24 a Wish Gone What?!
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Diving into the newly made entrance , "Masteeeeeer!" ele ele crashed into its masters arms, "Master be careful something weird is coming this way! I couldn't tell what it was, the grass was too high and blocked my vision, but it came from the direction of the forest!" Tokito now soaked stroked ele eles shivering back hushing its rant feeling the dampness on its feathers.

Tokito picking up Ele ele in his arms adventured outside but arrived only to see the grass tranquil and rain beating like a drum becoming a rainstorm. The weather blocked any of his natural acute senses from detecting any smells or noise, he used analyze but all he read about was grass, and his mana eyesight only saw a high volumes of blue mist of water. He could only go back inside hoping it was just a wild critter going by. "There was nothing out there ele ele and if there is, we all will deal with whatever comes our way to bother us, so don't let it get to you."

He removed his now dampened turbans from his head as he ventured back inside the humid cavern and threw the cloths to where he sat. Laying ele ele onto his lap as he sat down he proceeded to sculpt different accessories of jade and furs to barter with the camp city. Bringing out the pelts of the Tigon, wind wolves and the semi-intact heads of them all from the chaos space he checked if they were any good to use. Brooding on making tanned skins and mask of the beast skulls Tokito observed to his dismay the possibility of executing such a task slim as he did not own a cauldron or barrel, brushes, nor any stools to lay the pelts for drying. He considered if going to the tent city in this weather would be worth the effort when he only needed a couple of tools.

Calamity noting Tokitos hair changed to green gold near the ends wondered what he could be thinking about. "Tokito are you having difficulties in accomplishing your goals? Talk to me. Maybe I could aid you."

"It's nothing difficult, I need some tools to tan hides and make mask, but I don't want to go to the camp city to barter for them. Going to the jungle wouldn't help either as the tools can't be foraged easily."~Tokito

"Why not wish for the tools then? You already know what you have to do when wishing. Go outside and have your weapons ready if any monsters or dangerous beast show up." Calamity eyeballed Tokito with scrutiny.

"That skill slipped my mind since I wished up Berry that time...... This isn't another test thing right? I'm not gonna get yelled at again if I wish for this?"

Calamity hovers to Tokito's face, "no."

Tokito pushes Calamity from his face, takes up his mere and heads back outside into the typhoon.


A day ago....

In a palace floating above the sand sea in a oval court chamber full of many intricate murals of times from long past Amahte relays his discovery's to his sovereign and queens.

"Your Wishfulness I have come to reveal a dgin crossbreed of which I greeted on the other side of the sand sea on the far side of Losafs desert jungle. I believe he could be the cause of the chaos rising once more as his very presence bathed every step he took with energy." Amahte says bowing on his hands and knees towards his rulers.

A man surrounded by many women of different shapes and tones peered down at his son from his top most throne. The crown of the rulers hair was black as midnight and graying to white at the bottom, wearing traditional Djinn attire he stood up from his jeweled throne shooing off his wives to their thrones. Going down the carpeted tiered steps from his seat his vest like robe of white lilies and emeralds sashayed as he sauntered across the golden tiled floor and past Amahte only for him to stop at his back and lean over the kneeling subject resting his palm onto Amahtes long hair. "It seems you have gained some of your energy back from this run in." Running his fingers through Amahtes locks he questions, " So why did you not bring this crossbreed to us then son?" His fingers curling entwining the strands into a braid. "Was this person so powerful you didn't want to oppose them in battle?" Finishing the braid he calmly wraps his hand under his sons chin forcing it up until Amahte is looking at his fathers face from below.

Amahte seeing his fathers upside down face struggled not to peer into those emotionless golden eyes and sweated at the skin contact of his fathers digits dancing over his throat.  Amahte gulped, " I would have guided him here father, but I discerned another existence of great potency and dared not to act rash. There is no need for concern though, I planted a location mark and know he will be around a trading caravan for the next few days so there will be no issue in tracking him. Your wishfulness Baraka Lalu I will-"

Baraka planted a kiss on his sons temple withdrawing his hand from Amhates throat. Patting his face Baraka steps away from his sons back and sashays to his throne to sit among his many wives saying, " you have done your duty. There is no need to constrain the crossbreed, but keep alert. When the other rulers detect the dgin crossbreed is the root of chaos emission they'll choose to interfere or terminate him altogether." Walking up the steps Baraka turns one last time, " Since I don't spot any grandchildren I'll be expecting them within a week. Do not harm the crossbreed in the process of wishing for them. Now leave us! " Amahte scrambled from his awkward pose to his feet running and bowing out the royal court room doors.


Present day evening time...

Tokito stealthy kneels in the wet grass his weapon at ready and wishes for the items he requires.

"I wish for tools to tan pelts and shape mask," as Tokito completed his wish the rain intensified. Suddenly lightning flashed, bolts scorched hitting the ground, and thunder echoed drowning Tokitos ears in a cacophony of sound. His feet trembled as the earth rumbled and feared he might have wished for another tree spirit to appear. Not too soon he discovered were the hooves cause of the earth to tremor joining the music of the devastating drumming rain and thunderous symbols. Too far to retreat back to the shelter he whipped out of the way of stampeding lightning horses and oxen made of water. Under a torrent of hooves Tokito kept dodging keeping his breath steady, but knew his body would not be able to keep up as the charging beast almost trampled him every few seconds. Sharp-witted he dropped his mere in the chaos space and hopped onto the back of a watery furred oxen holding on for dear life. 

Yelling for mercy, Tokito held fast to the animals semi-wet mane closing his eyelids from his whipping strained hair, "how does this even count to my wish!?"

" That's for you to figure out!" Calamity screams. 

The stampede ran across the grass plain disregarding any obstacles of rocks and fallen logs, not entering the forest, but running northward further away from the camp. After 20 minutes the rain slowly subsides to nothing and the stampede lulls along it. The buffalo Tokito is riding trots for a little before stopping. Tokito jittery hops off only for his left foot to end up stuck in a hole filled with watery mud that went up to below his knee cap. Disgruntled he jerked his boot but found it caught by a hook of some sort. Taking a goblins rusty trowel from his chaos space he scooped the water and mud until he could see a handle over his shoe. Grasping the handle and putting most of his weight on the right foot Tokito pulled till he heard a pop. He brought up his left foot along with a pumpkin sized cauldron carved with odd markings of tools and pills on the lid . "Is this supposed to be the answer to my wish?" He analyzed it.

[ Cauldron of Ingenuity - An alchemist and artisan created this device hoping to make their lives simpler. Whatever the inventors wanted to create was set in this cauldron and would be completed within five minutes.  The user must put all essential materials in and it must fit with the lid fully shut in order to function properly. 50 points of mana is required for each use. This cauldron can level up! It will grow in size the more it's used!]  

"Did I really have to almost get run over to get this?! I mean its partially worth it but dang!" Tokito closed hies eyes hugging the cauldron close to his chest  reeling over the miracle that he was not dead from this wish. 

Opening his eyes he beheld the sight of horses and bulls encompassing the grassland. The smallest horses were as big as shires and their manes danced with lightning. The oxen fur a sky blue being a little smaller than the smallest horse. "Golly dang! I wi- wait no." Looking around making sure nothing else was occurring Tokito heaved a sigh in relief. I'm so glad I didn't finish that thought. "Hey Calamity, do you think I could put these guys in my chaos space? You said my chaos space could hold living things right?" Looking at the potential food source around him. 

"You can put these Bolt Stallions and Ether Bulls in the chaos space, but there are bound to be consequences if you do. Staying too long in the chaos energy will corrupt them and they'll turn into monsters or at least won't be their pure elemental selves. Besides you have Berry as a mount already. Why do you need these two herds?"~Clamaity

Tokito placing the cauldron in his chaos space walked up to the alpha mare, the horses head suspended a bit over his. The horse a beautiful silver white and its mane with hues of daybreak shifted side to side nervously, but Tokito shushing it gently rested his hand on the horses neck entangling his fingers through its static mane laying his face near its ear, "I won't be able to bring Berry everywhere Calamity, but it would only be the horses as mounts. I would keep the bulls for their meat and add on to the pack so they don't interbreed."

Walking away slowly Tokito opens his chaos space to capture the oxen first, but just as he is about to catch one all the oxen fled south in panic. Tokito confused for a second feels the Earth rumble once more and a mound appears a few feet away from where he is. Staying calm he takes his mere out and waits, but becomes upset as it was unveiled it was Berry bursting out of the ground not knowing why his master was angry. Tokito slaps his face with his palm and in a muffled voice, "When I need you your not around. When I don't need you you scare off my prey..... Berry are you deliberately trying to make my life more difficult?!" 

However, when Tokito turned he was delighted to see the horses had not taken flight. "Berry stay over there until I'm done so you don't scare off this herd too!" Tokito began [Taming] the alpha mare.

Ding![ the Bolt Stallion has refused the taming!]

What?! That can happen? Tokito was stunned as this was the first creature he came across that he could not tame. 

"Duh, You should not be surprised Tokito. Although your job Lv is high the skill Lv is low. Berry is an extremely rare creature who willingly became your tamed so the tamer job rose to match, but you didn't convince or try to tame him on your own so the skill only rose a tiny bit. The reason you can't tame this beast is because you have to either first convince it to be tamed or nurture your skill so high it can't refuse the taming skill."~ Calamity

"I get the jist." The horse doesn't refuse my caress, so that means I have some hope in taming..... I know maybe there are some veggies in the pack Berry brought back this morning. Tokito  quickly went through the bag only to find odd roots that looked related to ginger and rutabaga. The Bolt Stallion instantly snatched the ginger replica from Tokito's hand almost biting him. Tokito stepped back a bit stunned, but shook it off and attempted to tame the beast once more.

Ding! [Bolt Stallion Tamed! Would You like to name it?]

"Yesssss!" clap!  "Ok, so are you a boy or a girl?" Tokito bends down to check but is shoved away falling butt first into the mud hole soling his already wet clothes . "I'm a fairly decent woman you pervert! I may have had 5 foals, but that doesn't give you a basis to check me out! Hmph, I'll forgive you for the delicious Gonker, but don't make the same mistake otherwise we're over!"The horse scoffed at Tokitos bewildered face.


It's now night time,

 Back at the shelter Tokito got the cauldron operating  to tan situating inside the brain, hide, and water from the back of the cavern. He also got Calamity to teach him [clean] since he couldn't wash his clothes at the river anymore while debating what to name his tamed horse. 

"How about Alaula it means light of dawn,  Lani for heaven or sky, or Nalani for the calm of skies?"

"I like the first one weirdo master." The horse snickered at seeing the boy all tuckered out from the days events.

"Are you really going to call me that?! I am not into bestiality! I wanted to make sure when I named you I gave a proper gender related name!" Tokito exclaimed as he held his head in frustration. ' I swear I don't get why dudes want harems and be swarmed by girls all day. I have this one female in my group for a less than an hour and I'm going bonkers!'

" ........Anyways weirdo master, now that we have established a link my herd will listen to you until mating season.  At that time they will leave to join or make their own herds. However, they won't follow you everywhere, they run where storms brew. "~ Alaula

'I guess that's for the best. I wouldn't be able to feed all of them with the little food I have anyway.' Tokito hears a poof and sees smoke comes from the shelters entrance. He pats Alaula to stay outside and upon entering the cavern sees ele ele taking the now tanned Tigon and wind wolves hides out of the cauldron. 


In camp city in a wide tent waxed with special sap to keep the rain out was cluttered with an assortment of butchering tools. Chief Sila and Stozo representing the CCC are sitting negotiating at a long metal table about exchanging weapons and goblin cores while also discussing about the Quabet.

" 1 gold coin, 3 silver coins, and 17 coppers for the weapons and cores. So have you made any head way with the lad?- Sila

" 5 gold coins, 2 silver coins, and 32 copper coins." Crossing his arms across his chest he goes on, "No we haven't, although young he's wary of us, but from the way he fights he acts on pure instinct. His moves are excessive and amateurish at best. " ~Stozo

"2 Gold coin, 1 silver coins, and 50 coppers. Hmm, do you mean to say he is a utter newbie in the field? That is the most irrational thing I've heard! No quad would let one of their young Quabs leave without being taught the basics of fighting."Sila raises her hand to her chin as if in concentration.

"4 gold coins, 20 silver coins, and 55 coppers. That isn't the only bizarre matter about him. When we haggled for our share we offered him 2/3's, instead of saying yes to the advantages offer of  goblins he gave us half. Quabets don't give up  that much of their prey easily for any reason."~ Stozo

"3 gold coins, 25 silver coins, and 40 copper, that's my last offer take it or leave. From what Lila and Gilbert explained to me I think he snubbed your other teammates for their uncivil conduct. Had I been in the same circumstances I would want you all out of my sight if I didn't tear you apart first." Sila smirks showing her fangs.

Stozo stood from his chair shaking Sila's furry hand in agreement to the successful talks. "Frankly I think messing with the lad won't bring you what you want. In fact I have an inkling messing with him will bring disaster to your people. You can feel it can't you? None of us could analyze him. It could mean he has a item that shields him or someone fierce is protecting that boy. We will keep an eye on him until this contract is done, but I won't do anything that will compromise myself even for the bonus." Stozo collected their pay and left the tent leaving Sila deep in thought. 

Walking out the tents flap Stozo run through the rain heading to a ginormous wagon called (the Traveling Tabernacle)  and enters the back into a spacious tavern. Going past a couple of drunkards he walks upstairs to the groups sleeping quarters . 

Turning left up the stairs he enters the door at the end of the hall"Everyone I have our pay!" Looking around the room he saw Lila charting down some notes, Gilbert praying in front of a figurine, and Raymos doing a one handstand push ups. Surveying the place it became clear someone was missing, "Where's Pragmeme?!"