Chapter 04 – Finally Evolution time!!
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We continued exploring after our small feast and met some more baboon in the way. After we killed and ate the three red baboons, I came to the conclusion that if they have the same rank as us but lower levels the experience we get is reduced. 

As a sort of prove on our way back to the cave, we killed four more of them, two yellows and two greens, and we managed to gain a single level, so quantity can replace quality as long as we have the same rank. We went to our cave and drank some nice and refreshing water, I swear that this water have some special properties, as I felt my fatigue gets removed.

This is gonna take a while... I wanted to quickly evolve to learn, possibly, to fly and get out of this stupid forest... it has been a coupple of days already and I only need one more level... my sisters are closing in on my levels too, needing only two more to evolve.

Danm monkeys don't give enough to level up, I have killed like hundreds of them bastards and still can't level up. It will be dangerous if we evolve at the same time since last time when they evolved it took the whole night and getting stranded in the middle of this forest while all three of us are evolving might be bad...

We made haste to go after a stronger monkey, there are only monkeys in this forest. We even managed to find a blue one, but they just heal other monkeys, I think they were Azure Baboon Healers if I'm not mistaken, he was acompanied by eight other monkeys, but they were all more of an anoyence than an actual threat we didn't even level up after all that work.

We reached another cave that have polished walls and a huge entrance it had two green monkeys standing guard over the entrance. But they were easy pickings for my sisters. One getting chopped in halve while the other got his head pierced from the back when he got distracted by his fallen comrade. They were level 10 and still no levels for us. We went through tbe doors ignoring the carcasses on the ground.

After walking down a long hallway, we encountered a kind of common are with some more rooms, one to our right, one to our left and two more at the front that have a flight of stairs, one go up while the other go down. The cace is really well illuminated with some fire on a stone lamps at a certain distance. 

We decided to go to our left since there is some loud noices on the other side and we will check the other floors after we have check this entire floor. 

We reached a room with four more guards but this ones aren't baboons... They don't have weapons nor armors... yet somehow they feel a heck of a lot stronger than the baboons I have fought before. They have red fur with a naked chest which is quite muscular, they are wearing blue pants and have some hard leather boots and a thick leather belt on their waist. There is one that have a second thick leather belt over the chest area for some reason.

Great Ape Fighter ♂️ Lv (14/15) - Rank E
Great Ape Fighter ♀️ Lv (13/15) - Rank E
Great Ape Fighter ♂️ Lv (12/15) - Rank E
Great Ape Fighter ♂️ Lv (11/15) - Rank E

I started the fight charging a White Breath when both my sisters got into possition and shoot it at the strongest one who was making some noises with the one with the chest belt. 

I hit it straight on his back and he fell down, there was some blood but I didn't managed to pierce him through. My sisters went to attack the two on the sides and I went for the one with the chest belt who is extremely mad at what I did and she took a stance, I could see a dark purple energy flowing through her arms and she punched forward, her right fist impacted heavily on my White Veil shattering it. I took this chance to bite her arm off, I bit her at the elbow, was aiming at her shoulder but she reacter quick enough and it managed to save some of her arm, but it was badly mangled. I gave her a tail slam while reactivating my White Veil just in case.

She blocked with her left arm and leg but was sent flying, I took a moment to bite the head off the unconcious monkey I hit with my White Breath killing him off. I charge another White Breath and shoted at the Female monkey blasting her head off, and I look back at my sisters who were fighting the remaining two monkeys evenly.

I moved over to the door they were guarding only to see some shinnies on the ground on some chests, there were some crystals, some shinny metals and even a bunch off leathers ordered neatly on the shelves, I can also see some jars and more chests over the other side along some bags of what looks like shinny coins. 

I returned to the hallway to see that both my siters are going all out, Blake activated her Blazing Rush skill and the red jewel on her back started pulsing some fire red energy coating her wings and tail which are now covered in fire. Blanc on the other hand activated her Wave Motion and the jewel on her head also started glowing coating her wings and arms with white lightning.

The monkey used a skill to glow purple too similar to how the female monkey did it, but instead of consentrate all the enery on their hands like the female monkey, the have it stretch thin all over their bodies. They jumped at my sisters and I was ready to intervene if anything goes wrong, they need the experience too.

The first monkey charged at Blanc with his right fist glowing red with the weird purple aura but she just grabbed his fist and slammed him on the ground behind her and cleave him through with herwings in a scissor pattern and he was cutted to ribbons.

The other monkey tried something similar with his fist but Blake was so fast that she was already behind him... after a second his chest had a burning red cross when a spear whent through the middle of it burning him to ash except for his legs which weren't that close to the point of impact.

They didn't even had a chance to screem... I feel the level up comming and motioned for the girls to enter the storage area.

I took what was left of the monkeys with me and close the door behind me...

Lesser Runed White Dragon ♀️ Lv (15/15) - Rank E - has leveled twice and has gotten enough experience to evolve into a Runed White Dragon - Rank D+
Blanc ♀️ Lv (15/15) - Rank E - has leveled twice and has gotten enough experience to evolve into a White Plasma Dragon - Rank D+
Blake ♀️ Lv (15/15) - Rank E - has leveled twice and has gotten enough experience to evolve into a Black Flare Dragon - Rank D+

Man we are evolving at the same time... Hopefully we will be okay after the evolutions, wish we could choose when to evolve. We started glowing and I fell sleepy...

Additional materials required for evolution available, choosing appropiate options for the user and his knights. Evolution process overwritten. Gao Yao has bestowed uppon you the name Medea, after the late Dragon Tamer Goddess and awaits good results.... don't dissapoint his enminence nor tarnished that name.

Wait what... before I can say anything to the screen, not that I can talk mind you, I blancked out.


Medea ♀️ Lv (01/45) - Rank C+ has evolved into a White Noblesse Dragon by absorbing the released Mana from the Materials in the room and the ambient Energy of the Biome and have been named Medea by the Judge - 
Blanc ♀️ Lv (01/45) - Rank C has evolved into a Mythril Plasma Dragon by absorbing the Mythril ingots in the room and ambient Energy from the Biome - 
Blake ♀️ Lv (01/45) - Rank C has evolve into an Adamant Flare Dragon by absorbing the black Adamantite ingots from the room and ambient Energy from the Biome - 

I woke up because of a wild tail which was on top of head, I stretch my body only to move my sisters out of the way. Why is this room so small... us three were bassically piled on top of each other resting after we evolve. Apparently I have a new name, not that I had one so it is a nice adition and it sounds nice. My two sisters are looking at me now... and the entire room was empty, which is good can't imagine  what will happen if all that treasure was there a long with us big girls.

I looked at them and we are inspecting all our changes, aside from our size which is kinda obvious, we are a lot bigger, maybe three times bigger than before. 

Both Blanc and Blake have an armor like carapace on top of their scales... no those are their actual scales and they are made of legendary metal acourding to the system screen. They have several glowing crystal over their bodies, specially Blanc who has four on each side of her chest, two on her knees and elbows, and five along each of her two wings and the one on her head. Blake has the main one on her back and two along the tip of each of her four wings and four around the tip of her tail, yup Blake has four wings now.

My Runes are now brighter and more defined, my neck and tail are also longer. Our wings are huge and I can't even open mine fully unless I wanna slap my sisters out... also we are kinda stuck since the door we came from is too small for us, maybe Blake can fit through since she is a lot slimer than us two. Though maybe we can break the wall down... though I feel kind of tired after the evolution.

Medea ♀️ has gained the White Light skill after evolving
White Blessing - grant a blessing to targeted ally, increasing the regeneration and moral. Gives the White Veil blessing to protect the same ally from one source of Damage, after it breaks the White Blessing will end.
Blanc ♀️ has gained the Plasma Roar skill after evolving
Plasma Roar - emit a powerful roar inbued with electromagnetic energy, inflicting partial paralisis while also dealing minor Lightning Elemental damage on surrounding enemies around the user.
Blake ♀️ has gained the Infernal Blast skill after evolving
Infernal Blast - shoots an extremely hot fire ball that travels in a line infront of the user that explode on contact dealing major Fire Elemental Damage while dealing less damage the farther the enemy targes are from the center of the explosion.

Hell yeah new skills now I can pass White veils to my sisters and they also get a moral and regeneration boost while under my protection, I also felt my White Breath becoming faster and deadlier too. My sisters are getting all the damage skills recently not that I mind though since they are my sisters and we look after eachother. 

We need to get out of here but since we are all both sleepy and tired we decided to curl up in what way we can and went to sleep our bodies are blocking the only entrance either way so getting in stealthly is gonna be a bit harder. With some thoughts for the future we sleep while resting on eachother since there is little room... feels nice...