Rebirth 04 – The Demon
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My name is Excellen Goku, but you knew that already!

You can call me Goku-chan if you’d like. The Daimyo does.

I am the retainer to Daimyo Dai-Sensei. Sensei made me what I am today. You see, I’m still quite new to Makai, (and not just because of my size either!) but now here I am all Demony.

Well, that’s a little disingenuous.

I mean, I’m me. I’ve always been a Demon for as long as I’ve been me, but I wasn’t always me and I didn’t always know I was, when I was. Ugh, explaining it is hard. I was something of a special case but a lot of Demons have experienced it; a lot of Demons started off as Lost Souls that wandered in from who-knows-where.

I’m not actually writing this to talk about myself (that’s just an added bonus!).

No, I’m actually writing to report on that freak who’s been all up in our business in Daimachi. I’m pretty sure he’s a human, but he just doesn’t act like any human in forever! He gets all up in Demon face and no matter what we do he just won’t go away. I don’t just mean we’re asking him to leave, either. He beats up all the demons who try to make him leave!

Actually come to think of it, he acts a lot like a Demon himself. I can’t believe this human is actually for reals.

Worse still, he’s totally impervious to Makai! Normally a human would start to change into something more demonic after spending as much time in Makai as he has, but it just washes right off him. Not even the direct approach worked. Dai-Sensei tried! Her best stuff stuck for all of 2 seconds before the freak reverted back to normal. Then he stuck out his tongue at Dai-Sensei!!

This guy is literally the worst!

To my dearest Satan,


This is the first story in this collection! If you're reading this right when I posted it, then I'll be posting more over the next few days. If you're not reading this within a week of when I posted it, then you probably don't care because I've posted the entire collection already!


Regardless, thanks for reading. This is the story that stared the whole collection. I hope you like it all