A Happy New Year
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The Lone Macaw made it safely into the new year. I hope you did as well =)

This is just a short announcement to let you know, that - as I feared in one of my earlier author notes - I'll be away until the 2oth of January. The next chapter should come over the weekend (21-23).

As some might remember, I have lost my regular job due to CoViD-19 and its consequences during last spring. It was a really shitty thing where my boss wanted to keep me but the company threw out new regulations to cope with the changes. Long story short: over the last year I returned to the scientific field and did work there "on the side", more or less having 1.5 day jobs. I blame that for the slow chapter releases.

The reason for that is the chance to return on a similar (but better paid) position when I can finish both things over the year. For that, there are two really important deadlines coming up (19th of January and the end of March). Due to my progress and the importance for my future, I have now decided to use the upcoming two weeks to completely focus on these tasks and the deadline.

I don't like to throw out too much private stuff but I wanted to share this small piece because this break isn't due to "not enough motivation" or "that new game that eats my time" but rather "This date is really important and decides over a lot of money". I'm also in the process of thinking about and planning the details of the third volume. I just don't have the time or calm to write entire chapters.

Hence, I hope you'll continue your fantastic support of this series and we'll see each other in three weeks =)