1.39.1 The Blood that Binds
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With the enemy stripped of their power and mostly dead, it was easy to clean up the stragglers. Soon after, the Hunters' Organization took control of the Banyan's Hallow site, with Director Cora acting as head of the investigation until the other supernatural authorities got their shit together. There was a slight debate on whether the Hunters should be in command. But when an initial sweep of the local governments exposed how compromised they were by the cult, this protest ended. Especially when it was revealed that the Hunters were the only ones to remain untouched by the cult's influence.

Among the surviving cultists, they managed to apprehend Brody. Though this was not much of a feat given his half-maddened state. After they secured the area, the on-site investigation began. Some wanted to move straight to clean up, but the Hunters ignored this altogether. Luckily, Director Cora had contacts at the FBAA, the Federal Bureau of Arcane Affairs, and could get a CSI unit from its Atlanta office.

Her control over the operation only lasted for the first three days. After that, several national-level agencies thankfully stepped in as the effects of the cursed night spread far beyond Florida's borders. However, this did not save the Florida Witches' Council or Packland. Both local governments found themselves in the hot seat, alongside the Florida Coven Association and the Florida Association for Unaligned Supernaturals.

It would take a week for everything to reach a delicate equilibrium. It was not perfect. The Red Night's lasting effects were unknown, and few dared to speculate on it. Besides the magical backlash felt throughout the supernatural community, the physical destruction had not gone unnoticed by the outer world. After all, the ground ruptured, the skies turned red, and monstrous abominations attacked anything with a pulse. Even though the land returned to normal, the structural damage remained. The situation could not be written off as a simple group hallucination like many times before. Beyond that, videos and photos of the events had taken the internet by storm.

The feeble cover of a super red harvest moon would not disguise it. So, international governments got involved. At least the ones who were part of the WAO, the World Arcane Organization. And after much intense discussion, they agreed upon a course of action. The plan was an old one, first developed in the sixties after a series of unfortunate events nearly exposed the supernatural world. Really, the fact this secrecy had last so long was a testament to their ridiculous luck.

This would not full exposure of the hidden world. No, instead, it was a gradual introduction handled by a committee created for it. Half-truths tempered most of the information as the WAO struggled to come to a uniform agreement. But these were international matters that honestly would take a lot longer to fix.

Back in Florida, the Witches' Council was struggling. While they did not have to handle the frankly overwhelming mess of international politics, they were still drowning in work as the ire of the disrupted community fell upon them. The poor office staff worked overtime, fielding call after call from average supernatural citizens who wanted to know what happened. Besides that, they were still receiving reports about disturbances that occurred during the event. Some were useful. Most were not. On top of this, they had to suffer through a series of investigative probes launched by the National Coven Board and FBAA.

However, it was difficult to feel much pity as it was their fault that they did not notice the cult earlier. Shockingly enough, many other state-level councils were now running quiet internal audits as well.

The only saving grace for the Florida Council was that they had an idea of what happened. With the Hunters' Organization and Packland, they had several key personnel involved in the case's many stages. Sure, it meant long nights of no rest for Ellen, Oscar, Giselle, and Richard, but it helped move the investigation along. Slowly, they picked apart this tangled web and found how deeply Brody buried himself into everything.

But while everyone remained busy with work, in a small dim infirmary room at the Sisters of the Sacred Coven Hospital, a man rested his head on the edge of another's bed.

Various monitors beeped monotonously as the two slept through the bright summer day. Too many restless nights had left Neil's eyelids heavy, and though he tried to resist the siren's call of sleep, he finally dozed off when Shelly went to get lunch. Even then, it was only a cat nap. Part of him refused to give in for fear that the moment he did, he would wake up and find his partner gone.

A light groan came from the head of the bed as Hunter woke up. Everything ached as the world flooded back into focus. The sounds and smells of the hospital were not unknown to him, but they did nothing to stop the surge of nausea that twisted his stomach. Though, as soon as he got a hold of himself, he could not believe that he felt anything. Slowly he opened his eyes and, though bleary, took in the bland room.

"It's true," the words slipped out.

He was alive. He really was alive.

A laugh left him before it spiraled into a cough. He was quick to suppress it as he noticed Neil asleep beside him. Still, he could not get over his shock. Sure, that person promised him he would wake up. But how was he supposed to believe it?

Pushing that encounter aside, he turned his stiff neck to look at his slumbering partner. He could tell at a glance how haggard the wereleopard was. Even as he slept, dark bags encircled his eyes, and his face was gaunt. He would have given his partner's head a pet, but his good hand was currently the pillow Neil was using, and the thought of disrupting his sleep only added fuel to the guilt fires that burned in Hunter's heart.

He had fucked up. He had fucked up so bad.

It was not like he wanted to keep the gunshot a secret, but it made the most sense. There was so much going on, and he did not want to distract anyone from it. If they had known, they would have hesitated, and he was not sure if they would have ended on the good path.

The logic did nothing to ease his guilt. He might have slept through it, but he knew his secret-keeping had only caused Neil and his family distress.

A shaky breath escaped him as his throat tightened. Quietly, he blinked away tears. There was no point in crying. They had made it. He could still apologize.

Nevertheless, it was difficult to control the mix of relief and fear that swirled in his mind. How was he supposed to react to his own death after all? Let alone his resurrection?

Finally, Hunter could not hold it any longer as a choked sob escaped him. The sound perked Neil's ears as he groggily opened his eyes, only to see his boyfriend crying. In a rush, he sat up and took Hunter's face.

"Baby," Neil's dry throat creaked out, "baby, don't cry. Please don't cry." Even as he said that he knew it was pointless. Words could not capture the tidal wave of emotions that overcame them. Instead, he just hugged his partner and tucked his face into his shoulder. Time stopped as they remained in their embrace. Softly Neil stroked Hunter's head, whispering a low soothing chant as they both worked through the moment.

"Sorry, I'm so sorry," Hunter hoarsely said. "I shouldn't have lied. I just…"

"Don't," Neil sighed, "what's done is done. All that matters is now. And in the now, you're awake, which is all I could have wished for."

"I've caused so much trouble," Hunter stayed pressed against his partner. He did not want to leave. It was as if the embrace was his only lifeline. The only proof that this was real. He could hear Neil's breath, feel his heartbeat, and it was impossible to pull away.

"Enough, Hunter. We can talk about it another day. Let's just enjoy the peace we finally have," he said.

"But…" It was difficult to stop, yet Hunter tamed himself as he let out a rattling sigh. "I love you." The words came out low. "I love you so much. So fucking much. I was afraid. So afraid I'd never see you again. All because of my own stubbornness. My own selfishness. I just…" he paused, "please don't leave me." His hold tightened, though the action made the wereleopard laugh. A hint of sorrow followed the sound, but it did not stay long.

"I would never. Could never. I'm yours for this lifetime and the next," Neil ran a hand through Hunter's hair before pulling back to look at him. "You're my everything."

Their gaze never wavered from each other. Though they had not escaped without scars, the person they held was still the one they fell in love with over five years ago. Through tragedy and triumph, they survived and now could live freely. Leaning in, neither said a word as their lips lightly brushed. It was a chaste touch at first. But quickly, their uncertainty melted away as they fell back into that familiar embrace and gave into each other. They cared not for the outside world or truly anything that existed beyond them. It was just them. Just two lovers finally reunited from the brink of death itself.

Shelly paused in the doorway. When she left, Hunter was asleep, and Neil was dozing himself. She did not expect to open the door into a lover's nest. A hint of mischief made her linger in the doorway, but mercy won out. Quietly, she retreated and closed the door. It was not like she did not want to talk. Hell, she had been waiting next to the damn wereleopard all week for her brother to wake up. But the lovers deserved their own special moment, and she would not be the asshole who ruined it. Besides, she would have plenty of time to deal with him afterward.

With nowhere to go and no idea how long the couple would take, Shelly just plopped down next to the door. She had the takeout anyway; she might as well eat it while it was hot.

Time passed, and she found herself caught up in work as she waited. It was when she heard the shuffle of close-by feet and the familiar thud of a cane that she looked up and saw her mom coming down the hall. Beside her, Peter followed, having become her chauffeur for the last week after his company gave him the time off since their office building was undergoing repairs.

"Hold on," Shelly tried to warn, hopping up. She did not need her brother dying from embarrassment when he had already almost died once. "They're having a moment."

Mama Clarke fixed her with a look. "They've had plenty a moment." At that, she pushed open the door.

Thankfully, the couple had zoned out holding each other. Though as the rest of the party entered, this hug turned into a dog pile. Well, as much of a dog pile as they could do to the injured Hunter. The emotions they had just tamed were thrown once more into disorder as a general exhalation and exhaustion drove them all to tears.

Once they settled down, Hunter found himself scolded from three sides, though with Neil tucked next to him, it was easy to handle. More apologies came and more crying until they were tired and running dry. Eventually, everyone found a place in the room, and Shelly handed Neil the remains of the now cold takeout.

Neil did not complain, and with everything settled, he leaned against Hunter and ate.

"So, what was it like to die?" Shelly bluntly asked.

"Shelly," Peter scolded.

"I'm just curious. Like ghosts are a thing, and we've got divine and demonic, but like what is it like? Did you see a light at the end of the tunnel?"

"Well," Hunter struggled with the question. What he experienced was interesting, but he was not sure she would believe him. "Well, I can't say much about it. It’s all kind of hazy. But I did meet a man. Or maybe god. He had a black goat's head and wore a suit…"

"Oh my god, did you go to hell?"

"Shelly," this time Mama Clarke warned her, but Shelly just shrugged.

"Last I checked, God didn't have a black goat head."

Hunter ignored her, "I thought I was dead. That he was there to take me away. But instead, he said his child had taken a shining to me, and as a favor, he would give me a second chance, but that was the last bit of help I would get." He carefully repeated the words. Now that he was saying them awake, they had a different feel than when he had heard them in that odd space.

"He sounds like a dick," Shelly added, then corrected herself, "Sounds suspicious." She ate a fry, "though does this mean that Jesus likes you?"

Hunter paused. The suggestion was something to think about. But when would he have met Jesus?

"I don't care. If he's why Hunter's alive, then I'm indebted to him," Neil said.

"It was definitely odd," Hunter shuddered. "I don't want to do it again."

"And you won't be doing it again," Mama Clarke had remained silent through the discussion, but now she fussed. "No more of this hunter or council business. Not even Packland. None of them."

Shelly sighed as Hunter looked a bit confused at the other mentioned groups. "Mama's been doing work for the FBAA on the Red Night event."

"An absolute disgrace," Mama Clarke shook her head. "This entire thing. This entire event, it is all Council's fault for their neglect."

"It can't have been that bad," Hunter offered, but his mother fixed him with a distant glare.

"The amount of missing information I know shouldn't have been missing, that I had to find. It is a disgrace. Years' worth of faked documents. Ignored events. They are lucky I wanted revenge for the trouble caused to my children, or else I would have never accepted this mess."

"They are also paying pretty well, too," Shelly murmured, but Mama Clarke's gaze snapped to her, and she shut up.

"I'm just glad everyone made it through," Peter said. "And for as much of a mess the supernatural reveal has been, it's got some good points too."

"True, Easter's about to boom," Shelly nodded.

"Curious human visitors?" Hunter asked.

"Hel--," she caught herself, "no. The opposite, actually. Since supernaturals are now in the open, there's going to be a need for a place that specializes in discretion and privacy during the vacation experience. No one wants to be the animals at the zoo, and Easter can provide that! High quality, in the loop and unknown by the non-initiated."

"Aren't afraid of backlash since the Red Night happened here?"

"Nope," she shook her head, "You're not gonna believe this. But it barely touched Easter. I've seen photographs of all the destruction to other places, but Easter only got a minor shake, and the old egg fell on its side."

"That's strange."

"Hey, I'm not gonna look a gifted horse in the mouth. I'm taking it as a sign that we're built to endure, which is great advertising on top of everything else. Also," she slid in close, "I got Mama to look into it."

"Which I will not be doing again, child," Mama Clarke said.

"I know," Shelly nodded, "But Mama looked at it for me, and if I keep working at it, soon Easter is going to explode." She flinched. "Let me rephrase that. It's gonna become super popular, regardless of that small cult incident."

"Small?" Peter laughed, "If that was small, I don't want to know what big is."

"Either way, it's done," Hunter added as Neil played with his fingers. "And we can finally rest. Thank god."

Everyone chimed in agreement, and the hospital room remained in good spirits.



This is the last main chapter, the second half will be out in a few days, but it's been a bit wordy as it's the wrap up. After this chapter it's an Epilogue and One short extra then the story is complete.