Venus Cloacina – Night 20
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I remember who she is.

I’ve been looking at this stupid journal all night and it finally clicked. Just like it must have for Mad 2 weeks ago. The Principle is the Goddess from my dream. Whatever the hell is going on, she’s the one who threw it all together.

It’s her fault that I can’t spend more time with Mab…

I don’t know what will happen now. Will she come for me like she did Mab? Or does she need someone to tip her off first? Do I WANT her to come for me like Mab!? I really don’t know. It would be sort of nice in a way. I’d probably get the chance to spend as much time with Mab as I wanted. But it feels a lot like giving up as well.

Am I prepared to do that? To give up and surrender to the monsters in this place? What are my options if I don’t? I really have no control and no information here. I have no idea what will happen if I surrender and I have no idea what I can even do if I don’t.

I just wish I could talk to Mab about all this! But I’m pretty sure that if I did it would be as good as telling the Goddess herself.