Ch 6 Explosion
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Mora stood behind the master and placed 1 of his guns at point-blank range to his head. Mora was afraid of being mind-controlled by him. 3 other guns were aiming at the other humans he deemed dangerous. One of the guns is aiming at Mello. These 20 humans are pretty strong elites as well. Alice aimed down 1 side of the table with her RXD-4000 cannon.

“ Now!” ordered Mora.

True invisibility was turned off.

Pow Pow Pow Pow x100.
BOOM! x1.

The bullet pierces through the Master’s head, killing him instantly. But at that moment, Mora felt himself almost being completely mind-controlled by him. Mello detected his basic invisibility and ripped apart 1 of his arm. Before Mora had the chance to go back to true-invisibility.

However, all the other bullets missed their targets. Mello the esper had stopped all the invisible bullets mid-flight. Alice’s cannon shot killed 5 of the humans before Mello used his telekinesis to pull Alice towards him. She lost her invisibility and was being strangled to death. Mora couldn’t activate true-invisibility on Alice in time.

All the enemies were shocked but quickly armed themselves up for the battle.

“ Enemy attack!”
“ They are using invisibility!”
“ Use invisibility detection!”
“ What the hell!”
“ They killed the master!”
“ How did they go through our security?”

They can no longer detect Mora. But he can no longer attack them either.

“ Hey, invisible guy! Show yourself before I kill your friend here!” shouted Mello.

Alice’s body was writhing in agony while she was trying to tell Mora to abandon her. Mora rushed over to her location to save her. Unfortunately, the crossbow user Davito shot her in the heart. A crossbow bolt went cleanly through her heart. Alice will die if she isn’t healed in time.

“ What are you doing to my hostage!” screamed Mello.

“ They killed the master! We should just kill them back!” yelled Davito.

Fury grew inside Mora witnessing Alice’s death right before he got to her. Upon reaching her, Mora used true invisibility, making her invulnerable to attacks again. Mora is too weak to beat all the remaining 15 humans here. If he remains in basic invisibility, he was sure they would easily kill him. The Mello guy was extremely dangerous, he almost ripped apart Mora’s body completely with telekinesis. He can easily detect basic invisibility.

“ Impossible! How can his invisibility avoid my detection!” roared Mello.

“ Everyone retreat!” commanded the rogue.

The enemies soon all ran in different directions when Alice got saved. Mora knew it was no time for grief. Holding Alice with 1 arm, he removed the crossbow-bolt out of her heart with his 2nd arm. The 3rd last arm was used to create gun-bandages to wrap around her wound. Alice was screaming in pain through the whole ordeal. The true invisibility had muted her screams so the enemies don’t know where they are.

When the last enemy left the dining area. Mora was still there when an explosion suddenly blew up the entire mansion. Even though they cannot be hurt, Mora’s concentration was slipping from losing blood from his 1 missing arm. Mora is used to the pain but because he's focused on trying to heal Alice himself. He was trying to create a gun-heart for her so she can live long enough to be properly healed. Mora didn’t have any other healing abilities.

Realizing his mistake, Mora wrapped his body around Alice to protect her and focus on maintaining true invisibility. The explosion damaged Mora greatly. They were now laying in the rubbles of the aftermath. Alice was barely hanging on to life.

“ Mora, please promise me you will-” muttered Alice.

“ I will save you. So please don’t leave me,” pleaded Mora.

Mora knew it was useless, Alice was dead. She probably wanted him to only kill evil humans. It’s a promise that Mora wanted to keep. He hated himself for being so weak and hated the humans for taking everything away from him. Alice was the first person who acknowledged Mora. Now Mora is completely alone again.

“Humans, I swear I will make you pay for your crimes,” said Mora.

Mora was about to swallow Alice head-first toes-last but refrain from doing so.

Unable to slither away and his 3 remaining arms can barely move. He needed to heal up. His true invisibility was fading away. If Mello or any of those humans came back, they could probably kill Mora.
Mora wanted to take Alice with him to give her a proper burial. But fate isn’t so kind to Mora. Next thing Mora knew was that Mello used his telekinesis on him. He flung 300 meters into the forest that surrounded the mansion.

“ Welcome invisible snake,” smirked Mello. “You will feel my wraith for ruining our plans.”

All around Mello were the other 15 humans still alive, including Davito who shot a crossbow bolt into Alice’s heart. Mello was contorting Mora’s body to the brink of death. The pain was so unbearable that Mora lost his invisibility. It was giving him PTSD from his days of being tortured by Jowy.

“ Oh my god, a verd killed the master!” shouted Davito.

“ How ironic that the master’s last meal was a verd and another verd killed him,” sighed the rogue leader.

Mora couldn’t focus on their words and torturous telekinesis on his body is starting to make him go crazy again. Anger and hatred were ballooning up in Mora.

“ Answer us! Who sent you here?” demanded Mello.

“ Gaya read his memories,” ordered the rogue leader.

The girl named Gaya places her hand on the restrained snake’s head. Mora can feel her reading through his memories. The experiences of being brutally tortured for the first 3 years of his life. Unfortunately, the torture was too much for Gaya to continue.

“ This snake has gone through incredible amounts of torture,” explained Gaya. “ I think we should stop hurting him. I have a bad feeling about this.”

“ Are you stupid?” chastised the rogue. “Keep reading his memories so we know who sent him here!”

Gaya placed her hand on Mora’s head again. Mora finally snapped. The pain and suffering that he experienced. It all came rushing back to him. A pure evil entity was born inside Mora. All of a sudden, Mora’s scales all turned black, and his eyes red. The black form allowed him to no longer feel any pain, he can now focus on his abilities extremely. It was through his years of suffering that let him gain this black form.

Immediately Gaya retreated some distance away.

“ Don’t be scared Gaya!” said Mello. “ He is under my telekinesis control.”

“ But… But….” pleaded Gaya.

“ Gaya, we are all reincarnated humans here,” said the rogue. “ We are all blessed with powerful abilities since birth. Don’t be afraid of some monster that knows who to use invisibility.”

3 guns were conjured by Mora. Each in his hand, he forced them to shoot at Mello. However, Mello was able to stop all bullets mid-flight again.

“ Those bullets will never hit us!” roared Mello. “You want more pain, snake?”

Davito shooted a crossbow-bolt and it pierced Mora’s heart. However, Mora created a gun-shield in front of his heart to deflect the bolt away from his monster heart. Even though a bolt ledge close to Mora’s heart, it also stops Mora from using any magical abilities. The abilities that Mora used aren’t magical. They are divine abilities like other reincarnated humans have.

“ Davito! What the hell are you doing again!” screamed Mello. “He is our precious hostage who has information!”

“ I’m sorry, it was just a reflex since he attacked us,” replied Davito.

“ You stupid crossbow-man, stop killing everything!” growled the rogue leader. “Now Gaya can’t read his memories anymore.”

The bullets that were stopped mid-flight exploded. Mello was almost caught off guard while bickering with his teammates.

“ Stupid snake, I can block your explosion too!” snarled Mello.

He ripped out all 3 of Mora’s arms. Blood was spurting out from his 4 missing arms.

Mora didn’t care if his bullets or explosion couldn’t hit him. He only needed to get these humans to lower their guard against him. Davito was about to shoot another crossbow bolt into him until his teammates stopped him.

“ I will talk,” said Mora.

However, the terrible lies that Mora gave them didn’t work. They somehow had a way to detect lies from him. It didn’t matter, Mora was doing all that he could to buy time. The bullets that exploded earlier also contain the deadliest poison gas known to humans. It was spreading through the air slowly while having true invisibility. When true invisibility wears off, the humans would all have poison gas inside of their body. The effect of the poison wouldn’t be felt until 10 minutes later.

Just when they had enough of Mora’s antics, and how torturing didn’t work. Gaya was busy reading his memories while the group surrounded him.

“ Unbelievable! This snake is a reincarnated human!” exclaimed Gaya.

But before anyone could react to her news. The poison gas kicked in, and Gaya dropped dead to the ground.

“ Gaya!”

Soon 1 more person collapses dead to the ground. 1 by 1 the humans collapse dead to the ground. That scum Davito who killed Alice also dropped dead to the ground. Mello was the last person alive, trying to hold onto life. It’s too late for them to counteract the poison, it had already infected everyone.

“ How is this possible,” exasperated Mello. “ I can detect invisible poison gas, this shouldn’t work against us!”

Mora ignored Mello as he soon dropped dead to the ground. His black scales returned to green.

He didn’t want to waste any precious human meat. He started with Mello, eating him head-first toes-last. His newly gained energy allows him to move again. Then he recollected his 3 missing arms. Mora carefully used gun-stitches to force his arms back together. The surgery was terrible and he could barely move his arm. However, he just needed to keep his arms alive until he could get properly healed. The last arm was still somewhere in the mansion’s rubble.

Mora felt like the dumbest snake ever, and he got Alice killed for no reason. If only he used his abilities much smarter than before, he would have killed all of them without Alice dying. He had only himself to blame. Killing all those weak humans before this day made him too cocky. Now Mora is going to be more cautious when he hunted humans again.

Mora was heavily damaged and needed some time for basic recovery. He activated true invisibility and slept up in the trees, away from the dead humans.

1 day after the mansion’s carnage. News of this event had spread all over the monster world and the human world. 21 reincarnated humans were killed in Nufria. All 7 human nations were outraged. Those 7 human nations including Lugary controlled about 59% of the world. They all soon declared war against the monster nation of Nufria.

There were 13 monster nations including Nufria. They were all allied with one another in case the humans would attack them. However, since Nufria was unable to explain how the humans died in their country. None of the other monster nations wanted to help them. They believe Nufria orchestrated this attack.

It was ironic, Nufria was about to be covertly taken over by the humans. Yet instead of Mora accidentally stopping them, the human nations used this incident as an excuse for war.

When Mora woke back up, the authorities had taken all the dead human bodies away from the carnage including Alice. He lamented his inability to give Alice a proper burial.

Mora needed to find a monster doctor to properly heal him. However, due to commotion at the mansion, he was afraid that the komodo monsters would sell him out to the humans. So he refrained from visiting any of the monster hospitals in TangleWood.

The humans waging war against Nufria was terrible for Mora. He wanted to get to Hanvern to learn a very important skill. The skill to harden your scales to protect against any direct attacks. If Mora had that skill, he would be even more unkillable than before. He must reach the capital, and learn from the komodo king or his relatives before they get overrun by the humans.

Time was also running short. Learning the legendary scales skill was more important than being properly healed.

Mora went back to the underground train station and hopped on the train to Hanvern, the capital city of Nufria.