Part 12
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Chapter 17


Despite the stop at Nathan’s having been rather good all things considered, Ashley couldn’t help but feel just as nervous and afraid when she showed up at her next friend’s house. Nathan might have reacted great, but that didn’t mean that would happen again, and while she was grateful to have one more person she could count on, she remained afraid of losing the other people in her life. Each and every visit seemed like a risk to her, but it were risks she had to take as just skipping it would be an even bigger risk. She needed to control her coming out herself or she feared of what the consequences would be. This was her best possible chance by far as she nervously rung another doorbell to be met with the same momentary confusion before his next friend realised who she was.


Friend after friend Ashley made her way through what was shaping up to be an incredibly emotionally exhausting day. She should have called them all together, but that would have been way more scary, appearing in front of them all at once. Scary and down right worse as it would be a lot harder to do her story and answer questions, react to how everyone took the news. It was probably also better to spread it out a little more, but then again that might have led through trouble as well as they might have talked among themselves before she would have had a chance to see everyone. It was incredibly hard, but Ashley pushed through ringing yet another doorbell to repeat her story.


Throughout the day she had had various degrees of success, ranging from acceptance and support, to people trying to wrap their head around their old friend Ash now being a pretty girl called Ashley. Struggling to come to terms with it, but trying to be supportive. There were two friends who were downright shocked and plain awkward, not openly condemning her, but not trying to be supportive either. They didn’t make Ashley feel very welcome, and all in all Ashley had been happy to leave their homes as she doubted they would remain friends for much longer.


At least they hadn’t insulted her or been hostile. It hadn’t been pleasant, but all in all if she looked back on her day and considered the amount of friends she had talked to it wasn’t a bad record at all. From the fifteen people she had spoken, she only feared a fall out with two of them, while all the others had seemed supportive in varying degrees. It felt good, especially considering she had feared to be condemned and hated by all of her friends. That had luckily been far from the case. Sure it hurt to lose friends, but if those friends couldn’t accept her for who she was, then she was better off without them, especially with so many people backing her up. It gave her at least some courage for what was perhaps the most difficult stop of all, the stop at her girlfriend’s house. Out of fear she had delayed it to the last stop of the day, but exhausted from all the stress she really regretted that now. Still she needed to go forward with this, she couldn’t cancel now she thought with a heavy heart as she rung the doorbell.


When her girlfriend Abigail opened the door she was the first to almost instantly recognise her out of all the friends she had visited today. There was no more than a brief moment of hesitation before the recognition set in. “Oh my god, Ash is that you? Why the hell are you dressed like you’ve been raiding your sister’s closet? What’s the meaning of this?” She exclaimed in shock disbelief having worried for the worst when Ash had asked her to talk. Everything had been going great between them until a few days ago when he had suddenly found excuses for every time she had wanted to hang out and he hadn’t been answering her text as frequently as before. It had been a strange abrupt change and she was fearing he was hear to tell her he had someone else, but the last thing she had expected was to see him in girl’s clothes.


“Uhm yeah, hello Abigail, it is me, kind of, can we please get inside so I can explain the meaning of this? It’s what I wanted to talk to you about so can we please?” Ashley asked nervously, so far so good, at least Abigail wasn’t calling her names yet. She didn’t seem thrilled, but then again, Ashley hadn’t expected her to be, she felt like she had always betrayed Abigail knowing what she now knew about herself and it felt awful. She didn’t want Abigail to hurt, but she knew her girlfriend would hurt. She just hoped that Abigail would understand on some level and hopefully forgive her, but she knew it was a tall ask, especially for her, to tell her the guy she had been intimate had always felt more like a girl and had always secretly been into guys, the whole façade she had been putting up had been crushed by Keira and while she had hoped this could have been different, that she could have eased Abigail into it more, she simply didn’t have that luxury.


Abigail didn’t even answer, just kept staring at her in shock as she stepped aside. Ashley couldn’t help but feel terrible, no reaction was even worse than a bad one in a way, it made her incredibly nervous as she walked past her girlfriend, the girl she had spent so many amazing moments with, bit broke her heart, but it needed to be done, like a band aid it needed to be pulled off, it wasn’t like what they had could work so it was best to just get this over with, to finally stop lying to Abigail. This was for the best Ashley thought as she sat down on the couch, yet the best didn’t make her feel any better, not right now.


It didn’t help her feeling at all when Abigail sat down opposite of her, putting quite a distance between them as there was more passive aggressive silence making Ashley feel even more uncomfortable. “I’m sorry for this Abigail, I truly am, but that isn’t going to change what happened, what I feel. Some recent events have made me have a long hard look in the mirror and made me admit to myself who I really am. I’m Ashley, and deep down that has always been the case no matter how hard I have tried to burry that side of me and push it away. I tried so hard to hide behind Ash a regular guy, but I just can’t do that any longer, not to me, not to you, not to anyone. I can’t even fathom how hard this must be for you, but for what it is worth I really am sorry.” Ashley spoke looking up hoping for a reaction, any reaction, but there was only more silence to follow.


Sensing she wouldn’t get a reaction Ashley carried on her explanation with a sigh. “I should also probably tell you that I am into men, while I know that must sound terrible, I do want you to know that what we had was real in a sense, minus the sexual attraction I did really see you as a soulmate, I still do, but I’m afraid a relationship just isn’t in the cards for us. I truly am really really sorry for involving you in this whole façade and I just wish you could forgive me, if there is any way I can make it up to you I promise I will do what I can to do just that.” Ashley finished nervously, as Abigail now looked at her with an expressionless face that was truly unsettling.


Another uncomfortable minute of silence followed before Abigail spoke up again. “Please just go, you know the way.” She said coolly, really needing some time to process all of this. She wanted to scream at Ashely, to tell her she was a liar, an asshole, the worst of the worst, but she didn’t. Despite everything she did believe that Ashley was sincere, that she was hurting over having to do this, that what they had had been real on some level, that she truly was sorry for having dragged her into this. She had to admire Ashley’s courage, to come here to explain this to her in person rather than choosing and easy way out. She knew this must be terribly hard on her, but she couldn’t be happy for Ashley, not after she had just crushed her heart so intensely. Right now she was furious at Ashley, furious, saddened by the betrayal, but somewhere deep down she still cared for Ashley, too much to go screaming at her making things way worse. She didn’t know how long she would hold that though as Ashley really needed to go now, something that soon happened much to her relief. She was too angry to even care much about the tearful eyes she noticed, she was just relieved to be alone after this bomb had been dropped.


Ashley couldn’t help but feel utterly defeated and bad, sobbing a little as she left her now ex girlfriend’s house. She had known this wouldn’t be easy, and Abigail’s reaction was understandable, she could only imagine how cheated Abigail must feel. In a sense she had reacted better Ashley had feared, silence and passive aggressiveness were better than screams and insults, but it was nothing to feel good about either. She had dreaded this visit most of all for good reason and while it was awful to stop on such a bad note for a day that had gone a lot better than expected, it was probably for the best. After all if she had come here first there was no way she would have had the energy to go to the remainder of her friends. She could only hope that after some time Abigail would understand and things could regain a sense of normalcy between them, but she knew she shouldn’t put her hopes up. Trying to think about the good that had come from today, the surprising support from some of her closest friends was hard right now as she made her way home only to move straight up to her bedroom and shut the door only to cry her eyes out.


She ended up crying for nearly thirty minutes straight before finally getting a handle on herself. It had offered some relief for sure, but not a whole lot. Maybe some selfcare would help though she thought as she moved into her bathroom and got out of her clothes of the day. The jeans and t-shirt did nothing to help her feel better about herself after all. Still snivelling a little Ashley cleaned up her face, her makeup completely ruined by her earlier crying as she treated herself to a facial mask while running a nice relaxing sweet scented bubble bath. Sliding into the warm water wasn’t a quick fix or anything, but the soothing water did help her relax a little as she tried hard to focus her thoughts on the many good things that had happened today as those surely outweighed the bad.


Most friends had been various degrees of supportive, and not only that, but everything was ready to help set Bruce free from Keira’s reign as well. While she would love to call him and vent about her day, but calling probably wasn’t the best idea. She would certainly let him know that they could kick off their plan though. That was one thought that really made her feel better, finally getting to destroy Keira’s hold on both their lives. Keira might think she had them both good, but she was already looking forward to her next date with Bruce, a real good date where they both knew what they were getting into rather than Keira’s messed up trickery from last time.


After an hour long soak Ashley finally decided to get out of her relaxing bath, some of the tension that had built into her muscles from the sheer stress and pressure she had been under all day had dissolved. It felt good, not amazing or anything, but good. Just like the numerous lotions and body oils she had bought with her mother felt good on her skin, it made her feel all the softer, and they smelled amazing. Wrapping her hair into a towel Ashley finally stepped back out in her room only to pick out one of her most feminine nighties, light pink silky one with hot pink lace details, matching panties and a pair of sheer pink stocking with a hot pink lace top. It felt good to put on something so silky soft and sexy to make up for wearing those jeans and that t-shirt for a day. It felt amazing on her skin, especially when she slid onto her silk sheets, planning to watch a movie to relax before bed. First she needed to let Bruce know that he could go ahead with his side of the plan though.


“Hey Bruce, I’m just texting you to let you know that everything is good on my end. My friends know about Ashley and about me being into guys, so Keira shouldn’t be able to do any more damage on that front. I miss you and can’t wait to see you again, it would be really nice to vent about my day a little as not everything went great, but I do think that it is best if we don’t call one another and don’t speak again until our next date. Keira can’t be let on about anything, in fact I think it is best if you delete this message and don’t send back. We need to keep this up for just a little bit longer, then we’ll be free to do whatever we want. Love Ashley.” She texted her hopefully soon to be boyfriend before putting her phone away and turning on that movie.


At the other end of the line Bruce had very mixed feelings. It was a relief to know that they could go ahead with their plan, but he really felt for Ashley who had had a rough day to the point of needing to vent but without being able to. He really wanted to call her to see how she was doing, but he also knew that she was probably right, calling her now would risk everything on his side of the plan. Knowing Keira he was quite certain that she would love the idea they had come up with, so their next date would be really soon he guessed, he wouldn’t need to hide or leave Ashley be for very long, but it still hurt that he couldn’t be there for her now when she really needed someone. If anything it made him all the more motivated to get this date set up right away.


Deciding texting was probably the best idea as he didn’t want to anger Keira by interrupting whatever she might be doing and having no desire to really talk to her anyways, Bruce started writing her right away. “Hey  Keira, I am getting a little frustrated down here and I was wondering if we couldn’t make a deal. I know you don’t want me screwing around, but I was wondering if I could go on another date with that asshole of a sissy brother of yours. He tricked me and if you allow it I would love to get some payback and vent some of my frustrations on him. Can I please have permission to screw your sissy brother.” Bruce sent, he hated using such vile words to talk about Ashley, but Keira couldn’t know that this was about anything more, than anger, revenge and sexual frustration. He was certain she wouldn’t be able to resist that as he put his phone aside waiting for her response.


Keira had settled down in a queer bar by the time Bruce message came in. Now that she was free to hook up with whoever she wanted, saved by her façade relationship with Bruce. She was more than eager to hook up with another woman, to explore that side of her sexuality a bit more thoroughly. At first she couldn’t help but roll her eyes seeing Bruce’s name appear on her screen, but as she opened the message and started reading out of curiosity, that annoyance soon changed into a big smirk. She loved reading about how Bruce was already fed up with the demands she had made, he really wasn’t one who dealt well with denial and he had a high libido. It was very tempting to make him put up with his hands for a long while to come, to make his frustration grow really extreme.


As tempting as it was however, his proposition to get some relief from anything other than his hand was just fantastic, two birds with one stone kind of fantastic. She was certain Bruce would hate himself after his sexual frustration cleared up and he realised he had fucked the sissy again it would be hilarious. Just like the rough go that Ash was sure to have having to put up with a sexually frustrated and angry Bruce. Even though Bruce now knew his secret, she was certain that Ash would be too terrified to do anything other than to please Bruce who could easily over power him. She doubted that Bruce would be stupid enough to do anything to really harm Ashley, but the thought of having some more fun playing out both of the people under her control against one another was just amazing. Loving the idea Keira quickly replied. “Good, be ready to pick him up by 11 a.m. tomorrow.” With that Keira put her phone away and looked around to see if she could spy anyone to enjoy herself with, she was in the mood for a real party, unaware that she was the one being played.


While Ashley and Bruce had had a rather stressful night, hoping that Keira wouldn’t discover their scheme, Keira was way too busy enjoying herself to even give it a second thought. She had danced a bit and gotten to talk with a very cute blonde. There had been a real click between them as their talking and dancing had slowly turned to kissing, kissing which had grown more and more passionate as the evening had dragged on until the girl had needed to go home. Not before they had exchanged numbers and set up a lunch date for tomorrow though. With her brother out of the way by eleven and he mother at work early as she was so often, she would have the house to herself for a good long time, long enough for some quality time with this girl she had just met, it was perfect, making her all the more eager to send him on that date with Bruce. It seemed like Bruce’s balls had started aching at just the right time, she thought as she went back home with a big smile on her face. Her sheer eagerness to get rid of Ash for her date tomorrow destroyed even the smallest potential for suspicion she might have had, she now wanted him gone as much as Bruce and Ashley wanted this to work, both for completely different reasons.


Chapter 18


It was around 9 a.m. by the time Keira woke up, still way too early to her liking given how late last night had been, but it was a worth every bit of the trouble and more. She was already looking forward to putting her sissy brother back up with her boyfriend who was out for revenge, embarrassing them both in the process all while she had an amazing date with an amazing girl to look forward to. Finally she was free to do everything she ever wanted and so much more. She had both her brother and boyfriend under her full control, a perfect cover to have a girlfriend herself without any form of judgement. Now all that rested was to get the sissy ready for his date, a date she couldn’t wait to hear about, at least after her own date which would be even more fun had ended that was.


Her excitement about today driving her to jump out of bed quickly, Keira put on some clothes and made her way across the hallway to her brother’s room only to barge in without knocking. She was pleased to see him still in bed, clad in a nightie hidden under his sheets and cowering in fear as he laid eyes on her, just how she liked it. “Wakey wakey sissy, you have another date coming up so get your lazy ass out of bed and go have a shower, or a bath, or whatever. Make sure you are squeaky clean then come back here so I can show you the outfit I’ll pick for you.” Keira grinned, laughing as her brother quickly slid out of bed to carry out her order. Clearly she had terrified him good.


Ashley’s heart was pounding heavily in her chest as she entered the bathroom. She knew exactly what date she was getting set up for and still she couldn’t help but feel stressed out of her mind, after all she would have her first real date with Bruce now that they both knew what was happening, not only that but Keira could still screw Bruce over if she found out about their plan too soon, a lot was riding on this and Ashley knew she couldn’t look happy about it while she was aching to see Bruce again as herself this time. Ironically the stress of needing to look unhappy actually made her look overly worried which really helped sell it.


Much like Keira had ordered Ashley quickly got squeaky clean in the bathroom making sure she smelled nice all over while using an ample amount of lotion to really make her skin glow. She didn’t really look at herself naked, loving her look way more when her cock was hidden by some cute panties and a skirt while the breast forms filled out a bra and the front of whatever top he wore to give him some real feminine curves, if only those curves were real, but that would be a long process of hormone replacement therapy, something she was more certain than ever she wanted to get started on as soon as possible. As soon as all this stress was over with. Right now he had a date to get to with Bruce so hopefully she could break Keira’s hold over everything she cared for which by now also included him. Her time in the bathroom, besides getting clean was spend thinking about how to act towards Keira once she would introduce her to her outfit for the day.


When Ashley left the bathroom Keira was already waiting for her with a broad smile. The outfit laid out for her was a sexy one once more, maybe a little bit too much for a casual greeting with Bruce’s friends. It consisted of a red satin bra with black lace covering the cups, a matching thong and garter belt, sheer black stockings with a back seam, a pair of three inch tall red leather stiletto heels, a red pleated skirt that would reach a couple of inches above the knee, and a skin tight black top without sleeves, but with a turtle neck to keep the secret of her breast forms well hidden. “W…who are you sending me on a date with? Isn’t that a bit much for a date?” Ashley timidly asked, her genuine nervousness once again helping out to make the role she was playing seem real.


“Well with Bruce again my sissy stepbrother, ever since he sent me that picture of you sucking his cock, I’ve been denying him. He’s pretty pissed that you’ve screwed him over like that, and he’s pretty horny from being denied a fuck, that asshole can’t go a day without screwing around it seems. Don’t worry though, I’ve warned him not to do you any real harm, but he will want to work off all that pent up lust on you so I think this outfit is perfect, he loves high heels and nylons so this should put him in the mood for multiple rounds.” Keira laughed as Ashley did her best to look mortified, she had been expecting an explanation like this so she came prepared.


“Keira, please, I’ve done nothing wrong, I’ve left you alone all this time, please don’t do this to me, I beg you, please don’t send me to Bruce again, he’ll kill me if he knows. I can’t give him another blowjob or worse…” Ashley pleaded, trying hard to sound as desperate as possible, another performance helped by her nervousness, that and the fact that Keira was enjoying herself way too much to be suspicious.


“Oh there will be more sissy, way more you can count on that. I guess I promised him some anal if he managed to sneak a peak of my so called innocent niece sucking his cock, well he delivered and I’m a girl of my word. He can have his anal, only it will be your ass on the line. Losing your virginity can hurt a little Ashley, but don’t you worry, I packed you some condoms and a tampon to keep your panties clean after the date. I would never offer up my own ass for anything, but luckily for Bruce I have no trouble offering up yours, better hope he has some lube to use, or that he’ll care enough to let you suck it first.” Keira laughed, delighting in the prospect of her brother losing his anal virginity while her asshole of a boyfriend would have to cope with having fucked a known to him sissy, this was bound to be great.


“In any case sissy, its time to get dressed now, make sure to put your thong up over your garters, we wouldn’t want Bruce to have too much trouble accessing that butt of yours or he might tear your panties and they are just too sexy to be a one time wear. I guess it’ll come with some added benefit of having an easier time using the toilet. Oh and by the way, when you’re dressed put your make up on nice heavy and slutty, full smoky eyes and red lips, in short the works sissy, if it’s not sluttery enough I will be mad and trust me, you really don’t want to see me mad or I might just feed Bruce some Viagra before I send you on another date.” Keira instructed with a wicked smile before turning on her heels and leaving Ashley alone to deal with her orders, very pleased with herself and what she had accomplished with her brother and Bruce.



Although Ashley knew that nothing bad would happen with Bruce, on the contrary, that they would have an amazing time breaking away from Keira for good, she still couldn’t help but shudder at the instructions. She couldn’t believe how big a bitch her sister was being even after she had clearly won as far as she was aware. They had never been on the best of terms, Keira had some grievances about how he had been able to live so freely while their mother projected most of her expectations and aspirations onto her, but that was no excuse for what she had done, especially not for this. She was more than glad when Keira finally left the room.


Getting to work on her elaborate overly sexy look Ashley made up her mind about toning it down some to meet Bruce’s friends. She would have to make certain not to get caught by Keira though so her options were sadly very limited. Nevertheless she could get away with stashing her makeup in her purse, for a touch up, even if that touch up would simply be going for a way more appropriate style. Keira didn’t need to know about that. A pair of opaque black pantyhose were also rather easily hidden in the bottom of her purse Keira had pre packed with condoms and tampons. It would be way more appropriate than these seamed nylons.


By the time Keira came back in the room she was ready and waiting. Yet again Ashley couldn’t help but shudder as Keira gave her a quick once over. “Damn Ashley, you really look like you’re ready for a date with the intent of getting to the bedroom as soon as possible. Good job sissy, I guess I won’t have to get mad, but I can assure you Bruce will go mad with lust when he sees you.” Keira laughed, loving the fearful shudder she saw, it was just perfect.


“Keira, please, I promise I’ll do whatever you say, just please reconsider about that date, I beg you.” Ashley begged, already knowing her sister wouldn’t change her mind about it. She couldn’t help but wonder if she wasn’t laying on her reluctance a little too hard, after all she didn’t want that to become her undoing. Luckily Keira seemed to love her seeming desperation though, yet before she could even formulate an answer the bell rang.


“Looks like that is a fat no sissy, your date has just arrived so there is no way to cancel this anymore, don’t worry, I’m sure you’re going to have an excellent time though, haven’t you just always dreamed of getting fucked until you can’t walk straight anymore?” Keira taunted as she held open the door and signalled for Ashley to step out and greet her date.


Trying to push her luck a little bit Ashley made a dash for her closet and fished out a pair of black leather block heeled ankle boots. “Can I at least take these along, last time Bruce said something about wanting to fuck in the forest some time and if I wear these heels I’ll break an ankle.” Ashley spoke, hoping the excuse was good enough to convince Keira, with these her outfit would look cute, but still casual enough not to be seen like a complete slut by Bruce’s friends.


“Hahaha, you really do think like a sissy, well I’ll allow it. Some heels for the bedroom and some for the forest. I can’t wait to hear all about your date when you get back, now hurry up, your date is waiting.” Keira laughed as she kept the door open while Ashley nervously rushed out with her boots and her purse in hand. If she hadn’t been on such adrenaline fearing to still get caught in this lie, the relief would have showed on her face.


By the time she reached the front door Ashley’s heart was pounding in her chest, fearing still would still go wrong. At the same time she felt butterflies in her stomach when she opened the door to see Bruce neatly dressed in slacks and a shirt looking handsome as ever. “Damn you look fucking hot for a sissy, I guess you’ll do for what I need. Now come along, you’ve got work to do.” Bruce said, trying to sound somewhat angry to keep the illusion of coming here for a sort of revenge alive.


“Have fun you two and Bruce, I’m in no rush to get her back so by all means keep her until you’re fully satisfied. In fact don’t bring her back until you have my permission.” Keira spoke as she practically shoved the nervous looking Ashley out of the door only to slam it shut behind her. She had a date to prepare for herself after all and she didn’t want Ashley coming back too early to interrupt what fun she might have. Today was going to be great she thought.


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