Chapter 106: Alex’s Day Off
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Neurology NICU Ward 2, Saint Jeanne Thouret Memorial Hospital, Paris

When next I awake, the first thing that I notice is the smell of stale, highly sterile air, and that I'm lying on a hard mattress with a thin covering that retains a surprising amount of warmth beneath it. Opening my eyes slowly, my mouth scrapes against the sharp edges of an oxygen mask, and my left forearm is hooked up to a drip bag filled with translucent yellow fluid.

It doesn't take a genius to put the pieces together and figure out where I am, though I must admit to being a little worried. I don't think my situation is all that serious, really, even if...I was administered an emergency detox drug. Hm. Perhaps it really was that dire, now that my memory is starting to return.

As then, as now, my concern is less for my own well-being than Sherry's. If it were as simple as my body succumbing to the abuses I've been putting it through with cheap facilities, then there'd be no reason for her to suffer a seizure as well - moreover, it's supposedly related to a 'data overflow' of some kind, if I'm understanding what Henry was telling me correctly.

Of course, the obvious explanation for that on my part would be the stresses of my torture at the hands of Arevas - if that's even the right term - followed by the arrival of a second transcendental existence in the Dragon Knight. The amount of information necessary to simulate such an existence must be ludicrous in the extreme, so it stands to reason I'd be affected negatively. I must admit that I didn't expect to be impacted so heavily in Reality as a consequence though - the death of my Vessel was expected, even without him, so I can't help but wonder what the issue really is. Maybe the same thing affecting me affected the others, but that doesn't sound quite right.

Concern for Sherry then inevitably shifts to concern for the others, especially Henna. I don't know what became of the others since my in-game demise, nor how long I've been unconscious. I don't expect it's been very long, and I don't appear to have undergone any surgery that I can tell. Still, I can't help but worry.

Glancing around, I see curtains on either side of me, and an empty row of beds directly across from me, and no sign of any nurses or other staff. Fumbling with my right arm beneath the covers and along the side of the bed, my fingers pass over something that feels like a smooth plastic button. Shifting my weight to try and peer closer at it, I think I can just about make out a simplified bell icon. Taking that to mean something beneficial for my situation, I decide to press it and hope that it doesn't set off an alarm that gets me in trouble.

A piercing duo of beeps comes from somewhere nearby, followed by a scrabbling of paperwork, the clack of an office chair being vacated, and the click of flat heels on floor approaching nearer.

"Ah, Mr Ivanovic," a male nurse in his mid-forties with a mild-Parisian accent smiles at me from over the top of a clipboard, adjusting his box-shaped reading glasses, "Good morning. My name is Neil, or Nurse Jacobson if you prefer. You are currently in the Non-intensive Care Unit of Saint Jeanne Thourent Memorial Hospital after experiencing a seizure during Virtual Reality. How are you feeling?"

Knowing he's probably not interested in small-talk with that question, I relate my situation will all-due seriousness, "Stiff, and a little muddled. Better overall, though."

"Ok," He scratches with his stubby biro on the clipboard, "Well, Doctor Terry Evans is responsible for your case today and will be over to see you shortly for some tests, if that's alright with you?"

"That's fine," I nod, "Can I ask what happened, exactly, how long I've been out and whether alright?"

Couldn't help but chew on that appellation for a moment there.

"Well, an investigation is still underway, I believe, but it's currently assumed that the both of you fell victims to an inadequate failsafe mechanism," Nurse Jacobson chews the back of his pen, "We've had a few similar cases to yours concerning that particular capsule model in recent months - It does work, just a picosecond too slow when it tries to buffer files past a very high limit. As for your friend, I can't go into detail, but she's not currently in any danger. Finally, it's been about...7 hours since you were admitted."

"Alright," I decide against pushing him to break confidentiality law, satisfied to know she's not had her brain cooked. I don't want that on my conscience. It's also a relief that I've not lost any time.


Outgoing Patients Lobby, Saint Jeanne Thouret Memorial Hospital, Paris

By mid-afternoon, I'm declared completely healthy. If a little worse for wear overall.

Dr Evans wanted to keep me for another night, but by his own admission he didn't have the grounds to prevent me from discharging myself. Particularly since I don't have the money to pay the hospital fees for a prolonged stay - just this brief furlong has set me back by €970.44, thanks to the death of a few public healthcare laws which would have seen me forced to stay but for free so long as the procedures and stay don't surpass a threshold.

As for why I know this and more on the subject? Well, let's just say my father wasn't dead when we were eventually pulled out of the water, and leave it at that. Sufficed to say, I developed a dim view of Corporations (and the Healthcare industry especially) during my adolescence.

Sighing, I rub the band-aid on my sore forearm, "Thinking about it, it's coming up to the end of the month. I should give Taylor a call when I get home. Can't say I'm wholly enthusiastic about talking to her younger self. Still remember having dinner with her, Haresh and Rhea a few weeks ago..."

"What're you mumbling about?" Sherry questions, approaching me with a pale face and tired eyes.

"Wondering about how to talk to my sister," I admit, "She's...very different right now compared to the one I'm used to."

"You still going on about that time travel bullcrap?" she rolls her eyes, before imparting some wisdom, "Does it really matter so long as she knows it's you? People change all the time, even if she notices you're a fuckin' weirdo, she probably won't think you're any weirder than normal."

I consider it, "Perhaps. Enough about me, though. How are you?"

"Out of pocket for nearly a grand," Sherry scowls, giving me an accusatory look, "Lucky for us, I just got done talking to my boss: So long as we don't sue Gaming Sanctuary or rat his cheap ass out to the press, he'll pay us back the hospital fee and give us discounted access to the replacement Capsules he's been forced to order in by the feds. Newer, supposedly safer models if it wasn't obvious."

Normally I'm not one to accept blatant bribery, but under the circumstances, I don't have any reason to refuse. Even so, I do need to clarify something, "Considering that I've booked a long period of time in advance, how would that new discount affect it?"

"Iunno," she shrugs, making way for a mother and son with an arm cast, "I'll ask and let you know. Whaddaya want doing?"

"If I can get back the difference but keep the time, that'd be ideal, but if not I'm open to other ideas," I suggest, "How are you getting home?"

"Cab, probably. Why, you wanna split the fare?"

"Assuming you live in the city, that wouldn't be fair," I half-joke, "As I might have mentioned before, I live in Tortue, so you'd be paying way more for me to get back."

"Dude, we can just take a cab to the bus station," Sherry gives me a dim look.

"...Yeah, that would probably be cheaper for both of us then," I concede, embarrassed.


Truthseekers Chat Group/Smartaxi, Paris

[Jadey] (14:38) Hey, me n tour guide just got discharged from hospital what we miss??

[Wins] (14:40) Hospital?! What happened?

[Jadey] (14:40) Capsule failsafe ironically failed and gave us seizures. did u not get microwaved?

[Wins] (14:40) Juts a small headache after i logged out

[Wins] (14:40) *just

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:40) We wondered what happened to you. Are you both alright?

[Silver] (14:41) As well as can be. Is Henna ok?

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:41) She's safe enough, but her mood is terrible.

[Silver] (14:41) That's a relief. How about Jupiter?

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:41) Fine I think, not spoken since we logged off.

[Jadey] (14:42) wait why is meteo city a town now what the fuck?????

"It is?" I glance to my left, shifting uncomfortably on the disturbingly moist seat of the Smartaxi - an automated taxi service for use in the city.

"Yeah, there's like 20 threads on the forums demanding an explanation," Sherry shows the screen of her bedazzled phone to me.

She's not exaggerating, "...Somehow I get the impression this might be our fault."

This is...definitely new to me.

"You didn't know about it, future boy?" She asks smugly.

I sigh, pushing the phone back to her, "No. Originally, Rambling Rose were the ones to see this quest chain to its conclusion a little over a month from now. From what I'm told, they were defeated and Hadrian took Arevas' offer to be his new enforcer in exchange for Henna's life and soul. Eventually leading to Hadrian going completely insane with power and greed in Reality."

"What, that twerp and his dick polishers did?" Sherry scoffs, "At least try to come up with something believable."

"It is what it is," I shrug.

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:42) It happened more or less exactly the same time our quest completed, so I guess it's because of us. Or perhaps more accurately, that so-called Dragon Knight.

[Wins] (14:42) yea

[Wins] (14:42) dunno how or why tho

[Wins] (14:43) Theres a quest at city hall

[Wins] (14:43) *town hall i guess lol

[Wins] (14:43) To find out what happened and turn in a culrpit

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:43) It's upset the NPCs as well as the players it looks like. Not that I can blame them, even if I don't fully understand what the big difference is or why a city can suddenly be reclassified as a town like that.

[Silver] (14:44) The main difference is the defences and administrative control, followed by what kind of facilities you can support. Towns are pretty much just larger settlements with ordinary defences and no real oversight from it's overlord beyond what they can exert through influence and subordinates - e.g City Guards in the line of duty are several steps stronger when on duty than a Town Guard. City Guards are functionally nigh-invincible on the same Level and lower vs criminals - Town Guards aren't.

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:45) So does this mean that we can be targetted in the streets without the guards being able to do anything?

[Silver] (14:45) Potentially. But there is a silver lining.

[Wins] (14:45) ??

[Jadey] (14:45) this ought to be good

[Silver] (14:46) Part of the development plans for Truthseekers is to take over Meteo officially.

[Silver] (14:46) So, convincing the Empire of Stone to give us dominion over a Town will be easier than if it were still a City.

[Wins] (14:46) I gueeeess???? theres still like hundreds of people that want us dead tho

[Jadey] (14:47) -^

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:47) Not being able to rely as heavily on the protections of the Guard definitely makes things a little contentious for us. We can't face that kind of force with our current numbers.

[Silver] (14:48) I know. I'm just as annoyed as the rest of you on this one. Were any of you able to salvage anything from Arevas' collection?

[Wins] (14:48) Nope. Dragon destroyed it all before he left I think, there wasn't anything left behind.

[Jadey] (14:48) shit come on man what the fuck

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:48) I know how you feel, but I'm just happy to not lose my character.

[Silver] (14:48) I take it that Windy survived and you didn't then?

[Wins] (14:49) yea me an Henna both lived by the skin of our teeth but you Jade and the boys croaked it after the big guy left

[Wins] (14:49) Literally nothing left, whole place was wrecked

[Wins] (14:49) found a hole in the tunnel wall that went into the sewers and made our way out from there after picking up your stuff

[Wins] (14:49) oh btw I have your necklace boss, and your pants j

[Jadey] (14:50) :D

[Jadey] (14:50) ty win

[Silver] (14:50) Thanks. We're about to pull in at our destination, so I'll talk to you again later or tomorrow.

[Silver] (14:50) If you can, tell Henna I'm doing ok if you see her before I do. It's not her fault I died.

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:51) Alright. I'll stop by in a while, taking the time to organise some notes on the whole experience.

[Wins] (14:51) w/for?

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:51) Research and posterity, I suppose.

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:51) It was a pretty intense journey all things considered, so it's like I'm putting a full stop on the whole thing.

The electric motor whirrs to a halt in a designated space alongside the sidewalk of the busy station plaza, the doors automatically sliding open accompanied by a soft-spoken french woman declaring that we have reached our destination and that we are to vacate the vehicle.

[Silver] (14:52) Fair enough. Anyway, speak later.

[Jadey] (14:52) u up for a quick phone call win?

[Angel of Knowledge] (14:52) Later.

[Wins] (14:52) y sure

Locking my phone, I shove it in my back pocket and edge out of the small car, hefting my backpack up from my feet onto my shoulder. Rounding the back of the taxi, I address Sherry, "Before we go our separate ways, I just wanted to say thank you for your efforts and sorry that we ended up in the hospital in because of it."

Blinking, surprised, Sherry's haughtiness reasserts itself quickly, "Sure, whatever. I'm out."

Turning on her heel, she marches off without looking back. Shaking my head, I make my own way towards the clear glass doors of the bus station's main entrance.


Le Chevalier, Tortue Village

When I return home, I come face-to-face with Mr Jackson, stood behind the counter with his apron on. At once worried and irritated, he greets me solemnly, "Alex. I heard from the hospital you were injured."

"Not exactly," I smile sadly, "There was an equipment fault with the VR Capsules me and an acquaintance of mine were using that gave our heads a good jolt. We're fine, just need to take some painkillers to soothe any headaches and be careful not to over-exert ourselves. Do you mind if I make myself a coffee to take up with me?"

He shakes his head, "Non. I'll do it, you take a seat."

I give in, understanding he wants to help in his own way, "By the way, regarding our last conversation, one of the looming difficulties hanging over me has been dealt with, if you were still concerned about that."

"Bon. But, ahhh, you don't seem...satisfait," He clears his throat, pulling from the coffee grinder, "Satisfied."

"It wasn't the cleanest resolution, I've since discovered," I explain, sitting down, "And there's still a long road ahead of us, so I suppose you could consider this my new 'normal'."

"Just be careful with those machines," Mr Jackson warns gravely, "They'll steal your soul, if you aren't careful."

I chuckle, finding his warning ironic under the circumstances, "I'd be more worried about demons than that, Monsieur Jackson. And fortunately, they don't exist in our reality."

"Pfah, such technologie is unnatural," Mr Jackson grumps, "And a blight on the world."

Considering the times he grew up in, I don't take his words to heart. It wouldn't be unfair to say that he has every right to be upset with the Virtual Reality industry considering it was the main proponent of The Crash. And from the story about the deaths of his friends in the subsequent protests and rioting, I'd say he has more justification than most to be disillusioned.

"We'll agree to disagree on that," I demur, "I'll be taking an important phonecall when I go up, but I'd appreciate if you could check in on me in the morning if I don't wake up at my usual time, just in case a complication arises."

"Je comprends," he nods seriously, "Croissant?"

"Sure, if you're offering," I smile, grateful for his kindness.


Alex's Room, Le Chevalier

Scratching my cheek, fingernails dragging over the small bump of my scar, I dump off my jacket and bag, kick away my shoes and lower myself into bed. I instantly feel far more tired and comfortable than I had been in the utilitarian bed at the hospital. This old, cramped, shitheap of a room is already starting to feel oddly like 'home' again, though I can't help but pine for my old house in East London. Not because I liked living there, really, but more...


I've been ignoring most of such thoughts as they popped up over the last couple weeks, but it's starting to really sink in just how far removed I am from everything I had and everything I took for granted about the world. We may be in an age of extravagantly complex technology and infrastructure - ignoring the corporate excesses and general corruption of authority - but time travel was still firmly in the realm of speculative fantasy.

This is my life now.

That little speech I gave to Arevas is all well and good, but I realise that I've avoided acknowledging certain other 'weaknesses', like that. Gods only know what kind of effect it'll have on me in the long run if I leave it to fester.

At a loss for how to process it in one sitting, however, I retrieve my phone from my pocket and pull up Tay's number, only to find myself further at a loss as to how I'm going to speak with her, and how honest I really want to be with her.

Part of me wants to come clean and explain everything, but one need only look at Sherry's reaction to understand how such disclosure sounds to people not already exposed to the truth of it. Sure, Tay unlike her isn't already predisposed to dislike and mistrust me, but I know my sister well enough to admit that she's not going to take such bold claims seriously.

I'd charitably call her as being rather cynical by nature. She's always quick to point out when someone's talking a load of crap, whether they're telling the truth or not, and likewise, Taylor isn't one to change her mind afterwards very easily if her claim is disproven. It doesn't matter that she's wrong, it matters that she doesn't admit it to others. It's a weird pride thing.

Suddenly, I get the impression that she and Sherry would get along famously.

"...That can never be allowed to happen," I mutter under my breath, pressing the call button.

"Hello, this is the automa-"

The call is picked up by a basic sorting program on the other end that slowly talks through each option available to narrow down the purpose of my call until eventually, after waiting on hold for what feels like an eternity, a real human picks up the phone and answers.

"Timmins Trust Mental Care Residence, this is Ivan Forton speaking, how can I help?" a chipper young man recounts a greeting he's probably said hundreds of times before without a single beat out of place.

"Hi, my name is Alexandr Ivanovic, I'd like to know if my sister, Taylor Ivanovic is available? She's a patient," I request politely.

"Umm, let's seeee..." the clack of fingers on keys echoes across the line, "Do you have proof of your identity, sir?"

"Passcode: Bridge 12 7," I recite the pre-decided code phrase for authentication.

"Mhm. Mhm, ok, that's great," the receptionist acknowledges, "I've sent a notification through the system, we should get a response in a few seconds, ok?"

"Yes," I nod unconsciously, the old routine returning to my mind.

"Great," the call goes silent for a brief period, "Alright, I just got a message back here, and yes, your sister is available. I'll transfer you to the other line in the meantime."

"Thank you."

"Have a good day sir."

Another minute goes by before activity on the other end rouses my attention.

"Hey, bro, you're late," Taylor huffs, "What, no video?"

Smiling in spite of myself, I lean back against the wall, "Yeah, sorry, I've been extra busy lately, so I look like shit right now. To quote someone I know 'the bags under my eyes have intercontinental luggage'."

"Pfft," she snickers, "Like I care, turn the camera on you doof."

Sighing, I comply. Her face appears on the screen, far more youthful than before, and with more of a tan. As the years go by, she starts to resemble my Mother far more than she does now, especially after she washes the neon blue dye out and changes her hairstyle to a braid.

"Oh, god, yeah you look terrible, Lex, what have you been doing?" Taylor whistles, leaning towards the webcam.

"Stop, I can see up your nose," I warn, "And like I said, I've been busy. I'm working on setting up a business of sorts, and it's been...well it's been tough."

She backs off a bit, "Business? You mean that art shop or whatever?"

I deny it with a shake of my head, "No, an organisation in a VR game called Astral Reckoning. At the moment, we're amongst the top of the playerbase, which is thanks to the effort I've put in. Thus-"

I wave my free hand at my face.

"-this. We're working to some fairly unforgiving deadlines, so it's not left a lot of time for me to do much of anything else. So, yeah, remembering to call you kinda just fell through the shuffle."

"Huh. You not going to go through with your diploma?" Taylor asks, concerned, "I thought that was your dream and all."

"Let's just say I've had a change in priorities, recently," I hedge, smiling apologetically, "I'd love to talk about it sometime, but...not today. I've got some personal stuff to work through as well, and I'm not really sure how to tell you about it."

Taylor rolls her eyes, "Lex, come on, you know you can tell me anything. Are you coming out of the closet or something?"

"What? No," I shake my head, "Nothing like that. It's just..."

"Hey, I'm not gonna judge if you are," Taylor assures me, and I realise she's just trying to annoy me into telling her to salvage the situation.

"Tay, please," I plead for her to stop.

She smiles angelically, "What?"

"You know what," I roll my eyes, "Look, I'll tell you when it's time, ok?"

"Alright, alright," Taylor concedes, "Hey, introduce your boyfr-"

"Tay!" I cut her off, "I'm not seeing anyone, male or otherwise, right now. That's not what it's about. Can we please move on?"

Giggling, Taylor hugs her arms to her chest, "Got it. So, tell me about this business..."

We spend the next hour or so catching up on each other's schedules, which also helps me to remember a few things about the time period I'm in and what I was doing around this time before this whole time travel business. Taylor, for her part, has been doing well in her treatment plan, with no serious episodes since last April and is hopeful that she'll be able to leave once she turns 18 in November.

Overall, it's...nice.

Thus marks the conclusion for The Magpie Demon Arc. Hoo boy, it's been something, but that's almost 300k words, give or take, so I guess there's something to be said for how long it's taken me, and that I'm still working on it in spite of my past tendency to stall out part way through.

Naturally, there's still a lot more to come, so as always, thank you for reading my work and I'll be back in a day or two with the next chapter.