23 Who is Friend and Foe
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When Tokito went out of sight behind Berry.... 

Ding! [You have leveled up ^2!  You are now level 19]

Ding! [Your Thug job has level up by 2! You have learned Balance! You have learned Tumble! You have learned Back stab! You have learned Hide!]

Ding![Jump has Leveled up! Climb has Leveled up!]

Ding! [Your Tamer  job has level by 3! Taming has leveled up! Earth spikes has leveled up!] ]

Ding! [You have unlocked the requirements to equip whips!]

Ding! [You have earned the Title Beastie Comrade]

Ding! [You have learned heal! You have unlocked Wilds Calling]

Ding! [acute hearing level up! Fighting Survival Instincts level up!]

Warning![ You have been by marked by someone of higher level! Your location is constantly available to the one who marked you!]

Tokito Hazami


[Species: Dgin/ qaubet ]

[Traits: camouflage lv 8(active), high alert sense lv Max (passive), lucky encounters lv 4 (passive) , { chaotic energy absorbing lv 4 (active)} Heat resistance lv 9 (passive), Cold resistance lv 7 (passive) , poison resistance lv 5 (passive), Curse reflect lv 1 (passive) , {Chaos emitter lv Max (passive)}, {Chaos aura lv 6}, great caution lv 7, acute hearing lv 6, acute smelling lv 5, keen eye sight lv 4, mana eyesight lv 2, iron stomach lv 6, iron tongue lv 4, fighting survival instincts lv 3, Balance lv 1 (passive), Tumble lv1, Hide lv 1]

[Titles:{ Person of another world }, {envoy of ?????}, {child of ?????}, {living gate}, Wanderer, Survivor of sure destruction, Wish elemental, Quick Thinker, Rott Eater, Limit Breaker, Beast Comrade]

[Job: Scavenger lv 9, Tamer lv 10, Thug lv 3, Artisan lv 1]

[Skills: foraging lv 6, butchering lv Max, random wish lv 3, danger sense lv 7 (passive), taming lv 6, {chaotic space lv 3},{ random chaotic wish box lv 2}, analyze lv 10, deal maker lv 2, crafting lv 11, Even Breathing lv 8 (passive), fast reflexes lv Max , climb lv 6, fire punch lv 4, fire breath lv 2,fire shot lv 3, ice breath lv 4, ice touch lv 5, earth shot lv 3, earth spikes lv 5, earth shield lv 2, earth wall lv 5, jump lv 3, smash lv 2, Back stab lv 1, Heal lv 1, Wilds Calling!]

[Tamed: Golden Sand Hiphon(Berry), crupingea(ele ele)]
Stats: Hp +155, Atk +128, Def +94, Agl +137, Mag +307, Lck + 385]

[Ailments: Marked, bleeding]

With all the notifications Tokito was unable to hear the groups conversation.

Back with the Fighting group....

The fighting group Became silent hearing that new piece of info and quickly finished gathering their share. After everything was loaded in a cart they went to tell Tokito they would help him if he needed it.

Pragmeme and Gilbert walk over to Tokito and Berry yelling, "Hey tall guy! We're done with picking up our share. If you want we could help you gather yours? Also you and your tamed look wounded, Gilbert can heal and purify you if you want?"

'I don't want them to know I can heal myself just in case they stab me in the back, so I'll agree to be healed for now,'  Tokito steps from behind Berry walking to meet the fighters, "No, Yes" bringing up his right arm showing 1 finger then 2 fingers.

Pragmeme now facing Tokito was confused with his answer asked, "Can't you form complete sentences?! Are you a moron or were not taught how to speak like a decent person?!"

Gilbert following Pragmeme quickly came up behind and slapped his hand over her mouth before anymore damage was done, "I apologize for my friends words! She doesn't understand that people of different species or races have their own cultures and are raised with certain mindsets. I will gladly heal you and your tamed then we'll be on our way."

Tokito looked at Gilbert nodded and showed his arm.

Looking at the wound Gilbert noticed a leaf that was not there prior, "When did this.... never mind you stopped the bleeding somewhat, but if I didn't heal you in time you could have lost your arm from such a wound." He used [Heal] [Purify] [clean] and the stab wound started to heal, but as soon as purify was used Tokito hunched over and nearly fell to his knees in pain as the location mark struggled against the purification.

The other fighters a few feet away saw Tokito hunch over and was about to help him, but Berry stepped between Tokito and the fighters stopping their actions. "What's wrong?! What did you do Gilbert?!" Pragmeme yelled stepping back in fear of being stepped on.
"I didn't do anything! The purify skill must be reacting to something in him! I don't sense any dark mana though so that can't be it."
"Well do something! The big guys pets don't look like their gonna let us off easily if it comes to a fight!"
As the fighters were about to take their weapons back out Tokito stopped hunching over.

Ding![Your heal has leveled up!]
Ding! [location mark has been purified!You are no longer being tracked!]

Tokito standing up fully patted Berry away and stepped towards Gilbert. Patting his stomach to indicate himself , " fine, please heal" and then pointed to Berry.

"Are you sure your ok? Purify should not do anything that could cause harm to you. Maybe you should come with us to the prayer alters and get someone else to look at you." Gilbert looked worried but was unable to convince Tokito to come with him. "Alright, let me heal your mounts wounds. Again I'm so sorry for all the trouble. We were asked to see if you considered the offer from the other day, but I understand if you don't want to now." Gilbert looked at the ground in befuddlement at what could have happened.

Tokito soon rectified the situation. Having a little difficulty putting his hand on Gilbert's shoulder due to extreme height difference he said, "Yes, but stay here." Tokito indicated he would be staying nearby or at least tried to the best of his ability. Gilbert went to Berry's side and started healing sympathizing Tokitos poor indication capabilities.

Lila seeing the Quabets response sighed in relief, " when you get a chance you can come to the entrance of the caravan or the chief herself and discuss payment. Here is a signal crystal communicator, it will allow the caravan to warn you if their in danger. You can attach it to your sand script clock so its not in your way. It doesn't work in the forest so please stay on the grass plains and last we'll be leaving in four days." Tokito received a tiny crystal ball with engravings on it. 

 Stozo walked up next, "Before we leave let me formally introduce every one. I'm Stozo Herklin, I am a mercenary who was hired with these group of adventures to accompany the caravan on its journey.  This pipsqueak is Lila she is the information specialist, next is Raymos who is the muscle of the group, Pragmeme is usually the bait but is a combat caster, Gilbert here is their priest, and unfortunately their gunner is indisposed at the moment. May I ask for something to call you or would you prefer us to continue on with Quabet?  

'Tokito if you're going to tell them your name don't tell them your whole name or simply going by Quabet is fine too as they do not give out their names often. Giving out their name is considered a small sign of respect has been earned, so think carefully when telling people. Also remember this group is trying to get info from you.' Calamity says in a whisper.

'What is up with all this secrecy, small talk, and trying to steal behind my back b*llshit?! I'm now regretting not going back to the forest...., sigh just imagine smashing that duchebag in the face. I'll have them continue calling me Quabet then since as far as I know there aren't any others around.' Tokito pointed at himself and said, " call me Quabet."

After the group heard this they understood the Quabet must still be very vigilante around them. "Alright, we will being going back then. If your wounds reopen or you have curse issues please visit. If you ever you want to search for us all our adventure group name is (Casting Close Combaters) or CCC for short" Gilbert said as he stepped away from healing Berry.

The group took their cart of goblin corpses and weapons then walked back to camp. Once they were out of ear shot, " Could that have gotten better or worse? Pragmeme did you really have to say those things to him?! We are trying to earn his trust not make him feel incompetent in talking and shutting up even more! Do you read any of the info I give you, because if you did you should know not to say what you said! I swear you're acting like a prissy princess on purpose." Lila turns around in Pragmemes face and points her finger to her nose.

 Pragmeme playfully bites at the finger making Lila retract her hand and giving her the evil eye. Lila walks to the front of the cart, but Pragmeme catches up and wraps her into a noogie hold. "Listen tiny tits, I don't care about the bonus. When I find a new toy to mess with I won't relent unless given good reason. I would need a better offer than money." ' I am going to mess the sh*t out of that Quabet. No one has refused my advances and gets away with brushing me off!'  

Raymos quickly separates the two then he gives both Lila and Pragmeme a (shut up) stare, "Lila, all if not most of us want the bonus, but not all of us have to go by the book. Pragmeme I defended you yesterday without knowing what that lad could also be feeling. I know you didn't read any of the notes Lila collected for us. After I read them I became ashamed of our actions and don't blame him for brushing us off. You both need to think of the consequences of your actions and realize there is more to the world than money and pride." The group enters camp to report to chief Sila.

After the group left Tokito started to collect what was left of the corpses and rusted weapons into his chaos space. 'Looks like they left me the more intact corpses and weapons. Are they so desperate to know where I got my bag from that they leave me the good stuff to get in my good graces?' 

'No, they're simply following guild code which dictates who receives what. You dealt with most of the goblins by the time that CCC group came to help, so you receive the better share. You technically lost out as you only wanted half the share of corpses and weapons, but the rules dictate you still receive the best of them. The adventures guild are surprisingly rigid when it comes to such things and won't tolerate any rule breakers. If you were any of the other races I would have advised you into becoming a adventure to move around easier since their on constantly on the move.' Calamity says opening its mouth revealing its eye. 

During the time Tokito was talking and gathering the corpses the weather began changing. The clouds became grey, the wind began to quicken, and the air moistened. "It looks like it's going to rain in a couple of hours. It's for the best I finish and dig a small shelter, so I don't have to go into the tent city."

Tokito pulled out Balba bones and a rusty weapon to make a temporary shovel and Berry using earth swim dig a ditch to help create the outline of a small cavern. After expanding the ditch into a cavern Tokito used earth walls to solidify the surround dirt so as to not get caved in. He then dug a deep bowl at the end of the cavern and deep lines to the side for any water that would drain into the entrance. He finished laying-out the underground shelter just as it began to drizzle. Ele ele flew inside not wanting their wings to get wet while Berry stayed outside to get washed. 

Starting a fire Tokito thinks of what needs to be done next. 

'Looks like I won't be going to the caravan city today. I'll just finish cutting up the last two wolves and start making some accessories  to trade.' I finish butchering the wolves and take out bones of the Balba and Tigon to use as bracelts and rings. Taking my Rambo I chop the bigger bones to the thickness of my and the smaller bones the size a little bigger than my fingers. Using mana hands, my un-clipped nails, and any sharp bone piece I find and scratch out the middle of the chopped bone pieces for arms and fingers to go through. I was able to hollow out 20  bracelets and 40 rings from Balba bones. 

Ding! [You have created 20 basic bone bracelets! You have created 40 basic bone rings!]

Ding![ Artisan Level Up! Mana hands level up]

Ding![you have learned Crafters art! You can choose a special creation feature! You have earned enhancement pool! You earned the title master craftsman!]

Ignoring the notifications I take a sharp ended jade bone and sculpt swirls and nature figures into each bracelet and ring. I made 5 bracelets with autumn leaves and feathers, 5 with roses and vines, 5 with zigzag patterns, and 5 with animals. I did the same patterns to the rings and finished on time to hear my stomach rumble and look at my sand script watch seeing a sundown picture in the bottom half. Setting the bones aside I took a long wolf rib piercing it into Balba and Tigon meat pieces. I found to my surprise Tigon meat is naturally spicy like a ghost pepper and has a tough stringy texture like gum causing me to almost be unable to finish eating.

 'If only I had some taro I could make some poi to bring down the spiciness of the Tigon. I'll just have to drink the the Gandua fruit and hope I find something close to taro later. Hey Calamity, Berry, do you know where those goblins came from earlier? There were no goblins in the surroundings when we were in the jungle, right?~Tokito

'I don't know where the goblins came from little Tokito, but I suspect It has something to do with the feeling I get when I am around you for too long.'~Berry

'They were attracted to their origin dear, which is you technically speaking as they formed from a modest amount of chaos emitting from your person. We are close to the area you emitted chaos, so of course they would look for what made them. The emission amount seems to be working just fine from the look of things too. If you're going to be around others though you should start absorbing some of the chaos especially when in tight places like this.'~ Calamity  

"Alright then." Tokito used [chaos energy absorption], but only felt a little lighter. He wasn't aware his fingernails turning a black shade with different colors changing throughout.  

Ele ele long became bored watching Tokito carving and sitting watching the fire, so it went outside to see if Berry would feed it his emotions. Only lightly raining now ele ele flew out without hesitation, but found Berry was no where in sight. 'He must have gone to get himself dinner I guess I'll just wait in the air until he gets back.' While waiting ele ele decided to scout the area from on high. Observing from the sky it could see from masters shelter all the way to the forest line. It stayed out till their wings felt heavy with water and went to go back to shake off the dew. Just as it was flying down ele ele perceived something was moving from the direction of forest rustling through the tall grass right to its masters shelter.