Chapter 19: Initiative
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Room 8, Gaming Sanctuary

After putting my backpack on one of the coat hooks affixed to the wall, a persistent buzzing from inside catches my attention. Turning to the employee who accompanied me in, I offer an apologetic smile, then pull my vibrating phone out, noting the caller as Sherry - the smaller, bratty half of the pair who assisted me in getting to Level 5 yesterday.

I tap the accept button, "Alex speaking."

"You can say 'I told you so' now," comes the venomous response.


"Did your 'unimpeachable source' not tell you? Illustrious Investments pulled out of Hectic Works. They just announced it," The woman sounds thoroughly irritated, but for my part, I only feel relief. Good, still on track.

"Mhm. And? To what do I owe the pleasure of a phone call?"

Silence reigns for a few seconds on the other end of the call, before Sherry forces the words out, "We...decided to give Astral Reckoning a chance. That's all."

Got them. I smirk, "A chance is enough. With that being said, there's approximately one Real month of time before the floodgates open. I'm spending every day I can inside preparing for patch day, the two of you will need to do what you can to match me or you'll fall behind the curve. I can help wherever possible in exchange for your continued cooperation. There's a lot of work I have to do, so you'll have to forgive me for prioritising - but how much I can help you ultimately depends on how closely you're willing to work alongside me."

I take a deep breath, "As a short-term goal, to fill you in, I'm looking to establish quite possibly the first Official Guild recognised by the game and The Empire of Stone - then take it all the way to the top of the pile before people start to realise the true value of Astral Reckoning. To do that, I need personal prestige, power, competent allies to form a core membership and funds. I can take care of the initial funds myself, so don't think I'm trying to scam you or anything; In fact, I'm about to start on that part of the plan today. Just give it some thought between you."

Sherry's response is pretty blase, "Huh."

A minute passes in quiet, "I'll...give it some thought. Sure. Gotta say that's the most human you've sounded so far."

She hangs up before I can retort. I let loose a stressed sigh, apologise once more to the attendant, and get into the capsule.

My pitch still needs some work, I feel.


Stone Arsenal, Meteo City

Approaching the smithy, the familiar rapping of metal on metal amplifies, so Henna must be in a better mood than yesterday. One can only hope at least. With my Charisma more than doubled, I at least stand a better chance of working through her curmudgeonliness.

Looking at the growing pile of low-level weaponry atop one of the workbenches, it would appear that she is in the process of recreating her stock of items for sale. Even from a distance, however, I can tell that it isn't her best work. In fact, it's a little worse, if I had to judge based on experience.

"Henna. Good morning," I call out once she reaches a good stopping point on her current piece.

"Apprentice," she acknowledges tersely, "What do you want?"

"A Stone Copper for your thoughts, and the use of your forge and metals," I respond, evenly.

She folds her arms, "You can use the forge, but my thoughts are worth more than a measly copper coin."

I raise my hands in denial, "I'm not looking to offend, but I am concerned for you. Your change in demeanour is showing in your metalwork."

Holding the cooling knife in her tongs up to the light, she lets some of the tension in her shoulders sag, "That might be true, however, I still don't think that it is any business of yours - our contact is recent, and all too brief besides."

I sigh, "At the very least, please understand my sincerity when I say that I am prepared to help with whatever problem gnaws at you."

Her eyes soften ever so slightly, "I hear you clear and true. 'tis still, however, not something I wish to talk about with you."

Giving up, I gesture acceptance with one arm, "An offer is all I can give. To business, then."

Henna nods, "To business. What do you need?"

I proffer the full contents of my Tiny Coinpurse, "As many sets of materials for Beginner's Bronze Boots as this will afford me."

The smith raises a brow, "An odd request."

My lips tug into a predatory smirk, "My second request, is that you sell them in your shop for a cut of the profit, emphasising a limited supply."

She rubs her chin, leaving smudges of black, "That's a rather difficult request to honour."

I gesture at the pile of subpar products, "I guarantee it will sell better than what you have produced so far, so long as you set an appropriate price."

While at first, I had considered either buying a permit of my own or selling through my RMT accounts, I decided that entering into competition with Henna would be in poor taste and even if I leverage my prestige to sell a few pairs online, the effect I'm looking for will be far less impactful. However, by exploiting the prior interest in Stone Arsenal and my association with it, we both stand to profit handsomely.

I watch patiently as she mulls it over, outwardly confident in the success of my plan even though I'm dreading her rejection of the offer. Silently, I pray that the unusual level of affinity I have with her proves enough for her to consider accepting.

"If you're footing the cost of materials, what price and share are you looking for?" Henna fixes me with a level stare.

"You keep 25%, I'll take 75%. 30 Stone Silvers for the first pair, increasing by 2 Stone Silver for each successive pair up to fifteen pairs total, or until I run out of materials. Then that will be it."

Henna frowns, "That's dawnlight robbery."

"Perhaps, but if the customer doesn't know any better and walks away satisfied, who's to argue?" I smirk.

The smith taps her fingers on her bicep in sequential rhythm, "Very well. I'm curious to see what you have planned, apprentice."

I half expect a Quest to pop up in response, but no such luck. Fishing to get a Quest to generate yourself is extremely unreliable.

"Trust me, you won't be disappointed."


After surreptitiously crafting the requisite amount of boots with barely any money to spare left, I bag the last pair the moment the process finishes and make my way around the market a few times, just to force the clock to tick by and the memory of me crafting to fade into the back of the minds of any spectators I may have accumulated. As I do, though I let slip at key points to passers-by that I heard a 'rumour' that something special was going to be sold at Stone Arsenal soon.

Once I felt I'd sown enough seeds, I head back and enter the shop through the backdoor, then dump the boots upstairs, save for one pair, that I hand over to Henna.

"Ready when you are," I smile, remembering the small gathering of people I saw at the shop's door as I went by.

Henna nods then places the boots front and center on the display directly in front of the door. After placing a small scrap of parchment next to it declaring the stock to be 'Limited', she casually unlocks the door and returns behind the counter as a few curious players tentatively enter.

I meanwhile, stand off to the side as little more than a display piece myself, making sure that my own equipped pair of the Beginner's Bronze Boots is clear to see for any who care to make the connection.

"So, what's this special event supposed to be?"

"Dunno. Take a look around maybe?"

"Hey, those boots are new aren't they?"

"Are they? What's the pr-30 Stone Silver?! What is this price?!"

"Beginner's Bronze Boots? Level 1 Bronze-Tier Boots for Fighters."

"Holy shit, Bronze-tier?"

"Bronze-Tier equips?"

"Isn't that Bronzeguy?"

Of course, none of these looky-loos are going to buy a pair, but now that they've had a taste of what's on offer, they'll pass the word on to others, eventually attracting bigger and bigger fish.

The bait is set, all I need to do is wait for a bite.

And as expected, not long after the first batch of curious players leaves, more veteran looking players - the dire wolf aggravator demographic in particular - start filtering in to confirm the rumours for themselves, and the first pair of boots is sold to a pretty desperate looking Fighter. Immediately after buying them. she clutches them to her chest and runs out of the store wild-eyed, equipping them as she goes and cackling maniacally all the while.

"That was..odd..." I mutter, heading upstairs to fetch another pair of boots.

My arrival with another pair shocks the shopfront's disappointed crowd into silence, and the moment I leave them on the display, close to half runs out of the door with similar haste to the crazed Fighter.

I flash Henna a grin as I return to my post as a model, getting a strange look back.

Within minutes, a crowd of players barge through the door and march up to the counter, shoving at each other as they approach, trying to be the first in line.

"In the name of the great and glorious Gem Giants Guild, this pair of Bronze-Tier gear is ours! Stand aside or be stomped!"

"Fuck off windbag, these boots are going to Team Chariot's Tank!"

"I saw these boots earlier before any of you asshats, they're mine!"

"For the glory of Bronze, I claim this artefact for the Bronzeguy Spotters!"

"Screw off, these belong to the Bronze Aspirants Party!"

Henna looks fairly speechless at the sight of the gaggle of idiots fighting over who gets to buy the next pair. I'm also speechless but for an entirely different reason. I appear to have underestimated the effect I've had on the local playerbase, and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

Thus, the supply of boots quickly vanishes, much to the disappointment of those gathered. Before they leave however, I clear my throat, "Everyone, if I may have your attention for a moment? Though Stone Arsenal has run out of Beginner's Bronze Boots today, please be on the lookout for more pieces of the set going on sale over the coming days. Remember, first come, first serve!"

At once, the crowd swarms me.

"There's more?!"

"Your entire stock! We'll take your entire stock!"

"Do we get a set like yours? Actually, is yours for sale?"

"I want to place a reservation!"


With some prodding and choice glares from Henna, the rabid players eventually disperse and leave the shop, a few begrudgingly buying some of Henna's own goods to make the trip feel worthwhile.

Locking the door, I lean against it and grin a justifiably smug grin, "If you think today is the ceiling, you are sorely mistaken. They'll be back and they'll be even hungrier than before."

Amazed, Henna spreads her arms, "I can almost believe it. But what's to stop me from making more pieces myself?"

I shrug, "You could, and you'd profit nicely. But I also could have cut you out of this scheme entirely, and I'd like to believe we're both better than that."

This gives Henna pause. After chewing it over, she shrugs briefly in admittance, "I appreciate your honesty. I've had my fair share of problems with dishonest merchants of late."

She pulls up a stool and sits with her arms folded on the counter, "Nevertheless, I don't believe this bizarre demand you've somehow conjured up will last forever. I may not be the most skilled or prestigious shopkeeper, but even I am aware that a fad is only a temporary thing."

I wag my finger, "Don't underestimate how valuable the Beginner's Bronze set is to the right people. While it's true it won't be able to maintain the inflated prices, demand for it will persist. Right now, though, we have the initiative and the feeding frenzy has only just begun."

Henna chuckles, "I didn't take you for a Master Merchant, apprentice."

"I'm nothing so lofty, but I have taken the time to study the concept. At least from a surface level," I demur the praise, inwardly passing it on to the writers of the articles I read on the bus this morning. They gave me the confidence to carry through with the scheme I came up with at, what, 2am after a long day?

Add studying economics and finances to the to-do list. As the future Guildmaster for what I hope to be one of Astral Reckoning's financial giants, I'll need at least a basic understanding of the subjects even if I ultimately leave it to someone more qualified.

"In any case, what do you say to continuing to humour my scheme?" I offer.

Henna considers it, "Why not? I have to admit, you showing up has made Stone Arsenal the liveliest it's been since my Dad's day."


Iron-Tier Difficulty Quest Generated!
Stone Arsenal Revitalisation
Seeing the potential to bring back some of the lost glory of her father's shop, Henna has agreed to humour your ideas for generating business.

Quest completion determined by Henna's Confidence

Henna's Confidence is influenced by the following:

Number of Sales


Number of Visitors

Quest is automatically failed if a day goes by with no visitors or sales.


Rewards Are Based On Performance


I stand corrected. Hello, Mr Quest.