Chapter 9 – Interactions and Explanations
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The zombie virus spread throughout the night. Numerous BYPV agents were either infected directly by Lichen or by those Lichen had infected. On the outside, no agent could tell the infected from the healthy. However, every infected carried a stench that no virus could smell. In addition, only Moss and Lichen could tell who the infected were.


As the virus agents went about their usual business, a group of Bluegrass Yellow Patch Virus agents met to discuss the events that occurred within the complex. Because of the battle between Moss and a virus of the same species, many BYPVs feared for the balance within the complex. With one BYPV submitting to Moss, Moss now had even more power than the others.


The group decided to persuade the submitted BYPV to conspire against Moss and retaliate with them. But when they tried to confirm this with the BYPV in question, they were outright rejected. Their sensors could pick up subtle hints from the BYPV – it seemed that the BYPV was too loyal to Moss. They feared that the virus agent would inform Moss of what had happened.


Since plan A did not work, it was time for plan B. The group knew that since the submitted BYPV rejected their plan, they would definitely snitch on them to Moss. The only way they could escape retaliation was to make Moss the complex leader. This plan seemed to be an unfavorable one for the group; however, they had their reasons.


Meanwhile, as the group of BYPVs waited for Moss’s arrival, Moss was busy supervising Lichen as the zombie virus continued with its infections. Soon, Lichen infected the thousandth BYPV agent and began leveling up. As a reward, Moss injected some of his DNA into Lichen in hopes of boosting the zombie virus's intelligence.












Name: Lichen

Title: Corpse Grass Spotted Virus (CGSV)

Host: Bluegrass Yellow Patch Virus

Rank: Species

Level: 1

Infection Progress (IP): 1000/10000


  • Infectivity – 3
  • Severity – 3
  • Lethality – 0
  • Durability – 2
  • ??? – N/A


  • Viral Instability (Active) – causes a virus to become unstable enough for mutations to occur.
  • Zombification (Active) – Lichen can infect virus agents and turn them into zombie viruses; success depends on Lichen’s and target virus agent’s rank.
  • Undead Loyalty (Passive) – undying loyalty to Moss.


  • Stench – releases a deathly stench
  • Texture Change – changes texture of infected to a withered look
  • Color Change – changes color of infected to a brownish green


  • Cold Resistance – 0.7%

Satisfied with Lichen’s level up, Moss prepared for his own level up. He had already infected a number of bluegrasses since his battle. However, he was just a thousand shy away from his IP cap. Moss was going to complete the infections today when he heard some disturbing information from Lichen's agent. It seemed that a group of BYPVs were thinking of rebelling against him.


Putting down what he was doing, Moss took Lichen with him as he headed towards the group. Soon, Moss arrived before the group. The group of BYPVs had waited for Moss patiently and when they saw him, they immediately came up to him with congratulatory words.


Moss glanced at the group in surprise. [What’s going on? What is this all about? Didn't you want to team up against me?]


[W-What do you mean by that? Don’t listen to others' gossip. We’ve decided to elect you as complex leader given the skills you displayed over your opponent the other day.] One of the BYPVs spluttered embarrassingly.


[Complex leader? Doesn’t that mean I will be the leader of you all? Are you really willing?] Moss couldn’t help but be taken aback.


He knew what being a complex leader meant. It meant that he would have free reign over everything the species within the complex could and could not do. A position with such power was just given to him…would the species within the complex ever agree to it? Any normal being would say otherwise.


Moss felt that the offer was a trap, but he took it anyways. Even if it was a trap, what trap could a bunch of non-intelligent drones come up with that could harm him? As soon as Moss accepted the offer to be the complex leader, one of the elder BYPVs explained that they would need to inform this decision to Lady Tully.


Playing along with them, Moss agreed as they boarded a pollen pod and launched towards a tulip. Upon arriving, Moss told the TMV guard that he had been chosen as his complex’s leader. The TMV agent immediately understood Moss’s intentions and led him and the group of BYPVs to a secluded area. There, Moss was granted audience to Lady Tully’s representative.


[So, we heard you have become the leader of your complex.] The representative for Lady Tully responded.


Unlike Lady Tully, this representative looked like her but was larger in size. But that was not the problem. What confused Moss was that he thought he was supposed to interact with Lady Tully herself…then why was he talking to this representative? And why does the representative look like a larger version of Lady Tully? Was this for security purposes?


Moss didn’t dwell on the thoughts too long as he knew that even ignoring the representative could prove unfavorable for him. [Yes, Your Ladyship. I was given the opportunity to lead my fellow species.]


[Good, that’s good. You may leave now. We will give you your assignment in a few days' time.] The representative of Lady Tully waved her hand dismissively as if copying Lady Tully herself.


Moss bowed and left. He led his fellow species back to the launch pad and aimed for home. Along the way, a question kept jabbing at Moss’s mind. After a few milliseconds, Moss finally brought up the courage to ask.


Moss looked at one of the higher leveled BYPVs. [Why did we meet with Lady Tully’s representative?]


[Representative? What do you mean?] The BYPV agent replied curiously.


[The one I met back there was larger than the one I met when I first arrived at this population.] Moss explained.


The BYPV agent shook with understanding. [Oh! We know what you mean. You see, both are Lady Tully. The reason one is larger than the other is because the one you saw just now is Lady Tully’s sequent agent. Whereas, the one you met when you first arrived is Lady Tully’s origin agent.]


[Origin agent? What do you mean?] Moss asked as he played the two words over and over in his head.


[Origin agent is the first agent of your species – the original agent. Just like how you are the sequent of the origin agent of your species. Do you understand us now?] The BYPV agent explained.


Oh! So, origin agent is like Lichen whereas sequent agents are all the virus agents he infected. Moss finally understood but he still didn’t know why Lady Tully’s origin agent was much smaller than her sequent agent. [I understand about origin agents now, but why is Lady Tully’s origin agent smaller in size?]


[That’s because Lady Tully’s origin agent is a rare mutation that occurred once out of every million species. Unlike Lady Tully’s sequent agents, their origin agent gave up strength for speed.] The BYPV agent explained with patience.


I see. So, viruses have two types of agents. The origin agent which was the first virus agent and the sequent agents which were the subsequently produced virus agents. Both the origin and the sequents could mutate in different directions and still be called the same species. This is somewhat similar with Lichen's case except for the mutations part. And this is different with my case as both my origin and sequents are one and the same. Like Lichen, if my origin mutates, my sequents would also mutate, and vice versa. Moss summarized as he kept a mental note.


After listening to the BYPV agent’s explanation, Moss realized that there was much to learn about viruses that he had not known about when he was human. However, regardless of the information he had obtained so far, he knew that he should first rank up as soon as possible. Only by ranking up would he have the strength and capabilities to handle this information.


And so, the days went by as he infected as many bluegrasses as he could manage. Soon, he capped his IP requirements and leveled up. And the following night, Lichen reached IP cap and leveled up as well.










Name: Moss

Title: Yggdrasil Moss Patch Virus (YMPV)

Host: Bluegrass

Rank: Species

Level: 3

Infection Progress (IP): 30000/50000


  • Infectivity – 6
  • Severity – 4
  • Lethality – 3
  • Durability – 4
  • ??? – N/A


  • Cellular Instability (Active) – causes a cell to become unstable enough for mutations to occur.
  • Pollinate (Active) – fertilizes other plants with infected seeds.
  • DNA Extraction (Active) – extracts DNA from others and absorbs them into Moss’s system.
  • Viral Injection I (Active) – Moss is now capable of injecting DNA into viruses of the same rank.
  • Raise Undead (Active) – Moss can raise dead virus agents into zombie viruses; success depends on Moss’s and dead virus agent’s rank.
  • Mental Link (Passive) – connects with anything that Moss infects.


  • Color Change – changes color of infected greenish gold
  • Texture Change – changes texture of infected to mossy-like
  • Withering – absorbs all of the moisture in affected area, creating a sort of dry and withered look


  • Cold Resistance – 1%
  • Heat Resistance – 0.6%









Name: Lichen

Title: Corpse Grass Spotted Virus (CGSV)

Host: Bluegrass Yellow Patch Virus

Rank: Species

Level: 2

Infection Progress (IP): 10000/30000


  • Infectivity – 4
  • Severity – 3
  • Lethality – 1
  • Durability – 3
  • ??? – N/A


  • Viral Instability (Active) – causes a virus to become unstable enough for mutations to occur.
  • Zombification (Active) – Lichen can infect virus agents and turn them into zombie viruses; success depends on Lichen’s and target virus agent’s rank.
  • Undead Loyalty (Passive) – undying loyalty to Moss.


  • Stench – releases a deathly stench
  • Texture Change – changes texture of infected to a withered look
  • Color Change – changes color of infected to a brownish green


  • Cold Resistance – 1%