MBFMW – Chapter 5: Bachelorette Party, But Since They’re Both Girls It’s Just a Party
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Sayaka spun the bottle with a power unheard of in a game this relaxed. It whipped around like a helicopter blade, singeing the carpet and blowing wind in Kyoko's face. Why, if she weren't so happy eating all these Doritos™, she would be mighty irked at Sayaka here... She still threw a chip at her face for good measure.

“Ow, why even,” Sayaka groaned. “There's no rules against spinning the bottle really hard.”

“I don't care.” She threw another chip and Sayaka punched her arm. They looked back at the bottle as it slowed and slowed and slowed, landing right on Homura. Her expression remained unchanged. Kind of like Kyubey…….

“So it's me, huh,” Homura said. “What a surprise.” There's no way she didn't use her time powers to manipulate the bottle.

“So... truth or dare!!!!!” Sayaka shouted, so loudly that it burst Kyoko's eardrums. Figuratively, of course. If her eardrums really did burst, you wouldn't be able to know what was being said, so it's a good thing that..... oh, that's what that ringing sound was. It cleared a few moments later, just after Homura revealed her saucy secrets.

“Spin it!” Madoka cheered this time. Homura met her eyes, stared for one moment, put her hand on the bottle, and turned it clockwise slightly. It now pointed straight at Madoka. The pink-headed girl looked at her fiance with perplexity.

“Um sweetie, that's not... how it... works.”

Homura ignored her statement. “Do you love me?” she asked.

Madoka's face went pale. “Ah...ih....uh....eh...”

“Oh. You forgot oh.”

“I wasn't reciting my vowels!” Madoka shrieked. Tears began streaming down her face, which while now dripping with saltwater had at least gained its color back. Kyoko always tried to be optimistic. “Homura, why do you have to ask questions like this!”

“I...I just wanted to know.” That emotionless look on her face APPEARED to be kept, but Kyoko could tell there was a subtle difference from her usual self. Madoka noticed it too, as she tried to stop crying a little (to no avail, because if we know anything about Sheriff Kaname it's that she is the Mistress of Crying).

“It's just... That's the thing I've been asking myself all these sleepless nights, scared to death about my own future, about getting married and spending the rest of my life with you. It's a big decision! I know it's important, but… but...” she buried her head in her knees.

“I understand.” Homura regained her composureless composure. (De-gained?) There was a beat panel, not even in the appropriate spot. “Spin the bottle Madoka. That is what you're supposed to do now.” She looked at Madoka, who was quietly sobbing to herself, then picked up the bottle and stood it upright. “I apologize.” She stood up herself, bowed, and walked out the door. A few seconds later, Madoka realized she was going and did the same, leaving a tangible silence in the room.

“Shit just got real,” Sayaka murmured.

“You're paying for new carpet, y'know,” Kyoko told her as she eyed the scorching hole made from her bottle spin.

“Dang, my heart was pounding from all the tension in this scene,” Kyosuke said, making Kyoko realize there was a fifth person at the party. However Sayaka didn't bat an eyelash.

“C'mon, Kyosuke,” she said. “Let's go and make out or something.” They left, presumably to go make out or something, and Kyoko was again alone in her fort. She flipped on the TV and took another handful of Doritos™. The Walking Dead was on; now THAT was a good show. Pffffft..... Three guys just got shot! And now THEY'RE zombies! Then the slow stuff started. Kyoko passed out within eight minutes.