MCS – Meanwhile, in Vampire Land
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The air was filled with a faint mist, not as heavy as the fog that shrouded most of Makai, but ever present in this place and likely made of the same substance. It made for an uncomfortable experience for those not used to it, demon or otherwise.

Yuri sighed from his seat on a fence post, not far outside a village within the Night Fort’s sphere of influence. This was not one of his better days and the oppressive fog was not helping his mood. Well, even heroes had off days. All the better that he was using this day to lay the groundwork for a better one.

The young hero heard a noise in the distance. The sound of a person, or demon he supposed, approaching, soon followed by a figure. The stranger was tall and dark, hidden both by the shade of the mist and by the heavy mantle of a cloak which seemed more decorative than functional.

Only as the figure came close could the young hero make out its features. The demon was pale, with an androgynous face leaning towards masculine. He possessed a sort of ethereal handsomeness that what probably impossible to achieve without magic. As if to confirm the glamour, he seemed to shimmer just a little when viewed out of the corner of Yuri’s eye. He stopped in front of Yuri, just a few paces away, and stared at the human with blood red eyes.

“Yo.” Yuri made a short wave with his hand.

With a barely repressed sigh, Sparkle Lord shifted to the hero’s right and turning to lean against the same fence that Yuri rested on. They sat there in silence for a time, looking at the bleak landscape before them. It was the human who eventually broke the silence.

“You ever get the feeling that you’re missing out on something?”

The Vampire released a dry, not quite forced, laugh in response.

“Yeah, I suppose that was a stupid question.” Yuri paused, considering his words. “It can get pretty boring around here, can’t it?”

Dante turned his head and gave the human a sideways glance. “You have no idea.”

“I suppose not…”

This awkwardness continued for some time. There were moments where Yuri would try to make small talk, but much of their company was held in silence. Finally, Yuri leapt off his perch, stretched, and made to leave and put this awkwardness behind him.


Yuri turned back to the Vampire.

“Let’s never do this again.”

The young hero responded with a vigorous nod and turned back around, somewhere more comfortable on the horizon.