcel shrugs.

"It was just a greeting~~~~~"(Marcel)

Yeah, you know the deal at this point.

Marcel and Kay have another staredown.

Though you do notice.

Their staredowns have gotten less and less hostile.

You don't feel like standing here so you break it off yourself.

"Can we eat now?"

Kay is the first to break.

"Yes of course!! anything you want!!"(Kay)

Marcel's eyebrow raises seeing this.

You're about to check on Ruby before her door opens.

An unkempt Ruby comes out covering her bed hair with her hoodie.

Kay stares at her.

"Did you take a bath or even a shower?"(Kay)

Ruby shrugs.

"I useD deodoranT that'S basicallY A showeR"(Ruby)

" it's......nevermind...."(Kay)

You're in the cafeteria again.

Unlike yesterday there's no one here.

It's 10 0'clock right now so everyone is working.

The chef was still here though so she made you all breakfast.

You all start eating except for Kay.

She was too busy feeding you.

"Hehe silly Kathy! the food is dripping down"(Kay)

Kay takes a napkin and wipes your mouth.

Ruby and Marcel share a look while trying to understand what's going on.

Ruby raises her hand to ask but Marcel quickly puts her hand back down.

Instead Marcel decides to change the subject.

"so~~~how are going to do this~~~~"(Marcel)

Kay turns to him finally snapping out of her mom mode.

"Do what?"(Kay)

"did you forget~~~~I'm talking about protecting Atlas's shipments~~~~we should come up with a plan now~~~"(Marcel)

Kay starts.

".......Marcel......I don't remember agreeing to this......."(Kay)

Marcel goes against their nature to poke the beehive and tries to be reasonable.

Mainly because it's 10 am and they can't be fucked right now.

"Kay~~~we're probably going to run into those insect monsters anyway~~~but if we take the deal we can probably get a ride on an engine carriage~~~plus if we do a good job~~~We can get Atlas to vouch for us at Unlaw~~so we can get in without any trouble~~~"(Marcel)

Kay thinks about for seconds.

She then picks up a fork and continues to feed you.

"Okay, you've convinced me"(Kay)

Marcel smiles.

Convincing people is very easy for them.

Especially when they can stop themselves from fucking with people.

Ruby stuffs her mouth with pancakes.

"muF I'vE onlY eveR riddeN muF A shittY enginE carriagE sO thiS shoulD bE fuN muF"(Ruby)

After stuffing her mouth full, Ruby pours the syrup into her mouth.

Kay frowns at this.

"Kathy don't copy her okay"(Kay)


After discussing it, a plan was made.

Ruby will take care of swarms with her fire and speed.

Marcel will take care of any hard shell insects.

Kay will snipe out any soft points and try blind any strong ones.

You will be an all arounder, covering for any weaknesses.

When a full strategy was made you went to Atlas.

"that's marvelous! I'M HAPPY YOU TOOK MY OFFER! let's not waste any time!"(Atlas)

Atlas calls for his workers.

They all go out and start to prepare the engine carriages.

It took only thirty minutes for them to get ready.

It seems Atlas made sure they were all well trained.

Atlas turns to you.

"you can ride in my special custom made CARRIAGES, THESE WERE MADE FOR COMFORT"(Atlas)

Atlas shows you the engine carriage.

It had leather seats, air conditioning, footrests, and even cup holders.

Ruby's eyes shine seeing this.

"FuckinG shiT! thE lasT enginE carriagE I waS iN didn'T eveN havE doorS!"(Ruby)

"Please enjoy it!"(Atlas)

The driver of this engine carriage, a woman in a blue suit, opens the door for you and bows slightly.

Just as you were getting on Atlas taps your shoulder.

"MISS KTHANID I was hoping you'd join me IT GETS A BIT BORING ON MY OWN YOU SEE"(Atlas)

Atlas points to his personal engine carriage.

You think about it.

Atlas seeing this starts waving his hands.

"You don't have to IF YOU DON'T WANT TO OF COURSE! the last thing I want is to make you uncomfortable!"(Atlas)

You shrug.

"why not, sure"

You like talking to new people.

"splendid! LET'S GO!"(Atlas)

 Atlas uses the tip of his fingers to push you along.

He does it as lightly as he can as not to tear up your clothes.

Marcel pokes Kay.

"You don't have a problem with this~~~~"(Marcel)

Kay brushes them off.

"Atlas seems like a gentleman, and even if he tries anything I had a talk with Kathy"(Kay)

"A talk~~~~~"(Marcel)

"Yep! go for the balls!"(Kay)

As Marcel and Kay get in, Ruby stares at you walking away.

She mumbles to herself.

"I sweaR tO sataN iF theY cheaT oN mE witH thaT metaL fucK...I'M goinG tO...."(Ruby)

"Ruby come on!"(Kay)

"YeaH! yeaH! I'M cominG"(Ruby)

You've been traveling in this engine carriage for about an hour now.

Atlas's personal engine carriage was very large.

It had a black and white checker pattern around it.

It even had games built in it for entertainment.

It even had an automatic dice roller.

You weren't really interested in the games so you've been telling Atlas of your journey so far.

Atlas nods every now then and doesn't interrupt.

"And...that's about it........did you get all that?"

You ask because you've been told countless times of your poor storytelling ability.

Atlas rubs his metal chin.

"I think so, YOU WERE BORN IN A FORSET, met an elf girl and became her adopted child AFTER THAT YOU MET AN OUTLIER then you met a half-devil AFTER THAT YOU FOUND OUT YOU WERE MADE BY THE GREAT SAGE who thinks you are a failure and left you for dead WHICH IS WHY YOU WANT revenge, and on your way here you've been finding these black spikes that take you to another WORLD WHERE YOU HAVE TO FIGHT BEINGS called chemo with your goblin servants TO GET A BLACK BALL and all along the way voices in your head tell you what to do and even give you things........DID I GET THAT RIGHT?"(Atlas)


Atlas smiles at you.

"WHAT AN incredible story, THANKING FOR SHARING IT WITH ME"(Atlas)

"No problem..."

You get good feelings!

Maybe you're not such a bad storyteller!

So what if you told that story out of order and forgot to explain big parts of it!

"Haha you KNOW WHAT'S FUNNY?"(Atlas)


"When you were born IF YOU WENT THE OTHER WAY you would have hit the ocean by now"(Atlas)

"The ocean? that's that big thing of water right?"

"YES, THAT'S RIGHT! you born around the tip of the continent"(Atlas)

"The tip?"

"YEAH THE CONTINENT kind of looks like an ice cream cone! WELL I THINK IT DOES ANYWAY you born around the end tip and WHILE YOU GO UP it gets bigger till you get to the end which is roundish, AM I MAKING ANY SENSE?"(Atlas)

"Kind of?"

Atlas takes out a napkin and draws on it with a pen.

His big and sharp fingers give him some trouble. 

"It's not perfect BUT IT'S CLOSE ENOUGH the X is where you were born and the dot is where we are right now"(Atlas)


"HUH INDEED, as you keep going the places you'll see WILL BE BIGGER AND BIGGER"(Atlas)

"oh that's coo-"

"and more and more advanced!"(Atlas)

For some reason that intrigues you.


Atlas's smile gets bigger like you brought up his favorite subject.

"Haven't you noticed that EVERY TIME YOU GET to a new place it seems like it HAS MORE MACHINES AND TECHNOLOGY IN IT?"(Atlas)

You think about it.

"I don't think I saw any technology till I got to the kingdom of roses...."

"YES, THERE'S A REASON FOR THAT, you see long ago there used to be a giant kingdom, it started from the Vrineral Kingdom and ended at the tip of the continent! IT WAS KNOWN AS THE LAST NOBLE STRONG HOLD.

You repeat the name very slowly.

"The last noble..........strong hold?"

Atlas's smile gets even bigger.

"You see miss kthanid, IN THE PAST MOST TECHNOLOGY was outlawed by nobles, the nobles could do this because they had great power, THEY CALLED THEMSELVES CHILDREN OF THE GODS, and they made sure to enforce that till the people believed it"(Atlas)

You think back to the nobles you saw at the kingdom of roses.

And just how little power they had.

How no one really gave a shit about them.

".....what happened?"

Atlas looked like he was waiting for you to ask that.

"Well this kingdom was destroyed and turned into a couple of small single city kingdoms and countries and the nobles lost most of their power, AND THE LIE THAT THEY WERE THE CHILDREN OF THE GODS WAS THROWN ON THEIR FACE, AFTER THAT technology was spread around  though it was not accepted as much in the remains of the kingdom"(Atlas)

You tap your fingers.

"ok......but how?"

Atlas gets really comfortable and gestures for you to do the same.

"Miss kthanid, HAVE YOU EVER HEARD THE TRAGEDY of Stolen Dictator of Dictators.

Not much is known about Stolen's childhood.

In fact, we know that he had a different name growing up.

When he changed it and what it was, we don't know either.

The only information we have is that Stolen was a child living in the slums.

He was picked up by a noble family to work as a servant.

During his work there he became very close with the daughter of the noble and became her butler.

As her butler, he was able to attend school with her.

That's when his mental ability started showing.

Stolen was charismatic, able to get anyone on his side.

A natural born leader.

He quickly grew to be the best student.

But this came at a cost.

Due to the jealousy of the noble children, Stolen had a very hard life.

We do not know the details of his abuse but it was stated by accounts that Stolen always had a pained smile on his face.

After some time it seems an incident that threatened to destroy the kingdom accord.

There are different accounts of what the incident was from an enemy army to a demon invasion.

But all we know for sure is that Stolen was able to save the kingdom from it.

And as his reward.

He was tried for treason.

The nobles not wanting to admit to being saved by a commoner.

Made up false evidence that Stolen was in cahoots with the enemy.

The king not wanting a war with the nobles forsake Stolen.

The noble girl that took him in betrayed him as well.

She used him as leverage to get an engagement with the prince.

He was sent to be tortured for information.

He would be tortured for an entire year before breaking out.

During that time he lost his right eye and his left foot.

While his childhood has little documentation.

His life after has none.

All we know is he met the previous red mask around this time.

And with his help, they started what is now known as the "technological boom".

And it's around this time where we get most of our information.

Stolen now taking up a leadership position started to get the people on his side.

It was said his charisma was enchanting.

The even the stanchest of people would still listen to him.

Even the greatest of preachers weren't able to hold people and make them remember their words as he could.

He started off in a few small towns gaining a cult following.

Which was ironic because Stolen was an atheist.

He hated the gods and the people that called themselves their children.

He would destroy all religious temples and worshipping places.

He would take their iron and copper artifacts and melt them to make weapons and machines.

His main message was the idea of individuality.

Where every man and woman can live without gods or nobles. 

Of course, his actions weren't unnoticed.

An army was sent to kill him and destroy his machines.

But no matter how many men they sent.

Stolen and his few supporters would wipe them out.

Slowly by showing people just how easy their lives can become with technology.

He showed them that they didn't need the nobles to survive.

Stolen was gaining a sizable following.

It was during this time that his symbol was made.

A Red circle with a red arrow in the middle.

The inspiration for this was during a speech he was giving.

An arrow flew and lodged its self into his arm.

Yet he didn't even flinch.

He pulled the arrow out and held it for all to see.

A symbol of the nobles fear of him.

After this event, Stolen would finally take his title of dictator.

Some historians later on were skeptical of the convenience of the attempted assassination.

And would go on to argue that Stolen planned this assassination himself.

Wither that's true or not we can't really know.

Stolen would not become a real threat until the invention of the M.E.N.

The M.E.N was made up of loyalist soldiers.

They would cut off their limbs and attach metal ones.

After that, a substance would be pumped into them.

What this substance is and how it works no one knows.

We aren't even sure where Stolen or Red Mask got it from.

But one thing was clear.

This substance made them unstoppable.

They could shrug off major wounds and even keep fighting when they should be dead.

This would not only defeat his enemies but would also strike fear in them.

Even when they were defeated they left such a haunting image that most soldiers just quit or even killed themselves.

Stolen got so powerful that even the cult of outliers were hesitant of a direct conflict.

And his words kept reaching more and more people.

Red mask introduced his theory "all from one".

Which was used heavily to quell racial bias and get more people on his side.

His influence was so big.

He managed to get a large amount of elves to join his cause.

This lead to the burning down of the world tree.

This event lead to an era known as "Death of the Gods".

This when atheism really started to become more common.

It was during this time when Stolen would finally get the name.

Dictator of Dictators.

He was ruling over a large amount of the continent.

Kingdoms and cities would just open their doors for him.

The citizens would greet him with cheers and present their nobles and kings to him.

Which he would kill in front of statues of gods.

Daring them to do anything.

To save their precious children.

But nothing ever happened.

After that, he would get his revenge on the people who betrayed him.

The details of their torture and death were documented very thoroughly down to the exact second they died.

Even with all this.

When he was so close to taking over the world.

Stolen would die at the age of 29.

His rule only lasting 8 years.

"HE CHANGED THE WORLD in eight years, but......HE LEFT THIS WORLD WITH A GIFT, his final truth, this truth had more impact on this world than anything he ever did, IT'S BECAUSE OF THIS TRUTH.....THAT DEATH IS NOT VIEWED THE SAME ANY MORE, in fact this truth was so impactful that the thread contacting all this world to THE ORIGINAL MIND was cut for a moment. "(Atlas)


You notice your hands were squeezing so tightly you broke your fingers.

"w....w....what was the truth....."

Atlas turns to you with the sweetest smile you have ever seen.

Like the first smile of a newborn.

"HE PROVED there was no afterlife"(Atlas)


"YOU SEE MISS KTHANID even the biggest of atheists can't completely disprove that a god doesn't exist THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOMETHING IN THE BACK OF THEIR MIND THAT IS UNSURE, but now with real proof, well a lot of people just don't care about their actions anymore, good people don't go to heaven and bad people don't go to hell"(Atlas)  

You feel your lips quiver.

" did-"


A loud sound comes from outside.

Atlas looks out and presses a button on his armrest.

"WHAT'S GOING on out there?"(Atlas)

"The voice of the driver comes on.


Atlas turns to you.

"IT SEEMS like our conversation has to be CUT SHORT, GOOD LUCK out there"(Atlas)

Atlas gives you a thumbs up.

You give him one back and jump out of the engine carriage.

It seems your party got out before you.

Giant bugs swarm around and crash into carriages.

Some of them fly and pick some up.

Ruby already has her knives pulled out and on fire.

Marcel starts to reconsider showing so much skin with all the bugs around.

You run and stand next to kay.

"How many?"

Kay has her gun out, her eyes catching everything.

"We have one swarm of bees about 3000 of them, three giant beetles, two giant spiders, and three giant dragonflies"(Kay)

You bring out reaper's night.

Your mind is still going back to that story but you have to keep your head in the game.

What will you do?

Write commands in the comments.

start with command: your command

OR To attack 

start with attack: the attack

reminder: You can only command the MC