7. The Risk of being too OP
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I wonder how many points it'd give me?

[Due to your max-level 'Trading' skill, you have gained 'ERROR" bonus points.]

[The Transmutation Shop is currently under maintenance.


['Transmutation' skill disabled.]


I had a bad feeling about this.

Even if the maintenance's about to end--that's when the maintenance would begin!

[You played too much shitty mobile games.]

Shut up.


Disabled Skills


[Now, what are you going to do, MC-kun?]

"Since I couldn't transmute poop or sewage anymore, I'm not sure."

[Sounds like a pointless thing to do.]

I know, right.

I had no idea how I should spend the rest of my week. My brain must've been filled with poop and sewage.


"I should try learning some Space Magic."

My most wanted cheat is a magical space. Where I can just enter and exit as I will.

No other creatures can enter unless I allow it.

I realize that I was fortunate to arrive near a town, but what if I need to spend several days on the road?

No matter how strong I was, it's still scary to sleep in the open; minding the dangers that lurk everywhere.

It's tiring to rely on companions--I also have to watch their back, which made it even worse.

If only I could just retreat to my magic space and sleep.

Ideally, I could move my spawn point in case my enemies decide to camp there.

...but who knows if someone could break through my space, and invade me from the other dimension?

When worse come to worst, it's better than sleeping in the open!

Maybe, if there's a wifi connection, I should just cut it when I sleep. Nobody can invade me if I'm offline.

[You know, sometimes I wish you'd be this intelligent more often.]

"Do you have any leads on the Space Magic?"

[Why don't you gather some information yourself?]

"I guess you really don't know."

Fine then.

I'll just find the Thieves' Guild and buy them.

Information is power, after all.

[In the first place, do you know where they are?]

I have no idea.


I think it's pretty fun, when an OP MC struggled every now and then, and doesn't always get what he wants.

"Fuck you, Author."

I have no fetish for men. You're not even a trap.