Status Update
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Hey, it's been a while, hasn't it? I haven't updated this story for a long time and I'm sorry about that. This whole project of making a light novel was put on hold for a lot of events in my life, but that doesn't mean it's over. Haha, for me at least, writing never is.
In regards to Loser Isekai specifically, I still have a lot of ideas swirling around my brain. I do have ideas for this story. I have confidence in this dumb little project that I wasn't expecting to be anything. And I hope that someone out there was waiting for that to happen even if this is just a little novel on a big site. 

I'll be moving this web novel to a new page with a new (better) cover and fixing up some of the chapters that were already written. From there this story will continue and move forward in the path that I'm looking forward to laying out. When that happens, I'll give all of you a link to that revamped version.

thanks for reading my garbage lol, I appreciate the attention