Chapter 4: Sister
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"I missed you, Demi." Kailina says as soon as her maid left the room then hugs Deimos.

"It’s been ages, little sis." Deimos kisses her forehead when Kailina lets him go.

Deimos guided her to a specialized chair where she can be comfortable without ever moving. He leaned against the frame of the window overlooking the Lionmane port and Bay of Seals.  The room was a bit empty as there are no decorations, only musical items littered her lonely abode gifts from her nephews and nieces. Kailina has been blind her for a few years (a defect in the family they call her), a sudden illness that baffled even the most brilliant Master Physicians.

"I have heard all about your adventures, Demi, I want to hear more of your stories." Kailina pleaded. Deimos can see that his younger sister is already shedding her childish features and near the doorstep of maturity ,looking more like their mother every day. The suitors would come running soon if they haven’t already.

"Of course, of course. I have many stories to tell." Deimos is subdued by nature but now, he turns to a great storyteller for his sister. 

"Then, there I was thrown overboard into the shark infested waters when something brushed against my feet. In my panic, I almost drowned before my men rescued me. They are worried sick thinking I got mauled by a shark but when they looked at my feet they laughed as they saw a tiny fish the size of my finger biting me!" Deimos told the story as Kailina giggled uncontrollable.

A suppressed laughter can be heard outside the door.

"Brother, can you get the door? I think we have a guest." Kailina requested.

Deimos opened the door and saw Apollonia with flushed cheeks beside another guest. Apollonia exudes a charming tenor unlike her ice-cold childhood friend, Anastasia. Anatasia’s black hair is cropped short, the mole under her is alluring. Her black dress invites mystery and judgment. Apollonia is in her simple dress, white deep neckline that emphasizes her womanly figure.

"Who is it?" Kailina asks.

"It is me, Lina. And Anastasia." Apollonia answers.

"Please, come in" Kailina said, delighted.

"Apples, welcome." Deimos said with a faint smile as he welcomes her in.

"Thank you, Deimos" Apollonia says as she kisses Deimos in the cheeks. Anastasia sighs.

"Deimos." Anastasia greets as she strolls right in.

Of course. Deimos thought. Ever since they were children, Anastasia has been cold towards Deimos. For what reason, he could not fathom. Or wasn’t willing to fathom.

Better cold than cruel. He thought.

"Brother, would you like to join us?" Kailina asked.

"I wish I could, little sister, but I am afraid I need to attend to some urgent matters." Deimos replies as he kissed her forehead. "Worry not, I shall be present at dinner this evening."

Deimos kisses the ladies’ hands as courtesy, even Anastasia, before he left. Kailina pouts but forgives her brother. She squeezes Apollonia's hand, she might not be able to see but she can feels emotions. Right now, Apollonia is saddened and Anastasia icy cold.

Anastasia sees the look on her sister’s face. It broke her heart knowing she could never be with her. They converse about the latest fashion trends, and court gossips.

“Father has been much active in persuading me into marrying one of his bannermen’s son.” Anastasia shared “Most of them are pompous and stupid, I can’t stand them.”

“Me too.” Apollonia said quietly. Anatasia raised her eyebrow. Brutus knows that  her daughter,Apollonia, is courted by all and there are some suitors of very high status.

“Who is it?” Kailina asks.

“Barcus Mandrake.” Apollonia whispers.

Kailina and Anastasia are shocked and scared. The Mandrake family is one of the wealthiest family in the kingdom. They came from a lower-class group of merchants that banded together to form a cartel. Usually, only noble houses have this kind of power, and to rise to the top means they have to be corrupt, underhanded, and merciless. One of their main business is  “personal service provider”, a euphemism for slavery.

“No. Absolutely not, they are scums, Apollonia.” Anastasia raised her voice.

“I think it would be best to avoid them.” Kailina cautioned.

“I already talked to him. Barcus is different from his family.” Apollonia explains.

"It is time for us to leave, Kailina. If you need something, don’t hesitate. " Anastasia said, no longer willing to listen.

"In that case, you must teach me about falconry, Anastasia." Kailina asked. Kailina heard that Anastasia is under the tutelage of the best Beast Master in the kingdom.

“Of course.” Anastasia smiles, a rare thing.

As soon as they left, Anastasia separates from Apollonia, cannot bear the pain any longer.

"Where are you going?" Apollonia asks.

"I’m going into town, some of my friends have invited me to meet some young dashing nobles." Anastasia lied knowing Apollonia hates socializing ever since that incident. "You want to come?"

“I thought you hated them?” Apollonia puzzled.

“I said most of them. They are still a few decent ones.” Anastasia rationalized.

"I think I would be in my chambers, see you later." Apollonia declines which Anastasia expected.

Anastasia went to town with a broken heart and full purse.