Chapter 12 – It’s Time
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What does it mean by consuming? Will it eat the corpse or something? Izoke thought. The dilemma before him raised many questions. Well... there is no harm checking it out, Izoke decided internally before saying "Yes".

A white smoke-like aura was coming from the Orc's body and it went into the Demonic sword. The sword hummed like a vacuum cleaner as it sucked in the beast's soul. The sword vibrated lightly as it hummed with a forceful suction. Soon the dust cloud-like aura that is known as the soul of a beast was completely consumed. A notification popped up letting Izoke know the process was complete.

*Demonic Sword consumed Orc spirit*

New Skill Unlocked "Diablo Slash"


Diablo Slash

*This skill requires the use of "Demonic Sword". Warning! The skill will not work without it!


New Skill? I will try it out later, Izoke thought before glancing at the unconscious and injured Haruki in his arms. Izoke tried to use “Lesser Heal skill” on her. He put Haruki on the ground and activated the skill while pointing his hand in front of Haruki. It didn't work, she was not healing one bit, “What the heck? This skill is not working!” Trying again while holding Haruki's hand with care, he tried to heal her again and this time it worked. Her HP was increasing slowly. Izoke thought it through, So in order to heal someone without healer class physical contact should be done. At least that is the case for “Lesser Heal skill”.

One of the downsides of Izoke's special skill is that it does not allow him to possess a class. Classes can have many effects like base bonus damage to certain weapons and even effects that alter skills potential usage. For example, lesser heal on others with healer class can be used at a 2-meter distance while Izoke must have physical contact. Izoke can use Kazuo's fireball but it doesn't auto-target enemies for Izoke as it did for Kazuo. The power and effect of both skills were lesser too. In fantasy collusion, there is no such thing as a free lunch!

Another thing Izoke noticed was that he didn't get a prompt to learn the Orcs regen skill. Same thing for Haruki's "Healers Respite" which was the skill that prevented instant death. Izoke's only theory on this is that those skills are passive. Passive skills effects are usually "internal" meaning they happen inside the body. While most attack skills are external and therefore Izoke can observe them. Perhaps... I need to be touching a player/NPC when they use a passive skill to learn it, Izoke theorized.

A few minutes later Haruki recovered all her Health Points and opened her eyes. She stretched as if she had just woke up in the morning. Seeing Izoke holding her hand Haruki's face blushed red as a tomato. Remembering where she was and what just happened Haruki shot up onto her feet. “Where is that Monster?” She said hurriedly looking around.

“The monster is dead!” Izoke answered. Haruki's pretty face took on a shocked expression.

“Where are Kazuo and Yuuto?” She asked.

“Kazuo died, I guess he has already returned to the real world. As for Yuuto, Hmmmm” Izoke looked around. “Look, there he is! He has been injured because of the Damn monster. You should go heal him.” Izoke told her pointing at Yuuto.

Yuuto was in the town square unconscious due to the impact. Haruki ran over to Yuuto and cast lesser heal. It was lucky that Yuuto hadn’t died because his Hp was showing red which obviously meant he was going to die but Haruki saved him. He must have had a bleeding status condition as well as a concussion. After a few minutes, all three were in good condition.

“Where is Kazuo?” Yuuto asked

“Kazuo used sacrifice magic, so he is already out of the game,” Izoke explained to Yuuto. Then Izoke tossed his sword into his Inventory.

“Gah, Dumb guy,” Yuuto said like he was making fun of Kazuo.

“Don’t make fun of him! He did it to save us! Now we should return to the town to get the reward, he should be waiting for us.” Haruki scolded Yuuto while puffing her cheeks in anger.

Listening to them argue Izoke thought, What was I even doing? My main goal is to become strong to fight evil players. Here I am spending my time and breaking bread with them like a like fool. I guess I will not return to the city, I will take time away from them. I should start my adventure in this village. Even after coming to this conclusion part of Izoke wanted to spend more time with Haruki, Kazuo, and Yuuto. It was only for a few days but Izoke felt he created a strong bond of friendship with them. On another level, he also knew that to them this world is just a game. If he was not lucky today he would have died and vanished from the world forever.

“Hey guys, I think I will not return to the city. I will stay here for a while. So, this is where we part ways. You guys should go to the city and received the reward.” Izoke told Yuuto and Haruki.

“But why? we can form a party or we can go to the city to receive the reward. I mean if you want to return here, you can transport here when you log in to the game.” Haruki said to him making a tearful crying face.

“Yes we could,” Yuuto agreed with Haruki.

One can transport their avatar while logging into the server. This means when you enter the game you can teleport to any place you have already been to. For Izoke this is the real world and he has no login screen. There is such a thing as transport and teleportation magic but Izoke hadn't seen anyone use it yet.

“No, I already told you before that this will be the last time we co-op. We will go in our own ways for now,” Izoke said adamantly. He was giving them the cold shoulder but it was fake.

“Ok, if you say so! But if you need any help in the future please call us. we will send your 100 coins through the PM system to your username.” Haruki told Izoke.

Anyone can send the money/quest rewards through the game bank which is present in every city. As long as someone knows his/her username to send money they can. This feature uses the "Private Message system" and when part of a party claims rewards the NPC offers to use this automatically to send rewards for non-present players. The party needed only opt to receive this way or Izoke would have to be present for anyone in the party during the quest to claim rewards.

“Ok man, if you want to go away from us, I guess you have your reasons. It’s ok, but don't forget your bro.” Yuuto said putting his arm around Izoke's shoulder and giving him a hug.

“Ok,” Izoke replied to them. He was covering his mouth with one hand trying to hide a smile.

“I'll send Kazuo a message to choose PM distribution and then we'll log out,” Haruki said before typing on an invisible screen.

“Bye man,” Yuuto added.

“Bye and give my best wishes to Kazuo,” Izoke said waving his hand goodbye.

Haruki was sad to leave him but she couldn't change Izoke's mind. They suddenly vanished in front of Izoke after saying "Log out". Realworlders have so many advantages! They are the true players and they can do anything. Izoke thought.