25 Trading and Training?
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<... > = What or who is currently talking as requested

{.... } = no one can see this part of the status 



Amidst the passing storm in the middle of the prairie Pragmeme clutches the tall grass soaked from head to toe, "Where in Modues wings did that storm come from?! Dagnabbit, it's too late to go on, I have to go back or else the others will see I've been away too long," Pragmeme  exasperated, 'I wanted to stink bomb that barbarian while he slept, but this blasted storm tarnished my plans! Why did I have to lose my concealment veil now of all times!' 

Keeping low to stay concealed she sneaks back to the camp city, but with flash of thunder her steps stop, the land began to tremble. Disoriented she surveyed in all directions for what could be the cause. She panicked seeing an outline through the heavy rain, massive oxen  stampeded in her direction from the north ! "What in Purjens holes did these beast crop up?!" Pragmeme struggled to her feet tripping on unseen stones making her slip. Loosening her hand, she accidentally threw her stink sac in the air. 

Stabilizing her pace no longer caring about petty revenge she split from the scene of the gaining stampede hoping her wings will dry before she is flattened into fertilizer. Pumping with adrenaline scared out of her wits she didn't see the bull charge heading south giving her no heed to where she headed. What felt like forever was only a few minutes, she had reached the camps entrance and about to scream for help heard a swoosh, something hit her head. 


 Slime oozing the foulest smells of dog and cat piss. It ran down her hair drenching her wet clothes in green guts. Unable to handle the stench she reeled and collapsed in front of the entry guards.


<Tokito POV>

The next morning Tokito had finished his breakfast of rotten fruit and Balba meat conversing on what should be done next with his tamed. "Berry, we will be heading to the caravans to trade my rings and bracelets, ele ele you'll be staying here guarding from the sky, and Alaula stay out of sight with your herd or collect some food for all of us but please don't let anyone see you. I want to keep you as a trump card if something stupid happens." I redressed into my now clean clothes, garbing my turbans allowing only my eyes to be to be seen. All bone and jade accessories had been packed the previous night, so I immediately set out on Berry's back  riding to the caravan to earn equipment, potions, and clothes. 

At the camp, the sun shined painting the fields of brown tents, green grass, and drowsy guards with its dazzling rays. Despite the bizarre events that transpired at midnight the guards, yawning but wide awake, kept their attention focused to catch any other blunders from ensuing. A hour goes by watching the wind blow then catching sight of an approaching gold Hiphon from the west the sentries promptly informed chief Sila of the Quabets return. Sila, dressed in a more formal merchant attire, along with her entourage of the CCC group arrived as Tokito finished setting up his own stall. He displayed on a Gandua leaf his variety of accessories. 

"!" Silas maw fixed together, dazed at the sight, her strong irises gazed at the complicated details of carved bones and jade laying before her. 'How did he do this?! Balba bones are too tough to do any needle work and this amount of complex drawings. I'm surprised the bones haven't warped from the inlaid magic that's packed in them! How regrettable most of his merchandise are bones and jade pieces rather than metals or mithril. Nevertheless obtaining these enchanted items will be worth about the amount of his item bag.' 

Unsuccessful from ogling at Tokito's leaf ridden with priceless enchanted goods, Sila in her most tranquil voice says, "Sir quabet, would you not be more comfortable with a proper standing stall inside the camping ground. I can guarantee the best stand and you'll be able to arrange your products in the finest trading quarter." Covering her long whiskery snout with her furry hand, held in her screams of desperation to block herself from begging the Quabet for everything he owned. 

I shook my head, "trade here" responding back. He wouldn't step back into the that city of tents no matter what she offered. Studying the fox's face I spotted the female fox turning rigid upon my insistent refusals, 'What's wrong with her? I know my arts and craft skills are good, but not that good.' Looking down I observed my bone and jade trinkets discerning why she was acting so strangely, 'when did my rings and bracelets seem like they were etched by professionals.'   

'You imbecile! In the period of ignoring your notifications a prompt showed up, your mana hand skill leveled up several times during which you inadvertently enchanted the bones and jade accessories as you kept adding details to each piece. Jade is a natural mana conductor, considering you have the artisan job and utilizing that sharp jade bone with mana hands anything would naturally be carved into high valued equipment that could increase strength, agility, and magic.' Calamity behooved wondering how it could teach this ignorant child. 

Carrying on with great concern, 'Do not accept anything less than medium quality goods. If anyone tries to barter with anything of lower quality the trading price will be 200 up for your rings and 400 up for your bracelets. That is including poor produce, clothing materials, and anything else.'

While distracted by Calamity many people from inside the camp grew curious of the stranger that paralyzed their chief into a state of panic. Some found it an oddity while others a marvel as they never saw their leader having a dilemma. 

 A merchant sized child whose curiosity piqued walked through the guards, past the chief, to stand over Tokitos leaf. The merchant, a half reptilian girl in stylish travel clothes, pointed at a bone ring etched with grapevines around the body and the face an exquisite protruding rose.

 "What would you want for thisssss ring?" she questioned, her split end tongue flickered out in the process.  Not being able to see the sellers face the reptilian girl regarded him for being disrespectful, but she was more interested in the elegant band than the mans poor peddling etiquette. 

 No longer shocked seeing different beast folk I quickly got into my bartering phase, " Clothes, equipment, potions" beckoning I presented all my accessories could be traded for these exact items. Remembering what Calamity said I stated what required quality needs to be offered  , "trades medium quality." I waited for the reptilian girl to make an offer. 

Troubled by the cost the reptilian girl merchant asked, "You can't accccccccept money?" hopeful the tall masked stranger would change his mind. 

I shook my head in refusal, " only goods." 'Man... I trust that at least some of these people will be inclined to trade a few items worthwhile.'  

The reptilian girl grieved as she only carried high and low quality potions since all her medium quality ones sold out on the way out of Karuu kingdom. "How much issssss a ring for low grade potionssssss?" 

I looked at the human face of the girl of which reptilian scales gleamed along the edge. With finality in my voice I said, "200." 'Isn't the whole point of bartering is for her to give a low offer then bring it high and I say a high price bringing it lower to match? Is she a newbie or is she trying hoodwink me in some way?'

The girl relieved, swiftly directed a servant in the crowd to bring Tokitos desired amount of poor quality potions. 'I'm so glad I brought 10,000 low quality potions with me for this trip.'

 I was floored at seeing a human servant bringing a crate in one hand, wondering why the small reptilian merchant girl didn't try to to lower the amount.

"Placcccce the crate behind the tall man and do be careful thossssse bottlesssssss aren't cheap." The girl didn't spot Tokitos baffled face as she directed her servant. Following that she asked me to inspect her goods.

I shook my head no. With chief Sila being present I believe she wouldn't allow any transnational  misconduct to occur otherwise she would lose my business. Handing the merchant the ring and closing the deal with a hand shake the girl said on last thing to me. 

Merchant reptile girl said, "oh, By the way. The reasssssson I didn't haggle isssss becausssssse it'sssss ssssssuch a hasssssssle, taking too much of my precccccciousssssss ssssschedule. Just giving you a glimpssssssse of my goodsssssss sssssshould have been enough, but I am a fair tradesssssswoman. Let'sssss leave off here. Come sssssservant my ssssssscales need tending to...." She strolled away wearing the ring , I balked at the conversation with merchant reptilian girl. 

Seeing the potion seller returning donning a beautiful ring, travelers, peddlers, and curious merchants encircled Tokito. 

Feeling claustrophobic by the throng of numerous vendors and voyagers, goosebumps erupted on my skin. I spoke, "One by one," obstinate I didn't make any deals until everyone moved back.

 Sila briskly drove everyone behind the camp entrance line allowing one person to come out at a time to undertake haggling as she hated the idea of the Quabet running off with his merchandise. 

From then on all negotiations went relatively smooth, in addition to acquiring 200 poor quality potions for one bone ring, I gained 40 medium quality full clothing sets  for 4 bone bracelets, 7 sets of different hunting weapons for 7 of each bone and jade ring, 4 butchering tools for 4 jade bracelets, and 420 low quality materials of cloths, ingredients, and mana stones leaving me with only seven pieces of bone and 6 pieces of jade accessories left.

 All was fine until noon. A peddler in a cooking outfit waiting two hours to get a bracelet for his wife enraged as the haggling wouldn't progress to his liking, "why do you refuse to bargain when I  bring out food?! I cook meals using the highest grade produce! It's the greatest cooking to be eaten for miles!" Glaring vehemently at the tall masked stranger the peddler pursues arguing, " Why can't I bargain my food to exchange for one of your jade bracelets?!" He pointed at his jugs filled to the brim of sizzling broth of meats and vegetables.

Although the variety of chicken and based beef vegetable soup seemed mouthwatering to everybody who ate the cooks meals before, Tokito couldn't stand the smell. For him it gave off a fatty oily scent, being too seasoned for his now more delicate palate causing him to almost vomit. 

'I'm sorry for the man, but if smelling this guys food is making me sick how could I possibly consume it.' " Too many spices," I expressed vacantly at the man expecting he would get the picture and leave if he had nothing else to offer. 

The man upset at hearing such ludicrous words didn't want to surrender as the tall masked stranger possessed 3 jade bracelets left, but out of rim of the cooks eye he spied Sila giving him the evil eye. The cook given no choice, walked back to camp carrying his two jugs of soup, 'I'll remember you. Don't think you'll buy anymore high or medium grade produce while I'm around,' the peddling cook glares at Tokito one last time before entering camp.



Happy with my gains I returned to my underground shelter to be greeted by a tired ele ele and Alaula. Taking my time to coddle and feed all my tame I reflected on my temporary guarding duties and rewards, ' So miss Sila will pay me in high quality potions and equipment for every monster attack I successfully defend off until the caravan reaches the main road. The trip will only last for two days though, so the maximum I could get from this is a whip or sword for just hanging around.' Done feeding everyone I lay down to relax in merriment of today's business.

 "Man today's been a pretty good haul in haggling and I even gained some new skills while leveling up others. However, I think I'm forgetting something vital... ah, whatever it is I guess it wasn't that important to remember." I mused organizing my chaos space of my new items on top of checking my updated status.

'Tokito, the important subject you're forgetting is tomorrow the Djinn, Amahte, who assaulted you will be returning to force you in wishing for children. If I were you I would request the CCC group to stick around and give you tips on early parent hood. In fact I sense their presence outside right now searching for you,' Calamity said pointing out to a now irked Tokito. 

Ignoring the last part of Calamity's advice, ' I do need proper combative training and considering they're the only guys I've met so far whose whole purpose is to fight for a living....... They'll have to do if I want to learn non-magic skills. I just have to make sure they don't try to pull a fast one on me.' I had Alaula enter my chaos space and head to the mouth of the cavern.

 Upon exiting my shelter I recognized everyone except for an older woman who was with them before. Scanning her whole being, I was dumbfounded to see a fit grandma wearing a black and white cowboy outfit who reached my nose.  Her green hair cut right above her shoulder containing a few white strands. Ears slightly pointed, eyes grayish brown showing off countless years of wisdom, mouth smiling causing creases and dimples in becoming more prominent. I surveyed a gun similar to a Remington strapped to her back and figure this was the gunner who missed the last battle. 

I nodded greeting the rest of the group, noting the ill-mannered pixie was no where to be seen.

"Howdy there partner, the names Belace. Don't go wearing it out" winking back she went on, " My apologies for the late visit, but I accepted a separate contract and thought since I just got back before supper I would pop on by to give you heads up. Now before we head on back I wanna gives you a tiny tip. Seems during the downpour yesterday some monsters gone scared one of our mates half to death out in the plains. We don't know why she was out here, but something frightened her good 'cause coming back she was out like a light and stinkin' up to the heavens. " she pinched her nose in recalling the horrible stench of the room when she had just returned from turning in her contract. "Thought it best to warn you since ya be out here with only beastly company to defend ya."

Tokito had an inkling why the pixie was spooked since the bulls were on a stampede, but couldn't figure out what could have caused her to stink. ' At least I wont have to hear her b*tching at me.' 

Refocusing on the task at hand I asked for assistance in physical training, "let's spar." 

" I would love to spar with you sweaty pie, but that depends on the rest of the group," Belace said loudly, but no one objected and soon everyone except Raymos and Belace got to work cooking their supper on a cleared out area.

"Now Dear I need to know what I'm working with, otherwise I won't know what to teach ya, at least that's what I think you're aiming for when you be askin' for whoop down from little old me. Would you kindly show me your status hun? It doesn't have to be everything, just the physical for now." ~ Belace

Tokito frowned, 'Oh no she didn't just say she was going to beat my *ss! Wait till she sees my status.... Hold on, I don't know how to do tha-' 

'Think of what you don't want her to see then simply imagine that changed status page materializing to the viewer.' Calamity explained.

 Tokito followed Calamity's instructions.


{Tokito Hazami}


[Species:{ Dgin/} Qaubet ]

[Traits: camouflage lv 8(active), high alert sense lv Max (passive), lucky encounters lv 4 (passive) , { chaotic energy absorbing lv 6 (active)} Heat resistance lv 9 (passive), Cold resistance lv 7 (passive) , poison resistance lv 5 (passive), Curse reflect lv 1 (passive) , {Chaos emitter lv Max (passive)}, {Chaos aura lv 6}, great caution lv 7, acute hearing lv 6, acute smelling lv 5, keen eye sight lv 4, mana eyesight lv 2,  night vision lv 3 (passive), iron stomach lv 6, iron tongue lv 4, fighting survival instincts lv 3, Balance lv 1 (passive), Tumble lv 1, Hide lv 1, {Chaotic Enhancement pool (small)}]

[Titles:{ Person of another world }, {envoy of ?????}, {child of ?????}, {living gate}, Wanderer, {Survivor of sure destruction}, {Wish elemental}, Quick Thinker, Rott Eater, Limit Breaker, Beast Comrade, Master Craftsman]

[Job: Scavenger lv 9, Tamer lv 10, Thug lv 4, Artisan lv 5, __, __]

[Skills: foraging lv 6, butchering lv Max, {random wish lv 3,} danger sense lv 7 (passive), taming lv 6, {chaotic space lv 3},{ random chaotic wish box lv 2}, analyze lv 10, sense motive  lv 1, {disguise lv 1}, deal maker lv 6, crafting lv 15, mana crafting lv 5, Enchant lv 4, Clean lv 1, Even Breathing lv 8 (passive), fast reflexes lv Max , climb lv 6, Mana hands lv 5, fire punch lv 4, fire breath lv 2,fire shot lv 3, ice breath lv 4, ice touch lv 5, earth shot lv 3, earth spikes lv 7, earth shield lv 4, earth wall lv 5, jump lv 5, smash lv 2, Back stab lv 1, {Heal lv 2}, Wilds Calling lv 1 ]

[Specialties: crafting accessories]

[Tamed: Golden Sand Hiphon(Berry), crupingea(ele ele), {Bolt stallion (Alaula)} ]
Stats: Hp +170, Atk +128, Def +94, Agl +137, Mag +340, Lck + 387]


What Belace sees...




[Species: Qaubet ]

[Traits: camouflage lv 8(active), high alert sense lv Max (passive), lucky encounters lv 4 (passive), Heat resistance lv 9 (passive), Cold resistance lv 7 (passive) , poison resistance lv 5 (passive), Curse reflect lv 1 (passive) , great caution lv 7, acute hearing lv 6, acute smelling lv 5, keen eye sight lv 4, mana eyesight lv 2,  night vision lv 3 (passive), iron stomach lv 6, iron tongue lv 4, fighting survival instincts lv 3, Balance lv 1 (passive), Tumble lv 1, Hide lv 1]

[Titles: Wanderer, Quick Thinker, Rott Eater, Limit Breaker, Beast Comrade, Master Craftsman]

[Job: Scavenger lv 9, Tamer lv 10, Thug lv 4, Artisan lv 5, __, __]

[Skills: foraging lv 6, butchering lv Max,  danger sense lv 7 (passive), taming lv 6,  analyze lv 10, sense motive  lv 1, deal maker lv 6, crafting lv 15, mana crafting lv 5, Enchant lv 4, Clean lv 1, Even Breathing lv 8 (passive), fast reflexes lv Max , climb lv 6, Mana hands lv 5, fire punch lv 4, fire breath lv 2,fire shot lv 3, ice breath lv 4, ice touch lv 5, earth shot lv 3, earth spikes lv 7, earth shield lv 4, earth wall lv 5, jump lv 5, smash lv 2, Back stab lv 1, Wilds Calling lv 1 ]

[Specialties: crafting accessories]

[Tamed: Golden Sand Hiphon(Berry), crupingea(ele ele) ]
Stats: Hp +170, Atk +???, Def +94, Agl +137, Mag +340, Lck + ???]



Whistling in astonishment, "Wheeeeeeewwww boy, y'all over the place and yet you don't own the fundamental defensive or fighting skills?" Looking at the tall boys masked face I retreat a step,  "Now that won't do young one. Don't worry hehe, this little mash up will help you with that." I say smiling sweetly at my next  victi- I mean sparring partner.  

Extending my left hand subtly to my belt in a wink of an eye I cut at the boys chest with my hidden blade. Without warning the boy sidesteps to my left out of the way of my blade seizing my hand getting behind my back and tries to pin me to the ground. Not letting him do so, I let go of my blade and jump using my grabbed hand for momentum, I spin into the air curving around tackling onto his back instead.  With a strong grip on his noggin I wrap my other arm around his neck putting him into a headlock taught to me by a pro wrestler. Suffocating, the boy grasp at his neck with his right hand while keeping hold of my left. Suddenly I feel him grab at the back of my clothes then all I see is air, "AAAAaaaaa."


<Tokito>I don't know what taken over this old lady, but unable to breathe I did the only thing I could think of. With as much strength as I could muster I stretched my right hand to clasp onto her vest and fling her over my head. Unable to comprehend how much strength I put in my throw I saw her flipping in the air, puzzlement evident across in her expression. 

Like a bullet Belace shot into the sky screaming, everyone watching shocked fathoming how high she would end up going. Raymos and ele ele snapping out of their haze hurriedly took off to her rescue as she fell fast to the ground.

Gilbert and Lila wanted to help, but were too far, knew they wouldn't be nimble enough to catch Belace in time. Berry ended up saving the day as his trunk caught her from beneath before she met her untimely demise.

 "Why thank you you golden Goliath." Belace patted Berry's trunk as he set her down dropping her to her feet. Fixing her disheveled hair, "Looks like those reflexes of yours are work quite swell. However, I urge you to learn grappling in case you be having to fight off pesky no good robbers in close quarters. Since you be a Quabet and already having such high leveled tame I'll teach you a few whip and rope skills as well. Sparing Raymos get you more fit in close combat empty handed, but unfortunately our only magic user be knocked out. By the way what kind of weapon you fight with on the regular? If it's a weapon any of us specialize in maybe sparing with those will bring up more specific weapon skills " Belace asked Tokito as he was fixing his turbans that twisted haphazardly in the surprise scuffle. 

Tokito reached into his shirt drawing out his mere and rainbow painted Rambo.

".........." Belace was speechless not knowing how to react to such colorful weaponry.